Virtual University of Pakistan (2024)

ACC 311: Fundamentals of Auditing

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Fundamentals of auditing (An introduction), Objective and General Principles Governing, Reasonable Assurance, Legal Consideration regarding Auditing Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Auditor, Liabilities of an Auditor, Books of Account & Financial Statements, Understanding the Entity and Its Environment, Documenting the Internal Control System, Evaluating the Internal Control System, Internal Control Questionnaire, Audit Tests, Substantive Procedures Audit Evidence, Sufficient Appropriate Audit Evidence & Testing the Sales System. Testing The Sales System, Testing the Purchases System, Testing the Payroll System, Testing the Cash System, Testing Other Systems, Testing the Non-Current Assets, Verification Approach of Audit, Verification of Assets, Letter of Representation & Verification of Liabilities, Verification of Equity, Verification of Bank Balances, Verification of Stock-In-Trade and Store & Spares, Audit Sampling, Statistical Sampling, Considering the Work of Internal Auditing, Audit Planning, Planning an Audit of Financial Statements, Audits of Small Entities, Auditor’s Report on a Complete Set of General Purpose Financial Statements, Modified Auditor’s Report.

Recommended Books

  1. Auditing by Millichamp
  2. International Standards on Auditing by Jafar Husanin (PAC)

ACC501: Business Finance

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Business Finance, Need and Importance of Business Finance, Business Organizations, Financial Markets and Financial Statements, Income Statement and Taxes, Financial Flow and Cash Flow Statement, Financial Statement Analysis, Ratio Analysis, The Du Pont Identity, Using Financial Statement Information, Present Value Concept, Discounted Cash Flow Valuation, Annuities Cash Flow, Perpetuities, Bonds and Valuing Bonds, Bond Price Theorems, Bond Indenture, Different Types of Bonds, Determinants of Term Structure, Some Special Cases in Stock Valuation, Non-Constant Growth Stocks, Preferred Stock Features, NPV and Payback Period, AAR and IRR, Capital Budgeting, Making Capital Investment Decision, Pro Forma Financial Statements, Depreciation, Returns, Variability of Returns ,Portfolio, Weighted Average Cost of Capital, Capital Structure, Business and Financial Risk, Bankruptcy Costs, Static Theory of Capital Structure, Operating Cycle and Cash Cycle, Short-Term Financial Policy, Short-Term Borrowing, Float and Cash Management, Credits and Receivables, Inventory Management.

Recommended Books

  1. Essentials of Corporate Finance by Ross, Westerfield and Jordan
  2. Introduction to Finance by Lawrence J. Gitman and Jeff Madura
  3. Foundations of Financial Management by Stanley B.

ECO401: Introduction to Economics

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Economics, Normative economics and positive economics, Factors of production, Economic systems, Opportunity cost and production possibility frontier, Demand supply & equilibrium, Shortage, surplus and price mechanism, Goods market and factors market, Demand and law of demand factors shifting demand curve, Elasticities, Types of elasticity, Elastic and inelastic demand, Effects of advertising on demand curve, Incidence of taxation, Back Ground to Demand/Consumption, Total and marginal utility, the problem of uncertainty, The indifference curve approach, The income consumption curve (ICC) and price consumption curve (PCC),Back Ground to Supply/Cost, The law of diminishing marginal returns, the scale of production, The concept of iso-quants, Marginal rate of technical substitution, Costs, Revenues, Profit maximization, Market Structures, Perfect competition, Monopolistic competition, Oligopoly, Introduction to Macroeconomics, The concept of aggregate demand aggregate supply, The concept of invisible hands and Classical economists, The Great Depression and Say’s law, The Classical and Keynesian views about great depression, Keynes demand management policies, Micro Economic data, National Income, Macro Economic Equilibrium and Variables, Determination of national income, The Keynesian multiplier and accelerator, Four big Macro ,Economic Issues and their Relationship, Unemployment, Inflation, Balance of payments, Growth, Relationship between the “Big Four”, Fiscal Policy and Taxation, Money, Central Banking and Monetary Policies, The IS-LM Framework: International Trade and Finance: Problems of Lower Income Countries.

Recommended Books

  1. Dominick Salvatore and Eugene A. Diulio 1995 Schaum’s Outlines Principles Of Economics (2 nd ed.) Mc Graw-Hill.
  2. David Begg, Stanley Fischer and Rudiger Dornbusch Economics (6th ed.) Mc Graw Hill.

ECO402: Micro Economics

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Markets and price, The basics of supply and demand, Elasticity of supply and demand, Consumer behavior, Marginal utility and consumer choice, Individual and market demand, Choice under uncertainty, Production, Theory of cost, Perfectly competitive market, Equilibrium in competitive market, Profit maximization and competitive supply, The analysis of competitive market, Market structure and competitive strategy, Pricing with market power, Monopolistic competition, Oligopoly, Competitive versus collusion, Market for factor inputs.

Recommended Books

  1. Robert Pindyck and Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Microeconomics (5th edition) Prentice Hall.
  2. “Microeconomics”, 5th Edition by Robert S. Pindyck and Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Prentice Hall.ISBN 81-7808-510-0

ECO403: Macroeconomics

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction, Principle of macroeconomics, Importance of macroeconomics, The data of macroeconomics, National income: where it comes from and where it goes, Money and inflation, Open economy, Issues in unemployment, Economic growth, Aggregate demand and aggregate supply, Aggregate demand in the open economy, Aggregate supply, Government debt, Consumption, Investment, Money

Recommended Books

  1. N. Gregory Mankiw, Macroeconomics, 4th Edition. Worth Publishers

FIN611: Advanced Financial Accounting

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Framework for preparation and presentation of financial statements, Presentation of financial statements, Inventories, Revenue, Property Plant and Equipment (Tangible non-current Assets),Intangible Assets ,Leases, Income Taxes, Borrowing Costs, Events after the Balance Sheet Date, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors, Earnings per Share, Cash Flow Statements, Accounting Ratios, Group Accounts.

Recommended Books

  1. Handouts
  2. International Financial Reporting Standards

FIN621: Financial Statement Analysis

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to accounting & accounting principles, Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), Accounting cycle/process, Rules of Debit and Credit, Steps in accounting cycle, Limitations of trial balance, Preparing financial statements, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Expenditures Vs Expenses, Adjusting entries and their types, Statement of owner’s equity, Closing entries, Statement of Cash flows, Parts of cash flow statement, Notes to financial statements, Accounting Policies, Inventory Accounting Policies, Depreciation accounting policies, Methods of computing depreciation, Annual report generated by business, Audit’s report, Types of business, Using Financial Statements Information, Financial Statement Analysis, Ratio Analysis, Vertical & horizontal analysis, Different types of ratios, Liquidity, Leverage, Coverage, Activity, and profitability Ratios.

Recommended Books

  1. Accounting: The basis for Business Decisions” by Meigs & Meigs (9th Edition).
  2. Understanding Financial Statements” by Lyn M. Frazer and Aileen Ormiston (7th Edition).

FIN622: Corporate Finance

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to subject & Comparison of Financial Statements, Time Value of Money, Discounted Cash Flow & Effective Annual Interest, Bond & Term Structure of Interest Rates, Common Stock Valuation (Dividend Models),Capital Budgeting, Methods of Project Evaluations(Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return (IRR ),Payback Period ,Method & Discounted Payback Period, Accounting Rate of Return ARR, Profitability Index),Advance Evaluation Methods(Sensitivity Analysis, Profitability Analysis, Break Even Accounting, Break even – economic, Degree of Operating Leverage) Operating Leverage & Capital Rationing, Single and Multi Period Capital Rationing, Risk and Returns, Portfolio & Diversification, Securities Market Line & Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM),Cost of Capital & Capital Structure, Cost of Debt & Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC),Capital Structure and Financial Leverage, Capital Structure & Cost of Equity, Modigliani and Miller Model, Problems Associated With High Gearing & Dividend Policies, Dividend Policy & Financial Planning Process and Control, Budgeting ProcessCash Flow Statement, Working Capital Management, Cash Management & Inventory Management & Credit Policy, Mergers & Acquisitions, Share Valuations & Corporate Restructuring, Financial Distress and Foreign Exchange Market, Currency Risks, Interest Rate Risk & Forward Rate Agreements, Interest Rate Futures, Foreign Exchange Market’s Options & Foreign Exchange Market’s Swaps, Exchange Rate System & Multinational Companies (MNCs) & Foreign Investment.

Recommended Books

  1. ”Corporate Finance” by Micheal C Ehrhardt and Eugene Brigham, (THOMSON South Western).

FIN623: Taxation Management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

An Overview of Taxation, Basic Features of Income Tax, Statutory Definitions, Determination of Legal Status of a Person, Scope of Income/Concept Heads of Income (Section 11),Residential Status & Taxation, Exercises on Residential Status & Taxation, Salary and its Computation, Exercises on Salary and its Computation, Gratuity & Provident Fund, Income from Property, Income from Business & its Computation, Capital Gains, Income from Other Sources (Section 39),Set off of Losses (Section 56),Taxation of Individuals and Taxation of Association of Persons, Taxation of Companies, Presumptive Income Taxation of Permanent Establishment (PE), Tax Returns & Assessment of Income & Universal Self Assessment Scheme, Advance Tax, Collection & Recovery of Tax and Penalties & Prosecution, Appeals and References & Federal Tax Ombudsman, Sales Tax, Sales Tax Returns, Capital Value Tax (CVT), Annexure

Recommended Books

  1. ”Dr. Ikram’s Practical hand book of Income Tax, 16th Edition 2006-07.
  2. Huzaima & Ikram Tax Laws of Pakistan, 8th Edition 2006-07.

FIN630: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

The concept of Investing, Understanding Risk and Return, The Marketplace, Bond Fundamentals, Common Stock ,Market Mechanics ,Fundamental Stock, Analysis, Beyond Fundamental Analysis, Market Efficiency, Gathering Investment ,Information, Market Indexes, Convertible Securities, Investing Internationally, Why Diversify? The role of Derivative Assets, Managing the Equity Portfolio, Managing the Fixed Income Portfolio, Mortgage-Backed Securities, Investment Companies, Performance Measurement and Presentation, Contemporary Issues.

Recommended Books

  1. Hand-outs
  2. Practical Investment Management, 3rd Edition by Robert A. Strong

HRM627: Business Finance

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Understanding Behavior, relations and performance, Diversity in personality, learning and perception, Attitudes, self-concept and values, Communication, motivation ,Leadership, Transactional Analysis, Personal development, Teams and creative problem solving, Team dynamics, Global diversity, HRD history & background, Human resources & economic development. Understanding Behavior, relations and performance, Diversity in personality, learning and perception, Attitudes, self-concept and values, Communication, Motivation, Leadership, Transactional Analysis, Personal development, Teams and creative problem solving, Team dynamics ,Global diversity, HRD history & background, Human resources & economic development, Using non-governmental organizations, Decentralization and enhancement of participation, Mobilizing resources ,Enhancing coordination, Professionalizing government.

Recommended Books

  1. “Human Relations in Organizations: Applications and Skills Building” by Robert N.Lussier, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill
  2. “Human Resources Development: Experiences, Interventions, Strategies” by T V Rao, National Book Foundation.

MCM101: Introduction to Mass Communication

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

What's communication? Elements of communication, Forms & Types of communication, Importance of communication, Process of communication, Models of communication, What's message? Characteristics of message ,Effects of communication, Communication and culture, Effective communication, Obstacles in communication, Media of Mass communication, Telegraph, Telephone ,Emergence of mass media, Print media as a medium of mass communication, Effects of printing press, Renaissance, Industrialization, Mass circulation press, Effects on society, Rules and regulations on print media, Management issues, Film as a medium of mass communication, Propaganda – First and Second World Wars Radio as a medium of mass communication, Development of radio, Television as a medium of mass communication, Effects of TV on society, Television in Pakistan, Public Relations Advertising, Theories of Mass Communication, Globalization of media, Consolidation and convergence of media, Mass communication in the present era, New media and democracy.

Recommended Books

  1. The Media in Your Life by Jean Folkerts and Stephan Lacy
  2. Communication Management by P. Rathnaswamy
  3. Human Communication by Joseph A. Devito
  4. Television and Radio by Chester, Giraud 5th ed Printice-Hall, 1978.
  5. Dynamics of Mass Communication Roger Dominic 6th Ed, McGraw Hill
  6. New York, London 1999
  7. Mass Communication – Introducing New Trends, Advanced Publishers, 17, 2nd Floor, Muslim Centre, Chatter Jee Road, Urdu Bazaar, Lahore

MCM301: Communication Skills

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Communication, Levels of Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Communication in the Organization, Communication Destination Listening, Improving your Listening Skills, Nonverbal Communication, Barriers to Communication, Overcoming Communication Barriers, Speech, Selecting a Topic, Thesis Statement, Introduction, The Body, Modes of Delivery, Strategic Oral ,Delivery, Making a Good Speech, Handling Questions and Answers, Responding Questions and Answers, Significance of the Setting, Visual Aids, Group Communication, Elements of Effective Written Communication ,Preparing for Effective Business Writing, Parts of Business Letter, Direct Request- Letters, Good Newsletters, Disappointing Newsletters, Writing Persuasive Message, Writing Resumes.

Recommended Books

  1. Effective Business Communication by Herta A. Murphy, Herbert W. Hildebrandt, & Jane P. Thomas
  2. Introduction to Business Communication by Zane K. Quible, Margaret H. Johson, & Dennis L. Mott
  3. Business Communication Today by Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill & Barbara E. Schatzman
  4. Business Presentation by Lani Arrendondo

MCM304: Mass Media in Pakistan

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Evolution of mass media, Print media in the sub-continent, Mass media after independence & ayub khan’s era, Role of Pakistani mass media in Ayub Khan’s era, Changes in mass media in Ayub’s era and its impacts, Role of mass media in general Yahya’s era and its result, Expected role of mass media in crisis of 1971, Mass media after the crisis of 1971, Mass media in the era of 1977 to 1988, Mass media in the era of 1988 to 1999, Pakistan towards press freedom, Role of print media after 2000, Print media in Pakistan, Newspaper Content, New trends of journalism in Pakistan, Magazine journalism, News agency, Press and government, State of media in different societies, Radio broadcasting, Radio in Pakistan, Radio and development communication, Loud speakers, Audio cassettes & tape recorders, Television and VCR, Pakistan television, Impact of television on society, War and television, Regulation of television, Effects of global culture on our culture, Motion picture/ film, Pakistan film industry, Computer – a medium of mass communication, Importance of mass media, Effect of other organizations on mass media and its performance.

