Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianitys Pagan Roots - A Revolutionary Reinterpretation o - PDF Free Download (2024)

a litter. It has a sign of the cross inlaid with gold on its forehead, two other such signs, [one] on each hand, and two other signs, [one] actually [on each of] its two knees-altogether five signs with gold impress. And they carry the image itself seven t imes round the innermost shrine with flutes, tambourines and hymns, hold a feast, and take it back down to its place underground. And when you ask them what this mystery means they reply that today at this hour Core- that is, the virg in-has given birth to Aeo . 22,11 This also goes on in the city of Petra, in the idolatrous temple there. (Petra is the capital city of Arabia, the scriptural Edam.) They praise the virgin with hymns 88 89

The Story ofReligious Controversy, by Joseph McCabe, 1929, pg. 169. Thrice-greatest Hermes: Studies in Hellenistic Theosophy and Gnosis, by George Robert Stow Mead, 1906, pg. 160.

Astrotheology & Shamanism- Christianitys Pagan Roots


I Chapter Three Astrotheology in the Arab language and call her Chaamu-that is, Core, or virgin-in Arabic. And the child who is born of her they call Dusares, that is "only son of the Lord." And this is also done that night in the city of Elusa, as it is there in Petra, and in Alexandria. 22,12 I have been obliged to prove this with many examples because of those who do not believe that "The Epiphany" is a good name for the fleshy birth of the Savior. 90 ~ Epiphanius

Epiphaneus states "22,8 And how many other things have been done and are being done because of, and in testimony to this calculation, I mean of Christ's birth?" . Here he admits that Christ's birth is based on solar calculations, and then caveats in a shallow attempt to show Christ as the original reason for the December celebrations. Christian Ratsch Ph.D. further relates in Pagan Christmas : In Egypt, Kykellia is called "the rite of Isis." Like the smudging nights, this is a twelve-day feast. It begins with a torch procession in honor of the birth of Horus, the son of Isis: "The birth of the new sun is the intended meaning, and that was connected with the announcement of the sowing [of wheat] in the earth, freshly fertilized (with dung) and flooded by the Nile" (Vossen 1985, 72f). The sowing was done on December 27, during the feast celebrating the ascension of Horus to the throne. The meaning of the name Isis is equivalent to "Earth". 91 "' Christian Ratsch

Christians believe that all of these attributes and many more are only applicable to Jesus Christ but, as we can see, this is simply untrue. There are at least 30 ancient deities who are all thousands of years older than Jesus and share a great degree of commonality with him. 92

HE IS RISEN INDEED This great story can be found in nature. In the spring and summer, the sun in the sky is large and the days are hot and long. During the fall and winter, the sun is farther away on the horizon (smaller) and the days are shorter and colder. During the summertime, the northern hemisphere tips toward the sun as the earth rotates on its axis. Because of this tipping of the axis, the sun appears to be larger on the horizon and the days are longer and warmer. During the wintertime, the northern hemisphere tips away from the sun and we experience colder months as the sun appears smaller on the horizon and the daylight hours grow shorter and shorter.

90 91 92

The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis 51.22.3 -12. trans. by Williams, 1994. Pagan Christmas by Ratsch, ct al , 2006, pg . 150- 1. The Christ Conspiracy, 1999, and Suns of God, 2004, by Acharya S, pg. 105-25; The World 's 16 Crucified Saviors, by Graves, 1876.

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Figure 15- Sunrise- by Nicholas Zervos The sun in the sky is truly our savior. It saves us from a sure death by giving its energy to us. Like all stars, someday our sun will also burn out. Consequently, the sun is quite literally giving its life so that we may live. When the sun in the sky is being anthropomorphized as a human deity (the baby Jesus for example), the birth is depicted to occur underneath a star. This is because the sun in the sky truly is born underneath a star, or at least that is how it appears from our earthly perspective. The baby Jesus is usually depicted in a stable with a star over his head. As the story goes, Jesus was born in a stable in between a goat and a horse (also known as Capricorn and Sagittarius93 ) . It is common to put a Nativity scene underneath the Christmas tree with a star on top of the tree. Horus is also depicted with a star over his head in sculptures and other artwork. Wise men are said to have followed a star to the birth of Jesus. What role could these wise men and this star play in all of this? The sun is the main star of all stars, the only star that is of real importance to us because it sustains our lives. Similarly, in this macrocosmic anthropomorphism, the sun and all other stars in the sky (the cousins or brothers of the sun) are Kings, and Jesus, representing the sun, is the King of kings.


The Christ Conspiracy. by Acharya S., pg. 16 1.

Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots


I Chapter Three Astrotheology

Imagine that you are sitting by the pond in this picture9\ facing the east, and watching the sun's cycle all year long. Imagine further that you are only going to document where the sun first appears on the eastern horizon each morning. Beginning in the spring and early summer you would notice that the sun is at 7 a.m. already raised from its nightly sleep and above the eastern horizon. You will also notice that it is consistently rising on the northern side of due east.

As we approach autumn, at the same time of the morning, the sun will not be rising on the north side of due east; now it is crossing over and rising on the south side of due east. The sun appears to be moving to the south and shrinking as well. As we progress further towards winter, the days get shorter and shorter as the sun appears to get smaller and smaller. It is as though the sun is falling to its death. It would appear that if the sun were to continue on this course, our days would continue to get shorter and shorter until there were no daylight hours at all. Eventually, all life on earth would cease to exist. 95

It is fortunate for us that this does not happen. The sun will soon

seem to travel back to the northern part of the sky. When doing so, the sun will appear to grow larger and stronger, bringing the warmer weather of spring and summer. However, the transition between this southerly movement and northerly movement of the sun does not happen overnight. It appears as though the sun has been moving toward the south and growing smaller every day, but on the evening of the winter solstice96 (typically December 21" or 22"d), this comes to an end. On December 22"d, 23'd, and 24th the sun does not rise closer to the south as it has each day in the previous six months.

Figure 16- Movement of the sun by Nicholas Zervos

94 95 96 97

Instead, the sun will rise in the exact same location; it is without movement. The sun is considered dead for three days. There is a three-day period when our savior, the King of kings, the son of God (the sun god) is dead. The new sun is born on December 25th, rising on the horizon and advancing toward the north as it begins its new life and the days begin to grow longer. In fact, above 66.5° to 67° latitude97 , the sun will actually disappear from the horizon during this three-day period:

These images arc for visualization purposes only and arc not to scale. Maxwell: lectures, videos, and books. The word solstice literally means "sun stands still." Depending on specific annual calculations.

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According to my tables for this year [2004] at the 67 degrees latitude, the sun is not visible for three days from Dec. 21, to Dec. 25 ... but at noon it is still bright outside ... the sun must be 6 degrees below horizon for total darkness. 98 "' Prond Robertson - Meteorologisk Institutt of Northern Norway

Though it is not the scope of this book to look into this topic in depth, it has interesting implications for the origins of so-called Mesopotamian and Vedic religions, and further research is required. 99 New Year and Christmas are essentially the same holiday, the celebration of the birth of the sun. But how can you tell when this happens, like our ancestors did? There is a simple technique to recognize when this time of year occurs. As the typical story goes, three kings, or magi, follow a star in the east to the birth of the Christ child.

Figure 17- The Three Magi. Basilica of St. Apollinare Nuovo. 6th century, Ravenna, Italy

98 99

A telephone conversation with Prond Robertson of the Mctcorologisk lnstitutt Forecasting division of Northern Norway, Tromse. Sun. Nov. 28, 2004. The implications of this hypothesis on religion arc important. This could place the origin of the talc of the sun's death with people living above the 65.5° latitude. If this is true, it could mean the Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and Vedic religions that celebrate this would actually have developed from Ural-Altaic shamanism of the Arctic Siberian north! Gordon Wasson suggested this in 1968. There is evidence that Turkish and other peoples (possibly even Sumerian) arc descendants of the Siberians. Peter Wilson's ideas of Soma always being bought or stolen from the tribal people (sec chapter 4 and Ploughing the Clouds by Wilson, 1999) would also reinforce this theory. Wilson derived this idea from Wasson 's Soma: The Divine Mushroom ofImmortality, 1968, pg. 23-24.


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I Chapter Three Astrotheology

Figure 18 - Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, split screen showing three wise men (Orion) foUowing a star

The three wise men, or the three kings, are anthropomorphisms of the three stars of Orion's Belt. 100 Like the sun, Orion's Belt also rises on the eastern horizon. In early December, Orion's Belt will rise above the horizon approximately an hour after sunset. In mid-January, it will rise above the horizon approximately an hour before sunset. However, on Christmas Eve it will rise above the eastern horizon just after the sun sets. This occurs on the evening of December 24 to the morning of December 25. Symbolically, the three kings (Orion's Belt) are following the star of"Bethlehem," known as Sirius (also called Sithus by the Egyptians). We three kings of Orient are Bearing gifts we traverse afar 101 I00 The Bible, depending on your translation, only mentions magi , kings, or wiscmcn, not the number " three." The word used in the Greek is Magoi - astrologers. These "astrologers," or more likely "stars"*, arc, in fact, recognized by the Church on "Three Kings Day," celebrated January 6, the Epiphany (celebrated as Jesus' birthday by the Orthodox Church), which signals the end of the 12 days of the Christmas season. They were first called "kings" by father Tcrtullian (circa 160-225 CE), in our opinion, in order to hide the astronomy relationship. The three kings ' names arc Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. At one point even a cult of the three kings existed, celebrated as saints under the supervision ofthc Church but only in Cologne. Sec Pagan Christmas by Ratsch, eta!. , 2006, pg. 179-183. *" ...and it is often the Magi, the Three Kings, the Three Marys, or simply the Three Stars, that Tennyson had in his Princess - "those three stars of the airy Giants' zone [Orion] , That glitter burnished by the frosty dark."" Star Names, by Richard Allen, 1899/1963, Pg. 316. I0 I To travel a great distance.

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Chapter Three Astrotheology I 27 Field and fountain, moor and mountain Following yonder star 0 Star of wonder, star of night Star with royal beauty bright Westward leading, still proceeding Guide us to thy Perfect Light rvWe Three Kings 102

The tale tells us that these kings traveled a great distance. This is because on this day, the three stars of Orion's Belt begin their journey across the night sky immediately at twilight. When this alignment with Sirius occurs, it appears to point straight down at the earth as if it were pointing down to the place where the sun in the sky is about to rise. On this night, we know that God's son, the sun in the sky, is about to be born. When this occurs it is Christmas morning. It is the dawning of God's sun/son, the beginning of the (real) New Year, and the first day of the sun's journey to the north. During the summer months the belts of Orion and Sirius are turned up in the sky at a different angle and are often hidden by the daylight sun. Only one night of the year do they swing fully down and point directly at the earth in alignment with the sunrise while appearing on the horizon just after twilight. In this image (Figure 19), the star is aligning with the head of Jesus, the sun god. This is a microcosmic anthropomorphism of what is occurring in the sky in the early morning hours of December 25 . It is a clever way to represent that which is above, and that which is below by depicting the actual star and the personified deity. Thomas 77 Jesus said, "It is I who am the light which is above them all. .."

Days are actually degrees; there are 360 degrees in a full circle and 365 degrees or days in a full calendar year. When we understand that the sun actually appears dead for several days (or stands still), we realize where these days come from. The average length of a year in the Julian calendar is 365.25 days, differing from the value of the mean solar year by about .0078 days. This resulted in a slow shift of the Julian calendrical year with respect to the solar year (i.e. to the solstices and equinoxes). By the 16th century the Julian calendar was seriously out of synch with the seasons. Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar (our "modem" calendar), which is still in use. The Maya recognized this problem early on. They created a five-day Figure 19 - Born under a star. From a month in their "Haab" calendar at the end of their 360-day cycle, modern Catholic gift card. called the Vayeb, which accurately depicts the 365-day year; and because they calculated this calendar in conjunction with the Tzolkin calendar for the Long Count, there was no future chance of inaccuracy. 102 We Three Kings of Orient Are, written by Rev. John Henry Hopkins Jr., 1857.

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EAST STAR People everywhere celebrate the sunrise every Sun-day by going to their churches and temples during the rising of the sun in the sky and facing an altar located in the eastern side of the church. This is blatant sun worship in itself. The churches themselves are temples built in honor of the sun. These temples will often face the east, or rather, the altar will be facing the east. Some claim that this is done simply so that the sun shines through the stained glass over the altar during the worship service. While this is true, there is a lot more to this than just visual effects. In the example before, we were documenting the sun 's movement by facing the east and watching the sunrise as it dies and is reborn. The microcosmic image of Jesus on the cross (his halo in particular) is a depiction of the sun dying in the sky.

Figure 20 - Examples of Jesus at the crucifixion looking to his right 103

In most of the older paintings and sculptures of the crucifixion, Jesus is always looking to his right or his head is hanging to the right side of his body.

103 From lefi to right: Albrecht Altdorfer, Christ on the Cross, c. 1520; Andrea Da Firenze, Crucifixion, c. 1365; Jan van Eyck, Crucifixion, c. 1420; di Bondone Giotto, No . 35, Scenes from the Life of Christ: 19. Crucifixion, c. 1304; Francesco Francia, Crucifixion with Sts John and Jerome, c. 1485.

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It is common for Freemasons to hang banners on their walls. Often, these banners contain the four letters representing North, South, East and West on the outer border. What may go unnoticed is that East is usually placed at the top. Maps in general (whether they are street maps, weather maps, or other maps) usually have north at the top. However, when referring to the death and rebirth of the sun god, one must face the East because that is where the new sun is born. Therefore, East is at the top of the banners for initiates of the mystery schools.

Figure 21- First degree Masonic tracing board

Ancient cultures oriented 104 themselves with due east, 105 not the north. As a result, they built their temples facing the sunrise. They often put two pillars at the front of the temples (representing Boaz and Jachin, Isis and Osiris, Ishtar and Tammuz, Castor and Pollux, Amanita and Psilocybe, et al.), positioned in such a way that when the sun crossed the front of these temples, the shadows created by these pillars actually told them what time of year it was. They literally created a clock and a calendar out of these temples, which only the priestly class could understand. The shadow would move across the temple floors, which were tiled in a checkerboard pattern, telling them the time and the day of the year.

It isn't mere coincidence that various artists from different times and locations all illustrate Jesus with his head hanging to his right or looking to his right (figure 22 106). When facing these paintings, the same concept applies as when you are facing a Freemasonic tracing board: you are still facing east, because the sun rises in the east. 107

If we superimpose the four directions over the image of the crucifixion, placing East at the top as the mystery schools do, we see Jesus is not just looking to his right, saving the soul of a thief hung next to him. Jesus is looking to the north. Or rather, the sun god is moving to the north. By stripping away the background, we see that the sun has been traveling south until it dies. The two thieves stayed on the cross for three days, while the sun will spend three days in the tomb. The sun cannot move any further to the south, just as Jesus cannot look in that direction. When taking into consideration that Jesus is referred to as the Door, the two crosses on either side of Jesus could be seen as the two pillars of Boaz and Jachin standing on either side of the doorways of the cathedrals.

Figure 22 - Crucifixion of the Sun

I 04 From the Oxford English Dictionary we learn that the word "Orient"· means cast, or in the heavens, the sun. (Orient - Archaic- The place on the horizon where the sun rises; the cast.) I OS Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy , by Brown, 1882, pg. 62. 106 Original artwork by Giovanni Bellini, Crucifix, c. 1455. I 07 Third-degree tracing boards place west at the top because the sun sets, or dies, to the west in its daily cycle.

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A quote from Bishop Youssef from the St. Mina Orthodox Church says, "In our church we face the east for several reasons. One reason is that the sun itself rises from the east. Similarly, Jesus is our light and we are always looking to him as our Lord . Also with the birth of Christ, the three wise men saw a star that was in the east that led them to the Christ Child ." I John 1:5 and declare unto you, that god is light, and in him there is no darkness at all. Malachi 4:2but unto you that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings.

The fact that "sun" is spelt s-u-n is no mistake in the verse from Malachi. The Hebrew word translated as sun is "shemesh." 108 The definition reads "to be brilliant, the sun, by implication the east.. . ." Therefore, the sun is truly our savior and you can find quotes in the Bible and in songs, poetry, and seemingly everywhere telling us this.






Figure 23 - Christian and Egyptian icons These are Christian and Egyptian icons representing the worship of the sun god. Many Egyptian icons are very similar to Christian ones, one being (in our opinion) obviously appropriated from the other, and it only takes a simple history lesson to decipher which is which. One will often come across pyramids when researching sun worship. The pyramids point to the sun and were built in honor of the sun. We even find a capped pyramid blatantly displayed on the back of the one-dollar bill, with 13 steps leading to the All-Seeing Eye . .. the eye of God, the eye of Horus, your third eye, the sun, etc. The word pyramid, or Pyra-Mid, means "fire in the middle" .. .Pyro and mid. 109 An Egyptian word for pyramid was "Khuti" meaning glorious light. According to Robert Hewitt Brown's book Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy, the word "Freemason" is derived from Egyptian "Phre" (the sun) and "Mas" (a child) and actually means "Children of Light." The word masonry in Greek is Mesouraeneo meaning "in the midst ofheaven." 110 The sun is in the midst or middle of the heavens and here we see that the word masonry itself means in the middle of heaven, directly linking it to sun worship. As we previously pointed out, the sun is the King of kings, God of gods, light of light, very God of very God, and considered the mediator between heaven and earth. These terms strongly suggest that the symbolism behind the Freemasons, the pyramids, Solomon, Boaz and Jachin, Jesus (and many other occult symbols) is all in reference to sun and star (astrotheology) understanding and worship. I 08 Strong's: 8 121 - shcmcsh sbch' -mesh from an unused root meaning to be brill iant; the sun; by implication, the cast; figuratively, a ray, i.e. (arch) a notched battlement: + cast sidc(-ward), sun ((rising)), etc. I 09 Oxford English Dictionary, 1989. II 0 Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy, by Brown, 1882, pg. 34 . 4otrnlhm ln fJV

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The sun was represented as the head of the sky god's penis, and as we mentioned earlier (Figure 8), the spheres of the constellations or the spheres of enlightenment surround him. The sun, depicted in this location of the Grand Man or Great Architect of the universe, was a common representation of the era. Understanding the religious motifs of the past is important in order to understand the religions of today. Also important is how these religions have been functioning for the past 2,000 years in a dualistic or macrocosrnic/microcosmic way of thinking. There are the unconcealed (macrocosmic) decrees of dogmatic religions, which can be heard day after day in church and by many Christians: the literalist biblical interpretations. Then there is the enigmatic (microcosmic) level of these teachings, which seems to have been kept only for the ecclesiastics and the secret societies.

