Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington, District of Columbia

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LOTJELLA Star Intends to Stay Out of Slums Nlffct BaM MwaMte 5 MITCHUM 'O Neighborhood Movies So's His Old Man I Oft HAPPENS I EVERY SPMNfi 'A IZt 8 5 Ul MARILYN MAXWELL COO iuoue mwnwr LOCBXB ABWA SI LAST OTIS DAYS! APACHE Ki OLNEY CAPITOL STAGE PALACE iTULSA COLUMBIA ifOUNTAINHEADll METROPOLITAN 2424 in NEW YORK July 4 (NY News) Robert Keith jr who normally plays the part of That Lucky Dog! HOLLYWOOD July 4 (INS) Lassie the dog star will receive $10000 for a two week personal appearance at a Chi cago theater this month Manion in the Chicago com pany of has been playing the role of Doc the last couple of days the same part his father plays here Yesterday's Aaiwer 34 Troubles 0pen 10:45 rlltwTawH'nl rai Huu LAUGH WvDiMtM ftffl AHm'i IStt Mrf ft ftt NW DAILY ACROSS I Dexterous 6 Close 9 Masculine name 10 Goods 12 Highways 13 ireplace 14 Cutting tool 15 Theatrical backers 16 Nabbing 19 Water god (Babyl) 10 Weird (var) II Injure 13 Grayish blue eK Taut 26 inal 17 Estuary of Amazon river 18 Erbium (sym) 19 Repairs as shoes 12 Dress 35 Bark 36 Pin used as fulcrum for an oar 37 A force of men 39 Vends 40 Covered with ivy 41 Headland 42 Go by DOWN Dwelling PEN AIR rrJdTeaHe OPEN AIR DRIVE IN Al'" Rente JI Mite ftGHih ef Alexandria Open 8:00 Starts Clark Gable Span cer Tracy in RANCISCO Phi Color Cartoons 1 Adults 50c Children ree Watergate Concerts NATIOML $YNMY nua from cam Tomorrow Jaly StM EARL Wiu Piaao Camerto OrehMtealt Matre AsmssMs quiz show featuring a phono graph record piayea oacxwaras A beautnui gai ciaa a bathing suit driving an open car and tossing out one dollar bills will be part of the exploi tation of Universal Internation al's for All One or former male movie stars who earned as much as $5000 a week is now working as a truck driver for $1 an hour or the Spanish speaking countries the title of Humphrey Bogart's on Any is Hour of DDDEJD BDBBD 3QUE0 BUQDDB BDDG BDD BDQBBUG BQUDD BEiQQ anuacn BQDDB DDQUU QQQCH3E BQDBD 3BBDB13D MOB qejbd ausaoSB aUUQD BBBBB BnaBE cmm at isanacotaa Mill MM8I HAYWARD PRESTON UPTOWN Bay Milland in "AIIm Nick a 3:20 ft 7:30 9:85 SHOW SA ANET LEIGH have to where her next pic ture is coming from She is booked solid for months When she returns from mak ing two movies at RKO she will costar with Peter Lawford in at her home lot The preview re action to Red Danube" de cided Dore Schary on putting Janet and Peter in another film and' based on a story by Ruth Brooks Shippen is it Janet is extremely pretty and both of her beaux Arthur Loew jr and Barry Nelson agree ADY BROOKE Wife Of the I former white Rajah of Sara wak (well known to New cafe society) was cleaned out by burglars in London Louise Munn ex wife of Orson Munn is one of the newer train ers at Roosevelt raceway A letter from Paris says Americans are changing so many dollars into francs that the Bank of rance is printing new money like crasy to keep up with the demand Opening night tick ets for the Oct 9 premiere here of the famous Wells ballet from London are priced at $960 per ducat The first all Negro art school in Dixie will be located either at lor Cocoanut Grove or in the northwest Miami sector The newest Barbizon model Cam Stevens is a great great grand daughter of Cornell founder Ezra Cornell AVE GRAND WAST Bint Croeby in al 6:66 9:20 THC KENTUCKY DERIYSTHY ASM' THIS IS AMERICA Timetable STAGS TECHNICOLOR MUSKMI I HOUSTUta HOWARD AtR CONDITIONBD Rory Calhoun Audrey Lony ACULOUS