Recommended Books

  1. Mass Communication – Introducing New Trends, Advanced Publishers, 17, 2nd Floor, Muslim Centre, Chatter Jee Road, Urdu Bazaar, Lahore
  2. Mass Communication, S.M. Shahid, Publishers Emporium Lahore, 1994
  3. Exploring Journalism, Mirza Muhammad Yusuf, A-One Publishers, Lahore, 3rd ed.1993.
  4. Iblagh-e-Aama (Urdu) Mehdi Hassan
  5. Journalism for All, Mehdi Hassan and Abdus Salam Khurshid, Aziz Book Depot, Lahore.6th ed., 1997.
  6. Media Laws in Pakistan, Javed Jabbar, Royal Books Karachi, 1999.

MCM310: Journalistic Writing

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Why writing skills are viewed as crucial, Writer as a communicator, Qualities and the concerns of a good writer, Good and bad writing, Principles of effective and meaningful writing, Journalistic Writing Process: Inventing and Collecting, Journalistic Writing Process: Organizing, Drafting, Revising, and Proofreading, Journalist’s Word Choices, Dictionary – a Writer’s Language Tool, Grammatical Sentence: Parts of speech, Grammatical Sentence: Basic clause pattern, A grammatical sentence: Actives and Passives, A grammatical sentence: Modifiers, Sentence types, A grammatical sentence: Reported speech, Subject verb agreement, Problems with pronouns A grammatical sentence: Adjective and adverbs, sentence fragments, comma splices and fused sentences, An effective sentence: Unity, Coherence, Emphasis, Parallelism, needed words, Shifts, Choppy sentences, Sentence variety, Style – Guidelines and Pitfalls, Paragraph writing: Unity, coherence and development in a paragraph, Simple listing paragraphs, order of importance, paragraphs, Time-order paragraphs; spatial order paragraphs; multi paragraph composition, Essay writing: Essay and High Impact Language, Signal Words (transitions) for text’s organizational structure, The writing styles: Expository and report writing, Descriptive and narrative writing, Persuasive writing, Research writing and documenting sources – APA and MLA, Summarizing and Précis writing, Punctuation, Mechanics, Reading skills for writers, The language of newspapers, The language of newspapers, News writing, Editorial Writing, Feature Writing, Column writing, Article writing, Writing Analysis, Writing letters to editors, Broadcast and Web news writing, Writing press release, reviews and obituaries, The art of interviews.

Recommended Books

  1. Geoffery Leech and Jan Savatvick, ELS, Longman 1994. A Communicative Grammer of English.
  2. Adkine, A. & Mckean, I. 1985 Texts to Note: Study Skills for Advanced Learners Arnold.
  3. Howard, J.C. & Tracz. R. 1976 Writing Effective Paragraphs, Winthrop.
  4. Hutchinson. t. 1985 Project English, O.U.P.

MCM311: Reporting and Subediting

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

An Introduction to News, News and journalism, Categories of News, Components of news, News values, Elements of News, News Sources, Reporting, Types of reporting, Professional and ethical standards, Interviewing, Lead Journalistic Style Winning reader’s confidence, Keeping up-to-date, Reporting Beats, Introduction to Sub-Editing, Role and Duties of Sub Editor, Part of speech, Abbreviation, Capitals, Active/Passive Voice, Figures, Italics, Punctuation, Clichés and Journalese, Collective Nouns, Danglers, Confusables, Numbers, Measures, Names, Titles, Words/Importance of words, Editing Tips, Writing Headline Layout, pictures and Caption , Words operation and practice, News Room, Terminologies

Recommended Books

  1. Mass Communication: Theory and Practice by M.A Hijazi & G.M. Naqqash
  2. Interpretative Reporting by Mac Dougall, Curts D.
  3. A Guide to Practical Journalism by M. Umar Khawaja
  4. A handbook of Reuters journalism, a guide to standards, style and operations

MCM401: Fundamentals of Public Relations

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction & Brief History ,How Does PR Work, Publics of PR, Planning, Public Relations Programmes, Medias of PR, Press Relations in PR, Special Uses of Public Relations, Budgeting in PR, Public Relations Problems, Methods of Communication, PR in Various Organizations, PR in Labor Unions & Religious Groups, PR in Educational Institutions & in Media Channels, Using Advertising for PR Communication, Role of Public Relations in Marketing, Public Relations and Corporate Structure, E-PR & its Tools, Sponsorship—An Important PR Tool, House Journals, Crisis Management In PR, Advertising in PR, International Public Relations, Public Relations Consultancy, Public Relation’s Role in Market Education, Modern Day Values of PR, Choice of Media For PR Campaign, PR Techniques, Designing PR Campaigns, Public Opinion, Public Relations and Research, PR and Research, Persuasion & Communication Theories, Communication Concepts & Theories, Public Relations & Law, Public Relations & Case Studies, PR And Printing Processes, Public Speaking -- A PR Tool, PR -- Coping With Unexpected

Recommended Books

  1. “Effective Public Relations” by Centre, H. Allen, Cutlip. M. Scott, New Jersey” Prentice Hall Inc. 1978
  2. Teach yourself. Public relations. SMITH, Harvey J. (1995) London: Hodder &. Stoughton

MCM404: Globalization of Media

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

The unique nature of Pakistani nation-state, Pakistan the first 11 year 1947-1958, From new hopes to shattered dreams: 1958-1971, Renewing Pakistan: 1971-2005, The constitution of Pakistan, The political system of Pakistan, The election commission of Pakistan, Political groupings and alliances: issues and perspectives, The legislative process and interest groups, The population, education and economic dimensions of Pakistan, The national environment policy 2005,The children of Pakistan, The health sector of Pakistan, NGO’S and development, The information sector of Pakistan, Media as elements of national power, One globe: many worlds, The United Nations, Millennium development goals, The globalization: threats and responses, WTO, The European Union, Regional pacts, The Pakistan—India relationship, Dimensions of terrorism, Pakistan’s foreign policy, Globalization of media, Indigenization of media, Balancing public, interest and commercial interests, Citizens’ media and citizens’ media dialogue, Citizen media rights and responsibilities, Citizen participation in public service broadcasting, Media in the 21st century.

Recommended Books

  1. K.K. Aziz, Making of Pakistan, A Study in Nationalism, National Book Foundation, 1976
  2. S.M. Ikram, Modern Muslim India and the Birth of Pakistan, Kashmiri Bazar Lahore, 1970
  3. Khalid bin Sayeed, Pakistan, The Formative Phase, 1857 – 1948, Second Edition, Oxford University Press Dacca, 1968
  4. Wosley and Compbel, Berlo K. David. Exploring Journalism, the Process of Communication.
  5. Defleur Dennis, Introduction to Mass Communication, Houghton Mifflin, Co. Boston 2000.

MCM-411: Introduction to Broadcasting

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

History of Broadcast, Classification of Programs, Programs of Current Affairs, Types of Outdoor Broadcasting, Curtain Raiser, Radio Feature, Musical Programs of Radio, Radio Documentary, Disc Jockey, Voice in Broadcasting, Noise, Studio, Radio Drama, Advertisem*nts-Income Generation, Advertiser’s Approach, FM a new generation in Broadcasting, Microphone to Transmitter, Script Writing for Radio Broadcast, Interactive Broadcasting, History of Television, Pakistan Television (PTV) Broadcasting Laws, Replicas of Radio News Script Writing and Direction Techniques Broadcast, Sets, Camera Shots – the visual language, Lights in Visual Broadcasting, Interior and Exterior, Broadcasting and Media Imperialism, Environment of TV Broadcast, Budget, Comparison of different Radio and TV formats, Current Affairs – from Radio to TV, Pre-Production, Production & Post-Production, Enigma of more channels, Anchorperson, Comparison between radio and TV broadcast, Terrestrial to Satellite to Cable TV, Career in Broadcasting

Recommended Books

  1. Television and Radio by Chester, Giraud 5th Ed Printice-Hall, 1978.
  2. World Broadcasting System by W.Sydney, Wadsworth PublishingC0, 1985.
  3. Writing for the Broadcast by Mayeux, Boston, Allyn & Bacon Inc, 1985.
  4. Modern Radio Advertising by Charles Hull Wolfe, New York, 1953.

MCM431: Development Communication

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Difference between DC, DSC, DJ, The Meanings of Development, Approaches to Development Communication, The Concept and Practice of Development Journalism, Models of communication, Evolution of Development Support Communication, Factors for successful Development Support Communication, Development Support Communication and Change, Levels of Change, Sources of Change, Socio-Cultural Values, Belief System and Social Change, Factors that Influence Change, Models of Development Support, Communication, Alternative Model of Development, Using Mass Media and Development Support Communication, Audio visual aids in Using Mass Media and Development, Support Communication, Static media in Using Mass Media and Development Support Communication, Emerging methods in Using Mass Media and Development Support Communication, Planning Development Support Communication Campaign, Evaluating the DSC Program, Steps in Evaluation

Recommended Books

  1. Study Guide: Development Support Communication, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad.
  2. Involving the Community, a Guide to Participatory Development Communication by Guy Bessette
  3. Development Communication: Theory and Practice, by Uma Narula

MCM501: Advertising for Print and Electronic Media

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Advertising, Advertising and Society, Strengths and Weaknesses of Advertising, Ethics in Advertising, Advertising Department, Advertising Agency, Selecting an ad agency, Advertising agencies in Pakistan, Kinds of Advertising, Media of Advertising, Media Requirements, Factors Influencing Media Selection, Media Mix, Advertising Copy, Structure of an Advertising Copy, Visualization and Layout, Print Production, Writing Commercial Slogans, Advertising Appeal, Planning an Advertising Campaign, Content of an Advertising Plan, Organization of an Advertising Plan, Consumer Needs and Behavior Promotion, Product Analysis, Market Analysis, Diffusion of Advertising Message, Essentials of an effective Ad Campaign, Techniques of measuring the effects of an Ad Campaign, Primary Data Gathering, Important Advertising Terminologies.

Recommended Books

  1. “Essentials of Advertising”, by Chandan, S J. et al. New Delhi, Bombay, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. 1990
  2. “Advertising: Made Simple”, by Jefkins, Frank, Calcutta; Rupa Co 1982
  3. “Advertising” by Wright S; John et al. USA MC-Graw-Hill Series in Marketing, 1982

MCM511: Theories of Communication

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Defining communication, What is a theory, Kinds of problems theory addresses, communication processes, Concept of Mass Communication, Normative theories, libertarianism, Civic or public journalism, Limitations of Media Theory, commercialism, How the idea of Propaganda emerged in the mass society, Limited Effects of Media, Klapper’s Phenomenistic theory, Diffusion theory, Challenging the dominant paradigm, Social Cognitive Theory, Observational Learning and Modeling, Abstract modeling, Modeling from Mass Media, Cultivation of perceptions of social reality, Systems Theories of Communication Processes, Mathematical theory of communication, Emergence of critical and cultural theories of mass communication, The mediation concept, Positions Relating to Social Integration, Rise of cultural theories in Europe Marxist Theory, Political economy theory, Four ways in which media owners limit diversity, Criticism on Political Economy Theory, Power of Advertising, Agenda setting, Agenda setting theory, Spiral of silence theory, Spiral of silence theory, Knowledge gap theory, Reception Analysis Theory, Intrapersonal Communication, Interpersonal communication, Communication Channels, Four Principles of Interpersonal Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Overcoming the Barriers of Effective Interpersonal Communication, Types of Interpersonal Communication.

Recommended Books

  1. Theories of Mass Communication by DeFleur, M.L. & Ball-Rokeach, S. (1989).
  2. Mass Communication Theory by Baran, S.J. & Davis, D.K. (2000).
  3. Mass communication Theory by McQuail, D. (1998).
  4. Communication Theories by Miller, K. (2002).
  5. Mass Media Research by Wimmer, R.D. & Domminick, J.R. (2003).

MCM515: Radio News, Reporting and Production

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Radio – Historical Background, Radio Broadcasting, Objectives of broadcasting in Pakistan, Emergence of FM Broadcast, Distinction between AM & FM ,Radio News and its values, Measuring the importance of news, Types of radio news, Sources of news, Reporting, Qualities of a successful news reporter, Factual Reporting, Interpretative Reporting, Investigative Reporting, Radio news glossary Interview and its types, Essentials of a good interview, Fundamentals of radio news writing, Essentials of a good newsreader, Production and Planning, Budgeting Jargons of Production, Talk, Discussion, Radio Feature, Radio Documentary, Radio Drama, Special Audience program, Sports and Music, Ethics and limitations of media.

Recommended Books

  1. The Complete Reporter By Julian Harriss, B. Kelly Leiter & Stenley Johnson
  2. Radio Journalism in Pakistan by Adrees Siddiqui
  3. Local Radio Journalism By Paul Chantler & Sim Harriss

MGMT611/HRM611: Human Relation

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Human Relations, Culture and Personality, Personality and Stress, Perception and Individual Behaviour, Perception and Group Behavior, Attitude and Behaviour, Personal Motivation and Achievement, Solving Problems Skillfully, Creativity in Problem Solving, Handling Personal Issues, Conflict Resolution, Communication and Human Relations, Organizational Communication, Understanding Communication Styles, Self-Esteem, Building Self-Confidence, Becoming a Leader Globalization and Cross-Cultural Differences, Improving Cross-Cultural Competence, Building Good Relations with Managers, Building Good Relations with Co-workers, Building Good Relations with Customers, Choosing a Career, Finding a Job, Significance of Resume, Improving Interview Skills, Improving Work Habits, New Model of Career Advancement, Taking Control of Yourself, Exerting Control on Outside Environment, Managing Personal Finances, Achieving Happiness, Apathy and its Remedies, Enhancing Personal Ethics, Helping Others Grow.

Recommended Books

  1. Dubrin, A.J. (2005). Human Relations: Career and Personal Success.7th Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 07458.
  2. Davis, K. (1967). Human Relations at Work: The dynamics of Organizational behaviour. Third edition McGraw-Hill, Inc.

