Marion News-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

5.1 ARION NEWS TRIBUNE, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER'29 1903 PENNYROYAL ENGLISH- PILLS reliable Ladies, sat VI.D nad Gold metallic bones with bias ribbon. Take no other. and Imita. time. Rey of your Dreckiss.

or 4 10.000 Chichester Mrs. George Stout "and" Miss Ilelen Stout will return Monday from Hartford City, where they been visiting relay tires The Marion Savings and Loan Association -(Capital stock $100,000.) Loans money at eight (8) per ceut. interest 110 premium- -payable monthly -same as paying rent. Call and' see us before going elsewhere. J.

WOOD WILSON, Pres. ED. J. FRANKLIN, Sec. and 520 Glass.

Block EW. W. RUPLEY The practical Stove Man Stove- repairs repairing of all kinds. Leave orders at Shawley Vanbibber's furniture store, 3018 South Washington street. New 'phone 599.

Old 'phone 681. POLICEMEN HAVE A BUSY NIGHT Vence -Slaven Brutally Assaults Father and Sister Vence Slaren, nged thirty seats, in familiar figure in court, was ar. rested carly this morning -by Patrolman Sam Thompson, charged with intoxication and assault and battery, Slaven entered his home, Twentieth and Nebrasku streets, with the intention of making trouble: Tint he succeeded WAN Ile broke up all the -furniture he. could find, and threw his' aged father and his sister out of the house, both receining. serere- Neighbors living in the ricinity feared that a murder was being committedFand notided the police to that effect.

When the officers arrived' Slaven reigned supreme, having dfiven all the other occupants from the house. Ile commented upon his bravery, and -dared the officer to arrest him. Despite, the dare. Patrolman Thompson. promptly placed hine under arrest: and he must auswer: to Mayor Kiley Monday mornGeorge Havens and- Alexander Kites, two young meu, engaged in A -tight last night in front of the Grand opera house, Captain Fred Pennock was called and placed them under arrest.

They were al lowed to go on their own and will' appear before the mayor Mouday morning, rec l'erkins was arrested for toxication. SOUTH MARION COMES TO FRONT South Marion was furnished with more excitement last -evening. -Nicholas Stout, a glassworker, and Roy Jenkius were the participants in the affair. The trouble occurred in Reese's hall. It is stated that Stout was intoxicated and.

was refused admittance into- the hall Jenkins. wAg keeper and the two men got into nu argument and before it epded, the fistic A ability of both men was tried to: the limit. Patrolman Sam Thompson was- called to the scene and both. men- were placed under arrest They rave hond for their appearance be fore Mayor Kiley Stonday morning. MARRIAGE LICENSES Marriage licenses sold Saturday were four in number.

They went to young people whose names are Randolph Daniels and Margaret McEldowney, Frank IN Smith and Mattie E. Ovens, Emory B. Sellers and. Nora Hoyne, Alvin E. Young and Fiora E.

Burke. ARTICLES FILED I WITH RECORDER Articles were yesterday with Re Forder Cline making record of the NaThe tien has capital stock of $40.00 rided into 4,000 shares of $10 each. The object of -the company is to building in the sits for the purpose of holding "therein mectines of all sorts Assemblies of a politieni nature. turnt and stock: exhibits, drills and ntliletic contests tiny he hold in the struc. m- strent.

There are fifteen signers in the articles and the term of its life is one hundred rears. FIRE ALARM TEST CAUSES TROUBLE The Marion: Rubber company special connection with the fire stationed in the city. Yesterday the new system, was tested but Chief Case was not notifed As a result the department responded to the call and some man's carelessness cost. the city, $20. WILL TEST THE MILK SOLD HERE At the meeting of the city council Tuesday evening A test of the milk sold in this city will be made.

