What Is Lady Bracknell Getting At When She Says, "The Christenings, Sir! Is That Not Somewhat Premature?" (2024)

History High School


Answer 1


By saying this Lady Bracknell is making a point that it is useless, time and money wasting for Jack and Algernon to be baptized at such age.


The Importance of Being Ernest is a play written by Oscar Wilde.

In Act 3, of the play, after Lady Bracknell gets to know that Jack and Algernon were lying about their identity to Gwendolen and Cecily, refuses Jack's marriage with Gwendolen.

At that time Dr. Chasubel arrives, prepared for christenings. Surprised to hear that Jack and Algernon were thinking about christening, she asks, "Is that not somewhat premature?" meaning that is it not too early for them to be baptized. By saying this she is making a point that it is useless, and time and money wasting to do such thing.

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Happy learning!


A. Communism thats the answer im pretty sure

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Hey you you are finally awake walked straight into that imperial ambush same as us.




that man needs better lighting, a shower, and some lotion-


oh gosh. thats scary.


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People should only honor to the god that is real there is only one god.

Yes people should always be nice to each other.

Yes they should treat their neighbors with respect



This is because there is only one god

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sana makatulong ;)


$10,000 and over


heyy! i’ll give brainliest please help





i think




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To protect citizens’ rights

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O longitude
O latitude
O rainfall



Rainfall dddddddddddddd

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10 points**

Also i dont speak spanish lol

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Hope this helps

Have a good day :)

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In 1988, the execution of political prisoners across Iran starting on 19 July 1988.


edmentum/plato answer :)


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Answer: The new right



The New Right


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for me:SCP 096

who is yours:​



For me it's definitely SCP-343!!!!!!!


i agree with 096 but i think there are some scp capable to destroy universes

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What Is Lady Bracknell Getting At When She Says, "The Christenings, Sir! Is That Not Somewhat Premature?" (2024)


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Jack wants to be christened because he wants to marry Gwendolen, who believes in marrying only a man who has been christened. Algernon, on the other hand, wishes to be christened because he wants to escape the social obligations and responsibilities that come with his identity.

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In Act 3, Lady Bracknell comes to the house looking for Gwendolen. She learns about Algernon's engagement with Cecily and immediately disapproves. However, when she hears of Cecily's enormous inheritance, she miraculously changes her opinion. Her mind is still made up against Jack, owing to his lack of parents.

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LADY BRACKNELL. To speak frankly, I am not in favour of long engagements. They give people the opportunity of finding out each other's character before marriage, which I think is never advisable. Lady Bracknell delivers her opinion on engagements to Gwendolen, Cecily, Algernon, and Jack.

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Algernon lives in a flat in a prestigious part of London. He is the nephew of Lady Bracknell and in love with Cecily Cardew.

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She sees marriage as an alliance for property and social security; love or passion is not part of the mix. She bends the rules to suit her pleasure because she can. Jack will be placed on her list of eligible suitors only if he can pass her unpredictable and difficult test.

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Her interest is greatly piqued when she learns that Cecily is actually worth a great deal of money and stands to inherit even more when she comes of age. Jack refuses to give his consent to Cecily's marriage to Algernon until Lady Bracknell grants her consent to his union with Gwendolen, but Lady Bracknell refuses.

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When Prism identifies it, he embraces her, believing her to be his mother. She protests that she is not married and says that he will have to ask Lady Bracknell for the identity of his mother. Jack discovers that he is actually the son of Lady Bracknell's sister, Mrs. Moncrieff, and that Algy is his older brother.

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This mollifies Lady Bracknell, but she still shows no affection for Cecily. It is not until Jack reveals the extent of Cecily's fortune that Lady Bracknell changes her mind.

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“I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorance. Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone.” “To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.”

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Second, Gwendolen's mother, the terrifying Lady Bracknell, does not particularly approve of Mr Worthing, and is further horrified to learn that he was adopted as a baby after being discovered in a handbag at a railway station.

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To Lady Bracknell, Jack would have been a worthy candidate except for the issue of his parentage. Because Jack cannot trace his name or lineage, Lady Bracknell worries she will damage her own reputation by forming a connection with Jack.

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The act of christening for both the characters becomes like a way of escaping reality and who they are. In general religion in the play doesn't really exist as Wilde is trying to emphases during the Victorian era religion was something quite unimportant.

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Algernon, who has now fallen in love with Cecily under the name Ernest, also wants to be christened under this new name. He asks Cecily about Dr. Chasuble, who describes him as ''a most learned man.

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Algernon claims to be in love with Cecily, but we also know that he embarks on his "Bunbury" to Jack's country house to meet Cecily at one of his games, one that he pursues simply for his own "pleasure." When Algernon (pretending to be Ernest) meets Cecily, he claims to fall in love with her immediately.

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Finally, Algernon functions as an expression of the lengths to which Victorians had to go to escape the stifling moral repression and guilt brought about by a society that values appearance over reality.


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