MGMT623/HRM623: Leadership and Team Management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Concept of Organization, Organization as a system, Concept of leadership, Trait Theories, Behavioral Theories, Situational Theory, Contingency Theories, Charismatic Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Personality, Becoming a leader, Power, Empowerment, Communication, Organizational communication, Group Dynamics, Understanding Work Team, Building Teams, Team Based organization, Decision Making, Group Decision Making, Effective Team Communication, Conflict and Negotiation, Learning Organizations, Reward system, Managing Virtual Teams, Effective Team Meetings, Strategic Leadership, Change Management, Ethics in Leadership, Looking at Future: What next, Teamwork: Learning from the nature.

Recommended Books

  1. Leadership-Theory-Application-Skill Development by Lussier & Achua
  2. Leadership-Enhancing the Lessons of Experience by Hughes, Ginnett & Curphy
  3. The Leadership Challenge by James M. Kouzes & Barry Z. Posner
  4. Leadership by Philip Sadler

MGMT625/HRM625: Change Management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction and Overview, Benefits and significance of change management, Kurt Lewin model: assumptions and implications, Implications of Kurt Lewin model, Some basic concepts and definitions, Transactional vs. Transformational leadership, Theories of change in organisations, Life cycle theory, Teleological theories of change, Dialectical theories of change, A dialectical approach to organisational strategy and planning, Limitation of dialectics; Da and Di, Theories of change in organisations, Application of evolutionary theory, Further application of evolutionary theories, Greiner’s model of organisational– evolution and revolution, Growth rate of the industry, Organisation ecology, Classification of organizational species, Footnotes to organisational change, Some complexities of change, Organizational adaptation, Skeletal model of adaptation, Strategic change, Management styles and roles, Determinants of a successful change management, Determinants of a failure in organizational change, Higgins 08 S-model – an adaptation from waterman’s seven S-model, Implementation and strategic change: Why implementing strategic change is so difficult? Implementation approaches, Implementation: radical or transformative change, Implementation: punctuated equilibrium model, Change implementation: OD models, Culture, values and organizational change, Organizational values, culture and organizational change.

Recommended Books

  1. Change Management: A Guide to Effective Implementation by Robert A. Paton.
  2. Research work of the leading change management scholars and theorist like Chris Argyris, Schon, Edger Schein and Charles Handy.

MGMT627: Project management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Project Management, Concepts, Definitions and Nature of Projects, Concepts of Project Management, Project Management Methodologies and Organizational Structures, Project Life Cycles The Project Manager, Project Conception and Project Feasibility, Project Selection, Project Proposal, Project Planning, Work Breakdown Structure, Schedules and Charts, Total Project Planning, Project Scope Management, Network Scheduling Techniques, Pricing and Estimation, Quality in Project Management, Principles of Total Quality, Customer Focused Project Management, Quality Improvement Tools, Project Effectiveness through Enhanced Productivity, Cost Management and Control in Projects, Project Management through Leadership, Communication in the Project Management, Project Risk Management, Project Procurement, Contract Management, Ethics in Project Management.

Recommended Books

  1. Lewis, James P: Project Planning, Scheduling and Control. McGraw-Hill. (2001).
  2. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Project Management Institute, Inc. (2000).
  3. Project Management: A System Approach to Planning, Scheduling & Controlling. 8th Edition, Harold Kerzner.

MGT101: Financial Accounting

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Basic concepts of accounting, Record keeping and some basic concepts, Systems of Accounting and some basic terminologies, Single and double entry record keeping, Classification of accounts, Basic books of accounts, Introduction to Financial Statements: Recording of Transactions, Accounting equation,Voucher, its types and Posting to Ledgers, Recording of Stock, Cost of goods statement & Valuation of Stock, Fixed Assets and Depreciation, Methods for charging depreciation, Depreciation on purchase and disposal of fixed assets, Revaluation of Fixed Assets, Bank Reconciliation Statement, Bank Reconciliation Statement and Rectification of Error, Debtors, Creditors, Accruals and Provision for Bad Debts, Control Account, Rectification of Errors, Presentation of Financial Statements, Types of Business Entities, Financial Statements of Sole Proprietorship, Financial Statements of Manufacturing Concern, Financial Statements of Partnership, Mark Up on Capital and Drawings, Introduction to Companies, Components of Financial Statements of Companies, Cash Flow Statement, Financial Statements of Listed/Quoted Companies, Financial Ratios.

Recommended Books

  1. Accounting Revised Edition by M. Arif & Sohail Afzal
  2. Accounting By: M. A Ghani
  3. Accounting Eleventh Edition by Meigs Williams Hake Bettner, Inc.
  4. Business Accounting Eight Edition by Frank Wood

MGT 111: Introduction to Public Administration

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction, Evolution of Public Administration, Classical School of Thoughts, Human Relations Schools, Power And Politics, History of Public Administration, Civil Service, Civil Service Reforms, 1973 Constitution of Pakistan, Structure of Government, Public and Private Administration, Organization, Departmentalization, Power and Authority, Delegation of Authority, Planning, Planning Commission and Planning Development, Decision Making, Human Resource Management (HRM), Selection Process and Training, Performance Appraisal, Selection and Training and Public Organizations, Public Finance, Budget, Public Budget, National Finance Commission, Administrative Control, Audit, Motivation, Motivation and Leadership, Leadership, Team, Communication, District Administration, Devolution Plan, Political Reforms, New Public Management (NPM), Managerial Program Agenda

Recommended Books

  1. Khan, Sultan, Public Administration with Special Reference to Pakistan
  2. Nigro and Nigro, Modern Public Administration, Harper & Row, NY (latest edition)

MGT 201: Financial Management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Financial Management, Objectives of Financial Management, Analysis of Financial Statements, Time Value of Money, Financial Forecasting and Financial Planning, Present Value and Discounting, Annuities and perpetuities, Capital Budgeting and Capital Budgeting Techniques, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return, Project Cash Flows Some Special Areas of Capital Budgeting, Capital Rationing ,Interpretation of IRR and NPV with Limited Capital, Bonds and their Classification and Theory, Introduction to stocks and stocks valuation, Common Stock pricing and Dividend Growth Models, Common Stocks- Rate of Return and EPS Pricing Model, Introduction to Risk and Return, Risk& Return for a single Stock, Stock Portfolio Theory, Portfolio Risk Analysis and Efficient Portfolio Maps, Efficient Portfolios, Stock Beta, Portfolio Beta and Security Market Line (SML), Stock Prices in Efficient Markets, SML Graph and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), CAPM, Criticisms of CAPM and Application of Risk Theory, Introduction to Debt, Efficient Markets and Cost of Capital, Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), Business Risk, Operating Leverage, Break Even Point, Firms ‘Operating Leverage and Financial Risk, Financial Leverage and Introduction to Capital Structure Theory, Miller Modigliani Theory and other capital structure theories, Application of M-M Theory and other Capital Structure Theories, Net income and Tax Shield Approaches to WACC, Capital Structure Management, Dividend Payout, Dividend Policy ,Working Capital Management, Cash Management & Working Capital Financing, Short term financing, Long term financing and Lease Financing, Lease Financing, Mergers and Acquisitions, International Finance

Recommended Books

  1. Financial Management-Theory and Practice by Eugene F.Brigham and Michael C.Ehrhardt
  2. Fundamentals of Financial Management by James C. Van Horne and John M.Wachowicz , JR.

ETH 201: Ethics (for Non-Muslims)

01 Credit Hours

Course Content

Definition and scope of ethics, relation of ethics to psychology, metaphysics and religion, A brief review of major theories of the moral standard: The standard as law, The standard as happiness, The standard as perfection. Promotion of moral values in society through family and various educational and cultural institutions; concept of good and evil: Freedom and responsibility, various theories of punishment, Ethical teachings of world religions with special reference to Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam, Islam’s attitude towards minorities.

Recommended Books

  1. Lecture Handouts

HRM624: Conflict management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to conflict, Dispute resolution. Preconceptions about conflict, Conflict diagnosis, Recurrent themes in conflict diagnosis, Describing the conflict, Sources and causes of conflict, Interest analysis, Assessing the character of the conflict, Trust and its significance, Assessing impediments to resolve the conflict, Assessing the negotiating style, Assessing power among disputants, Power, conflict and batna, Stereotypes, Diversity and conflict, Mediation, Advantages and disadvantages of mediation, Process of mediation, Law and ethics of mediation, Arbitration, Non binding evaluation, Mixed and multimodal dispute resolution, Power tools and magic keys, Panchayat, Local government system, and ADR

Recommended Books

  1. Conflict Diagnosis and Alternative Dispute Resolution(1st Edition) By: Laurie S. Coltri
  2. Conflict Management: A guide to developing negotiation strategies By: Barbara A. Budjac Corvette.

MGMT628/HRM628: Organizational Development

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

The Challenge for Organizations, OD: A Unique Change Strategy, What an “ideal” effective, healthy organization would look like? The Evolution of OD, The Organization Culture, The Nature of Planned Change, Action Research Model, General Model of Planned Change, The Organization Development Practitioner, Creating a Climate for Change, OD Practitioner Skills and Activities, Professional Values, Entering and Contracting, Diagnosing Organizations, Organization as Open Systems, Diagnosing Organizations, Diagnosing Groups and Jobs, Collecting and Analyzing Diagnostic information, Designing Interventions, Leading and Managing Change, Evaluating and Institutionalizing Organization Development Interventions, Interpersonal and Group Process Approaches, Organization Process Approaches, Restructuring Organizations, Employee Involvement, Work Design, Performance Management, Developing and Assisting Members, Organization and Environment Relationships, Organization Transformation, The Behavioral Approach, Seven Practices of Successful Organizations

Recommended Books

  1. Organizational development By Cummings

ISL201: Islamic Studies

01 Credit Hours

Course Content

Faith, Taqwa, Obedience of God, Obedience of Prophet& Executive Authority, Sincerity (Ikhlaas), Morality of Prophet(S.A.W), Practical Law ( Ibadat ), Islamic Practices, Knowledge and its Islamic Concept, The Islamic Social System, The Manners of Meeting and Talking, Respect of Parents, Brotherhood, Honesty and Obligation, Forgiveness

Recommended Books

  1. Various Books. (Lecture Handouts)

MCM514: Feature & Column Writing

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Importance of languages, Sources of material, Internet usage in feature writing, What makes a good feature, Demands of a feature, Conducting and writing of interviews, Writing novelty intros, Structure of features, Selection of pictures, Illustrations and maps, Features and editorial policy, Human interest and feature writing, Newspaper feature story, The newspaper feature story idea, Magazine feature versus dailies, Writing the specialized feature story, Modern feature and its treatment, Modern feature writing technique, Advice to feature writers, Column writing, Column writing in modern age, English and Urdu columnists, Types of columns, Objectives and importance of columns, What are the essentials and basic points that go in to the forming of a column? Style, general style of the column, Structure of a column, Column writing tips, Selection of a topic, Qualities of a column writer, What must be practiced by a columnist?, Sources of material for columns, Useful writing devices, Common writing problems, Writing the column, Article writing, How to write an article?, Types and subjects of article, Five commandments, no professional forgets, Articles writing mistakes, Writing the article, What to do when you have written the article?, Ten standard article formats, Legal and ethical considerations for writers.

Recommended Books

  1. Reddick D.C. 1949. Modern Feature Writing, New York.
  2. Scholastic Journalism By Earl English and Clarence Hach
  3. Dr. Shafique Jalandhari: Feature Nigari, Lahore 1999.
  4. Dr. Shafique Jalandhari: Urdu Column Naveecy, Lahore 1999.
  5. Idaria Naveecy by Maskeen Ali Hijazi
  6. Feature, Column aur Tabsirah by Muhammad Aslam Dogar
  7. Feature Writing for Newspapers and Magazines by Edward Jay Friedlander and John Lee
  8. Bruce Garrison. 2004. Professional Feature Writing: Lea’s Communication series. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 4th ed.
  9. Self-Syndicating Your Weekly Column By Elizabeth Laden
  10. Charlotte Digregorio. 1993. You can be a columnist: Writing and Selling your way to prestige. Civetta Press.
  11. Concepts of Journalism By A.R. Khalid
  12. Waldrap. 1955. Editor and Editorial Writing. A.G. Rinhart and Co.

MCM516: TV News Reporting & Production

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Creativity and Idea generation for TV, Pre-requisites of a creative producer, Refining an idea for production, Concept Development, Research and reviews, Script writing, Pre-production phase, Selection of required, Content/talent, Program planning, Production Phase, Camera work, Lights &Audio, Post Production phase, Linear editing and NLE, Mixing and effects, Selection of a news, Editing of a news, Writing of a news, Compilation of a news, bulletin, Presentation of a bulletin, Making special bulletins, Technical Codes/Terminology/ Production, Grammar, Types of TV Production, Sources of TV news, Functions of a reporter, Beats for reporting, Structure of a News Department, Sections, Electronic field production, Live Transmission, Qualities of a news Producer, Duties of a news Producer, Assignment/News Editor, Shooting a news film, Preparation of Special reports, Interviews, Vox pops and public opinions, Back Ground Voice/voice over, Spoken words and relevant visuals, Talk show and Forums, Functions of various departments of a TV set up, Programs Department, News and Current Affairs, Coordination between different TV departments Engineering, Transport, Finance, accounts and Marketing, Technical Store, Library and Traffic.

Recommended Books

  1. Dynamics of Mass Communication, Media in the digital, Joseph R. Dominick, 7th Ed. McGraw Hill New York 2002
  2. The Television handbook, Patricia Holland, Routledge, London 1997,
  3. Understanding Television, Andrew Goodwin and Garry Whannel, Routeledge, London & New York
  4. Hand book of Telecasting, Waldo Abbot, McGraw Hill New York 1991
  5. Pre-Production Planning of video film & Multimedia, Steve R. Cartwright, Focal Press, Oxford 1996
  6. Training with video Steve R. Cartwright, Knowledge industry publications New York 1996.
  7. Basic Television Reporting Ivor York, Focal Press London 1990.
  8. Visual Editing, Howard I. Finberg and Bruce D. Lltale, Wadsworth, Belmont, 1990.
  9. ENG Television News, Charles F. Cremer, 3rd Ed. McGraw Hill New York 1996.