Ron Randall Michael Whalen OMOO THE SHARK GOD' JOHNNY BURKE Ttasin lJMSrMWIin TMWA ON TAdr IN PtM DENNIS DAY la WaahhKtea CaR RS? for an aS taker Mil LINCOLN Open 12:30 Robert Mitchum 'Jane Green William Bendix in "THE BIG Wednesday niyht CAMPA Mt UAMEV WA Twa Hit Air Conditioned Roy Rorer in "AB Also Gene Autry in "LOADED Laat complete ahow at 8:58 ianacostia tabu Gail Burnell Turban Bey tn at 1:40 3:40 7:40 9:40 Plus Cartoon and Comedy He put under contract Dale Henderson the constable whomashed the gambling and pin ball machines in Houston and got the police after them One of the current magazines had an Interesting story about Dale who is quite a character Brace feels he would be good In pictures and is trying to convince some of the gang at 'Paramount that Dale is a find COOL WARNER bub Xabbott LOO COSTELLO BOB HOPE must have seque litls I heard a few days ago that going to do a follow up on Now busy writing another chapter to which you may be Interested to know is one of the all time boxoffice highs throughout the country I suppose he will have to get the rights from the Damon Runyon family He hopes to use Lucille Ball Mary Jane Saunders and even the direc tor Sidney Lanfield Whether this is all talk I know but I do know that Robert is working on a story and at this moment he is certainly enthu siastic He apparently believes that if you have a good thing stick to it GREER WUUm I BENDIX 1iVWAAA taUini Ave ft Virnam Bt KAinWU Mi Rainier Md WA BMW ree Parkinr Air Conditioned Today To morrow Wayne Morris Janie Paiye in MTHB YOUNGER at 6:16 i BDO 0:50 SNAPSHOTS HOLLY WOOD COLLECTED AT RAN DOM: Alan Campbell Dorothy ex at the new Encore Cafe with Dru Mallory That pretty Irish girl certainly geta around Larry Stevens supposed to be engaged to Gloria Haley daughter wonders if all over He heard a word from Gloria since she went East Rumor is that Mark Stevens and 20th will come to a friendly parting of the ways when his option comes up in about a month Lucille Ball has been offered the lead in on the New York stage during Au gust Believe me she Is tempted to accept and may do it Humphrey Bogart who lives with Baby in a modest house is taking a ribbing at Warners An HYATTSVILLE ree ParkinsC Air Conditioned Today To mor Georre Raft Marie Windsor Akim TamiroH in IN al 8:06 9 60 aacy The Broadway oomtdy of fered Wedneaday through Saturday night only at No matinee MERIDIAN AmoMtryoa 18 Elizabeth Bergner la her own adap tation of the Giradoux comedy Nightly at 1:50 weather permitting No matineee OLNEY PygmaMea The Bernard Shaw comedy ctarring Sylvia Sidney Nightly except Monday at 8:30 Matinee Saturday and Sunday at rT" advertisem*nt as WMNre reads: Bale of articles trom VIRGINIA daughter Is making her stage debut in summer stock this week up in Massachusetts Renee Car roll the most largely publicized hat checker (at Sar dis) makes her television debut as guest on the show CPS is unifying public af fairs broadcasts for both video and radio under Davidson Taylor Current network Jas ualties are in the $10000 per year and over class mostly There will be another jackpot Bruce cabot was busy when he was in Houston and all with social activities NATIONAL Mar(fe Bart member of the International Olympic commit tee is saying that both Russia and Japan will participate in the 1952 Olympics nrivni i 1 1 YULI co ISM Mai 1 rM Jamea Stewart June Allyaon in "The Mrattan Bier" 1:06 3:10 515 7:20 0:35 1A TXMSB XSMALD NOW PLAYING 8YLVIASHNBY In Bernard Skaw Sylvia Sidney Is because she feels Eliza was no more written for an 18 year