Figure 24 -The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci, 1495 - 1997, Milan, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci was an initiated artist who understood the macrocosm of Jesus with his 12 celestial helpers and painted them accordingly. What da Vinci painted was four groups of three disciples, totaling 12, with Jesus in the center. 111 Jesus was the number 13. Here you can see the four seasons with Jesus, the sun, in the center. Each disciple represents one of the signs in the zodiac constellations. To show that there were originally more than four gospels, we recommend a book from Harper Collins called The Other Bible. In this book, there are many sacred texts and gospels, e.g. The Gospel of Thomas. The book contains Dead Sea Scrolls text, Nag Hammadi texts, Gnostic works and other "Gospels" similar to those found in the New Testament. Scholars familiar with astrotheology suggest that the creators of the Bible included only four Gospels to show the connection to the four seasons. 112

Ill Maxwell. 112 Jordan Maxwell, Acharya S, and their many references.

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Figure 25 - The seven days of the week and their planet associations This image (Figure 25) was originally discovered by G. H. Frater D.D.C.F., and is found in Aleister Crowley's The Book ofThoth, and in David Fideler's book Jesus Christ, Sun ofGod. 113 It is a representation from gematria 114 of the seven known planets and the seven days of the week. All of these are represented on the microcosm by the actual days of the week and on the macrocosm by the planets, the sun, and the moon in the sky. A particular planet represented each day of the week and people worshipped these planet-gods by naming the days of the week after them. The language varies for each, so the Greeks had Kronos, in English we have Saturn, in Saxon Saturn, and today we call it Saturday, etc. ABOVE: The order of the planets around the outside of the heptagon follows their traditional order from the earth. By connecting the points inside to form a heptagram or sevenpointed star, the planetary cycle of the week is revealed. BELOW: The names of the planets and their relation to the names of the days of the week. 115 "' David Fideler

Sonne's day (Sun-day) is Sunday; Mond's day (Moon-day) is Monday (Spanish: Lunes); Tiu's day (Mars) is Tuesday; Woden's Day (Mercury) is Wednesday; Thor's day (Jupiter) is Thursday; Freya's day (Venus) is Friday; and Saturn's day is Saturday, the Sabbath. This is where our names for the days of the week came from. Sunday is an important one to note: it has been suggested that Heliosis where we derive the word "holy." As an example, "Holy Bible" would translate into "Sun Book" or Helio Biblio .116 113 Jesus Christ, Sun of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism, by Fidclcr, 1993, pg. 245; also The Book of Thoth, by Crowley, pg. II . 114 A cabalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew or Greek scriptures by interchanging words whose letters have the same numerical value when added. 115 Jesus Christ, Sun of God, by Fidelcr, 1993, pg. 245. 116 The Sun Book, by John Haze lrigg, 1916, pg. 22: "The "Holy City" is likewise a term essentially solar, being the same as the Phoenician

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Helios - The sun god, son of Hyperion, depicted as driving his chariot across the sky from east to west daily. 117

The Christian "savior" is actually the sun, which is the "Light of the world that every eye can see." The sun has been viewed consistently, from time immemorial, as the savior of humankind for reasons that are obvious. Without the sun, life on this planet would not last very long. So significant was the sun to the ancients, that they composed a "Sun Book," or "Helio Biblio," which became the Holy Bible. 11 8


Figure 26- Axis Mundi by Nicholas Zervos When we look at a ball or a sphere, we do not see an axis unless it is spinning. When we back up far enough away from the earth, we see that it too is a sphere and we do not notice that it is tilted on an axis until we watch it spin. This Axis Mundi (Axis of the Earth), often represented as the World Tree, is the axis on which the earth rotates. Not only do we spin upon this axis, but due to the gravitational pull of the sun, moon, and other planets, we also wobble on this axis. One complete wobble has been called a 'Great Year,' 'Stellar Year,' and 'The Precession of the Equinoxes.' The word precession is defined as a slow gyration of the earth's axis around the pole of the ecliptic, caused word hcly, and having its root in the Greek helios, Sun; whence Hcliopolis, the city of the Sun." Sec also The Christ Conspiracy, by Acharya S, 1999, pgs. 153, 259. At present, this etymology is speculative. However, it is worthy of further investigation. 117 The American Heritage Dictionary - Hclios. 118 The Christ Conspiracy, by Acharya S, pg. 153.

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mainly by the gravitational pull of the sun, moon, and other planets on the earth's equatorial bulge. 119 As the earth wobbles, the axis makes a circle through the heavens. Periodically we need to adjust for this wobble by adopting a new North Star. Consequently, in 12,000 years, the North Star will be Vega. One complete Great Year takes roughly 25,800 years. This 25,800-year period is divided into 12 houses of the zodiac or Ages (the macrocosm) just as a normal year is divided into 12 months (the microcosm). Each month, the Sun appears to be in front of one of the signs (houses) of the zodiac. We rotate through all the signs during one year. The wobble of the precession moves through the 12 signs in the reverse order from our yearly zodiac sequence. As a result, we enter a new "Great Month" or new Age every 2,150 years, which is 30° of one complete wobble or Great Year, just as one month is approximately 30° of a calendar year. Furthermore, one Age is broken down into "Great Days," in which one Great Day lasts 72 years. 120 In Numbers (11:24-26) the number 72 is significant in that there were 70 elders who received the impartation of Moses' spirit by the laying on of hands and two who received the same spirit spontaneously in the camp. As well, in Luke 10: 1 after Jesus had commissioned the 12 apostles, he also sent out 72 evangelists (prophets) before him. Depending on which version of the story you read, there were 70 or 72 121 translators ofthe Old Testament from Hebrew to Greek, called the "Septuagint," which means seventy. Even the name of God is composed of 72 letters according to the cabalistic tradition. The 72 actually represent the decans or dodecani, divisions of the zodiacal circle into 5° each, also considered constellations. In addition, it takes 72 years for the precession of the equinoxes to move one degree. 122 "'Acharya S The early star gazers, after dividing the zodiac into its houses, appointed the three brightest stars in each constellation to be the joint rulers of that house. Then they divided the house into three sections of ten degrees each, which they called decans. These, in turn, were divided in half, resulting in the breaking up of the zodiac into seventy-two duodecans of five degrees each. Over each of these duodecans the Hebrews placed a celestial intelligence, or angel, and from this system has resulted the Cabbalistic arrangement of the seventytwo sacred names, which correspond to the seventy-two flowers, knops, and almonds upon the seven-branched Candlestick of the Tabernacle, and the seventy-two men who were chosen from the Twelve Tribes to represent Israel. 123 "' Manly P. Hall

We have probably all heard of the song lyric, "this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius." The Ages really do exist.

119 www.dictionary.eom. 120 The number 72 may relate to the "72 virgins in heaven" in Islamic folklore and is also the lifespan of the average man. Muslims olfer 72 virgins (a metaphor for one Great Day) to the life of a man. The virgin is a metaphor for the holy mother lsis-Meri (Beloved) - Virgo. 121 The Oxford English Dictionary gives both 70 and 72 for the number of authors of the Septuagint. 122 The Christ Conspiracy by Acharya S, 1999, pg. 231 -32. 123 The Secret Teachings ofAll Ages by Hall, 1928, pg. 159 (reader's edition).

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Figure 27 -The StarGate- a time-lapse image of the North Star When we go outside at night and look at the stars, we see the same things that our ancestors did. We notice that one particular star in the night sky remains stationary while all of the other stars revolve around it. This is the North Star. With time-lapse photography, you can actually see the stars spinning around the axis by watching stars rotate around the North Star. This axis leading to the stars in heavens above the North Pole and below the South Pole is known as the "Axis Mundi" or "World Tree." Many ancient cultures had mythologies wherein the earth was actually within a tube, the body of a snake, as if a great serpent had eaten the earth. It was common for the shaman to meditate towards this point in the night sky, primarily because they believed that if they went out of body and went out of the mouth of this serpent, not only would they travel toward the center of the galaxy, but they could also enter the mouth of the serpent to find their way home. This spinning of the stars in the night sky, also symbolized in Christian artwork and even modern-day media, is often called the "Stargate."

Figure 28- Precession of the equinoxes, moving backward through the zodiac, by Nicholas Zervos Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots


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Again, during the precession of the equinoxes, we go backward through the zodiac as we enter new Ages, unlike the procession of the equinoxes, which runs forward through the zodiac in the normal monthly progression, or procession. By working our way backwards through the zodiac, we may begin to understand how the signs of the zodiac have affected symbolism throughout history. This is documented quite well in the Holy Bible (the Sun Book).

Figure 29 - Mithra holding the cosmic sphere and turning the zodiac to the new Age.


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Figure 30 - Cancer by Guido Bonatus de Forlivio, c. 1491

The Age of Cancer is as far back through the Ages as we need to explore in order to illustrate points relevant to this study. The summer solstice is known to happen when the sun is in the sign of Cancer. Appropriately, at this time of the year, the sun appears to reverse its course and descend the zodiacal arch, resembling a crab walking backwards. 124 The Egyptians symbolized this sign with the scarab beetle and it was also associated with the phoenix. The beetle sank into the dung heap to be reborn from its own egg in behavior paralleling the phoenix. The mythological phoenix will later be shown as representative of the life cycle of the Amanita muscaria mushroom (ashes/spores, youth/serpent, maturity/bird, fire/red cap, ashes/spores-as the cycle continues). Like the ox (represented by Taurus, the bull) symbolically pulling the sun across the sky, the scarab beetle, rolling balls of dung across the ground, became associated with a celestial deity. The celestial crustacean is Cancer. Cancer is a water sign and the moon, passing through its phases, is well known to influence the tides. Many ancient cultures recognized Cancer as the origin of all life because it embodied the matriarchal principle in nature and was considered to be the natural domicile of the moon. 125 Cancer is primarily a feminine sign and this Age embodied matrilineal ideologies. Could there be a connection? During summer, Cancer represents the pinnacle of the sun's power (in its lifecycle). The feminine nature of Cancer's symbolism reveals to us that the masculine principle in nature (the sun) can only satisfy its full potential when the feminine is also exalted.

124 Secret Teachings ofAll Ages, by Hall. 125 Ibid.

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I Chapter Three Astrotheology

Figure 31- Gemini by Guido Bonatus de Forlivio, c. 1491 Between 6,000 and 8,000 years ago, humanity was considered pre-civilized. 126 , 127 The Age of Gemini is visually considered to have been an Age of egalitarian societies 128 , but these societies were often products of, and went directly hand in hand with, matrilineal social structures. Gemini is the Age that gave birth to the many variations of creation myths, most of which concern a pair of primordial parents of civilization. The twins are often depicted as one male and one female. When the twins are represented as male and female, they embody harmony between polar opposites. The sign represents the androgynous nature of God as well as the dualistic nature of the physical universe. It was the Middle East in this Age that produced the earliest known records of creation epics, and Adam and Eve stories, roughly 6,000 to 8,000 years ago (4000 to 6000BcE). The Middle East also gave birth to the epic concept of the Great Polarities in conceiving a battle in the heavens between light and darkness. Ahura Mazda (light) and his angels fought against Angra Manyu (darkness) and his angels. The two opposing principles will later be shown as two serpents entwined in battle, often battling for control of the mundane egg-symbolizing the physical universe and everything within it 129 , including the souls of humanity. The Greek twins Castor and Pollux are associated with Gemini. 11 was common for patriarchal mythology to eliminate the female principle (and even androgynous aspects of the deity) and replace it with male characteristics. The myths of twins, such as Castor and Pollux, Jachin and Boaz, Romulus and Remus, Jacob and Esau, and Adam and Eve, are likely the result of amplifying the merged yet dualistic nature of the mushrooms 130 , along with the celestial motif of the Gemini twins. Temples and cathedrals often reflect these twins in their architecture with their twin pillars, which have been described as "ancient-symbollimits of the course of the sun in the heavens." 131 The Age of Gemini, 126 World History Encyclopedia, Millennium Edition. 127 "[I]t is necessary to focus some sharp criticism upon the central concept of civilization, which as popularly viewed is entirely self-serving. How do we define "Civilization"? Traditionally, this word was reserved for "High Cultures," which had devolved agriculture, animal domestication, writing, monumental architecture, transportation methods, and technology. [ ... ]It should be apparent ... that something is radically wrong with the above-given definition of civilization, which is equated mainly with technology and the Central State. A more revealing definition can be formulated if we focus upon the word itself, which implies civil behavior and peaceful social conduct." Saharasia, by DeMeo, pg. 14. 128 Favoring social equality; see also Saharasia -by DeMeo. 129 The Symbolism ofFreemasonry, by Mackey, 1882. 130 Sec Part II: The Pharmaeratic Inquisition. 131 Suns of God, by Achary a S, 2004, pg. I 09, quoting Robertson in Christianity and Mythology, pg. 368.

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Chapter Three Astrotheology I 39 the one most recently passed, embodied the final Age that is generally thought of as pre-civilized. This Age saw the culmination of human physical evolution, the decline of the matrilineal social environment, and the commencement of dogmatic religious development.

Figure 32- Aries by Guido Bonatus de Forlivio, c. 1491

The Bible stories tell us that Moses came down from the mountain with the tablets of the new law on two separate occasions. The first time that he came down the mountain with the new law, he noticed that his people had fashioned a golden calf and were worshiping it. Moses got angry with this and threw the tablets against the rocks, literally breaking the law. Moses was trying to usher in the new Age, the new dispensation, but his people were still caught in the old Age. One will sometimes find artwork of the Ten Commandments showing the bull in the background with a sun disk between its horns, similar to Apis of Egypt. In the story, when Moses came down from the mountain and noticed that his people were worshiping the bull, he did more than just get angry with them: he broke the tablets of the law and returned to the mountain for a new set of commandments: Exodus 32: 27-29(KJV) And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour. And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men. For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, even every man upon his son, and upon his brother; that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day.

The word "bless" actually means "to make sacred or holy with blood". 132 To be blessed is to have the blood of a sacrifice on you. We will further discuss the Holy Blood as well as the Holy Grail in a later section.

132 Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy, by Brown, 1882; Oxford English Dictionary: bless.

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I Chapter Three Astrotheology Psalm 118:26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD. From the house of the LORD we bless you.

Figure 33- Taurus by Guido Bonatus de Forlivio, c. 1491

Moses finds his people worshiping the bull and orders them to kill one another, and 3,000 of them died because they resisted change and continued worshiping in the old Age of the Bull, Taurus. After fleeing Egypt (land of the bull/Apis/ Taurus), Moses (the ram/Aries) begins a new Age with his followers. No longer were the Jews to worship Taurus the Bull, they were in the new Age of Aries and were to worship the ram with Moses. Still today, the Jews blow the ram's hom (shofar) in worship. They are still foundering in the Age of Aries and continue to resist the Age of Jesus (Pisces), inherently skipping over it completely.


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Chapter Three Astrotheology I 41

Mithra, like Nike, also kills the bull. In many statues and paintings one will see Mithra stabbing the bull, taking humankind out of the Age of Taurus. Sometimes Mithra is represented inside of the zodiac and killing the bull. When working our way backwards through the zodiac in the precession of the equinoxes, we could possibly begin with Gemini, the twins, as they are represented by Adam and Eve in Genesis. 133 Both male and female stand equally together in harmony. Christians claim the world is approximately 6,000 years old and when we look at the following chart, we see that the age of Gemini, or the Age of Adam and Eve, was approximately 6,400 to 8,600 years ago, which may explain this story of the so-called Age of the world.

Figure 34 - Mithra stabbing the bull. 2nd century, Rome. Photo by Andrew Rutajit

Capricorn- Goat Fish- Knees (21,638 BeE*) Sagittarius- Man Horse- Thighs (19,488 BeE*) Scorpio- Scorpion- Sexual parts (17,388 BCE *) Libra- Scales- Pelvis (15,188 BeE*) Virgo- Virgin- Womb (13,038 BcF*) Leo- Lion- Heart (10,888 BCE *) Cancer- Crab - Chest and breasts (8738 BeE*) Gemini- Twins- Arms (6588 BeE*- Adam and Eve) Taurus- Bull- Neck and throat (4438 BCE *- Apis) Aries- Ram- Head (2288 BeE*- Moses) Pisces- Fishes- Feet (138 BCE * -Jesus) Aquarius- Waterman- Lower leg (2012 CE *-Knowledge)

* Listed only as approximate dates.

Figure 35 -The tiny universe - hom*o zodiacus, 14th century. Guildbook of the Barber Surgeons of York

133 Gemini is often represented by either male twins, or male/female twins.

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42 I Chapter Three Astrotheology

Figure 36- Pisces by Guido Bonatus de Forlivio, c. 1491

Following the Precession of the Equinoxes, the next house of the Zodiac after Aries the ram is Pisces. In the book of Genesis, though this was claimed to have been written in a previous Age of Aries, Abraham (the father of Christianity) was told by God to sacrifice his son Isaac as a burnt offering. Abraham had just "stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son" 134, when an angel spoke to him and told him not to go through with it. Genesis 22:13 (KJV) And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son.

Just as Mithra kills the bull to usher in the Age of Aries, Abraham kills the ram of Aries to usher humankind into the next Age-the Piscean Age. Pisces is represented by the symbol of two fish. Jesus is known as the Fisher of Men and the stories tell of him feeding the masses with two fish. Was he feeding the masses actual fish, or was this character symbolically feeding the masses the teachings and knowledge of the Age of Pisces? Christians today often put a fish symbol on the back of their cars with the Greek letters "IX®YI:" inside the fish. IX®YI: directly translates into FISH. When depicted like this, you have the word fish contained within the symbol for a fish, thus making two fish, representing the Age ofPisces (Figure 37).

134 Genesis 22: I 0; Today, when people hear voices and commit acts of violence, they arc considered schizophrenic.

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Chapter Three Astrotheology I 43

Figure 37- IX0Y~/fish emblem

The fish was often considered a symbol of abundance, domestic felicity, and prosperity. Eating fish on Friday likely came from the belief that it promoted lustfulness and virility. 135 The goddess Freya (where Friday is derived) was the goddess of marriage (therefore associated to virility and possibly why fish were eaten on Friday.). 136 Fish symbology is quite common in pre-Christian iconography. This is the Babylonian god Oannes (the fish man, or "King Fish"), who, like his Sumerian counterpart Ea, came from the sea to teach humankind the greatest story ever told. Notice the way that he is dressed: it is almost as if he is a merman of sorts with a fish head as his hat. Joseph Campbell argued that John the Baptist is a remake of this ancient Sumerian/Babylonian god. 137 The first incarnation of Vishnu was that of a fish; Dagon wears a fish head as a hat; the Pope's miter is also a fish head. 138 Commenting on the costumes that the priests of Oannes/ Dagon's cult wore, well-studied occultist Fred Gettings commented that "the curious fish-like headgear is said by some to be the origins of the papal headdress, which does indeed have all the appearance of being a huge fish mouth gaping at the skies-the symbolism pointing to the idea that the pope is a high initiate."139 rv Chris Bennett & Neil McQueen

Figure 38 - Oannes the Fish Man, by Berossus of Babylon, 3rd century liCE of an Assyrian object, c. 700 sn:' Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam

Christianity has the newest extension of these "fish-headed priests." Oannes pre-dates Christianity by more than 5,000 years, but its symbolism is blatantly reflected in Christian symbolism and still remains prevalent today. Simply put, the symbolism of the fish was extracted from older myths and repackaged to mark the Age of (the fish) Pisces.