MCM517: Online Journalism

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Online Journalism, Distinguishing characteristics of online journalism, Online Journalism vs. Traditional media, Introduction to Online advertising, Online advertising: Types and Advantages/Disadvantages, Internet as tool for Journalists, Diffusion of Innovation Theory, Diffusion of Innovation Theory, Gate Keeping Theory, Introduction to Online Writing and Online Writing Process, Considerations while Writing for World Wide Web, Tips for Writing for World Wide Web, Ethics related to Cyber Journalism/Online Journalism, Impact of Internet on Journalism, Analysis of Websites: Checklist for the analysis of Web sites, Plan and build a site: Information Architecture; Navigation; User Interface; Site mapping; Usability; Types of Content, Qualities of a good web sites, Useful Tips for Effective Web Design, Tips to Fast Loading web site designs, Effective Navigation Guidelines, Telecommunication, Fax; Video Conferencing; Cable TV; V-Sat; Email; Video Technology and Broadcasting, An overview of current technology trends in ICE (Information, Communication and Entertainment) and digital convergence and future of media – What Next? Convergence: Nature and levels of convergence Media Convergence and vision of a converged World, Convergence within Journalism, Digital Divide, Prospects and challenges of Online Journalism, Important Terminologies, Difference between Internet and World wide web, Blogs and Blogging, Types of Blogs, Advantages and Disadvantages of blogs, Online Storytelling, Production Process of online story, Common storytelling forms being used by major news Web sites, Prevention of Electronic Crimes Ordinance, 2007.

Recommended Books

  1. Journalism in the Digital Age, John Herbert, Focal Press Oxford, 2000.
  2. Introduction to Mass Communication, Agee, Ault, 12th ed., Longman, 1997.
  3. Understanding Mass Communication, Defleur, Dennis, Houghton Muffin, N.Y, 1998.
  4. Media Impact, Shirley Biagi, Wadsworth, 1999.
  5. Media of Mass Communication, John Vivian, 1999.
  6. Dynamics of Mass Communication, Dominic 6th Ed

MCM520: Contemporary Mass Media

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Brief survey of origin and development of press in Europe and America Sub continent pre- partition, History and development of radio in the world UK -BBC, ( Europe) USA - Voice of America, etc. (America) Sub-continent -All India Radio and Radio Pakistan etc. Brief survey of origin and development of TV in Europe and America Sub continent, south Asia, Brief survey of origin of film and recording industry in the world Europe and America, South Asia (Sub-continent), New Media What is new media? Origin and development of internet, new media New Media Panics (Advantages/disadvantages), Major Media organizations of the world, News Agencies Newspapers and Magazines, Radio channels TV channels and Production Houses Film Production Houses, Mass media and globalization What is globalization? Understanding the difference between globalization and internationalization Mass media - an important tool, Impact of globalization Threats of global media to native cultures and economy of poor and developing countries – a step towards uni-polar world Free flow of information; people’s right to know and globalization, Media moguls/tycoons/giants of the world Emergence /Background realities/ reasons/objectives Five major giants out of nine, Present situation: how they are ruling and achieving their objectives Hindering freedom of expression, Demand for a new information order by developing countries, Demand for a new information order by developing countries, Ownership patterns, organizational Structures and management of mass media in the world. Why media ownership matters? Effects of ownership on content, Mass media organizations in South Asia, Mass media organizations in Europe and America, Use of media by power blocks, super powers Exploitation of media, Mass Media and Contemporary Social Issues Human Rights and media Human trafficking, Drugs Arms smuggling Aids/ Cancer Child rights, Women and Media Portrayal of women in media, Women empowerment Women rights Issues of Women in developed, developing and poor countries, Environment and Media Industrialization, Global warming Pollution UN framework convention on climate change, Media and Consumerism Consumerism and capitalism, Media advertising sells an image, Western society and consumerism, Extremism and terrorism What is extremism and terrorism? ( Social and psychological reasons of extremism and terrorism), Difference between fundamentalism and extremism Violence and media, Islamo-phobia and west – All terrorists are Muslims Propaganda against Islam on Western Media, Islamic channels Combating terrorism, Population: The magnitude of Population growth and its consequences International media programs to control population and to create awareness, Poverty alleviation and mass media ,New Information Communication Technologies: Need and Cultural contexts What are ICTs? Rapid growth in ICT use among Young people, ICTs and development Trends in E-strategies, New Communication Revolution Importance of Digital Media, Social and cultural impact of digital media in the modern world, Information Society Concept of information society Ethics and Values in digital age/ information society, Can privacy be protected in the Information Age? Are people better informed in the Information Society? Is Television Harmful for Children? Mass Persuasion And Propaganda, The nature and function of propaganda (historically and in contemporary society), Theories and techniques of propaganda and implications of propaganda for democratic values, Theories and techniques of propaganda and implications of propaganda for democratic values Understanding the difference between Persuasion and Propaganda, Communication And Culture What is popular culture? Relationship between Mass Media and Popular Culture (mass media - a tool), Seeing Ourselves: Media and Representation Selling Images and Values, Our Constructed World: Media Environments the Global Citizen New and Converging Technologies, New and Converging Technologies Popular culture and consumerism

Recommended Books

  1. Introduction to Mass Communication, Agee, Ault, 12th ed., Longman, 1997.
  2. International communication, Daya Kishan Thussu
  3. Media Impact, Shirley Biagi, Wadsworth, 1999.
  4. Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication by Richard Campbell (St. Martin's) 4th Edition 2005
  5. Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Mass Media and Society, Alison Alexander, Jarice Hanson, 2007

MCM531: Community Journalism

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Community Journalism, Role of Journalism in society, Media ---the mirror of the society, Responsibilities of media, Public listening in community journalism, Identifying community problems, Relationship between community, journalist and media, Public Judgment, Creating a public forum, Theories covering Community Journalism, Development journalism and community journalism, Scope of Community journalism, Community journalism and broadcast media, Community journalism and, Ethics in community journalism, Status of women in a local community, What are the issues of women? Coverage of women: professional skills, writing news for women, Writing features for women, Coverage of women issues in main stream Media in comparison with community based media, Status of children in a local community, What are the issues of children? Coverage of children: professional skills, writing news for children, Writing features for children, Coverage of Children, Status of minorities in a local community, What are the issues of minorities? Coverage of minorities: professional skills, Writing news for minorities, Writing features for minorities, Coverage of minorities issues in main stream Media in comparison with community, Human rights, A comparative study of Islamic and western concepts of human, rights, Human rights issues in Pakistan, NGOs and mass awareness, campaigns in Pakistan, The role of mass media in reporting human rights’ events, Community journalism in Pakistan.

Recommended Books

  1. Women of Pakistan.
  2. Khawar Mumtaz and Farida Shaheed, Vanguard.
  3. Socio-Economic Political Status and women & Law in Pakistan. Rashida Patel, Faiza Publishers.
  4. Women's Rights in Islam. Muhammad Sharif Chaudhry, Pub: Sh.Mohammad Ashraf.
  5. Finding our way.
  6. Readings on women in Pakistan.
  7. Edited by Fareeha Zafar, ASR Publications.
  8. Metropolitan women in Pakistan.
  9. Sabba Hafiz, Royal Book Co.
  10. Women in Third World Development. Sue Ellev M. Charltom. Westview Press.
  11. Women and Power in History, Amaury de. Riencourt Sterling Pub.
  12. Situation Analysis of Children and Women in Pakistan. UNICEF
  13. Situation Analysis of Children and Women in Pakistan. UNICEF Report.
  14. State of world children
  15. Progress of the Nation - UNICEF.

MCM532: Magazine journalism

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Evolution of print journalism, Print Journalism in Foreign Countries, Print Journalism in sub continent, Development in magazine journalism, History of magazine journalism, Factors Influencing Magazine, Journalism, Magazines, Types of magazines, Journal and its types, Muslim Press in areas forming Pakistan, Development of Press in Pakistan, New Print Technology, Qualities of Magazine Editor, Duties of Magazine Editor, Ethics of Magazine Editor, Editing Process, The Magazine Design, Importance of design in magazines, Interviews, Feature Writing, Article Writing, Photographic Journalism in Magazines, The impact of new technology, Ethics of Photo Journalism, Picture Editing, Editing technique, Picture Caption, Copy Editing, Common Copy Edits, Caption Writing, Responsibility of sub editor, Interaction with other departments, Responsible of Cover, Audit Bureau of Circulation, Audit Procedure, Assessment of news print requirement, Subediting and Production, Monitoring standards, Proofs, The Production Schedule, Consumer Magazine, Feature, Opinion columns, Content of Children Magazines, The business of Magazine, Publishing, Circulation.

Recommended Books

  1. Severin, Werner J.,Tankard, ,James W.(1992).Communication theories:Origins,Methods,And Uses in the Mass Media.NY:Longman
  2. Prabhakar, Nawal: Media and Communication in the Global, Commonwealth. 1998.
  3. Uma, Joshi: Textbook of Mass Communication, New Delhi. 1999.
  4. James, Wilson: Mass Media / Mass Culture, New York. 1998.
  5. UNESCO: World Communication Report, UNESCO. 1997.
  6. Philo, Greg: Media and Mental Distress, New York. 1996.
  7. Angela, Bell: Advanced Level Media, New York. 1999.
  8. Annabelle: Media in Global Context -A reader. New York. 1997.
  9. Joseph, Dominick: The Dynamics of Mass’ Communication, New York. 1999.
  10. Barrett, Edward: Contextual Media, London. 1995.
  11. Jadish, Vacherie: Media Politic and Ownership, New Delhi. 1999.
  12. Defunct/Denis: Understanding Mass Communication, New York. 1998.
  13. Gamble, Michael W.: Introducing Mass Communication, New York. 1989.
  14. J. S., Yadava: Issues in Mass Communication, New Delhi. 1998.
  15. Hanson: Visual Media Communication, N. Delhi. 2001.
  16. Dennis: Media Debates, London. 1996.
  17. Bell: Approaches to media Discourse, U.K. 1998.
  18. Dinnes, Maquaill: Mass Communication Theory, New Delhi. 1987

MCM601: Media management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction, Mass Media, Management, Media Strategy, Steps of Media Strategy, Alternative media, Advertising, Types of Advertising, The function of media management in Advertising, Media Ethics, Areas of media ethics, Context of media ethics, Media Bias, Types of media bias, Tools for measuring media bias, The continuing evolution of media technology, The rise of the new technology, Social consequences and new technology, Organizations of mass media, Electronic media, Print media, Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority Rules (PEMRA), Prohibition of broadcasts, Suspension of the license, Electronic media management, Television station management, Cable TV management, Newspapers: The medium and its makers, Magazines: Forums, Functions, Radio Broadcasting, Management systems, Recordings, The media as business, Ownership and FCC, The influence of networks, Researching the mass media, Media Research: Approaches, Public Relations, The public relations practitioner, Communication and Public Relations, Mass media and Governance, Media influences on society and culture.

Recommended Books

  1. Media studies essentials introduction:-- Philip Rayner, peer Wall, Stephen Kruger
  2. Media Promotion & marketing:-- Susan tylor east man ,Duglas
  3. Mass media and media challenge:-- .K Joseph
  4. Media Law:-- Wyne overbeck
  5. The media of mass communication:-- John Vivian

MCM604: International Communication

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

The historical context of international communication, Communication and empire, Advent of the popular media, The cold war-from communist propaganda to capitalist persuasion, International communication and development, Approaches to theorizing international communication, Cultural studies perspective on international communication, Theories of the information society, Discourses of globalization, A critical political-economy for the twenty-first century, Creating a global communication infrastructure, The privatization of telecommunication, Liberalization of the telecom sector, The world of telecommunication, Implication of a liberalized global communication regime, The global media marketplace, Convergence, Global trade in media products, Global news and information, network, Setting the global news agenda, Communication and cultural globalization, Concerns for cultural diversity, Regionalization and localization in the media market, Contra flow in global media, Seeing the big world on a small screen, Global culture’s discontent, Global counter flow of television, International communication in the internet age, The dawn of the internet age, From a ‘free flow of information’ to ‘free flow of commerce’ Case study: The Microsoft monopoly; The internet as political tool, Media actors and the NWICO, The Clash of Civilizations, Media and cultural imperialism, Media and foreign policy Role of media in the formulation of foreign policy, Muslim Portray On Western, Muslim Media on Western Media, International Communication in the Internet Age, International Communication – Continuity and Change

Recommended Books

  1. Watson, J. 2003. The Global Arena: Issues of Dominance and control in media Communication: An introduction to theory and process, New York. Palgrane Macmillan.
  2. Luii, J. 2000. Globalization and cultural territory in Media,

MCM610: Mass Communication – Law & Ethics

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Need of laws and code of ethics to regulate media, Code of ethics for journalists and other media professionals, Media Ethics Islamic and Western perspective, western code of Ethics, Absolute vs. Responsible Freedom, Ethics in Public relation, Ethics in Advertising, Constitution & freedom of speech & expression, Evolution of press laws with special reference to Sub continent & Pakistan, Press laws in Pakistan, Media Laws, Objectives of law, Relation between press & law, Copyright Act, Recent Development, Contemporary trends in the law of copyright, Concept of intellectual property right, Application for registration in Pakistan, Contempt of court, Defamation Laws, Laws pertaining to Electronic media in Pakistan, PEMRA, Media control through PEMRA, Amendment to laws regulating electronic media

Recommended Books

  1. Media Laws & Regulations in Pakistan, Javed Jabbar & Qazi, Faiz Isa (Compliers), AMIC, Singapore, 1997
  2. Media ethics , Cases and moral Reasoning, Seventh edition, Clifford G. Christians
  3. Dennis, Defleur. (2000).Introduction to Mass Communication. Boston:Houghton Miffin Co.
  4. Hassan, Jawad. & Hadi, Syed Ali. (2004).Media and the Mass Communications Laws of Pakistan.Lahore:Book biz.

