Kivaverse: World of Sonic (New Version) - Chapter 42 - KivatheDCWizard - Sonic the Hedgehog (2024)


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  • Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types
  • Sally Acorn/Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Fiona Fox/Miles "Tails" Prower
  • Julie-Su/Knuckles the Echidna
  • Antoine D'Coolette/Bunnie Rabbot
  • Nicole the Holo-Lynx/Shard the Metal Sonic
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Sally Acorn
  • Fiona Fox
  • Miles "Tails" Prower
  • Julie-Su (Sonic the Hedgehog)
  • Antoine D'Coolette
  • Bunnie Rabbot
  • Rotor Walrus
  • Nicole the Holo-Lynx
  • Shard the Metal Sonic
  • Knuckles the Echidna
  • Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik
Additional Tags:
  • Reboot
  • Ultimate Universe
  • MOstly Sonic
  • Elements of other Sega Franchises
  • And other Sonic-inspired series
  • Fiona Fox doesn't become evil
  • Elements from all over the Franchise
  • The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
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Kivaverse: World of Sonic (New Version)


Chapter Text



  • We see in the past. A hedgehog named Aladdin has used the Genie’s power to overthrow a tyrant, bring peace and prosperity to Shamar. He is hailed a hero. As a final gesture to the Genie, he wished for the djinn’s freedom.
  • Erazor Djinn, the Genie in question turns on Aladdin and curses him. Aladdin asks why he did that. Erazor said that the kindness of one master doesn’t erase the hundreds of former masters abusing his power, and will remake the world in his own image. And Aladdin will have no other choice but to help him obtain the Babylonian World Rings.
  • Aladdin obtains the Rings, ending up in a final fight between the Darkspine super form of Aladdin vs. Erazor Djinn, defeating the Djinn and sealing him in his lamp once more.
  • The flashback was a story to a young Sonic by his parents, kid Sonic even more inspired to be a hero.
  • Years later in a museum, a couple of artifacts that was recently recovered was on display. The Lamp of Erazor Djinn and the Key of Solomon. Shahra, Merlina’s ally breaks in to obtain them, saying Erazor can never escape again. However, at the same time the Babylonians had the idea of stealing the artifact as well.
  • Shahra’s magic gives her the edge, but the Babylonians outnumber her. Also, they have created artificial Cosmic Ark pieces, and even Shahra couldn’t stand up to the pressure of fifty gravity rings. She snatches Solomon’s Key but is forced to flee shortly after and the Lamp is held by the Babylonians.
  • Erazor Djinn is unleashed from his lamp by the Babylonians, whom pledge their allegiance to the villain. They hand him his own lamp, with Erazor saying as long as he’s tied to the lamp, even if he himself holds it, his power is limited. They need the Secret Rings ad the Key of Solomon. The Babylonians are quick to start looking for them.
  • Shahra takes the artifiact, Erazor’s Lamp and seeks out the Freedom Fighters. She explains the history of Erazor and herself. How she used to be Erazor’s mate until he went mad with power and was beaten by Sonic’s ancestor Aladdin. She needs to keep the lamp out of the hands of the Babylonians, the descendants of the djinn.
  • Shahra also reveals she has long merged her own ring into one of the World Rings. It allows her to no longer be bound to a master but her life force is tied in to the ring. However, the other Rings need to be found. Babylon can never rise again.
  • The heroes decide to help Shahra help gather the rings before Erazor and the Babylonians can.