old than Juliet was written for a 16 year old she adds in a high school COLONY Humphrey Bogart John Derek "Kaeek A RADIO series based on the character of created on the screen by Marie Dressier is being readied for Ethel Barrymore Lillian and Dorothy Gish will share equally in the $100000 estate left by their mother Mary Rob inson Gish who died Sept 17 1948 There is talk of Bette Davis doing on Broadway for Clifford Odets and Lee Strasberg unds for the Robert Benchley Memorial theater at Exeter prep school are not reaching the prescribed quotas and Jock Whitney may be called on to make up the balance or sentimental rea sons Harold Hoffman ex governor of New Jersey is ar ranging theater parties at each of the three Jersey spots where Margie Hart is appearing in During the war Hoffman was commanding officer of Bea mon Jacobs husband ATLANTIC George Raft In IN MO1OCCO4 at 6:16 7:65 940 CAPITOL Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Bergman Paul Henreid SydlMQr Greenatroet Peter lvre Claude Rains in a reiseuc of CASA at 7W3 CONGRESS Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berrmafi Claude RaiBK Peter Lorre Sydney Gvaemtrect Paul HenrekJ in a ressue of fCAEA BIANCA al 6:16 10:00 STAGE AND SCMKN CAPITOL It Happens Every Spring Ray Milland adds a new twist to bamball 11 1:45 7:15 1" Stage shows: 12:50 3:35 :20 :05 SCREEN ort Apactee John Wayne Shirley Temple 11:25 AMBASSADOR The ountainhead Architecture and love concern Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal 1 3:10 3:20 7:30 9 4 5 COLUMBIA Champion Kirk Douglas King unforgettable heel 11:30 1:35 3:40 5:45 7:50 WadriiftM Thaatrt utlval Meridian HHI Park 16th and lorid Ave NW Every Night Thru July 9 Elisabftth BERGNER "AMPHITRYON 38" All Broadway Cast Comedy Good Seat Popular Price Netlonel Hue Shop (Next Ntlenal TtlMtra) 1317 Bt NW BT O7M MerHIea Hill Bex 7 at Jordans Tito GUIZAR outdoor con cert in San Juan Puerto Rico last riday ended in dis aster when a section of the sta dium collapsed killing two spec tators The first school of journalism south of the border will be established at National University by Col Garica Valesca publisher of 15 Mexican magazines Rumors that Judith marriage was on the rocks are belied by the fact that she and Luther Greene are spending a second honeymoon in Hawaii A ifth avenue department store designer is the uncrowned king of the colony on the Isle of Capti peopled largely by the ire Island set Kalten born is taking off for Africa shortly The newly appointed managing director of the Met Opera Rudolph Bing is a cousin of the Met conductor Paul Brelsach AIRAX AMYUUR RANKpwwMf wsomnsErNAuaiArs UARTfT as rinidimnnvn PLAYHOUSE AND gTVWTg AMBASSADOR Garr Cooper in 1 3:10 6:20 7:30 3:45 21 Medicinal plant 22 Logical synopsis 23 olds 24 Made of baked clay 25 lap 27 American poet 29 Salad green 30 Relieves 71 Hastened 33 Tear in pieces 37 Apple seed (Prov Eng) 38 Eggs RKO 9991 HTH AT 9U 9M 6ARHHH 9W BMH MSKHH N0WWM IM Iffl Nnun Nnsmi RffrSaMw RANCISCO WALT DISNEY ESTIVAL TOcaoKiMOMi 'KENNEDY ETS 1 rd Atteire Ginger Rogen in Barkley at 1 3:06 7:20 9:26 txnn am Mt i pm Jame Stewart June Allyson in The Btcattaa Story" 1 13:10 7 :20 9:26 SHERIDAN Jennifer Jone John GnrtieM in Wee Btmnter" nt 1 3:10 516 7:25 CH VCD Are fetarllli ike 9ILVEK 8H SSM Mni 1 Bobby Driwoll in "The Wtaw" nt 1:10 2:56 :35 6:20 8 8:46 mup Ann Snthrrn Steps Out HIMT MT Mb IX i ELMAN Violinist SfHgbMh Eifaeh Oreheatral Bach Btokwkl Aftagio Tehalkoviky Symptoeny No 4 In minor Sfecmelaier Saaaay In Baaalrlyii TKUn MU MKB Nattenal Symphony