MGMT510: Total Quality management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Why Focus on Quality? Total Quality Management, Total Organization Excellence and Systems Thinking, Integrating People and Processes for Performance, RATER for Products, Services and Artifacts. Fundamentals of Total Quality, Globally Accepted Principles of Total Quality and Need of New Strategy for Global Competitiveness, Bringing Quality through Discussions and Meetings about Planning for Quality, Leaders in Quality Revolution and Defining Quality, Taguchi Loss Function and Quality, WTO, Shifting Focus of Corporate Culture and Organizational Models, Historical View and Paradigms of Quality. Philosophies of Crosby, Juran, Ishikawa and Taguchi, the Evolution of Quality Approaches, Deming Chain Reaction, Quality and, Productivity and SIPOC Model of Quality, Evolution of Quality Management and Hierarchy of Q, Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge, 14 Points of Deming Philosophy, Deming Cycle and The Juran Quality, Juran and Crosby concept on Quality. Quality is Free, Crosby’s Costs of Quality, Costs of Quality and Return on Quality, Overview of Total Quality Approaches, and Business Excellence Models. BQA, EFQM(EQA) and International ISO-9000 QMS, Designing Organizations for Quality, ISO 9001(2000) and ISO 9004(2000), a Consistent Pair for Total Quality, Developing ISO 9001(2000) QMS for Q Certification:ISO-9001 QMS, Documentation @ Clause No.4, ISO-9001(2000) QMS: Clause #5, Management Responsibility, ISO-9001(2000) QMS: Clause #6, Resources Management, ISO-9001(2000) QMS: Clause #7, Product Realization and Customer Related Processes, ISO-9001(2000) QMS: Clause #7, Control of Production and Services, Production and service operations, ISO-9001(2000) QMS: Clause # 8
Measurement, Analysis and, Improvement, Preventive and Corrective Actions, Benefits and Barriers in Installing ISO-9001 QMS, Creating Business Excellence in Pakistani Organizations, Control Mechanisms for Creating Quality at Strategic , Tactical and Big Q and Small q. Leadership for Quality, Strategic Planning for Quality and New Management Advanced Quality Planning Tools, Hoshin Kanri and Policy Deployment. Balance Scorecards, QFD and other Improvement Tools. Implementing a TQ Strategy, Basic SQC improvement Tools, Analysis: How is TQ being implemented? A Dialogue with a Multinational Manufacturing Company Quality Manager, Cause and Effect Model and Run, Charts for Quality Improvement? Understanding SPC for Continual Quality Improvement, SPC with Examples, Statistical Thinking for Process Improvement to bring Quality in Products and Services, An Interview of the CEO, Head IT, HR, and Quality Engineering of a CMMI Level 5 Pakistani IT Company, Importance of Teamwork Culture for TQM, Understanding Empowerment for TQM. Focusing on Customer Suppliers Relationships, Innovation, Knowledge Management and Learning Organization.

Recommended Books

  1. Evan, J R and Dean, J W (2005) Total Quality Management, Organization and Strategy, 4th edition, Southwestern Publishing, USA
  2. Evans J R and Lindsay, W M (2004) The Management and Control of Quality, 6th edition, Southwestern Publishing, USA
  3. Westcott, R T (2006) The Certified Manager of Quality / Organizational Excellence Handbook, 3rd edition, ASQ Quality Press, USA

MGMT630: Knowledge Management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Managing intangible resources and knowledge workers, Dynamics and interconnected nature of 21st century globe, Forces shaping the future and mega trends, Managerial considerations for the internet generation workers, customers Knowledge characteristics and its management for knowledge based marketing, Framework with new structure, strategies and enabling Info Com Technology for knowledge based work, Historical shifts in world economies and role of knowledge and intelligence, Strategic corporate assets of a 3rd millennium organization, business sense making and knowledge characteristics, Perspectives of Knowledge Management (KM) and forces driving KM, Knowledge hierarchy: From data and information to knowledge and wisdom, Extracting gold from data; Understanding conversion of data into knowledge, Understanding national data for analysis and decision/policy making, Knowledge hierarchy ; individual vs organization, Dimensions of human knowledge, tree of knowledge, Dimensions of and multiple views of KM in organizations, How KM impacts organizations ?, Three schools of thought and approaches to KM. Economic school approach , Knowledge levers and KVA, Economic School; K measurements. IC model and KM, Measures of IC Model, Skandia Navigator, Knowledge Market Assets and Human capital accounting model in an IT firm. KVA Case study, Sveiby’s Intangible asset monitor, Balanced score card and KM. Skyrme’s IC measurement approach. Stock, Flow and Growth strategy for knowledge. Knowledge based value chain, SCM, CRM and knowledge exchange. The Organizational School of thought in KM, Nonaka’s SECI management process of knowledge transfer/creation in organizations and role of Explicit and Tacit knowledge, Four stages of SECI process, Knowledge spiral and sustained advantage. Organizational, Managerial and Technical support for SECI process, Enablers of SECI process, Process approach to KM and ICT functional support, Organizational issues in managing knowledge and knowledge
workers. What is a knowledge worker? Personality and Professional attributes. Core competencies, personal development, learning by knowledge worker and by organization, Overview of KM solutions. KM processes of Creation/Discovery, Capture, Sharing and Application, 31 KM systems and mechanisms, KM Technologies and KM infrastructure for KM solutions, Knowledge architecture , internet and E-world, Corporate intranet, extranet and knowledge exchange. KM systems and technical layers, KM systems and Life cycle approach, KM system justification and Feasibility issues. Aligning KM strategy with business strategy. Implementation issues and resistance, Capturing Tacit knowledge, Tiered KM Model for knowledge elicitation. Knowledge Sharing and Transfer system, Corporate Memory. Types of Knowledge Repositories. Lessons learned systems. Expertise locator system, Knowledge Communities. Role of internet in sharing among community members. Prerequisites and inhibitors during knowledge transfer. Knowledge sharing structure and comparison of commercially available packaged KM applications, Knowledge Application systems. Information islands, CRM and role of various communities, Community of Practice and Issues driven community. New Product development and role of communities. Communities of learning and virtual community, Human learning and Organizational learning. What is a learning organization? Single, double and triple loop of learning. Characteristics of a learning organization., Five leaning disciplines to become a learning organization. Knowledge Markets and the Future of Knowledge Management, UN global compact program and need for investing into various capitals including Human and Knowledge Capital (Sach’s Model of Enlightened Globalization).

Recommended Books

  1. Creating the Discipline of Knowledge Management; M. Stankosky, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, USA (2005)
  2. Thinking for a Living; Thomas H. Davenport, Harvard Business School Press, USA (2005)
  3. Knowledge Management; Elias M Awad and Hassan M. Ghaziri, Pearson Education ,Singapore (2004)
  4. Essentials of Knowledge Management,; Bryan Bergeron, John Wiley and Sons, USA(2003)
  5. Measuring and Managing Knowledge; McGraw Hill, USA (2001)
  6. Knowledge Networking; David J. Skyrme, Butterworth Heinemann, USA (1999)
  7. The Knowledge Creating Company; Nonaka, I. & Takeuchi, H., Oxford University Press ,USA (1995)
  8. Knowledge Management Challenges, Solutions, and Technologies Irma Becerra-Fernandez, Avelino Gonzalez, Rajiv Sabherwal , Prentice Hall, USA (2004)
  9. The Fifth Discipline Field book ; Peter M. Senge, Doubleday Inc., USA (1994)

MGT211: Introduction to Business

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Business, Nature and Scope of Business, Objectives of Business, trade, commerce & industry, Organizational Boundaries & Environment, Types of Business Organizations, Forms of Business Organizations, Proprietorship, Partnership, Types of Partnership, Partnership Agreement, Registration and non registered firms, Rights of Partners, Dissolution of Partnership, Joint Stock Company, Advantages and disadvantages of Joint stock Company, Kinds of Joint Stock Company, Legal Documents of the Joint Stock Company, Kinds of Share Capital, Company Meetings, Winding up of Company, Cooperative Society, Management Processes, Human Resource Management, Staffing, Employee’s Training, Business Managers Responsibility Profile, Compensation and benefits, Psychological Contracts, Strategies for enhancing job satisfaction, Managerial styles and leadership, What is marketing?, The marketing environment, The marketing mix, Marketing research , Learning experiences of students, Insight of Consumer Behavior, The Distribution Mix, Physical Mix, Introduction of Promotion, Planning Process, Total Quality Management ,Transaction Processing time, Non verbal Communication, Accounting Information system, Tools of accounting trade, The Role of Financial Manager.

Recommended Books

  1. “Introduction to Business” By Rocky W. Griffin, Ronald J Ebert 7th edition
  2. Muhammad Irshad, Introduction to Business, Naveed Publications Lahore.
  3. Khalid Mehmood Cheema, Introduction to Business, Syed Mobin Mahmood & Company. Lahore.
  4. Asakari Zaidi S.A. Fundamentals of Business. Orient Publishers, Karachi.

MGT301: Principles of Marketing

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction, Core Marketing Concepts, Marketing Functions & Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Marketing Historical Prospective Changes in Consumer Behavior, Marketing Challenges in 21 Century, Porter’s 5 Forces Model of Competition, Strategic Planning and Marketing Process, Marketing Process Continued & Portfolio Management, Marketing Process Continued and Analyzing Opportunities, Marketing Environment Micro Environment, Macro Environment, Marketing Information System (MIS), Marketing Research, Consumer Buying Behavior, Business Markets and Buying Behavior, Market Segmentation, Marketing Mix, Product (The 1st P), New Product Development and PLC, Pricing Approaches & Considerations (2nd P), Pricing Strategies, Price Adjustment and Price Changes, Distribution Channels (3rd P The Place), Logistics Management, Retailing and Wholesaling, Marketing Communication (4th P, The Promotion), Advertising & Sales Promotion, Selecting advertising media, Personal Selling, Sales Force Management, Direct, Public Relations (PR), Creating Competitive Advantage, Global Marketing, E – Marketing, Marketing and Society, Marketing in a Glance

Recommended Books

  1. Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, 2005. Principles of Marketing. (11th Edition) Prentice –Hall Inc.
  2. William J. Stanton, Michael J. Etzel and Bruce J. Walker. 2005, Fundamentals of Marketing. (8th Edition) Mcgraw Hill Inc.
  3. Joel R. Evans and Barry Berman, 2004. Marketing (9th Edition) Atomic Dog Publishing

MGT401: Financial Accounting II

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introductionto Corporate Business Entities , Types of Companies, their formation and meetings, Relationship between Companies , An Overview of Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements, Fixed Assets Recording and Disclosures, Recording and Presentation of other Non-Current Assets, Inventories, Presentation of Assets side in Balance Sheet, Measurement and disclosure of Investments and Long Term Advances and Deposits, Share Capital and Equity, Long Term Liabilities, Leases, Finance lease and Operating lease, Current Liabilities, Contingent Liabilities and Assets, Events after Balance Sheet Date, Preparation and Presentation of Profit and Loss Account, Earning Per Share, Preparation and Presentation of Cash Flow Statement.

Recommended Books

  1. International Accounting Standards (IAS)
  2. The Companies Ordinance 1984

MGT402: Cost & Management Accounting

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction, Financial Statements, Costing of Material, Costing of Labor, Costing of Factory overhead, Job order costing, Process Costing, Valuation of Joint and By product, Marginal and Absorption Costing, Cost Volume Profit Analysis, Budgeting, Decision Making.

Recommended Books

  1. Cost Accounting by Sohail Afzal.
  2. Cost Accounting by Matz & Usury 7th edition.

MGT411: Money and Banking

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Five Core Principles of Money and Banking, Compensation, Savers to Borrowers, Money & the Payment System, Other Forms of Payments, Financial Intermediaries, Instruments, Financial Instruments & Financial Markets, Financial Institutions, Time Value of Money, application of Present Value Concepts, Bond Pricing & Risk, Measuring Risk, Diversification, Bonds & Bonds Pricing “Money, Banking, Bonds & Sources of Bond Risk, PACRA, Tax Effect & Term Structure of Interest Rate, The Liquidity Premium Theory, Common Stocks, Valuing Stocks, Role of Financial Intermediaries, Balance Sheet of Commercial Banks, Interest Rate Risk, Non- Depository Institutions, Consequences of Runs, Central Bank Meeting the Challenge: Creating a Successful Central Bank, Composition of the Balance Sheet, The Portfolio Demand for Money, Monet Growth, Inflation and Aggregate Demand, Rate and the Monetary Policy, Reaction Curve, Deriving the Monetary Policy, Equilibrium and the Determination of Output and Inflation.

Recommended Books

  1. “The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets” by Fredrick S. Mishkin 7th Edition Addison Wesley Longman Publishers
  2. “Principles of Money, Banking and Financial Markets” by Lawrence S. Ritter, Willaim L. Silber and Gregory F. Udell, Addison Wesley Longman Publishers
  3. “Money, the Financial System and the Economy” by R. Glenn Hubbard
  4. “Money, Banking, International Trade & Public Finance” Revised & Enlarged Edition by M. L. Jhingan

MGT501: Human Resource management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction, Essentials of Management Handouts, Organization and components of Organization, People and Their Behavior, Individual Vs. Group Behavior, Functions and Environment Of Human Resource Management, Line and Staff Aspects of HRM, Legal Context of HR, Human Resource Strategic Planning and HRIS, Job Analysis, Job Analysis, Job Analysis, Sources of Recruitment, Selection, Selection Tests, Selection Process, Socialization, Training and Development, Maximizing Learning, Career Management, Performance, Performance Appraisal, Job evaluation and Pricing, Compensation System, Benefits, Role of Money in Performance of Employees, Motivation, Occupation, Health & Safety, Stress, Communication in Organization, Trade, Conflict and Negotiation, Power and Politics, Employee Rights and Discipline, Leadership

Recommended Books

  1. DeCenzo and Robbins (2000), Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (8th edition), John Wiley & Sons.
  2. Dessler, Gary (2005), Human Resource Management (10th edition), Prentice Hall.
  3. Robbins & Coulter, Management (7th edition), Prentice Hall, Inc. & National Book Foundation, Pakistan.
  4. Robbins, Organizational Behavior (7th edition), Pearson/ Prentice Hall

MGT502: Organizational Behavior

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Organizational Behavior, Organizations: The Important Component, Understanding The Basics of Human Behavior, Individual Differences: Abilities and Performance, Understanding the Values, Attitudes at Work, Personality, Emotions and Mood, Perception, Motivation, Reward Systems, Foundations of Group Behavior, Understanding Teams, Group Decision Making, Communication, Leadership Theories and Application, Power and Politics, Conflict and Negotiation, Foundations of Organizational Structure, Organizational Design, Work Design And Technology, Human Resource Policies and Practices, Organizational Culture, Organizational Change, Change Management, Organizational Development, Stress and Managing Stress, Future directions in Organizations, International Dimensions of OB

Recommended Books

  1. Organizational Behavior by Stephen P. Robbins
  2. Behavior in Organizations by J. Greenberg and R. A. Baron
  3. Organizational Behavior by Fred Luthens
  4. Understanding Organizational Behavior, by Debra L. Nelson and James Campbell Quick
  5. Any other book on this subject available in the market

MGT503: Principles of Management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Historical overview of Management, Management & Managers, Managerial Roles in Organization, Managerial Functions, I.E. POLCA, Managerial Levels & Skills, Management Ideas: Yesterday & Today, Classical View of Management, Administrative View of Management, Behavioral Theories of Management, The Hawthorne Studies, Quantitative , Contemporary & Emerging Views of management, Analyzing Organizational Environment & Understanding Organizational Culture, Nature and Types Of Managerial Decisions, Group Decision Making & Creativity, Planning & Decision Aids, Management By Objective, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship management, Job design & departmentalization, Span of command, centralization VS decentralization & Line VS staff authority, Maslow’s needs theory & its analysis, Other need & cognitive theories of motivation, Expectancy, goal setting & reinforcement theories, professionals leadership trait theories, Behavioral and situational models of leadership, Leadership behavior styles, Strategic leadership models, Understanding group dynamics in organizations, Group concepts, stages of group development and Team effectiveness, Understanding managerial communication, Communication networks and channels Effect on managerial communication, Controlling as a management function, Controlling organizational performance Through productivity and quality.