One of the best books we have found for understanding gematria and religious symbolism, such as the yoni or vesica piscis in the macrocosm, is David Fideler's Jesus Christ: Sun of God. 135 136 137 138

See Chapter Eight, Scxualia; sec also Symbols, Sex, and the Stars, by Busenbark, 1949, pg. 174. Ibid. Occidental Mythology, by Campbell, 1964. See Matrix ofPower, by Maxwell, 2000, for more of these Papal headdresses (or miters), looking exactly like fish heads representing the Age of Pisces. 139 Sex, Drugs, Violence and the Bible, by Bennett & McQueen, 2001, Pt. 2, pg. 41, ft. 103 quoting Gettings, 1987.

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Chapter Three Astrotheology

Figure 39- Portrait ofWilliam Warham,Archbishop of Canterbury, by Hans Holbein, 1527

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Chapter Three Astrotheology I 45

Revelation 22:17 (KJV) ... And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

Revelation 22:3 (KJV) And there shall be no more curse ...

Figure 40 -Aquarius by Guido Bonatus de Forlivio, c. 1491

Now we have the promise of a new Age, the Aquarian Age. There are wonderful reasons to think this coming Age signifies emergence from several Ages of darkness. The role reversal in the symbolism is one clue. The men in the community have not fetched water for over two millennia; that's constantly been a "woman's job." So, the symbol in itself shows a man taking on the burden of what has always been a woman's unpleasant task. During the last supper, the 12 disciples ask Jesus where they should prepare for the next Passover. This would be their first Passover without Jesus because Jesus was soon to be arrested and crucified. The disciples are asking where they should prepare for the Passover in the next Age-the Age after Jesus. Jesus, always speaking in parables, tells them (Luke 22:10) that when they enter the city, they will meet a man bearing a pitcher of water; they should follow him into the house that he enters. Luke 22:10 And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in.

The symbol for the house of the zodiac that follows Pisces (in this precession) is that of a man bearing a pitcher of water. That symbol represents Aquarius. The Age of Aquarius is the Age of enlightenment. This is the Age when the waters oflife (knowledge) are said to flow freely onto humaukind. We must learn from our ancestors. We are obligated to usher in this Age of Aquarius rather than resist the changes that seem taboo or foreign to us. Jesus, the Piscean sun god, is still leading many people today, but just as the bull-worshiping followers of Moses learned the hard way, it is essential that we welcome the new Age and not resist change. Another important symbolic representation of the Aquarian Age is the symbol of the celestial deity pouring the Waters ofLife, acting as the Fountain ofLiving Waters. The Water Bearer makes another transition into the supernatural in the esoteric interpretation of the Waters of Life and the symbolic pouring of this water onto the earth. The symbolic act of pouring the Waters of Life into or onto the earth represents the knowledge of the plants and the heavens returning to earth. This is quite literally a second coming. The gifts of the gods are once again being given to humanity. Astrotheology & Shamanism- Christianity s Pagan Roots

46 I Chapter Three Astrotheology Matthew 28:20- (KJV) Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20 (NIV) and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

The end of this Age is not the final Judgment Day or the end of the world. It is simply the end of the Age of Pisces. Luke 18:30 mentions this Age and the "Age to come" (Ephesians 1:21 and Hebrews 6:5 speak of this coming Age as well). Churches and governments have encouraged the idea of the end of the world in order to control the masses with fear, but the timeline that they have provided has expired and the true nature of the deity has been revealed. The word Apocalypse in the ancient Greek of the New Testament means "to reveal something hidden." Therefore, as you sit reading this book, you are actually having your own "Apocalypse. " 140 Thomas 5 Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you. For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest."

Symbols are subject to a wide variety of interpretation depending on which groups choose to utilize them. Symbols may be true on a variety of levels simultaneously. However, the interpretation of the symbols in this book would be that as used by the entheogenic and astrotheological undergrounds throughout history. These gnostics, philosophers, sun worshipers, witches, heretics, even simple farmers were all burned in the fires of the Pharmacratic Inquisition for hinting at how this non-verbal knowledge could be attained.


Oxford English Dictionary - Apocalypse: Any revelation or disclosure. Strong:~ #G602: apokalupsis ap-ok-al'-oop-sis from 601; disclosure: appearing, coming, lighten, manifestation, be revealed, revelation.

Astrotheology & Shamanism- Christianity s Pagan Roots

Part II : The Pharmacratic Inquisition I 4 7

Part II The Pharmacratic Inquisition

'A h.n1c>1t:>bfc :>pcruclc of thrtc women. with;;; sillk infant h;Uting out of tl...t moth~'!:> wombt, king fusr r.akct1 ;lg;~llu:, mJ. ~u J.ll burtw.l twgith~-. in u~ ~k z:,f 1556. July 18.'

cot d" t.W; i"ife,. wJ G~t b

Figure 41- The Burning of Katherine Cawches, and her two Daughters in the Isle of Garnesy, 1556 Figure 41 is a sketch drawing of the burning of Katherine Cawches and her two daughters in July 1556. This was in · the town of St. Peter Port, on the island of Guernsey. Three women were tied to stakes to be burned alive for heresy, and for their denial of the Romish doctrine of transubstantiation and the Church's so-called "Real Presence." One of the daughters was pregnant at the time of the burning, and while being burned alive, she gave birth (some accounts say that the baby burst from the mother's womb, as shown in the figure above). The baby boy was quickly pulled from the flames and laid on the grass, but the Romish persecutors ordered it to be thrown back into the fire to be burned alive with its mother, aunt and grandmother. Consequently, the little baby was both born and died a martyr. Foxe, the great martyrologist, describes the Guernsey burnings as: ... a spectacle wherein the whole world may see the Herodian cruelty of Popish tormentors.

This barbaric behavior proliferated as the Catholic Church desperately tried to gain control of the entire world. This example is merely one of the countless atrocities committed by the Catholic Church, inhumanities that would soon become the foundation of the Pharmacratic Inquisition. The Pharmacratic Inquisition: The Christian persecution of archaic religions based on the sacramental ingestion of entheogenic plants and the consequent personal access to ecstatic states; whose first great victory was the destruction of the Eleusinian Mysteries at the end of the fourth century; which then reached a gruesome climax in the persecution of witches in the middle ages; and which continues in today's Pharmacratic state in the guise of the public health 'War on Drugs.' rv Jonathan Ott

The Pharmacratic Inquisition has been and still is suppressing the knowledge of drugs, plants, our sexuality, and brain function. The inquisitions were not merely intended to suppress so-called pagan cultures. Pagan, as we mentioned, is a word that simply means rural-the country folk, including the shamans. Most of these people were already "suppressed." It was the knowledge of the plants and the stars that these people possessed that was important for the Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots


I Part II : The Pharmacratic Inquisition

Church to suppress and destroy (even if it meant killing people who had this knowledge). Anybody accused by the Inquisition was guilty until they could prove their innocence. The Inquisition has been in effect since at least 415BCE' during the time of the Eleusinian mysteries. 141 More likely, however, it has been in effect since 621 BCE with the "discovery" of the so-called Book of Law. , The reforms Jeremiah represented as a member of the cabal that formed around the forged Book of the Law [Deuteronomy?], were clearly unpopular and had to be forced upon the people by threat of death for non-compliance. [ ... ] In this telling passage [Jeremiah 44:123], we learn so much about the Biblical roots of prohibition .142 "" Chris Bennett and Neil McQueen Deuteronomy 12:1-3 These are the statutes and judgments, which ye shall observe to do in the land, which the LORD God of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it, all the days that ye live upon the earth. Ye shall utterly destroy all the places. wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods. upon the high mountains. and upon the hills, and under every green tree: And ye shall overthrow their altars. and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.

In the eyes of the Catholic Church, people are either secular or non-secular; the world is either Christian or pagan. This is similar to the mindset of creating a separation between military and civilian or Jew and Gentile. The most negative connotation attributed to the word pagan that we can find is 'illiterate country folk.' Considering that the Church effectively banned reading for nearly 1,000 years, it is no wonder that the "pagans" could have been illiterate. Certainly the term "pagan" had no negative connotation before it was picked up by Rome and used in a negative context, because simply calling someone a resident of the countryside (pagan) does not label them as evil. Lumping all beliefs and religions that are not Christian together and classifying them as pagan is the same technique as lumping all sacred plants into the singular derogatory category of illicit "drugs." A "shaman," in many ways, is similar to what we more commonly refer to in America as a "medicine man." The term "shamanism" originated in Siberia, 143 where the local shaman was the oracle of the community. Nothing of importance happened in the community without the okay from the shaman. The shaman would also hold very strong plant knowledge and often used medicinal plants for healing and powerful entheogenic substances in ceremonies. The word shaman likely derived from an ancient Tungusic word saman, which means "the one who knows." 144 Plants to a shaman are food, clothing, shelter, and their link to spirituality. In this modem society, most of us do not provide our own health care. We go to a doctor instead. Rarely do we grow, kill, or even cook our own food, and we certainly do not have control over our own pharmaceuticals (without breaking the law). We have given the control of these and many other things over to institutions that do not always seem to have our best interest in mind. 145

141 "C. Kerenyi, working with Dr. Hofmann, suggested that Mentha pulegium may have been responsible for the Elcusinian vision: Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter (Pantheon, New York, 1967, translated from the German manuscript, revised by the author from publication in 1960 and 1962), Appendix I. Hofmann, however, now claims that Kerenyi overstated the psychoactive properties of Mentha pulegium, and, in any case, this mint is clearly not strong enough to have warranted those instances of profane use and attendant severe penalties that were occasioned during the great scandal of 415 Bee· The inclusion of blechon in the Eleusinian potion had a symbolic significance, as explained below." Persephone's Quest- by Ruck, 1986, pg. 162, footnote #4. Sec also Psychedelics in Eden, by Peter Webster, 2004. 142 Sex, Drugs, Violence and the Bible by Bennett and McQueen, 2001, Part I, pg. 188-9. 143 The word shaman is of Ural-Altaic origin and therefore a shaman is someone who uses the Amanita muscaria mushrooms, as did the original shamans of Siberia. 144 Allegro suggests the word shaman (saman/simon) is 'sem*n.' Considering the phallic representations of mushroom usc, this is highly probable. Sec The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, 1970. 145 For more information, please research Jon Rappoport, Dr. Gary Null. Also search "Urine Therapy."

Astrotheology & Shamanism- Christianity:s Pagan Roots

Part II : The Pharmacratic Inquisition I 49 What we are contending is that not only did the elite hierarchy of the Vatican and some non-Catholic Christians at the highest levels of the Church use entheogenic substances, they suppressed the knowledge of this true religious experience throughout the world; hence the term Pharmacratic Inquisition.

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Pagan Roots


I Chapter Four: The Holy Grail

Chapter Four The Holy Grail

THE DIRECT RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE Christians partake in a ritual known as communion, whereby the body and blood of their god is symbolically consumed by way of two placebos: a cracker and grape juice (in some denominations, wine is used). The sacred meal is not unique to Christianity, although it is quite difficult to find records of ceremonial ingestion of a placebo in antiquity. In addition, ingesting a holy plant sacrament in a ceremonial setting is not a ritual practiced solely by the Native Americans with their cactus, peyote. The phenomenon of ingesting entheogenic plants to achieve enlightenment is global and archaic. Each culture used different indigenous entheogenic substances. Whatever was available to increase or expand consciousness, people found and made use of. The plants were smoked, eaten, snuffed (insufflated), drunk, made into an oil and applied topically. Any way the plants could be utilized, the shaman found the way. In Europe, Siberia, Asia, and North America, one of the primary entheogens used (which remains legal) was the Amanita muscaria mushroom. 146 In the Amazon jungle and the Peruvian basin, one of the sacraments commonly imbibed is a brew calledAyahuasca ("vine of the souls"). This contains the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, which contains several betacarbolines (monoamine oxidase inhibitors-MAO Is) and is the primary plant in this entheogenic brew. Other admixture plants that contain several active alkaloids are used with this base plant, the most common being Psycho tria viridis and Diplopterys cabperana, both containing tryptamines including DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine). The MAOI acts as a preservative, preserving the DMT from being destroyed in the gut and so allowing absorption into the bloodstream. Otherwise, DMT is not orally active. 147 , 148 Ayahuasca has been in use for thousands of years and, along with the sacred mushrooms, is probably the most widely used entheogen known. 149 Modem science has yet to figure out exactly how these ancient people discovered the use of an MAOI in order to make the brew orally active. 150 In the East, a similar brew contains two admixture plants with the same active components. Syrian rue contains the beta-carbolines and acacia provides the tryptamines. The effects are identical because the active ingredients are the same even though they are totally different plants from different continents. Somehow, the local shamans from two different parts of the world found the correct ingredients to make this brew. Ask the shamans how they learned of the ingredients and they will look you in the eyes and tell you that the plants they ingest tell them about other plants. They will tell you that they learned the recipe from Mother Earth. Consuming a sacred plant and/or drink is a worldwide phenomenon that has withstood the test of time and it continues to this day. In the Middle East, Asia and Africa, cannabis and opium were favorites, among other plants (including the mushrooms). Certain frogs are another source for entheogenic substances. Consequently, we find frogs in a lot of symbology and folklore. The Bufo Alvarius toad emits something close to DMT, called 5 methoxy N,N DMT. For people in Africa, one of the preferred entheogens used is Iboga. 151 In the Pacific islands, Kava is imbibed. There is now evidence to suggest that all over the Americas, Asia and Europe people used Psilocybe mushrooms. Peyote is famous to cultures in North America and Datura is famous to cultures in Europe, India, and North America. In Oaxaca, Mexico, Salvia divinorum is well known. There are also plants like morning glories, mandrake, belladonna, henbane, wormwood, nymphaea, nelumbo and many others that have a history of use and are still being used as sacraments

146 147 148 149 150

Often referred to as the "Fly Agaric." For a complete Jist of plants used in Ayahuasca and their active compounds, sec Pharmacotheon, by Ott 1996. Ayahuasca, cd. by Metzner, 1999. Ibid, pg. 3. The Cosmic Serpent, DNA and the Origins ofKnowledge, by Narby, 1998; and The Holographic Universe, by Talbot, 1992, give plausible explanations. As well, a mixture of plants in a sort of salad could have caused the discovery. 151 The extract from Iboga, Ibogaine, has been proven therapeutically effective in the treatment of extreme drug, alcohol and tobacco addiction, but remains illegal in the U.S. Source: DRCnet,

Astrotheology & Shamanism- Christianity's Pagan Roots

Chapter Four: The Holy Grail I 51 throughout the world. 152 Today, shamans, for the first time in history, have the entire pharmacopoeia of sacred plants at their disposal. It is important to understand that for increasing or expanding consciousness different cultures used different

plants. Trading and bartering in plants and spices was more than just common: it was the norm-mainly because these particular plants did more than nourish the body; they nourished the mind as well. These shamanic cultures anthropomorphized their sacred plants in the hope that their stories, songs, and lore would encourage the knowledge of these plant substances to be passed down to future generations. This plant knowledge was combined with the astrotheological stories of the heavens that told them when to plant their crops, harvest, prepare for winter, etc. Today, these stories have been twisted into literal history and their essence has been spun as evil and demonic. A lot of misunderstanding occurs when we stereotype "magic mushrooms" or other consciousness-expanding plants or fungi as "drugs" that we should wage war against. These plants have been ingested throughout history and throughout the world. This is not a new concept. The people that are stumbling upon this knowledge now are rediscovering ancient techniques. This is the Archaic Revival. These archaic shamanic techniques allow a direct communication with the spirit world. Anyone saying that they can achieve these altered states without the use of sacred plants should be thoroughly investigated. 153 Too many people today claim to have all the answers, or claim special abilities. What is being presented in this book is a set of techniques that will allow you to ask and answer these questions for yourself. Many impostors out there want nothing more than your money. "New Age" scammers and neo-shamans learn tricks such as motivational speaking (televangelists, salespersons, etc), or they bend spoons with sleight of hand, or they may pretend to talk to your dead grandmother or pet. These are just glamorized parlor tricks that do nothing for the process of ushering in this new Age, shifting the paradigm, or furthering human evolution. Every season is a fresh season. We are in a fresh season. What you gave last year will not reap anything this year. What you gave even a few months ago is gone ... "' Benny Hinn, televangelist What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us! "'Pope Leo X

You must have the plant in order to have the experience. How can someone claim to communicate with a plant spirit while omitting the plant? One will never have a peyote experience after ingesting mushrooms and one will never have an Ayahuasca experience by smoking Salvia divino rum. The spirits, and experience, of each plant are unique. If you do not believe there are plant spirits that communicate with us via these plants, think again .. .it all comes back to it being a matter of individual courage. This is something that can be proven by the individual. An experience like this is not something that you can acquire or understand from a book or from television. It also isn't something that one can achieve by sitting on a pillow for hours at a time or chanting a mantra all day long. These techniques work well in combination with the entheogens, but they are not often, if ever, successful alone. One will not see a priest or a monk shaking at the knees as they enter their temple to meditate or pray because they know how terrifying and profound their prayer or meditation is about to be. But if inside that temple there were Psilocybe or Amanita mushrooms, dried and ready to eat, or if in front of the meditating guru on a pillow sat a pipe containing DMT or a glassful of Ayahuasca, they would be fully overwhelmed with the spiritual experience that they were about to receive. This is what is missing in our society today, the experience. McKenna called it the "felt presence of immediate experience" ... an experience 152 Plants of the Gods, by Schultes, et al, 2001; Persephone s Quest, by Wasson, Ruck, Kramrisch, Ott, 1986; Shamanism and Tantra in the Himalayas, by Miillcr-Ebcling, Ratsch, Shahi, 2002; Soma the Divine Hallucinogen, by Spess, 2000; Food of the God~, by McKenna, 1992. 153 It should be noted that there arc some-"shamanic" tribes usc only drums, bodily mutilation, sleep deprivation, etc., to achieve ecstatic states. Strassman's work shows that such practices would likely affect endogenous DMT levels in the brain.

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that is so profound that although it lasts only a matter of minutes or hours, it may take years or even a lifetime to process. That is why, on all these accounts, we have so little time for philosophy. Worst of all, if we do obtain any leisure from the body's claims and turn to some line of inquiry, the body intrudes once more into our investigations, interrupting, disturbing, distracting, and preventing us from getting a glimpse of the truth. We are in fact convinced that if we are ever to have pure knowledge of anything, we must get rid of the body and contemplate things by themselves with the soul by itself. 154 rv Plato

THE DEFAMATION OF ALLEGRO In the first part of this book, we talked about "that which is above" (astrotheology) and how the sun, stars, and moon became part of today's religious dogmas. Now we are going to be discussing "that which is below" and about the plant substances, the holy sacrament, the flesh of God, or what can be called God's son (or God's children) on earth. These spiritual substances provide access to ecstatic states of consciousness when consumed. We will start with a brief bibliography and history of this area of research. When the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947, there was immense excitement from Christians everywhere. The Scrolls were expected to provide a guarantee for the Church to prove Christianity correct. It appeared as though the only thing left to do was to read and interpret the Scrolls and Christians would have all the proof they needed. The Dead Sea Scrolls were written in the Semitic languages of Aramaic and Hebrew between 2508 cE and 136cE' which was the era that the Jesus character was said to be walking the earth. To find scrolls written in "his language", during the period of time in which he was said to be living, was a major finding and Christians everywhere were very excited about this. However, today we do not hear about this much at all, and for good reason. The information contained within the scrolls was exactly what the select, privileged few in the Church knew all along.