Bax OflSea Eltt'a 133ft St NW NA TWft i Steinway Plano NAYLOR HISER BETHESDA Alr onSHlMie June Slewrt June APywn In "TWB TBATTON STOBY" nt 5:45 7:45 :45 nroniz Aee a tiuwe Nw YUKK '( BA 4M Cnraou Dori Dny in "Mr Drewn Which Twin Is the Phony? Dressed as cowboys for a new film Kid these two periormers taken as twin brothers The studio would probably appreciate such confusion But the boy on the left is Claude Jarman jr and the boy on the right isn a boy at all Thats the leading lady actress Jeff Donnell BOOKERT AIR CONDITIONED rank Sinatra Either William Gone Kenny ME OUT TO THE BALL LANGSTON Open 12:45 Wayne Morris Janis Paige YOUNGER SYLVAN Hmlthfnllr Alr CnlttM3 Double eature red Astaire Giner Borer In "BABK tKYB at 6:21 3:32 Lucille Bremer Richard Carlwn In B1V Sth St SE II MI Double eature Bendix Dennis Keefe in at 6:24 9:38 Gene HDD ocott Id at 7'47 PADVPI? Niebels Ave 8E VARTLK TB 3484 Alr Confttttoeed Randolph Scott Jane Wyatt VERNON Healthful! Alr Jennifer Jone Joreph JXNMZ" at 6:10 7:50 3:30 REPUBLIC Opens 12:30 George Raft Akin Tamiroff IN PMDVCIM Defense Hwy at Mnd UlEVEKLY ever Rd CN ftlftft ree Parking Air Conditioned Today To mor Jamea Stewart June Allyson in STRATTON STORY" at 7:00 9:40 SHE has a very bad memry for roles she has played in the past an almost conscious process on her part because she feels an actress would go raving mad trying to "hang onto the things she has why if you ask her a question about her role as Lola Hobbs in Quito and she is just as likely to answer you with a blank stare She really remember Which presents a bit of a paradox The role she is doing at Olney this week is one she first toured the summer circuit with back in 1938 The answer to this says Sylvia is that it is next to impossible to find a new play with a part in it for a lady in the vicinity of 38 And she particularly interested in delving into the classics She spent last season on tour wth John Loder in Mistress which repeat later on the summer circuit and her repertory also includes Two Mrs Carrols and Lady The star offers these plays as examples of the kind of thing she enjoys doing most And will continue io do unless someone comes along with a suitable new play Movies? Only if somebody offers her an untyped role But other wise uh uh Having finally left the slums of the city behind Scene" etc) she has no intention of going back VILLAGE M7 Healthfally Alr Conftltloneft Alexander Knox Ann ftotbem in JUDGE STEPS 6:00 7:64 and 9:47 NEWTON Equipped with Hearinr Aid Phone Healthfullr AlrCoudltloned Rlj Milland Audrey Trotter in NICK BEAL" al 6:00 7:55 3:50 CORAL June Stexrart June AllrMn 8TBATTON 8TOBY" i 6J5 BdU AIRLAWN Double eature Van Johnaan Jun ARpaon in BRIDE GOES 9:36 Dpnald in TOU WITH at 86 JESSE HeaHhtany Alr Ondltloned Double eature Robert Taylor At Gardner in TUB BRIBE" 6:18 Montromerj nuh Boman in BELLE BT ABE'S DAUGHTER at 7:57 AS you can see Miss Sidney is a woman with' some strong con victions about herself and the theater A couple of her strong est have to do with summer theater which she agrees has now become an important part of the medium in terms of an increased audience and more work for actors But I am glad to help her emphasize she see why standards during the summer should be so different from winter time standards The reason many sloppy productions are seen in the barns she says is because production staffs are lazy and their atti tudes are reflected by the actors she says a Broadway production but an audience deserves the best effort the produaer director and actors can turn out