Recommended Books

  1. Robbins, Stephen and Coulter, Mary Management 7th Ed, Prentice Hall Inc. 2002
  2. Bartol, Kathryn and Martin, David Management: 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill Inc.2003

FIN624: Islamic Mode of Financing

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Islamic financial system, Comparison of Islamic Economic system with capitalism and socialism, Riba, Its Prohibition and Classifications, Musharakah, Issues Relating to Musharakah, Mudarabah, Diminishing Musharakah, Applications of Islamic Financing, Murabaha, Islamic Law of Ijara (Leasing) in Modern Financial System, Salam and Istisna in Modern Financial System, Principles of Sharia governing Islamic Investment funds and joint stock companies, Islamic Insurance (Takaful) Products

Recommended Books

  1. Meezan Bank Guide to Islamic Banking By Dr. Imran Ashraf Usmani
  2. Introduction to Islamic Finance By Justice Mufti Taqi Usmani

MGT520: International Business

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to The Field of International Business, Modes of International Business, An Overview of International Business, Globalization, National Differences in Political Economy, Differences in Culture, International Trade Theory, The Political Economy of International Trade, GATT And WTO, Foreign Direct Investment, The Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment, Regional Economic Integration, Foreign Exchange Market, International Marketing, International Marketing Export & Import, Export, Import, FDI, International Business & Pakistan

Recommended Books

  1. International Business by Charles, W. L. Hill

MGT601: SME Management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

History, definition and regional concepts of SMEs, Characteristics of small business, The Regional Concept of SMEs, The Role of Entrepreneurship in SMEs, Kinds o Entrepreneurs, Their Role and Functions in an Enterprise, Small Entrepreneurs in Pakistan and Role Of SMEs in Global and Regional Level, The Development of SMEs in Pakistan, Government Efforts Towards SMEs Development, The Role of NGOs, Government and SME, Continuation of Defining the Issues for Making a SME Policy, The Start up Process of a Small Enterprise, Venture Opportunities, Problems Faced by Newly Established Company, Post and Field Problems Faced by a New Enterprise, A new Enterprise Guidelines for approaching Lenders, The prerequisite for approaching a lender, Business Plan for a working Capital Facility, Types of Collaterals/guarantees /assets and pledge techniques for security, Negotiating Position Aspects of Financial Management, Recruitment, Selection and Training in SMEs, Training & Development, Needs in Small Business, Role of marketing in SMEs, SME in Developing Countries, Export Potential of SME in Developing Countries, WTO Agreement, General Agreement on Trade in service (GATS), Pakistan and WTO, WTO conclusions and recommendations

Recommended Books

  1. Entrepreneurship & Small Industries by Dr CL Bansal
  2. Small Industries and the developing Economy in India by RV Rao
  3. Small Enterprises in Developing Countries by Dr Asghar S.Nasir

MGT602: Entrepreneurship

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

The nature and importance of entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial decision process, types of start-ups, entrepreneurial process, managerial versus entrepreneurial decision making, corporate versus entrepreneurial culture, entrepreneurial leadership characteristics, entrepreneurial feelings, entrepreneurial background and characteristics, role models and support systems, the nature of international entrepreneurship, direct foreign investment, barriers to international trade, entrepreneurial partnering, sources of new ideas, methods of generating new ideas, product planning and development process, e-commerce and, business start-up and growth, what is intellectual property? How to select a lawyer, legal issues for the entrepreneur, creating and starting the venture, creating and starting the venture, the marketing plan, the organizational plan, the organizational plan, the organizational plan, the financial plan operating and capital budgets, the financial plan: operating and capital, sources of capital, capital sources in Pakistan, preparing for the new venture launch: record keeping, preparing for the new venture launch, new venture expansion strategies and issues, acquisitions, new venture expansion strategies and issues, mergers, entrepreneurship & Pakistan

Recommended Books

  1. Entrepreneurship by Robert D. Hisrich, 6th edition
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter F. Drucker

MGT603: Strategic management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

The Nature of Strategic Management, Key terms in strategic management, Internal factors & long term goals, Benefits of Strategic Management, Comprehensive strategic model, Characteristics of Mission Statement, External Assessment, Key External Forces, Technological Forces, Industry Analysis, IFE Matrix, Functions of Management, Functions of Marketing, Internal Assessment, Analytical Tools, Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix, Types of Strategies, Strategy Formulation, Framework Threats, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Strengths ( TOWS ) Matrix, Strategic Position and Action, Evaluation ( SPACE ) Matrix, Boston Consulting Group ( BCG ) Matrix, Grand Strategy Matrix, Nature of Strategy implementation, Resource Allocation, Organizational Structure, Restructuring, Production/Operations, Concerns When Implementing Strategies, Market Segmentation, Finance/Accounting issues, Research and Development issues, Strategy Review, Evaluation and Control, Porter Supply Chain Model, Strategy Evaluation, Reviewing Bases of Strategy, Measuring organizational Performance

Recommended Books

  1. Strategic Management Concepts and Cases By FRED R. DAVID Ninth edition (Prentice Hall International, Inc.)
  2. Strategic management By Arnold c. Hax

MGT604: Management of Financial Institutions

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Financial Environment, Types of Financial Institution, Role of Central Bank, Policy Instruments, Role of Central Bank, State Bank of Pakistan, State Bank of Pakistan Various Departments, State bank of Pakistan – various departments, Major drivers of financial industry, International financial institutions, Pakistan economic aid & debt, Increasing foreign direct investment, Role of commercial banks, Role of commercial banks in micro finance sector, Mutual funds, Role of Investment Banks, Letter of Credit and International Trade, Foreign Exchange & Financial Institutions, Leasing Companies, The Leasing Sector in Pakistan and its Role in Capital Investment, Role of Insurance Companies, Role of financial Institutions in Agriculture Sector, Can Government of Pakistan Lay a Pivotal Role in this Sector? Financial Crimes, DFIs & Risk Management, Banking Fraud & Misleading Activities, The Collapse of ENRON, Classic financial scandals

Recommended Books

  1. Foreign Exchange (October 2006), International Financial Services, London.
  2. Triennial Central Bank Survey (March 2005), Bank for International Settlements.
  3. Foreign Exchange (October 2006), International Financial Services, London.
  4. Investment Companies. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Retrieved on 2006-04-11.
  5. Princeton Alumni Weekly article on pioneering work of John Bogle '51.
  6. Frequently Asked Questions about Bond Mutual Funds. Investment Company Institute. Retrieved on 2006-04-11.

MGT610: Business Ethics

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction, Theory of Ethical Relativism , Moral Developments and Moral Reasoning, Moral Reasoning, Moral Responsibility and Blame, Utilitarianism Universalizability & Reversibility, Egalitarians’ View, John Rawls' Theory of Justice, The Ethics of Care, Morality in International Contexts, Free Market & Planned Economy, Law of Nature, Free Markets and Utility: Adam Smith, Ricardo & Globalization, Free Market Economy, Competition and the Market, Perfect Competition, Monopoly Competition, Oligopolistic Competition, Oligopolies and Public Policy, Ethics & the Environment, The Ethics of Pollution Control Remedies, Costs and Benefits, Ethics of Care-Utility and Conservation, The Ethics of Consumer - Production and Marketing, Consumers & Information, Contractual theory of business, The Due Care Theory, Advertising Ethics, Advertising Ethics, Types of advertising, Inform or Persuade - Some Theoretical Issues, Galbraith Vs. von Hayek, Advertising and Self-Regulation, Advertisers’ Deception, Ethics of Job discrimination.

Recommended Books

  1. BUSINESS ETHICS (5th, Edition) Pearson Prentice hall publication By Manuel G. Valasquez.
  2. George Chryssides and John Kaler, Essential of Business Ethics. McGraw- Hill London 1996.
  3. O.C. Ferrell & John Fraedrich. Ethical Decision Making and Cases, New York Houghton Mifflin.

MGT611: Business & Labor Laws

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Scope of Law and Legal System of Pakistan, Law of Contract (Contract Act, 1872), Law of Partnership (Partnership Act, 1932), Law relating to companies (Companies ordinance, 1984), Law of negotiable instruments, Law relating to transfer of property (property act 1932), Law relating to sales of goods and Carriage of goods by different modes, Law of trust, Law of insurance, Labor laws

Recommended Books

  1. Business Law by Khalid Mahmood Cheema, revised edition (2007)
  2. Business Laws by Luqman Baig
  3. Mercantile Law by Luqman Baig
  4. The Contract Act, 1872 by Shaukat Mahmood, 7th edition (2006)
  5. Transfer of Property Act by Shaukat Mahmood, 4th edition (2006)

MKT501: Marketing Management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Benchmark of Marketing, Customer Experience Management, Marketing, Orientation, Influence of Marketing Environment, Marketing Decisions, Marketing Plan, Strategic Marketing Planning, Product, Product Life Cycle (PLC), New product Development (NPD), Consumer Adoption Process, Packaging and labeling, Brand Management, Price, Pricing Objective, Penetration Pricing, Price Discrimination, Portfolio Management, Promotion, Advertising, Mind Share, Television commercials, Sales and Selling techniques, Negotiation, Sales force management, Publicity, Public Relation & Corporation Image, Distribution Channels, Supply chain management (SCM), Wholesaling, Retailing, Consumer Behavior, SWOT Analysis, Market Research

Recommended Books

  1. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management
  2. Philip Kotler, Principle of Marketing

MKT610: Customer Relationship Management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction and Overview, Purposes of CRM, Customer Service Facilitation, History of customer services, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Complaints and its Handling, Implementation of CRM, How to construct CRM program? Analytical CRM, Improving Customer Relationships, General Tips for Customers Satisfaction, Customer Service Training workshop, Strategic Management, Implementation of Strategic Management, Why Strategic Management Plans Fail? Specific Skills for CRM, Customer Retention, Customer Loyalty, Types of Loyalty, Why Do Customers Defect? Public Relations, CRM- ONE- to-One Marketing to the Next Level, Applying Customer Relationship Management, Understanding the Basic Concepts of CRM, CRM Functions, CRM-Based Marketing and Sales, Personalizing Website, An Insight into CRM and e CRM, Electronic Customer Relationship Management, Applications and Objectives of CRM, Introduction and Objectives of A CRM Process, Customer Relationship Management, Feature of Good CRM, Customers' Expectations, What Do Customer Want and the Appeal That We Can Make? Specific Appeals That Can Be Made, how a customer decides or accepts? Handling A Difficult Customer? CRM and Communication, Achieving Effective CRM

Recommended Books

  1. Customer Relationship Management by Judith W.Kincaid, Customer Relationship Management by H.Peeru Mohamed

MGT613: Production / Operations Management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Production and Production, Operations Management, Meanings of Competitiveness, Strategy and Productivity, Distinctive Competencies, Productivity, The Decision Process, Forecasting, Time Series Forecasts, Product and Service Design, Design Strategies, Reliability, Capacity Planning, Process Selection, Layout, Design of Work Systems, Importance of Location, Management of Quality, Service Quality, Total Quality Management, Quality Control & Quality Assurance, Acceptance Sampling, Aggregate Planning, Inventory Management, MRP / ERP, Just In Time Production Systems, Supply Chain Management, Scheduling, Sequencing, Project Management, Waiting Lines

Recommended Books

  1. Foundations of Operation Management by Larry P. Ritzman and Lee J. Krajewski (2003/2006 Edition Prantice Hall) for Undergraduates
  2. Production Operations Management by William J. Stevenson (7/8th edition McGraw Hill) for Graduates.

MKT621: Advertising & Promotion

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Advertising, Advertising and Society, Marketing Tools, Role and Functions of Advertising, Advertising Planning, Positioning, Advertising Message, Advertising Budget, Advertising Reach, Pre – Placement Evaluation, Working of Advertising, Advertising Response Hierarchy Models, Problem Solving Strategies, Consumer Behavior, Creativity in Advertising, Copy Writer, Methods to Appreciate a Problem, Important Tool of Advertising, Online Advertising, Sales Promotion, Publicity, Marketing Environment, Marketing Plan, How to be Good Clients, Client – Agency Relationship, Advertising without an Agency, Newspaper Advertising, Other Advertising Media, Utility of Various Media, Continuous Tracking, Seasonal Advertising, Components of Advertising, Criticism on Advertising, Effect of Advertising, Creating Effective Design

Recommended Books

  1. William D. Wells, Sandra Moriarty, and John Burnett, ADVERTISING: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE, Prentice Hall.
  2. Rajeev Batra, John G. Myers, and David A. Aaker, ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT, Prentice Hall
  3. Russell, Lane, KLEPPNER’S ADVERTISING PROCEDURE, Prentice Hall.