Figure 42 -John Marco Allegro (1923-1988)

John Marco Allegro 155 was a researcher in philology who had graduated with a first-class honors degree in Oriental Studies from Manchester University in England. He had earlier begun training for the Methodist ministry, but had left to pursue the degree course when he found that studying biblical languages was making him question the foundations of his Christian beliefs. While working towards a doctorate at Oxford, he was invited to join the original Scrolls-editing team in 1953. In 1954, he became an assistant lecturer at the University of Manchester. Considered an up-and-coming philologist in regards to middle-eastern and Mediterranean languages, Allegro was the only agnostic on the international team of translators of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Most of the other members of the "international" scrolls team were ordained Catholic priests, including Father de Vaux and Father JosefMilik of the Ecole Biblique (the library publication/research arm of the Vatican), Father Jean Starcky, Father Maurice Baillet, and Monsignor Patrick Skehan. They were joined by Frank Cross of the McCormick Theological Seminary and the Albright Institute, Claus-Hunno Hunzinger from Gottingen and, later, John Strugnell from Oxford. 156

154 Plato: The Last Days of Socrates- The Last Conversation: Phacdo I 55 This previously unpublished photograph is courtesy of Judith Anne Brown, and the Allegro Estate. !56 The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, by Baigent and Leigh, 1991; John Marco Allegro: The Maverick of the Dead Sea Scrolls, by Brown,

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The work of this team, organized by Father de Vaux, was originally supposed to be published as soon as possible and to be open to scholarly interpretation. Allegro was the only member to publish all his translations in learned journals as soon as he felt they were ready to be laid open to scrutiny. The other members tended to hold onto their allocations for so long that some people-including Allegro from time to time, in moments of extreme exasperation-suspected a cover-up and suppression of the research. Scholars who attempted to question the orthodox view (as Allegro found out) had their careers destroyed. In 1956, Allegro gave a series of talks on BBC radio in which he suggested that elements of Christianity derived from the beliefs and practices of the Qumran community and probably from some of the events in the life and death of the Essene Teacher of Righteousness as depicted in the Scrolls. In other words, Christianity was, in part, a derivative religion. This caused outrage among some members of the team. By 1957, he believed their anger had subsided and returned to Jerusalem unaware of anything awry in his relationship with the international team. He was soon to realize that the other members had clearly separated themselves from him because of his public statements and interpretation of scroll information. A long, heated debate between Allegro and the other research members of the Dead Sea Scrolls editing team ensued for decades. They held that Allegro had prematurely released information from the scrolls, particularly the Copper Scroll, with mistranslations. Allegro came to think that the other researchers were holding back information contained within the scrolls to promote their careers and to hide anything that might shake up the orthodox view about the origins of Christianity and Judaism. 157 Allegro pointed out that it was of utmost importance to release the scrolls as they were translated, even with possible errors, so that the rest of the research community would have access to the portion of the scrolls under his jurisdiction for peer review. The others wanted to wait until they had completed a definitive edition ofthe scrolls they were translating-an attitude that looked like possessiveness or secrecy from the outside. The conflict in approach came to a head over the Copper Scroll. Allegro's interpretation differed fundamentally from the official line. He held back the book in which he offered his "provisional" translation (The Treasure of the Copper Scroll, 1960) for over three years to enable Father Josef Milik to publish his version. Milik had in fact published an unofficial translation in English and French in July 1959, and expected the official edition to be out before 1960. At the last minute, it was delayed at the printer's and Allegro's book came out first. Because of this unintentional pre-emption, Allegro was condemned for piracy by most of the establishment figures of scrolls research. 158 ... [W]hen Allegro went ahead with his own publication [of the Treasure of the Copper Scroll], he found himself in the embarrassing position of seeming to have pre-empted the work of a colleague. In effect, he had been manoeuvred into providing the international team with further ammunition to use against him-and, of course, to alienate him further from them .... Allegro displays no propensity for either secrecy or self-aggrandisem*nt. If he is conspiring, he is conspiring only to make the Dead Sea Scrolls available to the world at large, and quickly enough not to betray the trust reposed in academic research. Such an aspiration can only be regarded as honourable and generous. 159 rv Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh

By 1968, Allegro completed and published all of his translations of the Cave 4 scroll fragments assigned to him and began work on a book that he was certain would explain the religious foundations of Christianity and Judaism. In the 15 years since the international team was put together in 1953 to decipher the scrolls, Allegro was the only member 2005. 157 In letters to friends in 1957 and 1959 Allegro did voice suspicions about why de Vaux and the others appeared to be delaying publication of the Scrolls, but it would be putting it too strongly (as Baigent and Leigh did) to imply that he publicly alleged a conspiracy at this time. In angry moments, he may well have wanted to do so, but he did not have solid proof, nor enough backing from government officials and, in later years, acknowledged that the delays were more likely caused by mismanagement, coupled with reluctance or inability to think about the New Testament story in anything other than its orthodox interpretation. -Judith Anne Brown, daughter of Allegro. 158 Sec John Marco Allegro: The Maverick of the Dead Sea Scrolls, by Brown. 159 The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, by Baigent and Leigh, 1991, pg. 55-6-9.

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54 I Chapter Four: The Holy Grail to finish his assigned duty. Because of Allegro's so-called errors in his translations and his willingness to release the translations with errors for other scholars to review (for the purpose of finding and eliminating errors), he came under the attack of his team colleague, Strugnell. Though they had been friends, Strugnelllater turned against Allegro and tore apart most of his translations, the effect of which was to further destroy Allegro's credibility amongst his peers. Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh made an explosive indictment of Strugnell and his so-called team of experts in The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, published in 1991, though not all their inferences have been soundly substantiated. Baigent and Leigh suggest that there was a cover-up by Strugnell and the other members of the team, and it was deeper than Allegro had originally imagined. Strugnell attacked Allegro's ability to translate because of the early releases that Allegro was willing to put up for debate. In 1970, Strugnell wrote a "rebuttal" against Allegro entitled Notes in the Margin. 160 This was one of only three pieces Strugnell was ever to write (not publish) in his 30-year career with regards to the scrolls. 161 The rest of the research team refused to release any of their own translations for nearly four decades, thus hiding any oftheir own possible errors. In 1983, Dr. Robert Eisenman 162 of California State University, Long Beach, launched his attack against Strugnell and the other research members of the team. In 1985, Dr. Philip Davies of the University of Sheffield and other international scholars also joined Eisenman's forces, as did the Biblical Archaeology Review (BAR): The team of editors has now become more an obstacle to publication than a source of information . 163 rv Biblical Archaeology Review

In 1991, three years after Allegro's death, Strugnell was, with the approval of the Israeli government, dismissed from his position. Strugnell gave a virulently anti-Jewish interview to an Israeli journalist, which was published first in Hebrew in a Tel Aviv daily and then in English in the Biblical Archaeology Review. Strugnell was promptly relieved of his duties as editor in chief, although not removed from the team. As of this writing, he still holds his hoard of texts. 164 rv Hershel Shanks

The Huntington Library in San Marino, California decided to settle the dispute by releasing all their copies of original photographs of the Dead Sea Scrolls, thus ending the scroll monopoly by the remaining team members. This act of heroism caused the remaining members, who had not released the scrolls under their jurisdiction in nearly four decades, to scream "intellectual thievery." 165 Interestingly, after 35 years of suppression, Dr. Eisenman published 50 of the Dead Sea Scrolls documents just one year after the release of the photographs. 166 We must remember that Allegro was the only non-Christian member of the research team. All of the other researchers 160 Notes in the Margin is 1 J3 pages of Strugnell's criticism of Allegro. 161 On Augnst 1", 1997, and only after Eisenman and Vermes had released their full translations, did Strugncll finally publish Qumran Cave 4 XV: Sapiential Texts (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert). It took Strugnell well over 40 years to publish his first work. 162 Sec James the Brother ofJesus: The Key to Unlocking the Secrets of Early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls, by Eisenman, 1997; sec also The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered: The First Complete Translation and Interpretation of 50 Key Documents Withheld for Over 35 Years, by Dr. Robert Eisenman and Michael Wise, 1992. 163 BAR, July/Augnst 1989, pg. 18; The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, by Baigcnt and Leigh, pg. 87. 164 Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls, by Shanks, 1992, pg. xxix 165 Ibid pg. xxxi; A computer reconstruction of the scrolls was also published by Wacholdcr and Abegg in 1990, ibid pg. xxx. 166 Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, by Eisenman, et al.

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Chapter Four: The Holy Grail I 55 had the predetermined idea, based on flimsy or no evidence, that a man named Jesus Christ really existed. 167 Allegro argued that they had predetermined what they would find in the scrolls. From the start, Allegro and the other researchers never agreed. Since the other researchers did not release their research for nearly four decades, we will never know what they found in the interim. Allegro's campaign for open access to the Scrolls was won by other scholars after his death. However, during the late 1960s, the continuing disagreements over publication and interpretation between Allegro and the Establishment ann of Scrolls scholarship meant that he had plenty of enemies. 168 When his brilliant work, The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, came out in 1970, it argued that Christianity and Judaism grew out of earlier religions based on the worship of the sun, moon and stars, and that much of the mythology surrounding these religions was firmly rooted in fertility cults that involved the use of psychoactive mushrooms and drugs. The establishment seized the opportunity to destroy his reputation once and for all. [Allegro], once a promising young scholar, has been turned into a babbler of sciolistic bawdry by an overdose of the hallucinogenic mushroom Amanita muscaria. "' John Strugnell

Jack Herer, author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes, spent eight months fact-checking Allegro's work in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross in the 1980s. Herer had this to say about the book: "He [Allegro] has not made a mistake, excepting a few minor errors." 169 Herer still stands behind this statement 20 years later, and will soon publish his evidence. [W]e discussed Allegro when I was in graduate school in the late 1960's. His scholarship is not respected and his conclusions are fanciful. He should really write science fiction. "' Dr. John Pilch, Biblical Scholar - Georgetown University

Many Christian organizations and other groups, who had not read any of Allegro's work, including those who believe the theory that Jesus was a shaman,l1° spent a lot oftime and effort to discredit Allegro's integrity as well. Instead of taking the time to sit down and research Allegro's work, to find out what he was referring to, they decided to attack his personality and his integrity. Based on false accusations and lies and with the help of Strugnell and the international team, they misconstrued the facts in order to make it appear as though Allegro was only out to profit from publishing the scrolls and The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross. 171 Ott quotes Wasson extensively on page 352 in his argument against Allegro in Pharmacotheon: Allegro's book was originally serialized in an English tabloid of sensationalist stripe (The

167 Ancient Egypt the Light of the World (volumes I and 2), by Gerald Massey, 2002; The History of the Christian Religion to the Year Two Hundred, by Charles Waite, 1900; The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Myth, by John Allegro, 1979/1992; Incredible Shrinking Son ofMan: How Reliable Is the Gospel Tradition?, by Robert Price, 2003; The Jesus Puzzle: Did Christianity Begin with a Mythical Christ? Challenging the Existence of an Historical Jesus, by Earl Doherty, 2005; Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ, by D.M. Murdock, 2007; Rod ofJesse: On the Jesus of the Gospels & Doubt of his Existence, by Ernest Werner, 2008; Failed God, by John Rush, 2008. 168 See John Marco Allegro: The Maverick of the Dead Sea Scrolls, by Brown, 2005. 169 The errors discussed were in reference to the growth cycle, effects and "bitterness" of Amanita muscaria, and the fact that Allegro overlooked some references to both A. pantherina and P cubensis, and wrongfully classified rue as an "abortifacient," not recognizing acacia and rue as an Ayahuasca analogue. The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, pg. 67-68, I 05, 163-166. Considering Allegro was a philologist, and not a mycologist, these errors arc "minor." See also The Holy Mushroom, by Jan Irvin, 2008. 170 There is not one shred of historical evidence to suggest a man named Jesus Christ ever lived. Read The Incredible Shrinking Son of'Man, by Price; The Jesus Puzzle: Did Christianity Begin with a Mythical Christ?, by Doherty; Who Was Jesus?, by D.M. Murdock; Rod of Jesse, by Werner; Failed God, by Rush, and their many references. Furthermore, Jesus' human corruptible body was a question from the beginning of Christianity until The Infallibility Bull of July 18, 1870, where the Pope declared Jesus the son of God and the argument of hom*oousian and hom*oiousian (whether Jesus was 'ofthe same nature' or 'like' the father) ended under penalty of blasphemy. It took 1,800 years to put an end to this argument. Either Jesus was the same substance (being) as God, or he was of different substance.- Jay Lynn 171 Sec John Marco Allegro: The Maverick of the Dead Sea Scrolls, by Brown, 2005.

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I Chapter Four : The Holy Grail News of the World 172 ), a far cry from the peer-reviewed scholarly literature he normally favored. Allegro never addressed his theory to fellow specialists in Biblical philology. Allegro was paid the princely sum of 00,000 for first serialization rights (Wasson in Forte 1988) and at the time was apparently hard-pressed to pay some debts (Wasson, 1977). It is difficult to escape the conclusion that he wrote The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross to make a fast buck. As Wasson later commented, "I think that he [Allegro] jumped to unwarranted conclusions on scanty evidence. And when you make such blunders as attributing the Hebrew language, the Greek language, to Sumerian-that is unacceptable to any linguist. The Sumerian language is parent to no language and no one knows where it came from" (Wasson in Forte 1988). This and several other points were made in the reviews of Jacobsen and Richardson (1971); see also the criticism of Jacques (1970). Nevertheless, Allegro's specious theory continues to be taken seriously by some students of entheogenic mushrooms (Haseneier 1992; Klapp 1991), and a recent German anthology on the fly-agaric (Bauer et al. 1991) was dedicated to John Marco Allegro. 173 "' Jonathan Ott The enquirer has to begin with his only real source of knowledge, the written word . 174 "' John Allegro

Unfortunately, when Ott published Pharmacotheon in 1993, he had not realized that Strugnell and his team of "scholars" had lost all credibility by 1991. Allegro had felt unable to submit anything for peer review for years, as he knew biblical scholars would attack him on principle. Baigent and Leigh think scholars were strong-armed by the Vatican's Ecole Biblique, which they went so far as to suggest is a direct arm of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, formerly known as "The Holy Inquisition" office of the Vatican. 175 Ott's one remaining item against Allegro is Wasson's assertion: "... when you make such blunders as attributing the Hebrew language, the Greek language, to Sumerian-that is unacceptable to any linguist." On page 334 of Pharmacotheon, Ott admits: The only evidence Allegro offered was linguistic. Since I am not an expert in Biblical philology, I will not attempt to evaluate his arguments. It should be noted, however, that specialists in the study of Biblical languages have unanimously rejected Allegro's thesis ... "' Jonathan Ott

When we began to research this scandal in the summer of 2004, we originally believed that it would be necessary to prove whether these arguments against Allegro's "language bridge" to Sumerian were correct or incorrect. We soon realized that this could require a lifetime of research to accomplish. On contacting many philologists, we often received much of the same blind condemnation against the idea that Allegro had endured. During our research, however, we were able to find scholars who were willing to hint that they might agree with Allegro. We contacted Dr. Philip Davies of the University of Sheffield, who was among those fighting Strugnell and the international team over scholarly access to the Scrolls. Davies stressed that he is not specifically a Sumerian palaeographer; there are few. However, he is a leading Hebrew, biblical and Dead Sea Scrolls scholar. He had this to say about Allegro's discussion on the development of alphabets 176, which may also give credence to Lynn's work (See Appendix B), and the so-called "language bridge": What Allegro said [pg. 11-13 of The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross] is almost certainly 172 The article and four-part series actually ran in The Sunday Mirror on Feb. 15, and April 5, 12, 19, 26 of 1970. 173 Pharmacotheon, by Ott, 1996. 174 The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, Introduction xix. 175 We did not verifY if this claim is true. Sec: The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, by Baigent and Leigh, 1991, ch. 7. 176 The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, 1970, pg. 11-13.

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Chapter Four: The Holy Grail I 57 correct. That Cuneiform became stylized from an originally more pictographic script is true - the same happened in Egypt as Hieratic and then Demotic script developed from hieroglyphic. The letters of the Semitic alphabet can be shown to undergo the same development - the letter Aleph developed from an original depiction of a bull's head into various forms in other Semitic languages, while in Greek it was turned 90 degrees clockwise to form the now familiar 'A'. And so in many other scripts too. "' Dr. Philip Davies

Since the time Allegro published The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, much new research in the area of fertility cults and their relationship to entheogens, and especially mushrooms, has surfaced. 177 , 178 Finding a Sumerian philologist who possesses a knowledge of entheogens and fertility cults is next to impossible. However, during our research we learned of one highly accredited Sumerian philologist, Anna Partington. Partington is a former associate of Allegro, who also possesses a deep understanding of entheogens and fertility cults. Though not in complete support of his views, this is what she had to say regarding Allegro: Most people come to the field of Sumerian studies with a background in several early Mideastern languages. Although John was of a previous generation, he was, in common with most Orientalists, perfectly well equipped to deal with cuneiform languages. He found comparative linguistic study especially interesting; but early in his career the finding of the scrolls by the Dead Sea led him to specialise in translation of these Hebrew and Aramaic documents. Unfortunately, the comparative philological work presented in SMC [The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross] uses a number of hypothetical Sumerian words not attested in texts. These are marked with an asterisk following philological convention. This is akin to proposing there is a word in the English language 'bellbat' because the individual words 'bell' and 'bat' are known to exist separately. Then again words of different languages are gathered together without the type of argument which would be expected in order to demonstrate possible relationship. "' Anna Partington

We must also point out that both the Allegro family and their associates have informed us that the mushroom origins of religion were a serious area of study for Allegro. There is no evidence to support the accusations that he was seeking revenge (as some have suggested), or out to make a fast buck. In May, 2005, Allegro's daughter, Judith Anne Brown, published .John Marco Allegro: The Maverick ofthe Dead Sea Scrolls, which proves, from Allegro's personal archives, that the attacks against him are unfounded. 179 John believed absolutely in his research. He believed that through analyzing the earliest written languages he had uncovered the fertility religion that shaped their conception of the world. People's language showed how they thought, what was important to them, what they considered worth writing down. It showed how their lives were governed by the fertility of the earth, so that their highest endeavor was to learn how to influence the gods who controlled it. The language of the ancients was the thought of the ancients made tangible and transmissible. Many of its root elements have been transfigured through the alphabets of many races, and the imagery of the first concepts has elaborated into succeeding mythologies. Language and thought have grown and taken wing; they are 177 Sec Failed God, by John Rush, 2008; The Sacred Secret by Donald Teeter, 2001; Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, by Heinrich, 2002; and Apples ofApollo, by Ruck, Heinrich, Staples, 2001, for examples. 178 For those interested in more research into fertility cults, sec: A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus: A History of Phallic Worship, by Richard Payne Knight, 1786; Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism, by Thomas Inman, I 869; Sex Worship: An Exposition of the Origin ofReligion, by Clifford Howard, 1898; Sex and Sex Worship, by O.A. Wall, 1922; The Sacred Fire: The Story ofSex in Religion, by B.Z. Goldberg, 1930. 179 See John Marco Allegro: The Maverick of the Dead Sea Scrolls, by Brown, 2005.