within the framework of summer theater conditions all too infequently do they get that Shall this be our thought for the week? Joan i Bennett and Walter Wanger had planned to eH or rent tneir noun wmn Wmr thought they would be tn Italy an kummer Now thev have changed their minds and will cion it up wnen tney leave in September i danchter Mallnda win appear ta a play at Da Jolla thia summer She haa devtfope into TMifV ATI I Although Joan Davta tavAr fng Danny Ehnan'a engagement ring ahe says abe ig not aure when be married being married to Cy WUla for 10 yean I want to be aura right thia eaya Joan IM te TnawnorM yil NOW 4m Hill ifelRKDOUGL LCHAMPfC YOU only hava to aee Boy Rogen away from home to get an idea of hia popularity He and Dale Bvana were in New Yort at the Stork dub when I waa there There were dozens of requeata frt autoarapba to take home my a If Rapunuc Oiqn 6 auwuy realtae that Roy and Dale are a remedy for box office ppina they know now their tint movie together in two years brought in great returns Now Roy and Dale will coetar in in Goda a story of the uranium ruahea taking place in the weat Republic ia also plotting a new contract in which Rogen and Evana will do nine picturee BYPn BELVEDKRE GOES Webb Shirley Temple cd cpc fTR WUfTl Wiliam Bends tod Jam Gtewen APOLLO B1M CroallT in TmIm" at 7 3 :30 AVALON cr0" Bobb DnMnll in Wtatew" at 6:25 8 By ERNIE SCH1ER years ago make up expert Wally Westmore 1 4 described Sylvia face as the most beautiful 1 Hollywood judgment may have orig inated in publicity department the studio Miss Sidney was employed by at the time but it turned out to be a popular one Thousands of moviegoers had already come to the same conclusion Her hign cneexoones wiaespteau and the soft appealing quality she ra diated distinguished her from whatever at the time was the standard type of Hollywood beauty I am happy to report particularly for the benefit of those who are looking for ward to her appearance at Olney this week that her face is still as striking and provocative as ever It must be those cheekbones There is nothing surprising about this until you have talked with Miss Sidney for a while and learned that she insists on acting her age On the stage that is She does not want to play gun molls or' oppressed young things engaged in a struggle against environment She wants to play ladies somewhere around the age of 38 A little older or a little younger yes but not simpering ingenues or old women The reason she is playing Eliza in (opening tonight) ACADEMY HamlthfmUv Alr CMlltone4 Williammvn Tierney ALLIED THEATER OWNERS DUPONT Lev Life of Napoleon Sacha Guitry create a dnfll com dy 1:35 5:30 5:30 7:30 :40 Youth In Revolt 1 595 8:20 Heart of Nation 3:30 640 9:50 The Big Steal Robert Mit chum and Jan Greer amid romance and intrigue down Mexico way 11:45 1:50 3:50 6:55 7:55 9:55 LITTLE Lot Horizon 11 2:35 6:10 1:50 An Ideal Hneband 1 4:35 METROPOLITAN Cattle on the Hud on John Garfield Ann Sheridan (Reiaaue) 11:35 1:25 3:30 7:35 9:40 The Stratton Story Lm my Stewart June Allyaon 11:20 1:20 3:25 5:25 9:30 OPEN Walt Disney estival 9:05 San raneteee 10 PALACE Daughter Ei ther William splashed with non sense music and color 11:55 2:25 4:35 :25 9:55 Boadakow 2:10 4:30 6:55 5:15 Hold That Gbeat 3:10 5:30 7:55 10:15 Qnartet pur of Som er set short atortea IL 1 3:10 5:20 7:30 0:40 TRANS Talaa Susan Hayward triumphant on a sea of oil 1050 12:40 2:35 4:25 6:16 2:05 0:55 Th ountalahead (Se Ambassador) 10:45 1255 301 5:20 :25 0:50 CROSSWORD 2 Workers in brass 3 Youth 4 Type measures 5 Sway 6 