MKT624: Brand Management

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Understanding brands introduction, Brand manifestations/ fundamentals, Brand challenges, Strategic brand management, Brand vision, Building brand vision, Brand picture, Brand persona, Brand contract, Brand based customer model, Positioning, Brand extension, Line extension, Brand extension/diversification, Positioning – the base of extension, Developing the model of brand extension, Brand portfolio, Brand architecture, Brand architecture and channels of distribution, Creating value, Co-branding, Customer response hierarchy, Advertising, Sales promotions, Other communication tools, Pricing, Return on brand investment – ROBI, Brand dynamics, Brand – based organization, Service brands, Brand planning, Brand planning process, Brand plan.

Recommended Books

  1. The New Strategic Brand Management by J N Kapferer.
  2. Brand Asset Management by Scot M. Davis.

MKT630: International Marketing

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Overview of International Marketing, International Marketing Process, Engaging in International Markets, International Trade & investment Theories, International Marketing Information Requirements, Foreign National Environments, Role of Governments in International Markets, International Cultural and Social Environments, Determining Export Potential in International Markets, International Marketing Research Process, Modes of Entry into International Markets, International Strategic Alliances, International Consumer Markets, International Business Markets, International Target Marketing, International Market Segmentation, International Marketing Mix - Product Policy, Introducing New Products in international Markets, Pricing in International Markets, International Marketing Channels, Promoting in International Markets

Recommended Books

  1. International Marketing by Philip R. Cateora
  2. Global Marketing by Warren Keegan

PSC201: International Relations

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to International, Relations Theories in IR, Approaches to IR, Nation- State System, National Interest, Balance of Power (BOP), Diplomacy, Colonialism, Neo-colonialism, Imperialism, New International Economic World Order, Non-Alignment Movement, Cold War and its Impacts, Disarmament and Arms Control, International Law, International Organizations, Role of Decision Making in IR, System Approach to IR, Liberalism and Social Democracy, Integration in IR, Globalization and its Implication, The Global divide, Focus on Foreign Investments, Conflict & Conflict Resolution, Global Environment, How IR differ from domestic politics, Change and IR.

Recommended Books

  1. Dr Sultan Khan, A Study of International Relations (Lahore: Famous Books Ltd, 1999)
  2. Columbus, Theodore, Introduction to International Relations: Power and Justice, New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 1992
  3. Goldstine, Josha, International Relation, Washington DC: Pearson Education, 2003

PSY101: Introduction to Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Historical Roots of Modern Psychology, Schools of Thought, Perspective/Model/Approach, Psychodynamic Approach/ Model, Behavioral Approach, The Humanistic Approach and the Cognitive Approach, Research Methods in Psychology, Physical Development and Nature Nurture, Cognitive Development, Nervous System, Endocrine System, Sensation, Hearing (Audition) and Balance, Perception, Altered States of Consciousness, Learning, Operant Conditioning, Cognitive Approach, Memory, Emotions, Cognition and Thinking, Thinking, Reasoning, Problem- Solving and Creativity, Personality, Intelligence, Psychopathology, Abnormal Behavior, Psychotherapy, Popular Areas of Psychology, Health Psychology, Consumer Psychology, Sport Psychology, Forensic Psychology

Recommended Books

  1. Feldman, R. S. (2005). Understanding Psychology. (7th ed.) Boston: McGraw- Hill
  2. Gerow,J.R. (1997). Psychology: an introduction. (5th ed.). New York: Longman.
  3. Zimbardo, P.G., & Gerrig, R.J. (1996). Psychology and Life. (14th ed.). Harper Collins College Publishers.

PSY401: Clinical Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Mental health today: a quick look of the picture, the skills & activities of a clinical psychologist, how a clinical psychologist thinks, historical overview of clinical psychology, history of clinical psychology, how clinical psychologists became involved in treatment, models of training in clinical psychology, current issues in clinical psychology, ethical standards for clinical psychologists, the role of research in clinical psychology, the research process, the concept of abnormal behavior & mental illness, causes of mental illness: overview of etiology, the process of diagnosis, the concept of psychological assessment in clinical psychology, the clinical interview, the assessment of intelligence, intelligence tests, the use and abuse of psychological testing, the projective personality tests, the observational assessment and its types, the behavioral assessment through interviews, inventories and check lists, the process and accuracy of clinical judgment, methods of improving interpretation and judgment, psychological interventions and their goals, importance of psychotherapy, course of new clinical interventions, nature of specific therapeutic variables, the beginning of psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytic alternatives, client centered therapy, gestalt therapy: methods and procedures, origins and traditional techniques of behavior therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy: methods and procedures, family and couples therapy, introduction and history of community psychology, methods of intervention and change in community psychology, introduction and history of health psychology, applications of health psychology, neuropsychology: perspectives and history, methods of eurological assessment, forensic psychology, pediatric and child psychology: history and perspective, interventions & training in pediatric and clinical child Psychology

Recommended Books

  1. Plante,T.G.(2005). Contemporary Clinical Psychology. (2nd ed.) USA: John Willey & Sons, Inc.

PSY402: Experimental Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Historical roots of experimental psychology, Emergence of experimental psychology, what is experimental psychology? Sensation and perception, Psychophysics, Learning, Classical conditioning, Operant conditioning, Memory, Forgetting, Reasoning and problem solving, Thinking, Experimental Research.

Recommended Books

  1. Postman, L. & Egan, J.R.(2007). Experimental Psychology. Satish kumar Jain for CBS pulishers, India
  2. Zimbardo, P.G., & Gerrig, R.J. (1996). Psychology and Life. (14th ed.). Harper Collins College Publishers.
  3. Schultz, D.P. & Schultz, S.E. A history of modern psychology. (6th ed). University of South Florida.
  4. Sharma, R.N. & Sharma, R(2006). Experimental Psychology. Atlantic, India.
  5. Damato, M.R.(1979). Experimental Psychology: Methodology Psychophysics and Learning. Tata McGraw-Hill, India

PSY403: Social Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to social psychology, Introduction to social psychology, Research process, Designs and methods, The self, Person perception, Attribution, Attribution errors, Social cognition, Attitudes, Attitude formation, Attitude and behavior, Attitude change, Prejudice and Discrimination interpersonal attraction, Intimate relationships, Social influence, Aggression, Reducing aggression, Pro-social behavior, Group behavior, Interpersonal power: leadership, Social psychology applied: Social psychology in court, Social psychology applied: Social psychology in clinic.

Recommended Books

  1. David G. Myers, D. G. (2002). Social Psychology (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  2. Franzoi, S.L. (2006). Social Psychology. New York: McGraw Hill.
  3. Lord, C.G. (1997). Social Psychology. Orlando: Harcourt Brace and Company.
  4. David G. Myers, D. G. (2002). Social Psychology (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

PSY404: Abnormal Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction, What is Abnormal Behavior, Psychopathology in Historical Context, Research Methods, Quantitative research designs and Data collection methods, Research Ethics, Causes of abnormal behavior, Causes of psychopathology, Etiological factors of abnormality, Classification and assessment, Diagnosing psychological disorders, Evaluating systems, Assessment of personality, Psychotherapy, Anxiety disorders, Mood disorders, Suicide, Stress, Acute and Posttraumatic stress disorders, Dissociative and somatoform disorders, Personality disorders, Alcoholism and substance related disorders, Schizophrenia, Dementia, Delirium and Amnestic disorders, Mental retardation and developmental disorders, Psychological problems of childhood, Life cycle transitions and adult development.

Recommended Books

  1. Davison & Neale. Abnormal Psychology (9th ed.)
  2. Abnormal Psychology by Comer

PSY405: Personality Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

The nature of personality theory, Personality measurement: main perspectives. Sigmund freud: a psychoanalytic theory of personality. Instinct: what motivates human behavior? Psychoanalytic theory of sigmund freud, Theory of carl jung (analytical psychology), The psychological types, Alfred adler (individual psychology), Individual psychology, Karen horney adjustment to basic anxiety, Erik erikson, Sullivan’s interpersonal Theory, Constitutional psychology, Sheldon’s somatotype theory, Maslow’s theory, Rogers person centered approach, Kelly’s cognitive theory of personality theory, Core concepts of george kelly’s cognitive theory of personality, Gordon allport: a trait theory of personality, Factor analytic trait theory (raymand cattell), Henry murray’s personology, Albert bandura’s social learning theory, The stimulus response theory of dollard and miller, kelly’s cognitive theory of personality theory, core concepts of george, kelly’s cognitive theory of personality, gordon allport: a trait theory of personality, factor analytic trait theory (raymand cattell), henry murray’s personology, albert bandura’s social learning theory, the stimulus response theory of dollard and miller, kinner’s theory of personality, albert ellis theory of personality, the grand perfect theory of personality, perspectives or domains of personality psychology, the grand theory of personality, personality appraisal, personality psychology: new directions in the discipline.

Recommended Books

  1. Burger, J.M. (2000) Personality. (5th). USA: Wadsworth.
  2. Hall, C. S., Lindzey, G., & Campbell, J. B. (2004). Theories of Personality. (4th). USA: John Wiley and sons. Inc.
  3. Hergenhahn, r. B. (1980) An introduction to theories of personality. USA: Prentice Hall.

PSY406: Educational Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction, Methods of educational psychology, Systems and schools of psychology & their bearing on education, Cognitive development, Personal, Social & Emotional development, Individual Differences, Habit formation, Psychology of Motivation, Attention, Nature & theories of learning, Transfer of learning or training, Memory, Intelligence, Creativity, Thinking reasoning & problem solving, Aptitude, Personality, Learning disabilities & learning disabled children, Creating learning environments, Teaching for academic learning, Educating exceptional children, Standardized testing, Classroom assessment and grading, Psychology of adjustment.

Recommended Books

  1. Woolfolk A. (2004) Educational Psychology (9th ed.). The Ohio State University.
  2. Mangal S.K. (2006) Advanced Educational Psychology (2nd ed.). Prentice Hal of India Private Limited, New Dehli
  3. Bhattacharya S. (2006) Psychological Foundation of Education. Atlantic publishers.

PSY407: Sport Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to sport psychology, Confidence in Sport, Selecting Self-Talk Statements, Goal Perspective Theory, The Attributional Model, Internal/External Attributions, Developing Intrinsic Motivation in Sport, Goal Setting in Sport, Principles of Effective Goal Setting, A Team Approach to Setting Goals, Benefits of Youth Sports and Reasons Children Participate Potential Negative Factors Associated with the Youth Sports Experience, Attention and Concentration in Sport, Attention Narrowing, Theories of Personality, The Measurement of Personality, Structured Questionnaires Designed for Athletes, Situational Factors Related to Anxiety and Mood, Anxiety, Arousal, and Stress Relationships, The Multidimensional Nature of Anxiety, Alternative to Inverted-U Theory, Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions, Relaxation Strategies for Sport, Arousal Energizing Strategies, Coach Athlete, and Parent Interaction, Imagery and Sport Performance, Theories of Why Imagery Works, Conceptual Models for Studying Imagery, The Role of Hypnosis in Sports, The Hypnotic Trait Issue, Effectiveness of Psychological Intervention Programs, Ethics in Sport Psychology, Aggression and Violence in Sport, The Catharsis Effect, Audience and Crowd Effects in Sport, Defining Characteristics of Team Cohesion, Athletic Performance, Theories of Leadership, Psychological Benefits of Exercise, The Theory of Planned Behavior, Exercise and the Immune System, Burnout in Athletes, The Psychology of Athletic Injuries, Psycho-physiological Effects of Banned Substances.

Recommended Books

  1. Sport Psychology: Concepts and Applications, 5th Edition, Cox, Richard. H: McGraw Hill. 2002.
  2. Sport Psychology: Contemporary Themes. Lavallec, D: Kremer, J: Moran, A; William, M: New York: Palgrave Machmillian 2004.
  3. Exploring Sports and Exercise Psychology (Eds): Raalte, J.L.V: Brewer, B.W; American Psychological Association: Washington D.C. 2002.

PSY409: Positive Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction, Western perspective on positive psychology, Eastern perspective on positive psychology, Classification and measurement of human strengths, Measures of positive outcomes, The principles of pleasure, Positive Emotions, Happiness and subjective wellbeing, Complete Mental Health, Making the most of Emotional Experiences, Emotional Intelligence, Self-Efficacy, Optimism, Hope, Wisdom, Courage, Resilience, Mindfulness, Flow, Spirituality, Altruism, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Attachment, Flourishing relationships, Balanced conceptualization of mental health and human behavior, Interceding to prevent the bad, Interceding to enhance the good, Positive schooling, Good work, The Me/We balance, A Positive Look at the Future of Psychology.

Recommended Books

  1. Snyder, C.R., & Lopez, S.J. (2007). Positive Psychology. London: Sage Publications.
  2. Snyder, C.R., & Lopez, S.J. (2003). Handbook of Positive Psychology. London: Sage Publications.

PSY502: History & Systems of Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction, Ancient Philosophy/Psychology in the Sub Continent, Greek Thinkers, Psychology in the 5th to 12thCentury, Renaissance Associationists, Associationists & French Revolution, German Contribution, Industrial Revolution & Russian Contribution, Russian Contribution, Impact of physical sciences on Psychology, Structuralist school of Psychology, Functionalism, European Functionalists, Behaviorism, Neo Behaviorists, Gestalt Psychology & Dynamic Psychology, Historico evolutionary Psychology, Scientific look at Mental Disorders, Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalytic Movement, Carl Yung and Analytical Psychology, Alfred Adler and Individual Psychology, Neo Freudians, Humanistic Psychology, Modern trends in Psychological Treatment, Anti psychiatry Movement, Psychology in the Third World, Psychology in China and Pakistan, Psychology in the 21st Century.

Recommended Books

  1. Schultz & Schultz. A History of Modern Psychology (3rd ed.)
  2. Nafsayat ka Irtaqa by Rafiq Jaffar and Humair Hashmi.

PSY504: Cognitive Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction, The Information Processing Approach, Cognitive Neuro-psychology, Visual Sensory Memory Experiments, Attention, Automaticity, Pattern Recognition, Object Perception, Attention & Pattern, Recognition, Memory, Representation of knowledge, Mental Imagery, Language and thought, Cognitive development.