Great Desert

  • The heroes start to split up and look for the Rings. They originally were all from Shamar but they have been scattered across the world, one of them being in the Great Desert. Sonic, Shahra, Bunnie and Antoine head over there.
  • The Ring is buried somewhere, in the territory where the Sand Blasters and the Great Desert Dark Egg Legion hold their turf wars. Bunnie is surprised to learn her Uncle Beauregard is the Grandmaster of the Legion.
  • Bunnie says how she ran away from her Uncle Beauregard and Aunt Lulumae, as she originally didn’t believe them when they finally revealed the treason of her parents, and wasn’t able to make up with them before she left.
  • Bunnie approaches her uncle and apologizes to him. Beauregard forgives her as the two catch up. Beauregard reveals that he is part of the Fold, a select group within the Eggman Empire whom plan to take out the Empire from the inside out. He is willing to stage an assault on the Sand Blasters to cover for the heroes recovering the Ring
  • As the plan comes to pass and the battle rages on, the heroes find the location of the ring. However, the Babylonians are on their tail, with Erazor Djinn sending several Djinn foostoldiers and a giant Sand Scorpion, whom is cybernetically enhanced with Babylon tech, to attack.
  • Meanwhile as one group of heroes deal with the Scorpion, another one deals with Posh the Peaco*ck. Enhanced with Erazor’s magic and an artificial Cosmic Ark piece, he is much more dangerous, though eventually driven off.
  • Erazor projects his face in the sky, threatening the heroes. He says how he holds his own lamp so his own power is not restricted through his wishes and once he has the Key of Solomon and the Seven Rings he’ll be invincible.
  • Shahra explains on how the Key of Solomon made sure that Erazor is bound to the lamp no matter how many wishes he grants, unlike last time, and without the key the lamp will always be his weakness. But if he holds it close to him, it will be difficult to stop him.
  • The heroes obtain the first Ring, the Desert Legion faking trying to stop the Freedom Fighters (to keep face towards Eggman) but in the process only to deliberately miss and hold off the Sand Blasters instead, so the heroes can escape with it.

Northstar Islands

  • Amy, Lily, Sally and Nicole head for the Northstar Islands where they meet Tiara, Dulcy, Tank and Trip. Tiara’s expertise on Rings would help them track down the ring. Trip says that the Ring may be on one of the islands, but even she doesn’t know all its secrets.
  • The heroes have to deal with Tikka, whom has the magic boost and artificial Cosmic Ark Piece like Posh had. To make matters work, Fafnir is back.
  • Fafnir aligns himself with Tikka for power, saying that as a dragon he is a creature of the sky like them. Tikka reluctantly accepts the help. They make it into the hidden chamber holding the Ring. Fafnir of course turns on Tikka and grabs the Ring. However, Fafnir can’t control the rings power and turns into a giant serpent.
  • The heroes defeat Serpent Fafnir and separate him from the ring, but Tikka snatches it. She says those without Babylon blood are not capable of controlling its power. She rants on how Babylon will rise and all will fall in line…as she turns to Lily and makes it clear to her that she’ll be hers again in the end.
  • They get a message from Sonic’s team about how they saw Erazor and how he holds his own lamp and is in control. Lily confirms Erazor is worshipped as a hero by the Babylonians and of course they’d blindly follow him.

Sylvania Castle

  • Tails, Fiona, Cream and Rotor track the next Ring down in Sylvania. They find that there are Babylonian troops already arrived. And most of them are dead, leaving wounded and bloody.
  • The freaked out heroes go through the castle but found it has changed. It is no longer abandoned, it is cleaner and there is a frightening aura.
  • They run into Snatch, but she is off. The seagull is now dolled up and with a vacant stare. She says that her name is Sissy and she is Mommy’s cute little dolly. Despite her being in her weird state, she still got the same enhancements as the other Babylonian generals. The heroes manage to chase her off.
  • The heroes get split up thanks to a trap in the castle. The trio then find themselves facing other Babylonians. Most are turned into ghouls, several others (mostly females and more feminine members) dolled up like Snatch. Though mixed in with them are what the heroes realize are actual, genuine vampires.
  • Seperated, the trio get overwhelmed and captured and brought before their leader to see what is to be done with them. The leader turns out to be a Mobian Vampire Leech named Lyra (1). She has the World Ring and wants to use it to bring her daddy back.
  • Lyra also reveals she likes pretty girls and wants to keep them as dolls. And while they are nice, Fiona is extra pretty and she wants her as her eternal playmate by converting her. As she starts with the hypnosis on Fiona before she give her the bite, an angry Tails breaks free and strikes Lyra.
  • However, while not converted Fiona is hypnotized and is put to fight against Tails. Tails does her best to avoid hurting Fiona.
  • Cream decides to try something and uses her healing magic. It breaks the hold of Lyra over her thralls, but it doesn’t cure the ghouls or the other vampires since they are either too far form life on the undead scale or have been in that state too long.
  • Lyra is angry and goes feral. Rotor blows a hole in the roof, and letting daylight in. It chases off the Ghouls and vampires by Lyra is unaffected. She is a royal vampire and has few real weaknesses. But Tails is able to hurt her due to his Chaos Powers. She summons one of her late father’s inventions, the Ifrit Golem to cover her escape.
  • The heroes escape with the next ring, but Fiona is still reeling as being under Lyra’s thrall felt awful. Their normal enemies are bad enough, but the fact there are vampires out there scares them all.
  • Lyra is last seen near a coffin, crying. She says ‘Sorry, Daddy!’ for not being able to bring him back just yet but she won’t give up and they’ll be happy family again. She vows revenge on the Freedom Fighters for stopping her and taking her ‘pretty dollies’ away form her.