Suspend 7 Incite 8 Narrators 9 Macaws 11 An East Indian herb 15 Some 17 Relish 18 Anger rai vcdt wlB UAL VEH I wo 2345 Mat 1 James Stewart June Allyson in Tha Btrattaa at 1 3:05 5:10 7:36 3:30 'CCVTD1I 4Z5 8t NW VCHIKAL ME2S41 Om 10:45 Otta Kruser ta at 11 1 40 4'20 7 0:40 Jahn Litel in SabMMtaa 12:30 3:15 6:55 8:36 BROADWAY WALKEB THE mobiUzatidn of Marine Corps air reserves to take place July 16 to 30 at Cherry Point will be the largest in peace time history ScxheUO officers and 1775 enlisted men from New York Atlanta Miami and Jacksonville reserve components will report for aotive duty training Joseph Keenan who handled the prosecution or toe Japanese war criminals will be named to head the in vest igation of the 36 wrangle Jim ean i to last from July 27 to Oct 20 i ate in ry will be asked to unde rwrlte the Washing ton (D C) i cen tennial to the tune of $20 000000 A WARNER BROS THEATERS or Additional Infonnation Phon Theater Direct or Call RE 0800 Theater Marked Air Conditioned Theater ttvla Matinee APEX AWrMff 4:15 7:00 I II a f4 1SS1 NM ATLAS at Mftft SENATOR JaZrn Raft in IN MOB at 1:36 :3 6:30 7:36 DCVCDI 15th A NE DCVEKLI If 33M Mat 1 Humphrey Borart Inrrid Berman in at 1:06 3:16 6:20 7:25 9:30 WILUAMSSKELTOM RICARDO MONTALBAN BETTY GARRETT faii'i tow or HIGHLAND Wtrw Morri Jani Pain Bnxre Bwisett ta TOUNGKB BBBTHEBS" ta technicolor at 6:35 8:15 3:66 LAUREL Ronald Rearin Vlceoa Ltadfora ia DEC 176 Ktas BL Pk AUa Mdft HEED BEE AMPLB PARKING Air Conditioand BEAUTIUL BLONDE BOM BA0HUL frtty Grable Caeaar ro VIRGINIA Air Conditioned THE CHAMION Kirk Douglaa Marilyn MaxwH RICHMOND Air Conditioned Tom Nwd Carol Mattawa tiH tvenmgt 60c motsms June SrtwArr' Allyson in Air Conditioned STRATTON TORY' Jamea Stewart and June Allyeon SHIRL1NGT0N Air Conditioned William Bendix and Dennie QTwfe MDEPEHDEIT THEATER CAROLINA John GwficM KV1L" Djrni Km UE WALTBB Mirrv" STANTON Healthfully Alr Condltlsnte Loretta Youn "THZ ACCV8ED" Bon) Henle "COtINTBM MOXTK CBISTO" CIRCLE Air Conditioned Jamea Stewart June AU lyaon in STRATTON at 6 :00 7:66 9:60 wn DWAwb a RoamtON RICHARD CONTE ymmar UftMC nWlD TR S1SS Variety Show at 8:40 Virrina Mayo in Marti at 9:40 csvnv 1401 TSAVVl! CO 4BM Jun Allnon Ptar Lawlord In WnHe at 6:55 cern BBSS On surer Striae SH 2540 flan Kelly in Me Oat thST at 6:45 3:40 Warren Dontlaa in ter Three 8:15 ar fate I 4th a Battarnat Sta 1AKU1T1A rarkla Spare GB ISIS Wiimnhre Bocart John Derek 6:80 3:36 Loi HM1 the Janste at 8:06 QTATC Chrrh Ya I Air A tiM STRATTON Jimmy Rtewart and June Allyson chnrh Wiliam Bendx and James Gleason wiLsn Jlmm fttewart and June jUlyaon chton THB VOTNGBB BB0THKR8" Wana Morri and Jani Paire BUCKISH am ARICA Bud Abbott and Lou Costello ARLINGTON Bud Abbott and Lou Coatello IIORY LUST THEATEIS aHawa AauMtit TlMitrs DRIVE IN STt? sJ Open 7:45 Starts 9:00 Today Thru Thurs James Stewart June Allyson rank Morxan in STRATTON at 9:56 only HIPPODROME Air Conditioned Raimu Charles Boyer Michele Morran in A Also Jean Louis Barrault in IN REVOLT? BETHESDA ree Parkinr Air Conditioned Today To rnor Guy Madison Claudette Colbert Jennifer Jones Joseph Cotton Shirley Temple Montv Woolley Lionel Barrymore Robert WalkV in YOU WENT at 6:40 0:21 X5 4 ac vn TTirt? ri 4 2 9 9 Hollywood aK'H etJULAX tAJ I 7 I I MSB Bl i A Rf I 3 IK: I 1 Bld tebi son swauw inwi i I 1 1 sift jsaa W9 i Bj 11 ri 3 10 11 54 77A 57 ta wv id lm QDDEia BQUHU 3QUE0 BQQDUB ODDG BDD BUD BQDDD bubo Bauacn BQDDB DDQUU Eunauu QDBD 3BBDO13D BOHbd aDuatJObo aatjac SQUIBB BnaBE STAGE COLUMBIA COOL WARNER NATIONALS 'METROPOLITAN.