Dr. Lewis has samples of adulterated milk which have. been brought to him. and some exciting developments are expected at the in Tuesday. 15 a large quantity of adulterated milk is sold in the city and county, and number of are rests.

wuy-be the, result. NEW LIBRARY TO. BE DEDICATED Mrs. Ida Gruwell, the librarian. has received a program "of the dedication ex ercises.

of the Alexandria Carnegia: be given in the 31. E. church at Alexandria December 3.5 A special pro gram has been prepared for the occasion. Several noted speakers. will be present.

HOLIDAY PROGRAM -BEING PREPARED Christinas day will be plansant one at the Marion public library. The librarjan is preparing a special program and all the. children in the city. will be inrited. A large Christmas tree will one of the fentures of the nfternoon.

In. cal musicians and speakers: of much prominence will take part in thin eutertainment. I FRATERNITY. MEN WILL MEET HERE Animportant meeting of the Iota. Tau fraternity will be at the Spencer house at 10 o'clock this morning.

Several of the national officers -will be present The name of the society will probably: be: changed and a now constitution adopted. This. fraternity iq one of the largest "prep" organizations the county. Its membership is -made high school students. It was organized in this city several years ago and.

has enjoyed a Wonderful growth, Although it is not strong here at the present tiur, for lack of mood material, it recently enjoyed a large memborship and prospered. At toin the city will he present, An: effort will 16 made to renew in the soriety among the high- school boys in this and if possible organize new Chapters Zach Sanderson of Butler colle reFand Paul Martin of Indiana university, who are both, visiting their parents in this city are national onicers in the Iota Tau Kappa? They will be present at today's mooting and will assist in the work of the day. YESTERDAY'S EVENT NOT A. SUCCESS The failure of' the teachers in the schools to notify the students 'of the Children's at the Mariou publia library Saturday afternoon. resulted in A pour attendance.

The program arranged way an excellent, one and the librarian had spent hours it. Thuse who Jearne1 of the affair through the papers present and listened to talk -by Professor Mower of the high school. the subject being Birds." The talk proved and Was much by the young people. The success of these incetings I has been assured, and with the co-operation of the schnonls much good can not. help but come from POURED COAL OIL ON A FIRE- AND TWO ARE DEAD- AS- RESULT ASSOCIATED PRESS.I Mt.

Giload, Chin, Norember While pouring coal oil on slowly fire today WILL BORROW MONEY TO OPERATE. An allowance was made by Judge Paulus Festerday giving F'red C. Stephensom authority to borrow" $3,000 with whiel to run the Marion Handle. works, of Which he is the receiver. The money is to be used to operate plant, the equipment of which is in good order.

Tho money borrowed it to be secured by a re: ceirer's 'certificate, which constitutes: prior lien on nll the property in the hands of the receiver. The indebtedness of the concern about while the value of the. plant and material on hands will reach NOTED LECTURER BE HERE Jame Addams, head of the Hull house. Chicago, will he in Marion Thursday and will: lecture- In the of the.library under the direction of the. clubs of the city.

A reception will follow the leeture. 'The lecturer is well known in Darion, and.will doubtless: be greeted by a large crowd. The slubs of the city cooperated in giving the event. NINE HOUR BASIS IN THE CAMBRIA MILLS ASSOCIATED Johnstown, November g4 u- era thr Cambrin Atrel taking effect wit place the single turn omployes on A nine The order affects 13.000 men. A 1 dE FOUND BULLETS IN ROOM Foster Daris, the well known attorney, whose.

home Fairmnunt, lives short distance from where the shooting occurred Thursday afternoon. He found two" bullets, fired by Hooper, in a downstairs bedroom. They had lodged in the ceiling, causing the plaster to fall. COLORED MAN ARRESTED Arthur Dessell. a colored fellow, -wag arrested last night upon the charge of intoxication.

He was trying to pass" counterfeit nickel- at- the Oyster Ray when The police thought they had landed a counterfeiter but close vestigation found this to be untrue. No mouex was found on his person. WILL SETTLE CASE Attorney Maurice Powell went to dinnapolis last niglit to settle the E. L. akor bankruptcy case.