  • The next ring turns out to be Asahi. Sonic, Sally, Tails and Fiona go there and meet up with Lady Rao, Kyubi and Taiko.
  • Rao says she knows the next Secret Ring is in the hands of her greatest rival, the Lord of Oni, Kanobo the Shuten-Doji. And he’s not ready to give up anything to them easily. Sally notes she is a good negotiator and may be able to resolve this without violence. Lady Rao says it won’t be as much fun. But since she is trying to be better she reluctantly agrees.
  • Meeting Lord Kanobo, Sally explains him about the current crisis and in exchange for a favor if they receive the Ring, and will be able to resolve the rise of Erazor. Lord Kanobo considers this, though the favor he demands surprises everyone: a date with Lady Rao.
  • Even Rao didn’t see that coming. Lord Kanobo says that through the various clashes and battles they had he grew to love her ferocity and strength. Lady Rao wants to refuse but Sally points out he only asks a date, not a whole courtship, she can promise a date but afterwards not choose to continue. Lady Rao reluctantly agrees though she says she wants to see how the big brute bungles it.
  • Lady Rao is surprised when Lord Kanobo, whom she thought was a meathead, actually has a gentle, poetic and romantic side. She actually starts enjoying herself until the Babylonians attack.
  • Bruiser the Pelican leads the charge and brought along one of Erazor Djinn’s monster, the rhino like Karkadann. However, Bruiser has never faced anything like an angry Ogre before and is curbstomped. Meanwhile Lady Rao makes easy work of Karkadann with her magic, leaving the heroes to just clean up the footsoldiers.
  • Lord Kanobo gives the Ring to the heroes. Lord Kanobo apologizes of using the ring as a means to get a date but he believed with their past a normal invitation would be seen as a joke. Lady Rao says that’s true. But she is willing to get a do-over on that date as she is impressed with the Oni Lord’s hidden depths.
  • Tails realizes that he may get an Eastern ogre as a grandpa…and his family is weird.

Great Blue realm

  • Bunnie, Cream, Antoine and Rotor take Tails’ Sea Fox to the ocean to track the next Ring.
  • However, they run into Abyss the Squid, Eggman’s oceanic Grandmaster.
  • Musashi the Woodpecker has also followed them on the island.
  • The three fight over the ring. Antoine handles Musashi, and Bunnie goes up against Abyss’ first mate Sledge the Hammerhead shark (2). Rotor and Cream go after Abyss.
  • Abyss evades them long enough and gets the Ring. Like Fafnir though she can’t handle its power and turns into a giant kraken. With Rotor’s explosives and Cream’s magic they defeat it. Sledge takes Abyss and retreat with the rest of the crew.
  • However, in the confusion Musashi has taken the Ring.


  • Lily, Amy and Shahra arrive at an ancient ritual site where the Ring was buried. They meet Fiadone, whom plans to use the Ring for a ritual to revert back to her original form.
  • There are two parties whom are after it. The Inspector and the former Council of Mages (Amdusias, Aym and Bune). The three mages plan to use the magic of the World Ring to get back into power.
  • The three council members get to the ring first. The three fuse into a chimeric monster but unlike Abyss and Fafnir are able to keep their mind intact. Though they end up defeated in the end.
  • The Inspector though manages to ambush Fiodone and robs several relics off her. Fiadone says it took her eons to collect those. If even one of them is destroyed it’ll take decades for her to get new ones.
  • Lily exchanges the World Ring for the relics. Lily says that Fiadone is in suffering for years and she doesn’t want her to continue hurting.
  • Fiadone takes back her relics and says to Lily that she didn’t have to do that. Lily says Fiadone in confidence she planted a tracker, so they can track the Babylonians’ new base.
  • Fiadone uses the relics to finally assume her true succubus form. She thanks the heroes and asks if she can make it up to them with a bit of sexy time, but they politely decline. But Fiadone promises she owes the Freedom Fighters a debt she can’t resolve even in her normal lifetime.
  • The Inspector found the tracker on the World Ring and discards it before he boards his Ship. He doesn’t know that the tracker on the world ring was a decoy and his tail feathers carry another tracker.
  • Shahra opens up about her former relationship with Erazor. She wants to believe he used to be a good man whom became corrupted by his hate, anger and lust for power. But maybe he was always like that and she didn’t see. Lily says how her relationship with Tikki was similar. She was kind and protected her before, but in the end she went her own way to fulfill her own ambition, and now she suddenly wants Lily to forget how she abandoned her.