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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


What does District of Columbia mean in Washington? ›

The new federal territory was named District of Columbia to honour explorer Christopher Columbus, and the new federal city was named for George Washington.

How is the District of Columbia Washington DC different from the 50 US states? ›

Washington, DC, isn't a state; it's a district. DC stands for District of Columbia. Its creation comes directly from the US Constitution, which provides that the district, "not exceeding 10 Miles square," would "become the Seat of the Government of the United States."

What is the biggest newspaper in Washington DC? ›

The Washington Post is regarded as one of the leading daily American newspapers along with The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and The Wall Street Journal.

What is the history of the Washington Times Herald? ›

The Washington Times-Herald (1939–1954) was an American daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C. It was created by Eleanor "Cissy" Patterson of the Medill–McCormick–Patterson family (long-time owners of the Chicago Tribune and the New York Daily News and founding later Newsday on New York's Long Island) when she ...

Who controls the District of Columbia? ›

Under the District Clause of the Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17), the U.S. Congress continues to exercise authority over DC local affairs.

What two states gave up land for DC? ›

President George Washington chose the exact site along the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers, and the city was officially founded in 1790 after both Maryland and Virginia ceded land to this new “district,” to be distinct and distinguished from the rest of the states.

What is the most respected newspaper in the USA? ›

The New York Times

For more than 150 years, Times readers have expected their newspaper to provide the most thorough and uncompromising coverage in the world. The Times has won more Pulitzer prizes than any other news organization and remains No. 1 in overall reach of U.S. opinion leaders.

What is considered the best newspaper in the world? ›

The New York Times - Founded in 1851 in New York City, New York, USA, is one of the most prestigious newspapers in the world. It has over 130 Pulitzer Prizes making it one of the most popular newspapers served worldwide. The Wall Street Journal - Founded in 1877, in Washington, D.C, USA.

Who owns the biggest newspaper in the United States? ›

The largest local newspaper owner in the United States in 2023 was Gannett, with a total of 390 papers.

Which newspaper is conservative? ›

The Washington Times has been known for its conservative political stance, supporting the policies of Republican presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. Reagan was a daily reader of The Washington Times.

Is The Washington Herald a real news paper? ›

The Washington Herald first appeared on October 8, 1906 with the aim of upholding serious journalism in an era of muckraking. The paper was founded and edited by Scott C. Bone, an eminent newspaperman and former managing editor of the. McLean in 1905.

Why are so many newspapers called Herald? ›

Herald. Many newspaper names hark back to the days of town criers and public messengers calling out the news of the day in public arenas. That's the case of herald, which in medieval times referred to the official that called out announcements at jousting tournaments.

What is the difference between the District of Columbia and a state? ›

In state refers to a political division within a country. District is a division within a larger administrative unit. A city is a large settlement with a municipal government. A town is smaller than a city but larger than a village.

Why is it called Columbia? ›

Etymology. The name "Colombia" is derived from the last name of the Italian navigator Christopher Columbus (Latin: Christophorus Columbus, Italian: Cristoforo Colombo, Spanish: Cristóbal Colón). It was conceived as a reference to all of the New World.

Is DC considered the south? ›

Maryland was a slave state, home to the likes of Frederick Douglas and Harriet Tubman, and Lincoln had to send federal troops into Baltimore to quell secessionist riots -- all suggesting Maryland was a southern state. The Line endures today and the U.S. Census still lists Maryland and D.C. as part of the South.

What is the meaning of DC? ›

1. direct current. 2. or D.C. District of Columbia.


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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