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58 I Chapter Four :The Holy Grail powerful creatures, and few of us now recognise any particular religious framework to our words and reasoning. But the roots of Western religion still reach down to Sumerian concepts of fertility through layers of mythology. By tracing the development of thought through language, John believed he had found a grand, unifying theory of religion. 180 '"" Judith Anne Brown

David Spess, an expert in ancient Sanskrit (a member of the Semitic language group), has discovered that there is a direct correlation between Middle Eastern religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Gnosticism, and the Rig Vedic use of Soma. Spess argues rather successfully that all Indo-European/Mediterranean religions are really a development through Indo-Aryan/Iranian cultures from Soma use in the Rig Vedas. Spess is not the only one to make this suggestion. In 1927, Ganga Prasad wrote The Fountain-Head of Religion: A Comparative Study of the Principal Religions of the World and a Manifestation ofTheir Common Origin from the Vedas, which covers this same topic in detail. Again it is this Soma, or its two varieties called White Homa. and the Painless Tree which became the prototype of the Biblical "Tree of Knowledge." and the "Tree of Life" supposed to have existed in Paradise. 181 , 182 [emphasis added] '"" Ganga Prasad

Indeed, Allegro re-discovered entheogens in the Bible. 183 With these new facts, we can finally throw out the false indictments claiming "specialists in the study of Biblical languages have unanimously rejected Allegro s thesis" and begin to move toward a more mature approach in looking at these ancient religions. Allegro's ideas were ahead of his time, and it is still very difficult to prove linguistic links to the Sumerian language. Because this book is not a study of ancient languages, we intend to reveal the truth behind many of Allegro's ideas through other means. Furthermore, new evidence may suggest that both "Mesopotamian" and Rig Vedic religions are developments from the Ural-Altaic (Siberian) peoples, as Wasson suggested in 1968 184, thus making arguments about the Mesopotamian origins of religion questionable. 185 It would be interesting to discover if there are possible links to Sumerian, Sanskrit, Hebrew, and Greek from the Ural-Altaic language groups, though we must admit we are not qualified to undertake such research. 186 An entire book could be written based solely on those who have wrongfully attackedAllegro 187 Surprisingly, the most ruinous attacks to his career came from within the psychedelic research community. Many of the arguments against

180 Ibid. pg. 195. 181 The Fountain-Head ofReligion: A Comparative Study of the Principal Religions of the World and a Manifestation of Their Common Origin from the Vedas, by Ganga Prasad, 1927, pg. 156. 182 We will discuss more about these "two" varieties of Soma later in the book. 183 Wasson had earlier suggested it, but later retracted this notion. See The Holy Mushroom, by Jan Irvin, 2008, for more information. 184 Sec Soma: Divine Mushroom ofImmortality, by Wasson, 1968; Pharmacotheon, by Ott, 1996, pg. 333. 185 See Chapter 3 on the death of the sun above the 66.5° latitude. 186 A connection between Sumerian and the Ural-Altaic language group has been suggested. See Polat Kaya, M. Sc. E. E. 1997- "5. SUMERIAN AND URAL-ALTAIC KINSHIP: The Ural-Altaic languages arc related to the Sumerian language. According to Hymes list of I 00 common root words of Ural-Altaic and Sumerian languages used as tests for comparing these languages, any language that has 4 7% of the root words given in the list can be considered a direct descendant of the Sumerian language .... This test takes into acc01mt the fact that Sumerian and the present day Ural-Altaic languages arc separated from each other in time by a duration of five thousand years. Turkish and Hungarian both pass this lest with results far better than 50%, hence can be considered as direct descendants of Sumerian. In view of the Hymes test, the proto-Ural-Altaic language and Sumerian must have been one and the same." 187 Judith Anne Brown's book John Marco Allegro- The Maverick of the Dead Sea Scrolls (2005) aims to debunk the wrongful attacks against Allegro and his research. A Christian View of the Mushroom Myth, by King, 1970; and The Mushroom and the Bride, by Jacques, 1970, arc two books dedicated to making unjust attacks against Allegro and his research.

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Chapter Four: The Holy Grail I 59 Allegro seem to have stemmed from Wasson, who admitted to never having read Allegro's work! 188 How can an entire research community base its contentions against Allegro on a man who never read his work? Had any of these researchers had an understanding of fertility cults, archaeoastronomy and philology, many of Allegro's theories would not have been heavily contested. In scholarly circles, word spread that Wasson did not believe that Allegro's work was correct. 189 In 1984, after Herer spent eight months researching many of Allegro's references, he called Wasson to ask him personally why he felt Allegro's work was incorrect. Wasson informed Herer that he had actually been too busy to read Allegro's work himself and that two respected friends, a Jewish Rabbi and a Catholic Monsignor, reviewed The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross and reported back to him that "there was not one single word of truth in the book whatsoever." Other scholars have confirmed Wasson's statement to Herer. 190 This blunder in Wasson's judgment had a huge impact on Allegro's credibility in entheogen research circles, which must be set straight. Allegro fell under disrepute among chemists, pharmacologists and entheogen researchers because he quoted Andrija Puharich 191 (who quoted erroneous pharmacologyl 92) in regards to the chemicals present in the Amanita muscaria. Puharich had not verified the chemical composition himself, and this reflected badly on Allegro. This is a minor error in comparison to the wealth of philological information Allegro contributed. Wasson, in Persephone s Quest (published posthumously), stated: I once said that there was no mushroom in the Bible. I was wrong. It plays a major hidden role (that is, hidden from us until now) in the best-known episode of the Old Testament, tale of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. I suppose that few at first, or perhaps none, will agree with me. To propose a novel reading of this celebrated story is a daring thing: it is exhilarating and intimidating. I am confident, ready for the storm. 193 "' R. Gordon Wasson Fortunately, for Wasson, Allegro had already weathered the storm. In 1972, Wasson also stated: I do not suggest that St. John of Patmos ate mushrooms in order to write the book of the Revelation. Yet the succession of images in his vision, so clearly seen and yet such a phantasmagoria, means for me that he was in the same state as one bemushroomed. 194 "' R. Gordon Wasson Christians will typically block out new information that invalidates their contention that Jesus was a real man, because the validity of their entire religion hinges on that single argument. When discussing other theologies, no matter how similar to Christianity they may be, the Christian will recognize these other theologies as "myth," while denying vehemently the same possibility for their own Savior. The fact is that no one else in the research community had ever seriously considered the idea that Jesus Christ was an anthropomorphism of the mushroom. For Allegro to go out on such a limb is proof of his personal integrity and determination to bring us the truth.

188 Sec The Holy Mushroom by Irvin, 2008. 189 Interestingly, it was Wasson who first proposed that the book of Genesis was based on cntheogens, though he limited his theory to I 000 nee· Allegro took the idea, being a biblical expert, and ran with it. Sec The Holy Mushroom, by Irvin, 2008, for more information. 190 Professor Carl Ruck in a personal conversation with Jan Irvin, April 2008. 191 The Sacred Mushroom: Key to the Door ofEternity, by Puharich, 1959. 192 Wieland & Motzcl, 1953. 193 Persephone~· Quest, by Wasson, et al, 1986, pg. 74. 194 Wasson 1972a: 196; sec also Hallucinogens and Culture, by Furst, 1976, pg. 85-6. For an updated discussion on this entire debate sec The Holy Mushroom, by Irvin, 2008.

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When we dig deep into Allegro's work, we find exactly why it was so important for the Church and others to attempt to discredit him even while building careers from his work. Many people had jobs on the line, and if the majority of Allegro's work were shown to be correct, which it is, they would have been out of a job. More importantly, if Allegro's work had found its way to the mainstream media, Christianity as we know it would have come to a screeching halt. Decades after the release of The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross and many years after his death, many of Allegro's theories are being corroborated by different kinds of non-linguistic evidence. It is unfortunate for Allegro that he did not live to see this day. Such is the life of a martyr. Now is the time for John Marco Allegro to be awarded his due respect.

DISCIPLES OF THE MICROCOSM Allegro paved the way for researchers in many fields of study and validated those who came before him. Some researchers denied his findings while others embraced them. Other disciples of the microcosm include R. Gordon Wasson. Despite his unjustified attacks on Allegro, Wasson may be heralded as the father of ethnomycology and entheomycology. You can find his personal library maintained at Harvard University's botanical museum, and more information about Wasson (biography, etc.) on Harvard University's website. 195 Wasson spent his life researching the history of entheogenic mushrooms and their associations with different cultures. He was originally an international banker, and in 1926 he married a Russian woman, Valentina Pavlovna. One day while on a walk through the woods during their honeymoon, Valentina ran off into the forest as she excitedly discovered and picked various types of mushrooms that she would later fix for dinner. This startled Wasson and the two began to research why their two cultures (Russian and Anglo-Saxon) held such opposed stereotyped views on mushrooms. 196 Excerpt from Seeking The Magic Mushroom, Life Magazine, May 13, 1957: It was a walk in the woods, many years ago, that launched my wife and me on our quest of the mysterious mushroom. We were married in London in 1926, she being Russian, born and brought up in Moscow. She had lately qualified as a physician at the University of London. I am from Great Falls, Montana of Anglo-Saxon origins. In the late summer of 1927, recently married, we spent our holiday in the Catskill Mountains in New York state. In the afternoon of the first day we went strolling along a lovely mountain path, through woods criss-crossed by the slanting rays of a descending sun. We were young, carefree and in love. Suddenly my bride abandoned my side. She had spied wild mushrooms in the forest, and racing over the carpet of dried leaves in the woods, she knelt in poses of adoration before first one cluster and then another of these growths. In ecstasy she called each kind by an endearing Russian name. She caressed the toadstools, savored their earthy perfume. Like all good Anglo-Saxons, I knew nothing about the fungal world and felt that the less I knew about those putrid, treacherous excrescences the better. For her they were things of grace, infinitely inviting to the perceptive mind. She insisted on gathering them, laughing at my protests, mocking my horror. She brought a skirtful back to the lodge. She cleaned and cooked them. That evening she ate them, alone. Not long married, I thought to wake up the next morning a widower.

These dramatic circ*mstances, puzzling and painful for me, made a lasting impression on us both. From that day on we sought an explanation for this strange cultural cleavage separating us in a minor area of our lives ...

195 196 Persephone:~ Quest, by Wasson, 1986.

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Maria Sabina was a curandera shaman from Mexico and, because of Wasson's research and interest, Robert Graves guided Wasson in her direction based on the original discovery of Mazatec entheogenic mushroom use by Weitlaner in 1936. 197 Wasson traveled south to visit the so-called "mushroom cult" in the 1950s. He asked Maria Sabina if she would allow him to partake in this experience. She agreed. You can find an article about this in the May 13, 1957 edition of Life magazine (still available in libraries today). Here is what Wasson had to say about his experience with the mushroom: The v1s1ons were not blurred or uncertain. They were sharply focused, the lines and colors being so sharp that they seemed more real to me than anything I had ever seen with my own eyes. I felt that I was now seeing plain, whereas ordinary vision gives us an imperfect view; I was seeing the archetypes, the Platonic ideas, that underlie the imperfect images of everyday life. The thought crossed Figure 43- Maria Sabina my mind: could the divine mushrooms be the secret that lay behind the ancient Mysteries? Could the miraculous mobility that I was now enjoying be the explanation for the flying witches that played so important a part in the folklore and fairy tales of northern Europe? These reflections passed through my mind at the very time that I was seeing the visions, for the effect of the mushrooms is to bring about a fission of the spirit, a split in the person, a kind of schizophrenia, with the rational side continuing to reason and to observe the sensations that the other side is enjoying. The mind is attached as by an elastic cord to the vagrant senses. "' R. Gordon Wasson

Wasson later characterized his mushroom experience like this: ... religion pure and simple, free of Theology, free of dogmatics, expressing itself in awe and reverence and in lowered voices, mostly at night, when people would gather together to consult the Sacred Element. 198 "' R. Gordon Wasson

Wasson's description of his experience with the mushroom was the first known mushroom "trip report" in the modem world. The CIA was paying close attention to this and soon learned of Wasson's plans to return to Mexico and collect some mushrooms to bring back home. During the intervening winter, James Moore [CIA agent] wrote Wasson-"out of the blue," as Wasson recalls-and expressed a desire to look into the chemical properties of Mexican fungi. Moore eventually suggested that he would like to accompany Wasson's party, and, to sweeten the proposition, he mentioned that he knew a foundation that might be willing to help underwrite the expedition. Sure enough, the CIA's conduit, the Geschickter Fund, made a $2,000 grant. Inside the MKULTRA program, the quest for the divine mushroom became Subproject 58. 199 "'John Marks

197 Hallucinogens and Culture, by Furst, pg. 83. 198 Soma, by Wasson, 1968; Persephone:~ Quest, by Wasson, et al., 1986. 199 The Search.for the Manchurian Candidate, by John Marks, 1991.

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62 I Chapter Four :The Holy Grail Wasson later felt angst over revealing the secrets of Maria Sabina and the Mazatec peoples to the world for what he believed to have destroyed their culture. He failed to recognize that the opposite was true. Today, because of Maria Sabina, Wasson, McKenna, and others, the mushroom experience is known world-wide, and, in reality, the "Mexican cult of the mushroom" has beckoned the return of this ancient lost knowledge for the rest of the world. [T]he Mazatecs spoke of the mushrooms as the blood of Christ, because they were believed to grow only where a drop of Christ's blood had touched the earth; according to another tradition, the sacred mushrooms sprouted where a drop of Christ's spittle had moistened the earth and because of this it was Jesucristo himself that spoke and acted through the mushrooms. 200 "' Peter T. Furst quoting Albert Hofmann

Wasson and his wife Valentina founded the field of ethnomycology primarily when doing the research for Mushrooms, Russia and History (1957). Wasson included the first study in a series on ethnomycology (Entheo-Mycological Studies No.1) in his most famous work Soma, The Divine Mushroom of Immortality. In this book, he explored the origins of the Rig Vedas and he discovered that Soma in the Rig Vedas is based (at least in part) on the bright red-and-white entheogenic mushroom Amanita muscaria. 201 We (among others) contend that Soma in the Rig Vedas was often an admixture of Psilocybe mushrooms and other psychoactive ingredients as well. 202 We should point out that the argument regarding Soma is no longer concerning if Soma was an entheogen, but rather which entheogen Soma was. Wasson himself admitted to never having a successful experience with A. muscaria, but upon further investigation we realized from his 1965 and 1966 publications that he ate the mushrooms raw, drank the juice, and had the juice with milk. Wasson's own research states the A. muscaria is always consumed dried: "There is no aspect of the fly-agaric on which there is more testimony than this ... " He later stated that consuming them raw was in error. 203 •204 Was his friend Imazeki the only one who properly prepared the mushroom by roasting? It also appears that Wasson never recycled his urine while conducting personal experiments with the Amanita even though he criticized anthropologists for not doing the same. 205 Recycling urine is customary among cultures that use the Amanitas. Wasson concluded at the time that Caucasians may not be able to experience the mushroom's effects. 20 \ 207 Reviewing all of the ideas laid out by Wasson208 , McKenna209 , Flattery & Schwartz 210 , Spess 211 , and Bennett212 brings us to the conclusion that all are partially right and partially wrong. None has provided 200 20 I 202 203 204

205 206 207

208 209 210 211 212

Hallucinogens and Culture, by Furst, pg. 85. Wasson later presented more evidence in Persephone~· Quest, 1986, which was contested by McKenna in Food of the Gods, 1992, ch. 7. See ch. 5 regarding combined mushroom experiences. Soma, by Wasson, pg. 154-155. Eating raw Amanita muscaria mushrooms has been reported. Sec Sacred Soma Shamans, by Hawk and Venus, 2006. However, Hawk also admits to liver failure and heart-attack-like symptoms, probably from using the mushrooms daily for over 25 years, and combining them with manganese - two liver toxins. Amanita mushrooms do not greatly decrease in potency when dried. Decarboxylation can actually increase potency as much as six limes. Drying the mushrooms out first would allow the shaman to ingest higher quantities and intensity the experience. For more information sec Hawk and Venus: Nco-Shamanism or Megalomania? A Critical Rejoinder to Raw Amanita is Always Best, by Jan Irvin, 2008. Soma, by Wasson, pg. 25. The thousands of published and online "trip reports" as well as our own experiences with the Amanita muscaria also disprove this theory. McKenna argues in Food of the Gods, 1992, against Amanita muscaria, citing that it contains Muscarine. Ott in Pharmacotheon, !996, shows that Muscarine is only found in trace amounts at 0.0003% in European species. McKenna admits to only eating 5 grams of roasted A. muscaria at his first attempt (too little), and the second time he consumed them raw. He never consumed his urine. See Soma, by Wasson. Ruck, Heinrich and Staples argue in total favor of the Amanita muscaria in Apples of Apollo, 200 I; see also Heinrich in Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, 2002. Food of the God~, by McKenna. Flattery & Schwartz argue in favour of Peganum harmala, the seed of the Syrian rue plant in Haoma and Harmaline, Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 21, 1989. Soma: The Divine Hallucinogen, by Spcss, 2000, arguing in favor of nymphaea, and nelumbo, first proposed by Chapman Cohen. Burning Shiva: Has the Soma Question Been Answered? www.pottv.nct; Green Gold the Tree of Life, Marijuana in Magic and Religion, by Bennett, et al, 1995; and Sex, Drugs, Violence and the Bible, by Bennett, el al, 200 l.

