How to get Skillshare courses for FREE 2024 (2024)

If you’re a student, a professional, a creator, or just someone who wants to learn things, you must have come across Skillshare and must have thought “How to get Skillshare courses for FREE?”

During this era of multiple platforms for courses such as Udemy, Coursera, edX, and several others, it’s hard to pick one and be satisfied with it, and paying for all the platforms doesn’t seem practical unless you’re a millionaire or billionaire or just don’t care about money that much. Or like me, if you are a student and live in a country where making international payments is really difficult, alternatives would be better. I had the same problem so I did some research.

So can you get Skillshare courses for free? Yes, you can get Skillshare courses for free. To do so, you can use cookies. The details are in this article.

In the rest of this article, I’ll show you exactly how you can get any and all Skillshare courses for free without paying a penny. Follow along.

The steps are the same for both Skillshare and Udemy.
You can also get Udemy for FREE

Step 1: Open the latest version of Chrome.

Step 3: Install the extension to Chrome.

Step 2: Click on the Cookie-Editor extension.

Step 3: Click on “Delete All” to clear the cookie of

Step 4: Copy the below-given code.

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Step 5: Go back to

Step 6: Click on the Cookie Editor and click on “Import”.

Step 7: Paste the code you copied and then click on Import.

Step 8: Refresh the page.

Step 9: Congrats! You have Skillshare Premium for free. Enjoy!!

If you have any questions, feel free to drop a comment down below. Also, you can read the below-given articles.

How to get Skillshare courses for FREE 2024 (2024)


How to get Skillshare courses for FREE 2024? ›

By participating in at least one Skillshare Spring 1-on-1 Challenge discussion and having a 1-on-1 Session offering published by the end of the Challenge Period, you will automatically receive a free 3-month Skillshare membership.

What is the code for Skillshare 3 months free 2024? ›

To avail the 3-month complimentary Skillshare coupon, simply employ the exclusive code “annual30aff” when signing up for an annual Skillshare Premium membership.

Can you get Skillshare courses for free? ›

Free Access to Online Classes

Expand your horizons as you explore online classes from Skillshare with a free trial. Discover new skills, techniques, and tools for a wide range of creative topics, from photography and graphic design, to drawing and animation.

Is Skillshare not free anymore? ›

Skillshare used to have a whole section of free classes, but unfortunately, they don't anymore. The best way to take Skillshare classes for free is to sign up for a 1-month free trial. This way, you will be able to try the platform without paying a dime.

How to use Skillshare without paying? ›

New members who click your free access link will be prompted to create a Skillshare account, but they won't need to enter any credit card information to watch your class. Existing members will be asked to sign in, but do not need an active subscription to watch via the free access link.

How much does Skillshare cost in 2024? ›

Now, Skillshare offers a 7-day free trial and a premium subscription. Once you purchase the premium subscription, you “get access to more than 25,000 classes”. It costs $13.75 per month, which is billed as $165 once a year.

Is Skillshare better than Udemy? ›

Both platforms are comparable when it comes to customization and features. The right choice here would probably depend on what you want to build. If you're a creative, Skillshare might be the better option at this point because of its creative-focused brand. For most types of courses, Udemy is a fine alternative.

Is there something like Skillshare for free? ›

Coursera. Coursera provides universal access to the world's best education, partnering with top universities and organizations to offer courses for anyone to take, for free. Categories in common with Skillshare: Technical Skills Development.

Is Skillshare or MasterClass better? ›

If you're looking for a more affordable option with a broader range of courses, Skillshare may be the better choice. However, if you're interested in learning from celebrity instructors and want a more immersive learning experience, Masterclass may be the way to go.

Which is better, Skillshare or Coursera? ›

Both platforms offer free and paid courses, but Coursera tends to be more expensive than Skillshare. Coursera offers a range of certificate and degree programs, while Skillshare is more focused on individual courses. Ultimately, the platform you choose will depend on your learning goals and preferences.

Is it worth paying for Skillshare? ›

Ultimately, paying for a Skillshare subscription will be worth it for some people and not for others. But with thousands of courses to choose from -- and a free trial -- there's no real downside to testing out the platform to see if it's right for you.

What is the longest free trial for Skillshare? ›

The Skillshare three-month trial provided access to unlimited classes to advance my professional skills. Once you sign up, you will access thousands of online classes on the online platform. However, the three-month trial is limited. Upon completion of the three-month trial, classes will no longer be available.

Do I have to pay for each course in Skillshare? ›

When you enroll, you'll have unlimited access to all Skillshare classes, additional features such as offline viewing, and your membership will support the work of teachers you love.

How to watch Skillshare for free? ›

If you want to get Skillshare premium for free for 2 months, there is a legitimate way to do so. You can use this link to sign up for a free trial of Skillshare premium that will last for 60 days. You will need to provide your credit card information, but you will not be charged until the trial period ends.

What is the difference between free and paid Skillshare? ›

Are Skillshare classes free? While SkillShare has some free classes, you cannot access everything. You will need to get a premium membership to get the most out of SkillShare. If you wish to access the free classes you only need to sign up with your email address.

How much is Skillshare annually? ›

How much does Skillshare cost? The monthly membership is free to try for one month. After the trial, a monthly membership is $32 per month, and the annual Premium membership is $168 for the year (which breaks down to roughly $14 per month).

Does Skillshare offer coding? ›

Explore Programming Classes Online

As you explore these Skillshare online classes, you'll learn about a wide variety of tools, techniques, software, and topics, including web development, game development, how to code using different programming languages, data science, and more.

How do I use Skillshare code? ›

To redeem your discount code for a Skillshare membership:
  1. Click on your avatar icon, go to Account Settings.
  2. Select Membership & Payments.
  3. Depending on what phase you are in, click Visit the membership page or the link to start your trial.
  4. On the next page, click Enter Gift Card or Discount Code.
Jan 16, 2024

Is there no monthly subscription for Skillshare? ›

Skillshare has a free level, Premium membership ($19 per month or $99 per year), and Teams accounts.


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Article information

Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Last Updated:

Views: 6317

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.