Baker is now Implored in this city. Ile formerly ownand conducted a drug store in Hartord City- and failed in business several months ago." GARLAND ART GARLAND DASE BURNERS LAD The World's Best An Immense Stock. The World's Best Ocean 'to Ocean. Unobtrusively but stenedily. is the railway map changing.

Leaders of yesterday are replaced by those of today and tomorrow. (Gigantic combinations, are being wade that will revolutionize the rallway world. -Some properties will be benefitted at the expense of others. Read our Monday's special letter which will adrise you of the most iuvestments in the present upward movement. PORTERFIELD AND CO.

196 LaSalle St, Chicago, 111. J. A. HEFFERNAN, Res. Both 114 W.

Fourth -Marion, Ind. Call us up on 'phone and keep in touch with the financial quot Grain, New York Stocks and Cattle Market." WRONG PARTY BEFORE COURT The care against James Marshall, leged to hare been a wife deserter, was In the court. of Squire Weesner yesterday. It seema that Mrs. Marshall did not fill the straight of it: when she related story the officers before the affdarit, was fled.

Witnesses who had been summoned to testify, atnted that Mrs. Marshall was the one who had loft the house on account of marital differences. They said that Marshall had not -failed to provide as he had good atanding with the grocers and his wife was 'allowed to purchase all the promisions needel, On that adrice Deputy and Prosecutor there was Williams no dismissed the action further proceedings in the J. D. Loop is at Kokomo for a short stay.

Mr. Loop's interests in Kokomo and Marion divide his time between the tiro cities." HOMESTEAD HOTEL European Rates: -50c, 75c and $1.00. MRS. E. CAMPBELL, Cor.

5th Wash. DAVIS TRIAL MONDAY stonday will witneas the resumption of- work in circuit The jury. will turn for soreral criminal cases, -and will be occupied! with them all First on the docket for trial is the case of the state Ward Daris, charged with forgery." There were sereral other cases xot for the same day, but some have been diami-sed. The two remaining are tho cases of the stute rs. Cullers, and the state Bright: A 3 Ming Jane Druror has returned to komo after a risit here with friends.

Mrs. Mary Kress, BOARDING. Private. Family Service, Clean." The Old "Barley House," 112 E. Fifth St.

FARMERS! We Bring pay your highest ITides and Market Poultry Price. to us. Chas. Levy New Phone 79. S.

Washington' St. Patented reflector-top. ase-burner. For anthracite coal and crushed co*ke. Double swing cover.

Three methods of attaching pipe. Grate can be shaken and clinkers dumped by the same lever. Heavy grates and fire pots (which can be replaced through the mica and ash-pit doors.) Double heating attachment Very large hot-air flues, accelfor upper rooms with outside air erating the air circulation. Large connections. The emperor of 149 base-heating flues, giving quick Garland Oak, with patent gas burner a base-heating stoves.

Has no peer radiation. Fire fed by cold air part of the stove. Can burn coal, wood and gas or competitor. Stands alone as taken near the floor. Operation sat one and same time.

Also has patent smoke the finest and best on earth. easily controlled by drafts and burner attachment. Come in and see it. Revolving fire-pot, which effect: checks. access.

to 1 ually clears ashes from the upper flues for cleaning-out purposes. DOWAGIAC. part: (which kettle attachment on all sizes. radiation). 1 300 Stoves on Extremely our floor to.

Low Prices select from. Come in now On All and be ready Stoves. for the cold when it comes ARM P. D. Beckwith Estate, for soft coal, co*ke The old faiious Round Oak, made by Swanger or wood.

A great fuel saver. Once used 1 you will always be its friend. Next Door to Postoffice, Marion, Indiana. ECLYPSE RANGES. Greatest bakers in the Meet Me At THE PALACE: For a Fine Fried Rabbit Dinner Sunday at 11:30.

1 world. I 1.

Marion News-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.