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Chapter Four: The Holy Grail I 63 substantial evidence enough to refute the others, bringing us to the conclusion that "Soma"213 is probably a generic term describing single or combined preparations of Amanita, Psilocybe, Syrian rue, nymphaea, nelumbo, cannabis, opium, ephedra, and/or other psychoactive ingredients. 214 Soma was probably nothing more than a generic term (taxon) that was used in the same way as the words "drug," "entheogen," "psychedelic," or "psychoactive substance" are used today. 215 rv Ratsch, MOller-Ebeling, Shahi

Soma was one of the most important anthropomorphized deities in the Hindu pantheon. On the surface, Soma can be confusing because it represents so many things. Soma is a plant, Soma is the word or logos ('vac'), Soma is a drink, Soma is a drink made from a plant216, and it is the psychoactive urine of the priest who ingested the plant. 217 Consequently, Soma has characteristics of both plants and gods. Soma, in the stories, married the daughter of the sun and is often referred to as the sun itself. The anthropomorphism of Soma embodies the sun, the plant, the god and the elixir made from the plant. The red and white-spotted A. muscaria mushroom can be seen as a red, sun-like ball with white clouds crossing in front of it (representing the sun and the plant together), 218 and this sacred mushroom has been associated with a number of deities, as we shall soon see. Jack Herer is the author of the book The Emperor Wears No Clothes: Cannabis and the Conspiracy Against Marijuana. He is an ethnobotanist and historian and is considered "the father of the hemp movement." Herer is responsible for reintroducing all of the suppressed information on industrial hemp, medical marijuana and the entire history of this plant's use throughout time. While Herer and his best friend "Captain Ed" Adair were researching hemp, they came across substantial information, including the works of Allegro, which sent them on another path of research - ethnoand entheomycology. Herer has spent over 20 years researching this information. Herer has received many awards for his active role in bringing back the hemp plant. He and Adair (Adair died in the early 90s) are fully or partially responsible for the return of industrial hemp to over 50 nations. Herer maintains a $100,000 challenge to the world to prove his information on industrial hemp wrong. 219 This challenge originally started at $10,000 and has grown over the years. Even though this information has been public for nearly 20 years, we still do not find Herer's information in the mainstream media very often. You can read the entire book The Emperor Wears No Clothes for free on his website, Clark Heinrich has written two books, including Strange Fruit, which later evolved into Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy. This book is an excellent resource and is full of wonderful pictures, above all in regard to mushrooms in alchemy and Hinduism. Heinrich was the first to attempt a decipherment of the Bible based on the Amanita muscaria 220 since Allegro.

213 One definition of"Soma" in Webster~· ]'d New International Dictionary: "akin to L twn ere to swell- more at THUMB;" suggesting that Soma is a mushroom. 214 Spess argues that Soma is seven compounds and seven elixirs. Soma: The Divine Hallucinogen, 2000, pg. 138. He also argues that nymphaca and nclumbo arc the only two plants used in Soma, thus, appearing to contradict himself. In Spcss' defence, this contradiction in his research was due to the editors of his publishing company, and not to his own research and writing. 215 Shamanism and Tantra In the Himalayas, by Riitsch, Miiller-Ebcling, Shahi, 2002, pg. 178. 216 Soma, by Wasson; Magic Mushrooms in Alchemy and Religion, by Heinrich, 2002. 217 Pharmacotheon, by Ott 1996, pg. 332. 218 Clark Heinrich brought this to our attention during a lecture in 2000. 219 Sec, or The Emperor Wears No Clothes, by Hcrcr, 2007. 220 Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, by Heinrich, 2002.

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Let it be repeated: if even one only of the mushroom references of the cryptic phrases of the New Testament text were correct, then a new element has to be reckoned with in the nature and origin of the Christian religion. 221 "' John Allegro

If Heinrich was indeed able to decipher correctly any information in the New Testament about the A. muscaria, then Allegro is validated. Heinrich is one of few researchers to take Allegro seriously: John Allegro was an Oxford-educated philologist and Hebrew scholar, one of the original team of scholars (and the only humanist) who began working on the Dead Sea scrolls, first found at Qumran in 1947. In 1956, Allegro alienated most of the other members of the scrolls team by claiming in a BBC interview that the scrolls proved Christianity to be, at best, a derivative religion .... Allegro claimed that this was the proto-Jesus, reinvented and restructured circa 30 cE to appeal to the gentiles .... These stories, Allegro said, were the work of a revisionist group that took an older story, updated and embellished it .... 222 "' Clark Heinrich

As we have shown, Christianity most certainly is a derivative religion. 223 Notice that this BBC talk was in 1956. Twelve years before Wasson published Soma in 1968, Allegro had postulated that the Christian story was based on Essene sectarian beliefs. Later, he began researching etymological links between Essene terms and the languages of ancient fertility cults. In 1956, he hadn't yet connected Essenism and early Christianity to an ancient fertility religion, but was already investigating the history of Christianity while a lecturer in Old Testament Studies at the University of Manchester and as an "Oxford-educated philologist and Hebrew scholar." Heiurich continues: ... Allegro sealed his fate in 1970 when he published The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, a book that claimed on linguistic evidence, real and imagined, that Jesus was the head of a cult that took psychedelic mushrooms, namely the fly agaric or "penis mushroom". 224 [emphasis added] "' Clark Heinrich

Actually, Allegro suggested in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross that Jesus is the mushroom. As well, Heinrich's own work in the book Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy is one of the best for substantiating the "penis mushroom" theory in Christianity and other religions . ... Allegro was attacked on every side and ridiculed mercilessly, as if his hypothesis [The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross] were more ridiculous than believing, for example, that a human being created the universe, revived from a horrible death, and floated bodily up to heaven. Actually. his contentions are far more reasonable than the accepted versions of Christian and Jewish mythology. but there were few who would concede even this much. The numerous mistakes he made about the mushroom itself, its life cycle and effects, didn't help matters, nor did the fact that he never tried the mushroom. 225 [emphasis added] "' Clark Heinrich

Indeed, Allegro also missed some possible associations to both Amanita pantherina and Psilocybe mushrooms, and overlooked important aspects of astrotheology, just as Heiurich and many others have. Often, pioneers in a new field have much lower accuracy, and later researchers, using this new foundation, begin filling in the gaps (as Heinrich did). 221 222 223 224 225

The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, 1970, pg. 194. Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, by Heinrich, 2002, pg. 23. Chapter 3. Heinrich in Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, 2002, argues that the A. muscaria is the penis mushroom. Ibid, pg. 24.

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Chapter Four: The Holy Grail I 65 Allegro was a pioneer no doubt. He was wrong about the active compounds and effects of the mushroom, but it has yet to be proven that all his Sumerian interpretations were wrong. We still have no doubt he had some (or even many) errors. He stated himself that many of his interpretations were speculative and needed further research. 226 However, this is no reason to discredit entirely all of Allegro's work. If Allegro had taken the mushrooms, his theories would have been more reasonable. But he was not experienced with their effects. Because of the work of Heiurich, Herer, Ruck, Staples, Wasson, Wilson, Spess, Merkur, Bennett, and this book, we are now forced to admit that Allegro was more right than wrong and he understood much, as Heinrich showed by writing two books that reinforce Allegro's research. It isn't crucial to me if the name Jesus means "mushroom" in some long-lost tongue, although I will consider it to be quite significant if it happens to be true. 227 "' Clark Heinrich

If Jesus was not a real person, then this changes everything! In fact, we interpret allegory as the key to the Bible. The first-century Docetae were among the first Gnostic sects to hold that Christ was not of human flesh. The stories cannot be properly interpreted on the false, euhemerist presumption that "Jesus ofNazareth" (the divine son of God) was a real man. Surely, there were "holy men" who lived during this period, but the divine Son of God, with the characteristics discussed earlier, is 100% allegory. In understanding that Jesus was not a physical man228 with divine attributes, but rather an anthropomorphism of the male phallus, the sun, the mushroom (and drugs), and entheogenically infused oil, all of the stories (as we will show) completely unfold. Heiurich also co-wrote The Apples of Apollo: Pagan and Christian Mysteries of the Eucharist, with Professor Carl Ruck of Boston University, and Blaise Stables, Ph.D. This is an excellent book for delving into the origins of Greek mythology and the Eucharist in Christianity. This book also supports the research of Allegro. Another book written by Wasson, Ruck, Ott and Stella Kramrisch is Persephone s Quest: Entheogens and the Origins of Religion. This is an important book in looking at the very foundation of Maya, Hindu, Santa!, Buddhist, and Christian theologies, the Eleusinian mysteries, and ancient philosophy. This book is available from Yale University Press. Jonathon Ott has written a number of books on entheogens, and is probably one of the most respected entheogenic researchers in the world today. Among his most important works are Pharmacotheon (Drug Gods), which is an amazing entheogen desk reference guide, and The Age ofEntheogens and the Angels Dictionary, in which he attempts to establish standard shamanic/entheogenic terminology. The term "Pharmacratic Inquisition" (discussed in the introduction to this section) was coined by Ott in his Age ofEntheogens and the Angels Dictionary. Christian Ratsch, Ph.D., is a world-renowned anthropologist and ethnopharmacologist who specializes in the shamanic uses of plants. He has authored more than 40 books, including: The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications, and Marijuana Medicine, and is co-author of the second edition of Plants of the Gods with Dr. Albert Hofmann (the discoverer of LSD) and Dr. Richard Evans Schultes of Harvard's Botanical Museum. He co-authored Witchcraft Medicine with Claudia Muller-Ebeling Ph.D. and Wolf-Dieter Storl, an 226 "It is now possible to propose combinations of known root element~ with a fair degree of assurance; nevertheless the asterisk will appear frequently in the following pages and serve to remind us that such reconstructions, however probable, must find adequate cross-checking through the cognate languages if they arc to be anything but speculative." The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, pg. 16. 227 Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, by Heinrich, pg. 25. 228 We must note that the Essencs applied much older archaeoastronomical, shamanic, and fertility-cult mythology to their "Teacher of Righteousness." (Bennett argues such a character [i.e. "Jesus"] applied the mythology to "himself"!) The Church further amplified all three types of myth in the canonization of biblical texts, trying to historicize two (until now unrecognized) mythological anthropomorphisms in the form of one political/religious fanatic leader, Joshua. However, the Essenes themselves saw this Joshua, who died in 88 seE. as yet the latest incarnation of a repetitive history part of the cycle starting with Joshua, son of Jchozadak, then Joshua, Son of Nun, and ending with The Teacher of Righteousness. Sec The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Myth, by Allegro, 1979/1992, ch. 14.

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I 67

There are many other excellent researchers in this field and we would like to mention them all, though we have limited the scope to those whose work most pertains to our current study.

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I Chapter Five : Holiday Symbolism

Chapter Five Holiday Symbolism

Figure 44 -Amanita muscaria growing under a pine tree. By Nicholas Zervos

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Chapter Five : Holiday Symbolism I 69

SACRED TREES The Christmas tree is not just a symbol for eternal life, which is what many Christian children are told. It is literally the Tree of Know ledge from the Garden of Eden. 234 Metaphorically, 1esus "comes from the trees" by saying that his father was a carpenter. 235 The Amanita is the fruit of this Tree of Knowledge/Life 236 , 237 because neither the A. muscaria nor the A. pantherina can grow without a tree as their host. The A. muscaria mushrooms flourish under pine trees and other coniferous trees such as spruce, larch, cedar, and fir. Also, they flourish under betula trees such as the birch. These trees remain undisturbed summer and winter. The A. pantherina prefers to grow under quercus trees like the oak. The major differences between these two mushrooms are that A. pantherina is smaller, is blackish in color, is four times more potent than its muscaria cousin, and prefers oak trees. These mushrooms are quite literally the fruit of the tree because of the mycorrhizal partnership that they have with the roots of these particular types of trees. Just as Mother Nature needs trees to grow apples, she also needs trees to grow these sacred Amanita mushrooms (the "pine-apples"238). This is why the worship of these trees is so profound in ancient mythology. Further evidence to support Allegro's theory is found among the parallel gods of the ancient world. We mention them here, because all happen to be associated with trees. The Babylonian/Sumerian god Tammuz (Damuzi or Damu) was known as Attis to the Phrygians, Adonis to the Greeks and Syrians, Atunis to the Etruscans, Adoni ("my lord") to the Phoenicians, and Adonai ('lord' or 'YHWH'; pl. of Adonis) and Tammuz (Thomas) to the Hebrews. 239 Scholars attribute these name changes to cultural evolutions of the same god. In most of these legends, this god dies young and his birth and death are honored on his birthday at the winter solstice (Christmas). 240 In the case ofAttis, the celebration was held at the winter solstice, or the vernal equinox (Easter). In Phrygia, pine trees were sacred to Agdistis (Gr. Cybele), the lover/mother of Attis. Attis tortures himself, cuts off his own penis and then turns into a pine tree, creating the fruit (mushroom) under the tree. In Roman mythology, Rhea!Cybele turns Attis into a pine. Adonis is born from the base of a myrrh tree, myrrh being an ingredient in entheogenic oils (see Appendix B), and probably was earlier associated with the pine. Adonai creates the fruit of the tree. Most Roman religious rituals involved cutting down a young evergreen (Christmas) tree as a way of commemorating the premature death ofTammuz. Ezekiel 6: 13 Then shall ye know that I am the LORD, when their slain men shall be among their idols round about their altars, upon every high hill, in all the tops of the mountains, and under every green tree, and under every thick oak, the place where they did offer sweet savour to all their idols.

Other associations to trees include: •

Dionysus, whose devotees wore foliage from pine trees

234 The packages that appear magically overnight under the Christmas tree, and the frni1 of the Tree of Knowledge, recall the growth and appearance of A. muscaria and A. pantherina. 235 The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, 1970, pg. 102 (see also Pharmacotheon, by Ott, 1996, pg. 333, regarding the fly-agaric and the Tree of Life being the progenitor oftoday's religions). 236 Dan Mcrkur makes a strong argument that the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge were one and the same. Sec The Mystery ofManna, 2000, pg. 32-33. We feel there is also the possibility that the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge arc two different types of mushrooms or other cntheogens consumed as an admixture; see ch. 5. Both theories are probably, in part, correct. 237 The Apples ofApollo, by Ruck, Staples and Heinrich, 200 I, pg. 51. 238 Sec chapter 5, The Song ofSongs. 239 We thank Marcel Bat11e and Jay Lynn for their input here. 240 Many scholars will argue that Adonai is not related to the other gods, but their likenesses arc undeniable. Jewish theology, in its attempt to separate itself from older religions, no longer worships Adonai on the birthday of Adonis, Dec. 25.

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I Chapter Five : Holiday Symbolism Baal, a Phoenician god whose followers made sacrificial offerings under the oak Asherah (Astarte), whose name means "sacred tree" Abraham (in Sanskrit, Brahma), who in Jewish mythology encountered the "Angel of Jehovah" under the oak tree the oak tree, which for Socrates was an oracle tree, and is worshipped in all Druidic rites (Druid means 'oak') Shiva, who has his penis severed in the forest, where it returns each year Artemis, the "Lady of the Forest" Eve, who in Gnostic texts turns into the tree of "acquaintance" (knowledge) 241 Joseph Smith, who in Mormon mythology discovers the golden plates atop pillars in the forest, no doubt under a tree (dried Amanita is often a very bright gold in color).

The number of forest/tree-related myths is countless. 242 Upon the pillars rested the plates which shone like bright gold. I saw also lying in the box a round body, wrapped in a white substance, and this I knew to be the ball or directors, which so many years ago guided Lehi and his family to this land. The top stone of the box was smooth on the inner surface as were the others, but on the top it was rounded .... From the bottom of the box, or from the breast-plate, arose three small pillars composed of the same description of cement used on the edges .... But these three pillars were not so lengthy as to cause the plates and the crowning stones to come in contact .... [emphasis added] ~ Joseph Smith

THE GROWTH CYCLE The Amanita muscaria goes through a very particular growth cycle, and this growth cycle is used in many mythological stories to help locate and identify these mushrooms. The growth cycle is very similar to the life and death of the mythological bird, the phoenix. 243 Tiny spores rain down onto the pine needles surrounding the mushrooms that release them. Deep down into the ground, these spores become the mycelium that will attach itself to the roots of this particular tree. These mushrooms live in what is known as "mycorrhizal symbiosis," with the tree as their host. In fact, these living organisms (mushrooms) are taxonomically classified as a mycorrhizal symbiont. This is different from parasitizing another life Figure 45 - White mushroom spore form, in that the host is helped and in fact improved by the presence greatly enlarged. By Nicholas Zervos of the symbiont, whereas a parasite hurts and drains the life force of its host and may even kill it (e.g. honey fungus or mistletoe). Why these mushrooms are found growing only under particular types of trees is because they have a relationship with the roots of these particular trees. Without their specific trees, these mushrooms cannot grow. Consequently, the mushrooms can be seen as the fruiting bodies of the tree and, because of their entheogenic qualities, they have been anthropomorphized into gods.

241 On the Origin of the World, The Nag Hammadi Library, Robinson, 1990. 242 We would also like to remind the reader of the tree's macrocosmic association to the Axis Mundi. For further research, sec Hamlet :S Mill, by de Santillana and von Dcchend, 1969. 243 Discussed more below. Sec also The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, 1970, pg. 95.

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The mass of the mycelium of the fungus envelopes the roots of the tree, in effect greatly increasing the soil area covered by the tree root system. The fungus aids the tree in absorbing water from the soil, increases the stability of the root system, and protects the roots from drying out and the effects of heavy metals. In return the tree provides sugars and starches to the fungus that the fungus uses in its metabolism .... It's possible trees and forest, as we know them today could not exist without the mycorrhizal relationships between trees and fungi. 244 "' Dr. Robert W. Poole and Dr. Patricia Gentili

One thing often seen when mushroom hunting is something that resembles small white stones near the Amanita flushes. These small white stones are actually more Amanita mushrooms that are in the egg stage of the growth cycle. They, too, are mushrooms, although they have yet to spring up out of the ground. This is the first time that we can really see (in nature) the mushroom in its first stage of growth-like a small white stone. Thomas 19 Blessed is he who came into being before he came into being. If you become my disciples and listen to my words, these stones will minister to you. For there are five trees for you in Paradise which remain undisturbed summer and winter and whose leaves do not fall. Whoever becomes acquainted with them will not experience death.

244 Dr. Robert W. Poole and Dr. Patricia Gentili, who have over 50 combined years in research and teaching at university and government level, founded

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Chapter Five : Holiday Symbolism

This Amanita:~ first growth stage is similar to an egg shape, giving the mushroom its bulbous base. It also appears that this mushroom has been born from a tiny pot. One of the sons of Shiva was born of a pot that Shiva ejacul*ted into. There is quite a lot of sex worship and fertility rites involved with mushroom history. This is in part because mushrooms themselves are the phallic organs of the mycelial organism. 245 The mushrooms are the reproductive part of the actual "body" of the organism. The mushrooms spring up to reproduce by releasing their spores. The actual body of the organism is a fine network of mycelia, a growth of hair-like fibers throughout the soil. These networks of mycelia (when describing many mushrooms containing psilocybin) can be many acres in size and may have many more connections than exist in a human brain. 246 Three feet under the forest floor in Malheur National Forest in eastern Oregon exists a 2,200-acre mycelial network of the Armillaria ostoyae, ranging 3.5 miles across and taking up the equivalent of 1,665 football fields. This is the largest and one of the oldest living organisms known to the world. Estimates of its age range between 2,400 and 7,200 years old. 247 Michael Talbot pointed out in his book, The Holographic Universe, 248 that memory, vision and quite possibly the entire Figure 46 - The egg stage of the growth cycle universe itself exist as a hologram. If a holographic film Amanita muscaria by Nicholas Zervos containing an image of a dog is broken into 10 pieces, there will then exist 10 different images of the same dog. Mycelia, having more connections than the human brain, are interesting because the argument exists that these mushrooms contain information (or have a memory). When these mushrooms are ingested, it could be suggested that the data contained within these mushrooms is transferred into the user. Many people who have eaten psilocybin mushrooms acknowledge that the mushrooms actually speak to them. John von Neumann (contributor to game theory, quantum mechanics, and functional analysis) once calculated that over the course of the average human lifetime, the brain stores approximately 30 billion gigabytes of information. Imagine the size of Mother Earth's brain and the information contained over the course of millions of years. If the human brain (and the universe) could function as a holograph, so too could these networks of mycelia, the body of the mushroom. The mycelial network is worldwide. It is so vast that it would take the destruction of the planet to destroy it. The information contained within this network goes much deeper than guidance for personal transformation. We suggest the possibility that this information is the history of the cosmos and this holograph-like information has been broken into more than just a few pieces. This information has been separated into billions of regenerating fragments, called mushrooms. 245 Sec Appendix C. 246 See Appendix C. 247 Dr. Catherine Parks, a scientist with the USDA Forest Service's Pacific Northwest Research Station, led the research in discovering the fungus in cooperation with Oregon State University. The fungus is calculated to be about 2,400 years old, although it could be two to three limes older. 248 The Holographic Universe, by Talbot, 1992. Based on the research of Alain Aspect and David Bohm.