Night Palace

  • The heroes have four rings and the key, with the Babylonians having three. Shahra said she hid the rings away hoping that the Babylon Legacy would be uncovered by a worthy bloodline in the future. But seeing how far they’ve fallen she thinks its best to destroy the Rings and let the Babylon of the past die. Even if it means sacrificing herself, as she was now bonded to one of the World rings.
  • They find the Night Palace, the old headquarters of Erazor Djinn which he summoned back into existence. The heroes sneak in from different points across the castle.
  • Despite that, the Babylonians are on to them and they confront the heroes. The heroes get their World Rings taken from them.
  • Shahra makes it inside the chamber with Erazor Djinn. Shahra asks Erazor to stop the madness; Two lifetimes in the lamp should have taught him that his violent ways only bring him suffering. Erazor says that its all he has left. Their people have died out and while the Babylon army has potential their bloodlines are thinned. The people whom wronged him are long dead. Power is all he has. Shahra said sadly ‘You had me…’
  • The Babylonians bring the Rings to Erazor but he realizes they are fake. Sally brags that Tails is smart enough to make fake Emeralds, Fake World Rings are up his alley. She then has Fiadone, Lord Kanobo, Lady Rao, Taiko, Kyubi and the Northstar Freedom Fighters jump in, and they take the remaining World rings of Erazor, whom left them out in the open as soon as he tried using the fake ones.
  • An all out fight breaks out. Shahra fights Erazor, and unlike last time, she has had centuries to grow to his level and holds her own. Erazor notes she holds the last World Ring on her. Erazor then pulls out the original Genie Ring Shahra was bonded to. Shahra is shocked as she had discarded it.
  • Erazor uses the Genie ring to sever her connection to the World Ring and bind her to the old ring once more. Which means she is stuck granting wishes. And while Djinns cannot grant one another’s wishes…she gives the ring to Empress Olora.
  • Olora wishes for the real world Rings and Solomon’s Key to belong to them, the Power to destroy the Freedom Fighters and that she would become the loving and devoted mate to Master Erazor.
  • Shahra reluctantly grants the wishes and takes the rings away. She then turns Olora in a huge roc-like creature and she attacks the heroes. However, she still ends up defeated. Sonic points out that all his enemies have a means to destroy them but they always overcome the odds.
  • However, Erazor says he still has what he wants, he has the Rings, he has Shahra, he has Solomon’s Key to break his bond to the lamp and unlike last time fighting Aladdin, he has all the World Rings. He assumes a true Super Form, Alf Layla wa-Layla Alhaqiqia (the Real One Thousand and One Nights)