Recommended Books

  1. Robert. L. Solso (2001). Cognitive Psychology (6th ed.) Singapore: Pearson Education

PSY505: Developmental Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Developmental Psychology, Prenatal Development Birth and Neonatal Period, Infancy, Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Adolescence, Early Adulthood, Middle Adulthood, Late Adulthood, Old Age and Death

Recommended Books

  1. Mahmud.J(2004).Development Psychology.S.B.Nangia A.P.H Publishing Corporation
  2. Papalia,E.D.,Feldman,D.R.(2001). Human development (8th edition). NewYork:McGraw-Hill

PSY510: Organizational Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Organizational Psychology, Methodologies of Data Collection, Globalization, Defining the Culture, What is Diversity? Ethics, Nature of Organizations, Organizational Culture, Changing Organizational Culture, Reward Systems: Pay, Recognition and Benefits, Perception, Perceptual Defense, Attribution, Impression Management, Personality, Personality Assessment, Job Satisfaction, Motivation, Theories of Motivation, Motivation across Cultures, Hope, Emotional Intelligence, Self Efficacy, Communication, Decision Making, Participative Decision Making Techniques, Job Stress, Individual Stressors, Effects of Stress, Power and Politics, Groups and Teams, Dysfunctions of Groups, Job Design, Learning OBMOD (Organizational Behavior Modification), Leadership Process, Modern theories of leadership process

Recommended Books

  1. Luthans, Fred. (2005). Organizational Behaviour (Tenth Edition). United States: McGraw Hill Irwin.
  2. · Mejia, Gomez. Balkin, David & Cardy, Rober. (2006). Managing Human Resources (Fourth Edition). India: Dorling Kidersley Pvt. Ltd., licensee of Pearson Education in South Asia.

PSY511: Environmental Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Environmental Psychology, Theories in environmental psychology, Research methods in environmental psychology, Environmental perception, cognition and attitudes, Environmental Stress, The atmospheric environment, Noise, Population Density, Urbanization, and Crowding, Territoriality, Privacy, and Personal Space, Institutional Design, Residential Design, Environmental Disaster and Technological catastrophe, People, Environment, and the Future, Applying Psychology to preserve the Environment.

Recommended Books

  1. Veitch R. and Arkkelin D. (1995) Environmental Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Prentice Hall, Inc USA.

PSY512: Gender issues in Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction and Historical Background of gender issues in Psychology, Historical Background: Feminist &Women’s Suffrage Movement, Gender differences: Historical Background, Gender related Research, Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research, Biological Differences between Gender: Chromosomes and Hormones, Biological Differences between Gender, Gender Development Theories, Behavioral Approach, Cognitive Approach, Psychodynamic Approach, Humanistic and other approaches, Sex typing and Stereotyping, Socio-cultural factors, Gender Role Identification, Personality Differences, Cognitive Differences, Gender and Media, Gender Emotion and Motivation, Gender and Education, Gender, Work and Women's Empowerment, Gender, Work and Related Issues, Gender Violence, Gender, Health, and Aging, Gender Differences in Aging, Gender and Health Promoting Behaviors, Gender and Heart disease, Gender and Cancer, Gender and HIV/ AIDS, Problems associated with females’, reproductive health, Obesity and weight control, Gender and psychopathology, Feminist Therapy, New Avenues for Gender Research.

Recommended Books

  1. Brannon, .l. (2004). Gender: Psychological Perspectives. Allyn & Bacon publications.

PSY513: Forensic Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to forensic Psychology, Pros and cons of a career in Forensic psychology, Forensic psychology and police, Issues of police like use of Excessive force and corruption, PSTR (post shooting traumatic Response), Investigative psychology, Crime scene investigation, Psychological models of Violence, Instincts & violence, Psychoanalytical perspective And rage, Defense mechanisms and Violence, Difference of freudian unconscious and jungian collective unconscious, Behaviorist perspective and Violence, The schedules of reinforcement, Punishment schedules of punishment implications for violence, Social learning theory and Criminal behavior, Moral development and Violence, Bio-psycho-social model, Islamic perspective about violence, NAFS and violence, Treatments for the soul, Criminogenic personality, Borderline personality disorder (bpd), Terrorism and psychopaths, Learning disabilities/mental Retardation and violence, Assessment of personality Disorders, Psychopathy check list-revised, Risk assessment, Treatment of violent behavior / Personality, Group therapy for offenders, Psychotherapies in forensic Settings, Narrative therapy, Solution focused therapy, Scaling questions, Psychotherapy in forensic, Settings and special challenges, Forensic psychotherapy, Violence reduction program, Salient features of violent Reduction program, Victim support, Supportive therapies, Substance misuse treatment Program, Substance misuse treatment Program, Expert witness, Counter terrorism

Recommended Books

  1. Wrightsman, L. S. (2001). Forensic psychology. Belmont, CA:

PSY514: Consumer Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Consumer Psychology, Implementing Marketing Concept, Marketing Mix, Customer Value, satisfaction and retention, Consumer Decision making, Consumer Research , Steps in Consumer Research, Quantitative research designs and Data collection methods, Quantitative research Data collection techniques, Qualitative research designs and Data collection methods, Customer Satisfaction measurement, Market Segmentation, Demographic and Psychological Segmentation, Socio-cultural segmentation and use related segmentation, Benefit Segmentation, Hybrid Segmentation Approaches, Environmental Influences, Culture and its environmental Influences, Measurement of Culture, Sub-cultur, Age and Gender subculture, Social Class, Measurement of social class, Consumer Social Classes Groups, Understanding Personality, Consumer Personality, Trait theory and Self image, Consumer Motivation, Understanding Learning Instrumental Conditioning Information processing and memory, Attitudes, Attitude Change Strategies, Introduction to consumer decision making, Problem Recognition, Decision and Purchase, Decisions Related to Post Purchase, Marketing Implications of Decisions Related to Post Purchase, Post Purchase Evaluation, Post Purchase Dissonance, Consumerism.

Recommended Books

  1. “Consumer Behavior” by Leon G. Schiffman and Leslie Lazar Kanuk ISBN 81-297-0197-9.

PSY515: Cross Cultural Psychology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to cross cultural psychology, Methodology of cross cultural research, Cultural factors in complex decision making, The psychology of morality, Subjective well-being across cultures, Cultural perspectives on the interactions between nutrition, Health, and psychological functioning middle childhood, Cultural aspects of depressive experience and disorders, Prevalence of schizophrenia and counseling in cross Cultural psychology, Culture and development: developmental Individualism and interrelatedness, Cultural variations in parental support of children's play, Adolescent future orientation: an integrated cultural And ecological perspective, Family: variations and changes across cultures, How death imitates life: cultural influences on Conceptions of death and dyi, g, Subjective culture & stereotyping, Social motives and their development in cultural Context

Recommended Books

  1. John W. Berry, Ype H. Poortinga, Marshall H. Segall, Pierre R. Dasen. (2002). Cross-Cultural Psychology: Research and Applications: Cambridge University Press.

PSY610: Neurological Bases of Behavior

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction, Brief Historical Review, Sub Specializations within the Behavioral Neurosciences, Research in Behavioral Neurosciences, Evolutionary and Genetic Basis of Behavior, Genes and Experience, Research Methods and Techniques of Assessment of Brain Function, Development of The Nervous System, Basic Neuro-anatomy, Basic Neurochemistry, Brain and Motivational States, Higher Order Brain functions.

Recommended Books

  1. Kalat J.W ( 1998) Biological Psychology Brooks/ Cole Publishing
  2. Carlson N.R.(2005) Foundations of Physiological Psychology ( 5th Edition) Allyn and Bacon, Boston
  3. Pinel, John P.J. (2003) Biopsychology (5th edition) Allyn and Bacon Singapore
  4. Bloom F., Nelson and Lazerson ( 2001) Behavioural Neuroscience: Brain Mind and Behaviour ( 3rd edition) Worth Publishers
  5. Graham’s book on neurological basis of behavior.
  6. Bridgeman,B (1988)The Biology of Behaviour and Mind. John Wiley and Sons new York
  7. Brown,T.S. and Wallace.(1980) P.M Physiological Psychology
  8. Academic Press New York
  9. Seigel,G.J. ( Ed. in chief) Agranoff, B.W, Albers W.R. and Molinoff, P.B. (Eds) (1989) Basic Neurochemistry: Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects
  10. Kolb, B and Whishaw, I.Q (1985) Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology . (2nd edition) Freeman and Company, New York

PSY631: Psychological Testing and Measurements

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction to Psychological Testing, History of Psychological Testing, Test Construction, Item Analysis, Reliability, Validity, Norms, Response Bias, Intelligence and Theories of Intelligence, Intelligence Tests, Test Bias and Testing Special Populations, Testing in Business and Industry, Attitudes, Interest and Values Assessment, Personality Testing, Aptitude and Achievement Tests, Testing in Clinical and Counseling Settings.

Recommended Books

  1. Anastasi, A. (1988). Psychological testing (6th ed.). New York: Macmillan.
  2. Gregory, R.J. (2006). Psychological testing; History, Principles and applications (4th ed) India; Dorling Kindersely Pvt, Ltd
  3. Anastasi, A. (1988). Psychological testing (6th ed.). New York: Macmillan.
  4. Anastassi, A., & Urbina, S. (1997). Psychological testing (7th ed.). New York: Prentice-Hall Inc.
  5. Berg, F.L. (1995). Psychological testing; Design, analysis and use (ed.) Singapore: A Simon and Schuster company.
  6. Cronbach, L. J. (1970). Essentials of psychological testing (3rd ed.). London:Harper & Row Publishers.
  7. Gregory, R.J. (2006). Psychological testing; History, Principles and applications (4th ed) India; Dorling Kindersely Pvt, Ltd
  8. Kaplan,R.M and Saccuzzo, D.P. (1982).Psychological testing; Principles, Application and Issues (ed). USA; Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
  9. Thorndike R. L., & Hagen, E. P. (1995). Measurement and evaluation in psychology and education (4th ed.). New York: Macmillan.

PSY632: Theory & Practice of Counseling

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction, Historical Background, Goals & Activities of Counseling, Ethical & Legal issues in Counseling, Effective Counselor, Counseling Skills, Listening & Understanding Skills Influencing skills, Focusing & challenging skills, Counseling process, Theory in the Practice of Counseling, Psychoanalytic approaches to counseling, Classical Psychoanalytic Approach, Neo-Freudians, Client-centered approach, Gestalt therapy, Existential therapy, Cognitive approaches to counseling, Transactional analysis, Behavioral approaches, Reality therapy, Groups in counseling, Marriage & family counseling, Career Counseling, Community Counseling & Consulting, Diagnosis & assessment.

Recommended Books

  1. Gladding, S.T. (2003). Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession (5th ed.). Prentice-Hall Career & Technology.
  2. Corey, G. (2004). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy (7th ed.). Wadsworth Publishing.

SOC101: Introduction to Sociology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

The Origins of Sociology, The Sociological Perspective, Theoretical Paradigms, Sociology as Science, Steps in Sociological Investigation, Social Interaction, Social Groups, Organizations Culture, Socialization: Human Development, Understanding the Socialization Process, Agents of Socialization, Socialization and the Life Course, Social Control and Deviance, The Social Foundations of Deviance, Explanations of Crime, Social Distribution of Crime: Explanations, Social Stratification: Introduction and Significance, Theories of Class and Stratification, Social Class as Subculture, Social Mobility, The Family: Global Variety, Functions of Family, Family and Marriage in Transition, Gender: A Social Construction, Explanations of Gender Inequality, Functions of Schooling, Issues in Education, Population Study and Its Significance, Theory of Population Growth, Population Profile of Pakistan, Implications of Population, Growth, Population policy, Environment and Society, Environmental Issues, Social Change, Causes of Social Change, Modernity and Post Modernity

Recommended Books

  1. Macionis, J. J Sociology.(Tenth Edition) Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2005
  2. Eitzen, Stanley D. and Mazine Baca Zinn. In Conflict and Order: Understanding Society. Allyn and Bacon. (Ninth Edition)

SOC401: Cultural Anthropology

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

What is Anthropology? The Concept of Culture and the Application of Cultural Anthropology, Major Theories in Cultural Anthropology, Methods in Cultural Anthropology, Comparative Study of Production, Distribution and Consumption in Different, Parts of the World, Focusing on Language, Obtaining Food in Different Cultures, Relevance of Kinship and Descent, The Role of Family and Marriage in Culture, Gender and Culture, Stratification and Culture, Theories of Stratification, Culture and Change, Political Organization, Psychology and Culture, Ideology and Culture, Associations, Cultures and Societies, Race, Ethnicity and Culture, Culture and Beliefs, Local or Indigenous Knowledge, Anthropology and Development, Cultural Anthropology and Art, Ethics in Anthropology, Relevance of Cultural Anthropology

Recommended Books

  1. “Anthropology”, 10/e, by Carol Ember, Melvin Ember and Peter Peregrine (ISBN 81-7808-619-0).
  2. “Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective”, 4/e, by Gary Ferraro (ISBN 0-201-36122-1)

STA630: Research Methods

03 Credit Hours

Course Content

Introduction, Definition and Value of Research, Scientific Methods of Research and its Special Features, Classification of Research, How to select a topic for research? Theory and Research, Concepts, Variables and types of variables, Hypothesis Testing and Characteristics, Review of literature, Conducting a Systematic Literature Review, Theoretical Framework, Problem Definition and research Proposal, The Research Process, Ethical Issues in Research, How to make a research proposal? Measurement of Concepts, Criteria for Good Measurement, Research Design, Survey research, Intercept and interviews in malls and other high traffic areas, Self Administered Questionnaires, Tools for data collection, Guidelines for Questionnaire development, Pilot Testing of the questionnaire, Interviewing, Sample and Sampling terminology, Probability and non probability Sampling, Types of probability Sampling, Data Analysis, Data Transformation, Data presentation, The parts of the table, Experimental research, Non reactive research, Use of secondary data, Observation studies/ field research, Historical comparative research, Focus group discussion, Report writing, The Research report, Referencing, APA Format for referencing relevant articles

Recommended Books

  1. Neuman, W.L. (2000).Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative approaches
  2. Zikmund, W.G. (2003).Business Research Methods.
  3. Sekaran, U. (2004). Research Methods for Business
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