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Thomas 113 .. .The kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it.

Figure 47- Easter card

The gnome is often associated with the mushroom and the hare with eggs (and mushrooms as well). It seems odd not to question why we use a hare to symbolize eggs at Easter when hares do not lay eggs. Even stranger still would be to not question why we include eggs in the Easter celebration. Traditionally, the brownish hare symbolized fertility and the brownish Amanita pantherina mushrooms. The fiery red phoenix symbolized the bright red Amanita muscaria249 and, as we discussed earlier, the first stage of the mushroom's growth cycle is this egg shape. The tradition of Easter egg hunting found its way into modem times because our ancestors provided their children with baskets and sent them into the woods to look underneath the trees and shrubbery for the sacred sacrament: the often egg-shaped mushroom used in many tribal rituals.

The symbolism of the egg is important to mythology. The sun represented a great yolk inside the "cosmic egg." In a theory of creation found in India, Egypt, Phoenicia, Greece, and among the modern Polynesians and Finns, the whole universe came from a cosmic egg. In the version known at Memphis, in Egypt, Ptah (the opener) broke the egg from which the sun and moon came forth. 250 "' Ernest Busenbark

Figure 48 - Speculum Veritatis, 17th century. Apostolic Vatican Library, Cod. Lat. 7286 249 Sec Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, by Heinrich, 2002, pg. 148, 175-76; The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, 1970, pg. 95. 250 Symbols. Sex, and the Stars, by Busenbark, 1949, pg. I 0 I.

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Further down the microcosmic ladder, the egg is symbolized by the early stages of the mushroom's growth. 251 Today, most people no longer use these mushrooms in their ceremonies, but Christians still symbolize it with their ritual of sending children on an Easter egg hunt in the morning, symbolic of the shaman's children gathering the colored mushrooms before the sun waxes hot. The spring feast and intoxicating celebration in the evening (symbolic of the shaman consuming the intoxicating mushrooms) would complete their ritual, a ritual that is practiced to this very day. "0 thou who art in egg (i.e., Ra), who shinest from thy disk and risest in thy horizon, and Figure 49 -Amanita muscaria - the colorful hidden egg. Photo dost shine like gold above the by Jan Irvin sky, like unto whom there is none among the gods, who sailest over the pillars of Shu (i.e., the ether), who givest blasts of fire from thy mouth, [who makest the two lands bright with thy radiance, deliver] the faithful worshippers from the god whose forms are hidden, whose eyebrows are like unto the two arms of the balance on the night of the reckoning of destruction." rv The Papyrus of Ani (Egyptian Book of the Dead) Ch. XVII: 112, ed. byE W. Budge, pg.

287 Describing the growth of the mushroom (boletos), Pliny says: "The earth ... produces first a 'womb' (vulva) ... and afterwards (the mushroom) itself inside the womb, like a yolk inside the egg; and the baby mushroom is just as fond of eating its coat as is the chicken. The coat cracks when (the mushroom) first forms; presently, as it gets bigger, the coat is absorbed into the body of the footstalk (pediculi) ... at first it is flimsier than froth, then it grows substantial like parchment, and then the mushroom ... is born."252 rv John Allegro

251 "Before the vulva breaks, the fungus[*] looks somewhat like a pigeon's egg half-buried, or like a small phallus 'egg."' Mushrooms & Toad,tools by Ramsbottom, 1954, pg. 39. *Amanita phalloides. 252 The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, pg. 54.

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F Figure 50 -Amanita growth cycle by Nicholas Zervos

These images show the growth cycles or the stages of the development of the mushroom. It starts egg-shaped (A), and soon the universal veil begins to peel away (Band C) as the red cap begins to separate itself from the base (D). Next is the dumbbell stage (E) where, symbolically, the moon is represented by the white bulbous base and the sun represented by the round, red cap. In this stage (E), you can see the phallic representation of the mushroom. The dots on top of the mushroom cap grow further and further apart as the mushroom grows. When the mushroom was in the egg stage, the spots were connected, forming the universal veil. This universal veil covers the entire mushroom, wrapping it in "swaddling clothes" (A). Later the universal veil attaches itself to the rim of the mushroom cap (pileus) as well as the stalk (stipe), covering the gills of the mushroom (F). As the mushroom grows further, the cap begins to open. In the next stage of growth (Figure 51), the outer rim of the mushroom cap begins to separate itself from the universal veil, exposing the gills and releasing its spores. This universal veil is still attached to the stipe of the mushroom as it peels away from the underside of the cap. The previous stage of growth was the last time the mushroom would appear to be the adult male. This stage of the mushroom's growth could be, at least in part, the source of the male circumcision ritual, though most cultures do not circumcise. 253

Figure 51 - Cap separating from universal veil, by Nicholas Zervos

Figure 52 -Amanita muscaria - Canopy stage, by Nicholas Zervos

As the mushroom expands further, the universal veil separates itself completely from the underside ofthe cap, falls, and hangs on the stipe of the mushroom like a skirt. Because the tips of the universal veil were once touching the red part of the cap, the very tips of this skirt become colored amber or gold. In

253 This theory originates from The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, pg. 59, and is maintained by Heinrich, Ruck, Staples, and Herer, and others. However, there appear to be conflicting reports by DeMeo, in Saharasia, 2006, and others, that will be brought together and explained in another volume. Bennett (2001) suggests circumcision was done as serpent worship, pg. 69. However, Bennett overlooks the obvious associations of the serpent to the mushroom, which will be discussed in the following sections.

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76 I Chapter Five : Holiday Symbolism addition, note that the cap of the mushroom is now becoming a canopy or eave of the mushroom.

Figure 53 -Amanita muscaria Table stage, by Nicholas Zervos

Figure 54 -Amanita muscaria Cup stage, by Nicholas Zervos

The Amanita will then continue to grow upward, flattening itself into a small table (Figure 53). One may wish to keep in mind that the Knights of the Round Table were the keepers and protectors of the Holy Grail. From the table stage of the mushroom, the cap continues to upturn and becomes like a cup or a chalice (Figure 54), which holds the morning dew (Figure 55). When the morning dew collects in the cup of the upturned mushroom cap, some of the psychedelic substances are drawn out of the mushroom and into the water. Consequently, the water is colored red, like blood. The bright red pigment originates in the mushroom's cap and "bleeds into" the water. This will fade the mushroom from a bright red into an orange or golden cup. Although the psychedelic effects would not be as intense as those from a belly-full of mushrooms, one could literally take this golden, chalice-shaped mushroom from nature and drink the blood of"Jesus" from the Holy GraiF 54

254 The philosophers' stone of alchemy and the Holy Grail, as well as Aladdin's famous magic lamp, arc all considered metaphors for the Amanita muscaria. See Pharmacotheon, by Ott (Bauer, 1991A; Heinrich, 1995), 1996. The story of the Holy Grail was started by Chretien de Troycs in the late 12u' century in Li Conte del Graal ("The Story of the Grail"). Chretien also wrote the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table based on Tcmplar lore and older religious (pagan, Christian, and otherwise) stories of the cup and Eucharist worship.

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Figure 55- The Holy Grail- Amanita muscaria. Photo by Jan Irvin

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We would like to call your attention back to the icon of Krishna and/ or Jesus being crucified. The next stage of the mushroom is a table or (Tao) cross stage. The Tao cross ( T) is the origin of the cross that Christians use today. The Amanita mushroom has a crown of thorns on top, a sash, and it is standing on one leg. The Christ character, or Krishna in this image (Figure 56), also stands with his arms up, a crown on his head and a sash around his waist, and is represented standing on one leg. The opened cap represents the "female" portion of the mushroom, or the mushroom with one breast, or the red menstrual (menstrual from moon and star) blood. This is also the unison of intercourse with the white "male" stalk (stipe) of the mushroom, which represents the white sem*n being secreted into the female cap, thereby creating life. Before the scientific understanding of fertility, it was thought that the mixture of sem*n and menstrual blood, incubated in the blackness of the womb, is what created life. Figure 56 - Crucifixion in space - from The mushroom then continues up into the table stage, and finely into Higgins' Annacalypsis the cap, resembling a cup, as the mushroom raises its "arms" to form the Holy Grail (illustrated in Figure 57). This mushroom was and is symbolized often. Each characteristic of it was anthropomorphized from every perspective, from every stage of its growth cycle, and from every possible angle.

Figure 57- Amanita muscariaThe Holy Grail

Once the cap has opened up, the mushroom is considered hermaphroditic (having both male and female qualities). The rounded base and the stem of the mushroom become the male penis and single testicl*. The cap of the mushroom becomes two parts of the female, both the vagin* (the underside of the cap) and the single red breast. 255 In Hindu mythology, Shiva is a hermaphrodite, having a penis, one testicl* and a breast. There are more similarities between Shiva Figure 58 - Male and female qualities ofthe Amanita and the Amanita muscaria but this muscaria, by Nicholas book is not meant to be an in-depth Zervos look into Hinduism. Instead, we

255 The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro. The Bible makes several references to "red brcasl(s)" including Song of Solomon 4:5, "Thy two breasts are like two young roes that arc twins, which feed among the lilies." In addition, Song of Solomon 7:3, "Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins." A roe is a red deer with while spots. Sec also Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, by Heimich, 2002.

Astratheology & Shamanism -


Pagan Roots




\Vill rdcr you to Wasson's Soma: Divine lvlushroom and Shamanism and Tanrra in the


After the mushroom cap is

into its Grail or chalice to die and rot away, or dries and turns looks like the sun, like The different colors range from find for a shaman is mushroom that has dried on the stem without to be consumed. ,u,~ar,u!"'. Jesus is on the cross and his flesh is

The mushroom is Soma in one of its many tlxms. In the Soma is a bulL As the mushroom to the skin of Soma appears. These mushrooms turn brown and sometimes black when are sun-dried. Most the mushroom can be reconstituted (or resemble leather. At this in water, thus "born

As the Christian

goes, Christ at the last supper said

his ''Take and eat, this is my this is the cup of my blood. Do this in remembrance of uuuwcvu of ''remembrance" somehu~:v the Church the to hand shot of wine in some instead of the real sacraments tor their

Thomas 74 "0 lord, there are many around the He cistern."

256 Magic Ml!'hruums


but there Is

in the

Religion and Afc!temv. hy i lcinrich. 2002. Sec also The Sacred Secrcr. The Retum o/!hc Christ, hy


200 I.


80 I Chapter Five : Holiday Symbolism

THE AGE-OLD ICON Millions of children all over the world saw this mushroom in the Smurfs cartoon during the 1980s. Sears and Roebuck had an entire series of plateware with this mushroom on it. From postcards to video games like Super Mario Brothers, to cartoons such as Fantasia (which depicts two different kinds of mushrooms, both of which will be discussed in this book), these mushrooms are found everywhere. Mushrooms are often associated with Christmas, and mushroom ornaments on the Christmas tree are not rare. Some of the oldest Christmas ornaments are red and white-spotted mushrooms. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year: This is the same holiday just split into two days: New Year's Day and Christmas. We know this because both celebrations are founded upon the winter solstice, the death and birth of Figure 60- Smurf cabin the sun. Making two separate holidays (holy-days) gives the Church its Christian celebration while everyone is also celebrating the New Year festivities. Once it has been pointed out, you can see this red and white mushroom repeatedly in New Year and Christmas icons as well as in places that you would never think to look. It seems as though an important Christmas tradition is to never question the origin of the traditions themselves. Why do we bring a tree into our house to celebrate Christmas? If it is a Christian holiday, where in the Bible does it say to bring a tree into our house? In addition, why does it have to be a pine or other coniferous tree? Why do we decorate it? Why are the Christmas colors red, white, and green? Why do we put red and white presents under the tree? Why do we hang stockings over the hearth? Who is this Santa character and why does he do the strange things that he does? Did a man in a red and white suit ever crawl down someone's chinmey with a sack full of goodies? According to Rogan Taylor, perhaps the most amusing hint of amanita-based shamanism may well be enshrined, perhaps by accident, in the popular contemporary image of Santa Claus. The figure of Father Christmas evolved over centuries out of pagan traditions, but the modern image of Santa owes most to the elements cobbled together in the 1820's by Professor Clement Clark Moore of Albany, New York, along with illustrators Thomas Nast and Morits von Schwind, both of Germanic descent. Taylor feels that some traditional elements got drawn into their version, perhaps from the professor's wide reading, or from the illustrator's Old World links-or both. He points out that Santa's robe of red, edged with white, contains the colors of Amanita muscaria, and that the idea of Santa clambering down the chimney evokes the entry via the smoke hole into Siberian yurts during Astrotheology & Shamanism -


Pagan Roots

Figure 61 - Holiday card

I 81


winter. Moreover, the reindeers that the can be seen as a link to the reindeerherder tribes who took the magic mushroom. And the of Santa Claus through the midwinter of the basis of an or the flight of the "' Paul Devereux of Dr. Christian Dr. Patrick Harding of the James Bursenos and James Arthur have all furthered the research into the ami answered many of these as well as others that one may have never the same traditions every year, but are too to and uu·"·"''~" Christmas traditions. We very that we that appear very to an outside viewer. there are not many outside viewers. Christmas is a worldwide celebration. The traditions and names may vary from from to country, but the ofthe Christmas story can almost be found. ''As so the Christmas is found above us in the stars, as we discussed in the first ofthis and also right below our feet In some you still can lind this mushroom listed as ''or "!!Q]JJQ!!Q!!1l.." Both authors ofthis book have eaten this mushroom and we are alive and welL You do have to be careful in the correct mushroom. ln addition, the Amanita muscaria needs to be prepared or you may even proper preparation is not a that you vvill not get sick. We want to be clear that no one should pick any mushrooms without research and t

We would lik.e to discuss for a moment how Santa Claus used as a key tool in the Christian vv'""'"u·uu of It could be called


Children are the churches' audience and Santa is an ideal way to hook children Godmindsct Santa gets kids UHHHIJHO:>C:'Jlt, and JV''"""~j"'"' that would be very difficult to do vvithout proper at the proper age. When kids ask vvhat God looks like, they arc ol1cn of a man with heaven. In the mails Hnd a man 1vith a

a 62- Sani:a

Nicholas Zervos

257 lhc Long Trip. .··i Prehistm:v ofPs,•,-cheddio, by Devereux, 1997, pg. 72. 258 ldeas taken ti·om an online adele writt.;n by Gary Grassl. http:i/w" w2think.orgibii!santa.shtml

& Shamanism


82 I Chapter Five : Holiday Symbolism to popular belief, Santa can do most of the things that "God" can do, and vice-versa. Here is a Psalm (139) from the Bible that could easily describe Santa Claus: You see me, whether I am working or resting; you know all my actions.

Let us try to describe the Christian god in a way that may sound a bit more familiar: "He sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good ..." so be good or you'll go to hell and burn for eternity.

Santa has the ability to be everywhere at once. This is how he delivers presents to the billions of (good) children in the world in just one night. Therefore, God and Santa both have the power of omnipresence. God and Santa are also all-powerful (omnipotent) and have the ability to reward and punish. Santa rewards with toys and punishes naughty children by leaving them with nothing ... or worse, a lump of coal. The punishment drastically increases when the child graduates from Santa to the Christian god. Being naughty is then referred to as a sin and the punishment is much more severe than a lump of coal in their stocking. However, according to Christianity, we are all naughty (or sinful). It is our nature. If you have been to a Christian church even one time, this following prayer should sound familiar. The church pounds this into the heads of millions of Christians as they chant this prayer together week after week, collectively brainwashing one another into believing that they are dirty sinners, in need of forgiveness: Most merciful God, we confess that we are by nature sinful and unclean. We have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We justly deserve Your present and eternal punishment. For the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we may delight in Your will and walk in Your ways to the glory of Your holy name.

Omniscience and performing miracles are the obvious similarities-both God and Santa know all of our actions, so in both cases we are to be good or we'll be punished. Furthermore, both God and Santa are the creators of the things for which we are most nostalgic. For a child, Santa, with the help ofhis elves, is the creator of their toys. As we grow older and as we become more and more curious, children are told that Santa isn't real-but God is, and He is the creator of everything, the Great Architect of the Universe. Teaching children to believe in Santa at a time when they believe everything that their parents tell them prepares their minds to accept this adult (male) god when they are older. Then children can easily be told that Santa is not real, but Jesus is, and their conditioned mind has no choice but to believe. We are not suggesting that there is no such thing as God. We are suggesting that the current concept of God is more than a bit twisted. The reality is that you are God. Often times, when parents tell their children that Santa is not a real person, they do this while assuring the child that Jesus is real, when in fact, the opposite is the truth. The actual story of Santa is very old, and almost everyone has heard of this character. Most countries today still include him in their winter solstice celebrations. Throughout the ages, Santa was the shaman, and one can easily find many similarities between the shaman of the past and our Christmas traditions and holiday symbolism of today.

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SANTA CLAUS, A MUSHROOM? On many Christmas cards, you will find Santa Claus in a forest. Santa is said to live at the North Pole. What is he doing in a forest? Our traditions mention nothing of Santa Claus in a forest but we do bring a pine tree into our house and place red and white presents under it. So here is the connection to the forest, the mushroom, and Santa Claus. When the Amanita muscaria is picked from the earth, the dirt or mud remaining on the base looks very much as though the mushroom has a single black foot. 259 The colors of the Great Work are red, white, and black. Santa Claus, this all-knowing and allseeing deity for children, is red and white on top and has black boots. Figure 63 - The black foot of the Amanita muscaria. Photo by Jan Irvin

SANTA'S SECRET The mushroom on this holiday card is winking, as if to convey a secret. Santa Claus is also often winking as if he too has a secret (or is a secret). The winking eye is very symbolic. On the macrocosm, the winking eye is the moon that appears to wink as it passes through its phases each month, the open eye being the sun. 260 On the microcosm, the winking eye is symbolic of a single eye, or the third eye inside your head. 261

Figure 64 -Amanita muscaria holiday card 259 260 261 262 263

Odin, the holiest of the Norse gods, also "winks." Odin (also known as Othin, Wotan, Woden, Wuotan, Voden, or Votan) sacrificed one of his eyes so he could drink from the roots of the World Tree. 262 Not unlike the winking Santa Claus, Odin is depicted as a man with long curly hair and a beard. This wink is symbolic of one eye looking out at the world while the other eye is looking into the souP 63 This is a remarkable representation of shamanism: one eye looks into the heart or inner realms, while the other eye is used to navigate the world. The all-seeing eye adopted by Freemasons and other occult orders also represents this internal vision.