  • The heroes fight against Erazor’s super form and a brainwashed Shahra. They aren’t doing so well. The heroes reach out to Shahra, saying that Erazor made her feel false love. Love isn’t freely given, and cannot be demanded. What Erazor gave her isn’t love.
  • Shahra fights back against her own magic. While she admits that while the spell makes her feel love…it never meant she had to let her love and devotion to him cloud her judgement. As she still loved him when they fought long ago and she did her best to stop him then.
  • Erazor says Shahra is too weak to do anything to harm him. Shahra says she doesn’t have to harm him. She takes the Fake Rings the heroes have, and imbues them with the emotions and thoughts of the heroes, turning them into variants of the World Rings called Mobius Rings.
  • Erazor wonders how that’s possible. Shahra mentioned that the emotions that make up existed long before the World Rings existed. And they are what give them power. And the emotions the heroes carry, the emotions that drive their heroics are much more powerful.
  • Sonic, Tails and Sally become imbued with the Ring’s powers. Sonic transforms into Goldspine Sonic, a more balanced version of his ancestor’s Darkspine form. Sally becomes Sultana Sally and Tails assumes Rasul Tails. The three defeat Erazor.
  • Erazor returns to normal, the World Rings are separated from him and Shahra’s ring has been recovered. Erazor says that they can wish him to fix the damage and put him back in the lamp but he’s immortal and he’ll come back, even if it takes a thousand lifetimes he’ll return.
  • Sonic says that its sad, Erazor has forgotten how to feel anything but anger and contempt, even with the emotions of the Rings feeding his powers. It wasn’t fair that he was originally forced to grant wishes, but the deeds of evil he committed justify nothing. He could have lived happily, he even had a loving partner which he pushed away.
  • Erazor doesn’t react and just tells Sonic to get it over with. Sonic asks Shahra what to do with him. Shahra says Erazor is beyond redemption, as being trapped in the lamp twice did nothing for him. She opens a lava pit and tells the heroes to throw in all the Rings and the lamp into it. And she does mean all the rings, including hers. As Erazor has bound her to her old ring with the same curse as before, and Erazor used Solomon’s Key to break his own curse, leaving it without any power.
  • The heroes realize it will mean Shahra’s end but she tells them not to worry. Her life as a djinn may come to an end, but a new life will begin for her, but first all the traces of the Old Babylon have to vanish. It had its time and something new must rise.
  • The heroes grant her wishes, throwing the Mobius Rings, the Lamp, Shahra’s rings and the World Rings in the lava pit. Erazor panics but soon fades from existence as he begs Shahra to save him. Shahra says ‘Goodbye…my love.’ As she watches him vanish.
  • Shahra starts to vanish too, but then Neo Walker Merlina appears beside her. Shahra said that she is ready to take her place among the Neo Walkers, and she was waiting for the moment until all her worldly attachments were severed. She thanks the heroes for their help, their friendship and kindness as she ascends.
  • The Babylonian Army is devastated. The Babylon Garden, the World Rings, all destroyed. Nothing left from their ancestry, and they devoted generations’ livetimes to them. Sonic says ‘Consider that time wasted.’
  • Sally explains how she recently had to have the monarchy of her family disbanded. It is sad that a legacy came to an end, but it was proven more harmful than anything. And the Babylonian Army was doing great harm to themselves and others in their own pursuits. Sometimes its time to let the past go.
  • Olora goes catatonic as she can’t comprehend, and the army just flees.
  • Also Tikka looks at Lily with a sad look. Seeing how cruel Erazor was in his relationship with Shahra put some things in perspectives with Lily. She wants to go up and apologize, but she can’t bring herself to do it yet.


  • Shahra takes her seat alongside Merlina, Athair and Aurora of the Neo Walkers. They look at the world and the possibilities of what yet to come and agree it is looking good.
  • The Freedom Fighters go home for some downtime, before the inevitable big adventure.
  • Eggman gets a report from Abyss about her recent bout. Eggman moans that he missed something big. He slumps in his seat and demands another latte from Stone.
  • Rao has a do-over of that date with Lord Kanobo, but this time it goes without any interruption. It goes well enough that Rao agrees on a second date.
  • Kyubi has reached a point that his remaining training can be done through self-study. He bids Lady Rao and Taiko goodbye. He plans to spend some time with the rest of the Prower family before he goes on his quest to find his place in the world.
  • Fafnir is throw in a jail cell. The Destructix in the surrounding cells say ‘Welcome to hell, rookie!’
  • Fiadone finds the Council mage trio and turns them into cake creatures just like they did to her. She says that unlike her curse, theirs wears off. Though they have to spend as long in this form as she did. Which means they may be stuck like that for a while.
  • Beauregard is contacted by Bunnie on a secure communications channel and they catch up.
  • Lyra the Leech raids an Eggman facility, killing several Legionnaires. She finds a few female scientists and dollifies them. She asks them if they can use their big brains to help bring her Daddy back.


(1) Lyra the Leech, one of my old breakout OCs

(2) Sledge’s design


Well this was not as much a direct adaptation. More like a sort of sequel.

If you remember the original events of Secret Rings were adapted as something that occured in the past and it was Sonic's ancestor that went throught them.

Due to connecting the Babylonian lore to the Djinns this makes it a sequel of sorts but with the modern cast, and fleshing out several other characters in the process.

Will I do something similar for the Black Knight adaption?




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Chazz_Saba123, TheMythicalMultiverse, Quilava720, Commanderinquisitor, Wolfdruid92, Obby, AltheWonderBeast, Guardian_Blitz_Rider, TheAbsolution, Lost_otter9776, SparkyFan, XtheReaper, Someguy22, ScorpioMario55, Elhechizero2023, Darkdragonknight, J_masterHD, AshlyKagome15, 3mtsims, and Lord_grievousas well as30 guestsleft kudos on this work!


Kivaverse: World of Sonic (New Version) - Chapter 42 - KivatheDCWizard - Sonic the Hedgehog (2024)


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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.