Apples ojApollo, by Ruck, Staples, Heinrich, 2002, pg. 96-97. Symbols, Sex and the Stars, by Busenbark, 1949, pg. 52. Sec chapter 5. Sec section entitled "Living Water" for a discussion on drinking from the roots of a tree. Odin had but one eye, because the other he sacrificed so that he might be endowed with great wisdom. In his youth he had drunk deeply of the magic mead ofMimer's well.

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Internal vision has puzzled humankind for a very long time. How is it possible to see inside one's mind when the eyes are closed? Dreams and visions are appointed religious significance because of their seemingly unexplainable and spontaneous occurrence. We now know that even spontaneous dreams and other visionary experiences are chemically induced. Naturally produced (endogenous) DMT is suggested to be one of these chemicals. The organ primarily responsible for many of these phenomena is suggested to be the pineal gland, or third eye. 264

POPES AND CARDINALS The person who designs the symbolic gowns that the Pope wears is an artist of sorts. There are many images of popes wearing a white gown with a red cape draping their shoulders. 265 In one of those pictures, the pope is walking in the snow and the snow is making white spots on his red and white garb. Popes and cardinals all throughout history have worn red and white clothes to be symbolic of their deity. When they would go behind the great curtain in the holiest of holies, and close the curtain off to the masses, we suggest that they were, at times, ingesting the mushrooms that they were anthropomorphizing with their garb and in other symbolism. Costume creates a separation between the people and the priests. It helps set the priests up on a higher level than the masses, and it allows them to wear intricate robes and big hats while making fancy claims that they are the only ones with a direct line to God. After all, if a Christian were in the hospital, which person would they rather have pray for them, their priest or their favorite actor? Somehow there is a false, indoctrinated belief that a priest has God's ear more than you do. The question is, who benefits from this belief?

Figure 65 -Portrait of Innocent X by Diego Vehizquez, c. 1650

264 Sec ch. II, section: Opening the Temple Doors. 265

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Amanita mushrooms go through a chemical process as they dry. This process is necessary, for most people, before ceremonial ingestion. In other words, they must be dried in order for them to work. The reason that we want to dry the mushrooms out is that they contain ibotenic acid. By drying the mushrooms out, much of the ibotenic acid is converted (decarboxylated) into muscimol, which is a much stronger entheogenic substance.

Figure 67- Dried Amanita muscaria. Photo by Jan Irvin

One of the practices of drying the mushrooms would be to place them in stockings and hang the stockings over the hearth of the fireplace overnight. What was less potent becomes, by morning, a nice present after hanging over the warm fire, and is ready for consumption during the winter solstice celebrations. The ancient shamans of Siberia would gather enough mushrooms for the entire community and have a communion. These ancient shamans would go to the houses of the people in the community in celebration of the winter solstice, deliver the mushrooms to them and guide them through the experience... it was their yearly tradition. This is where Santa comes from. The shaman, often dressing in the red and white colors of the Amanita and carrying a huge bag full of the same red and white mushrooms that he or she had picked and dried during the previous season (enough for the entire community), would go door to door and give the community the mushroom experience. When these mushrooms grow, they do so in flushes, many at a time, and the shaman would gather as many as possible because they do not grow all year round.

Figure 68 - Kamtchatka shaman - Photo by Manny and Jason Salzmann

Astrotheology & Shamanism- Christianity's Pagan Roots

These mushrooms grow to be large and quite heavy when they are wet. The ideal practice would be to dry them out in the field before bringing them home. This way, the mushrooms are not as heavy when they are carried, and those on the bottom of

/ Chapter Five : Holiday Symbolism I 87 the bag or basket won't be destroyed by the weight of those on the top. After all, 40 pounds of dry mushrooms are going to be much greater in quantity than 40 pounds of wet mushrooms.

Figure 69- Amanita muscaria drying on a pine tree. Photo by Jan Irvin The mushrooms are dried in the sun before the shaman returns home with them. One way to do this is to find a tree in a central location, hang the mushrooms on the tree and Jet them dry out in the boughs or the branches of the tree while the shaman continues to hunt for more mushrooms. 267 After a period, all these mushrooms hanging in the tree resemble a decorated Christmas tree. It appears as though the pine tree is bearing fruit. It can even look as though candles have been placed throughout the tree, with the red cap representing the flame and the stipe representing the candle itself. Today, as at Easter, most who celebrate Christmas do not use mushrooms in their traditions, but they do continue to use the symbolism of the mushrooms in many way;:. In the Middle Ages, when alchemy was at its peak, mystery plays often featured decorated trees. The, church did not like this. Although they compromised at first, they soon forbade the tree ritual altogether. How they compromised was interesting, to say the least. They added holy Eucharistic wafers to the ornaments on the tree. 268 Just as the shamans did, they decorated the tree with their sacred meal.

267 Mushrooms and Mankind, by Arthur, 2002. 268 When Santa was a Shaman, by van Renterghcm, 1995, pg. 13.

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Figure 70 -A yurt. Photo by Yves Grau

Once the winter solstice had arrived, the shaman would go out into the local community and deliver these dried mushrooms to each of the tribe members. Because of the cold Siberian climate, the main entrance into the Siberian homes (known as yurts) would often be snowed over, so everyone in the family must climb up to the roof and enter through the secondary or winter entrance, the chimney. 269 Santa Claus, or the shaman bearing the bag of goodies, would enter the yurt through the smoke hole. This is where the symbology originated. 270

269 Sec Christmas Unwrapped, by Harding, 2002; Soma, by Wasson, 1968, pg. 243. 270 The Long Trip, by Devereux, 1997, pg. 72, referencing Rogan Taylor, 1980/1994 1-4.

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Santa Claus is not always red and white. Santa Claus or Father Christmas, or the shaman, would dress in clothing resembling the plants that were available in their local vicinity. The darker-colored Santa Claus is actually representing a different mushroom. It is not the A. muscaria that this darker-colored Santa represents, but the Amanita pantherina.

Figure 71 - Father Christmas dressed in black with Amanita pantherina


Witches are nothing more than shamans who worship a mother goddess and practice herbal healing and spirituality just as their parents had done, and their grandparents, and so on. Many of the fairy tales we've heard throughout life have involved witches in one way or another. There are tales of good witches and bad witches. The green-skinned witch riding a broom is a common Halloween icon. The word "witch" comes from weik meaning to separate, hence to set aside for religious worship, to consecrate. Some debate that the word comes from the Saxon word wicce (or Wicca), meaning, "wise one." It is to the wise ones (the oracles and shamans) that communities turn for many reasons, such as consultation regarding farming, spirituality, and childbirth. Either way, the herbal knowledge of the witch was valued as an asset to the community. Plants and herbs were utilized for food, medicine, spirituality and recreation.

Figure 72 - Witch "Christmas" ornament

On the eve of Samhain, what we now call Halloween, witches gather to perform divination rites. Some prepare an entheogenic "flying ointment" to assist them. There are numerous recipes for the ointment, but they all have a base of nightshade (Atropa belladonna) and/or mandrake (Mandragora officinarum). Both of these are extremely psychoactive plants that generate visions and facilitate astral projection. 271 They are green leafy plants that create a green paste or ointment when prepared. This green ointment was then rubbed all over the body (the popularized witch icon is a woman with green skin), especially in places where skin tissue is rich in capillaries. The mucous membrane of the genitals is a preferred location for females. The ointment was applied to a broom handle and rubbed on and

271 The United States intelligence service has spent millions of dollars on a technique known as "remote viewing," which is just another name for astral projection.

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Chapter Five : Holiday Symbolism

inserted into the vagin*. 272 It [Belladonna] was one of the primary ingredients of the brews and ointments employed by witches and sorcerers. One such potent mixture, containing Belladonna, Henbane, Mandrake, and the fat of a stillborn child, was rubbed over the skin or inserted into the vagin* for absorption. The familiar witch's broom-stick goes far back in European magic beliefs. An investigation into witchcraft in 1324 reported that "in rifleing the closet of the ladie, they found a Pipe of ointment, wherewith she greased a staffe, upon which she ambled and galloped through thick and thin, when and in what manner she listed." Later, in the fifteenth century, a similar account stated: "But the vulgar believe and the witches confess, that on certain days and nights they anoint a staff and ride on it to the appointed place or anoint themselves under the arms and in other hairy places and sometimes carry charms under the hair. 273 "' Dr. Richard Evens Schultes & Dr. Albert Hofmann

Witches soar for related reasons: a witch who wanted to "fly" to a sabbat, or orgiastic ceremony, would anoint a staff with specially prepared oils containing psychoactive matter, probably from toad skins, and then apply it to vagin*l membranes. References to flying can be found in more recent applications of the mushroom. St. Catherine of Genoa (1447-1510) used fly agaric to soar to the heights of religious ecstasy, according to Daniele Piomelli of the Unite de Neurobilogic et Pharmacologie de I'Inserm in Paris. 274 "' Roger Highfield

Astral projection or transvection allows someone to leave their body and "fly" anywhere in the world in their minds, and to visualize themselves and others in certain situations. The method of transportation for these witches is a broomstick (made from the sacred birch). Hence, the icon of the witch on a broom, flying across the sky on Halloween. In many instances, anointing the body with oil is associated with fertility rights 275 and tantra. Entheogen-infused oil is poured onto the male phallic prior to sex, where blissful, psychedelic, sexual experiences are shared by the couples (or groups). Sexually oppressed religionists squirm when confronted with facts like this. The application of plants to the body is naturaF76 and only misguided prejudices makes it seem repulsive. There are many oils that the shamans use to generate God within and to go out of body. We suggest one method of administering the oil involves harshly shaving the scalp, called a tonsure, and applying the anointing oils directly onto the crown chakra. Monks shave the tops of their heads bald, leaving a ring of hair around their heads. While some researchers have suggested that these elders were worshiping Saturn (contending that these rings on their heads symbolically represent the rings of Saturn/Kronos), as well as the solar eclipse 277 , we believe this to also be a shamanic ritual on the microcosm. It is likely that an extraction from sacred plants was made into oil, which served as a marinade for the skullcaps that these men wore. These skullcaps may have been soaked in psychedelic oil (and even sem*n because of its association to the liquid seed of God), or were used to cover over the psychedelic oil on their heads. Placing an entheogen-spiked skullcap on top of a fresh razor bum (tonsure) would provide an ideal method for transferring essential oils into the bloodstream. The ring of hair left on their heads would behave like a sponge, soaking up the oil and preventing it from continuously running into their faces and down their backs. 272 273 274 275 276 277 -Herbs ofDivination by Rita Jacinto. Plants of the Gods, by Schultes, Hofmann, pg. 88- or pg. 89-90 in the revised edition with Riitsch, 200 I. The Physics of Christmas, by Highfield, 1998, pg. 22. The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro. Consider Aloe Vera. Sec The Rock and the Plough, by Stella Pates:"[ ... ] 'Whan ye se the sonnc amys ·and two monkes heddes', enigmatic at first sight, has a specific meaning. The two monks' heads arc the circular tonsure (in Latin the corona) and on the immediate level refer to the rings of Saturn, but arc also attributable to other celestial phenomena, like the corona visible in a total solar eclipse." ; Sec also Piers Plowman or Visio Willclmi de Petro Ploughman (William's Vision of Piers Plowman), by William Langland, c. 1360-1399.

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Shamans in Siberia and Eurasia use reindeer as allies when they mentally fly out of body. The reindeer and the shaman apparently have a spiritual connection that is enhanced by eating the Amanita muscaria mushroom (which also promotes astral projection or out-of-body experiences). The out-of-body flying reindeer, with the herding-shaman's sled, evolved into the flying chariot of Santa Claus. Although Santa's sleigh and the witch's broom are both considered a flight of the imagination, their symbolism can be traced back to historic facts and knowledge based on Mother Nature, celestial objects, and sexuality.

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92 I Chapter Six : The Ouroboros and the Caduceus

Chapter Six The Ouroboros and the Caduceus LIVING WATER

Figure 73- Ouroboros by Theodoros Pelecanos, in Synosius, 1478 It had no need of eyes, for there was nothing outside it to be seen; nor of ears, for there was nothing outside it to be heard. There was no surrounding air to be breathed, nor was it in need of any organ by which to supply itself with food or to get rid of it when digested. Nothing went out from or came into it anywhere, for there was nothing. Of design it was made thus, its own waste providing its own food, acting and being acted upon entirely within and by itself, because its designer considered that a being which was sufficient unto itself would be far more excellent than one which depended upon anything. rv Plato

This is a description of one of the greatest mystical symbols in alchemy: the ouroboros. It needs nothing. It is a Astrotheology & Shamanism -


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I 93

symbol of the eternal life. The word ouroboros comes from the Greek "ouron" (to make water), which is the source of the English word "urine," as well as the name of the constellation of Orion278 on the macrocosm. The ouroboros is symbolized by a snake biting its own tail, and often it is represented as a winged dragon above a serpent, both biting one another's tails. In Norse mythology, the sea serpent "Jormungand" grew so big that he was able to surround the earth and grasp his own tail. In the heavens, the ouroboros is the Milky Way, appearing to wrap itself around the earth like a serpent. In this respect, the ouroboric serpent is known as Leviathan. 279 The symbol for the ouroboros can also be found in Christianity. What is interesting in Figure 74 is not just that the All-Seeing Eye is representing God or that the Holy Spirit is the bird, but that Jesus is represented by a snake, the ouroboros. The image of the ouroboros biting its tail persists. On the macrocosm it represents the cyclic motion of the sun. In the winter, like a serpent shedding its skin and being "reborn," so too is the sun reborn on Dec. 25th. From Dec. 21st to the 25th, the sun is metaphorically "shedding its skin," like a serpent, to be born anew in the cycle of life. On the microcosm, the mushroom dies and is reborn of a virgin in its own ashes, as in the continuous cycle of the phoenix. Furthermore, as the cap of the Amanita muscaria pushes its way through the universal veil, it appears to be a red snake, shedding its white skin (Figure 50, plates B-D). Upon consumption of the body of this mushroom/deity and the waters of life (as described over the next few pages), one becomes "en-light-ened," or "brought into the light," as from the light of the sun and the light of knowledge, thus metaphorically ending the wheel (cycle) of life, and opening the third eye. The All-Seeing Eye of God is further depicted here as a solar eclipse with the light of the sun (the ouroboric serpent) illuminating from behind the moon (the eye). In this respect, the All-Seeing Eye of God peers down from the heavens.

Figure 74- Theosophische Werke, 1682, by Jacob Boehme, Amsterdam

The mythological dragon has its ongm in Egypt. Winged serpents known as cacodaemons were associated with evil to the Babylonians and the Chaldeans, while the agathodaemon is associated with good fortune, life and health. It is obvious that there are good and bad serpents in philosophic dualism. In alchemy, the winged serpent represents the unity of "as above so below" and shows the accomplishment of the principle of unification. The dragon and the snake are both symbolic representations of the Amanita muscaria mushroom in alchemy and various mythologies. The proverbial dragon slayer is the initiate victorious over the mushroom experience. In alchemical poetry, there is a story of a poisonous dragon which inhabits forests, and that is exactly what the A. muscaria is: a poisonous dragon found at the forest floor:

278 Apples ofApollo, by Ruck, Heinrich, Staples, 2001, pg. 74. 279 Suns of God, by Acharya S, 2004.

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94 I Chapter Six : The Ouroboros and the Caduceus A poisonous dragon inhabits the forest, Yet lacks nothing: When he sees the sun and its fire, He scatters his poison and flies upward fiercely: Neither can the Basilisk 280 master him, For the dragon knows well how to kill the serpent. It struggles with all and yet is nothing. His color increases with death, And from his venom can be made medicine.

He consumes the poison completely, Devouring his envenomed tail. This consumed, The noblest Balm comes from within himself, Providing the gift of youth. This greatly pleases all the wise. This surely is a great marvel and wonder, when the best Balm flows from the dragon's ill. 281

Mercury, precipitated and sublimated properly by chemistry, is dissolved in its own water and re-coagulated ... the Greek god Mercury bears the symbol of the caduceus, which will be discussed in a moment. 282, 283 There is also a story in alchemical texts of two birds that are the colors of the A. muscaria, resemble the ouroboros, and become the phoenix: There is a forest in India Where two birds are bound together; One is white, the other red. Together they bite themselves to death, And one completely devours the other. Both then change into a white dove, from this dove will be born the Phoenix. 284

The dove is a white bird with red eyes. Proverbs 5:15 ... drink water from your own cistern. Running water from your own well. John 7:37-38 ... in the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, if any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

What could this be talking about, where you drink from your own cistern and have running water from your own well? 280 The name basilisk comes from the Greek basilcus, which means king. The basilisk was the king of the snakes and the most poisonous creature on earth. According to legend, it was able to kill with its breath or glance. 281 The Modern Alchemist, by Richard and Iona Miller, 1994, referencing The Book of Lamh,princk, a 16'h century alchemical text by the German mystic "Lambsprinck." 282 Alchemy & Mysticism, by Roob, 2001. 283 Worship of the Serpent, by Deane, 1830. 284 The Modern Alchemist, by Miller, referencing The Book of'Lamhsprinck, as above.

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Chapter Six : The Ouroboros and the Caduceus I 95 We have rivers ofliving water flowing out of our own belly? Thomas 108 Jesus said, "He who will drink from my mouth 285 will become like me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him.

The Hebrew name "Moses" means "to draw out (of water)." It is the Hebrew word "Mosheh" and when one understands what it means to draw out, you understand one of the fundamental steps towards becoming an alchemist. In Greek Olympic mythology, the idea of the sacred olive branch is said to derive from a reindeer's antler among the Hyperborians of the north, where the olive does not grow. The Siberian shamans were also reindeer herders. It is a little known fact that the reindeer's favorite snack is the A. muscaria mushroom. As Ruck, Staples, and Heimich suggest in Apples ofApollo, the olive-branch idea could be a reference to the reindeer and Siberian mushroom shamanism. 286 Reindeer are known to do some interesting things when they are around the A. muscaria. Apart from eating mushrooms, they go mad in order to get to them. They also drink the urine of other reindeer, and even the urine of the shaman after either has consumed these mushrooms. The shamans were even known to use the A. muscaria on the end of a stick (a proverbial carrot) to entice reindeer to work. 287

By observing the practices of the deer, the shamans learned the practice of drinking their own urine. It is also very likely that the shamans themselves would drink the urine of the deer, because the ibotenic acid from the mushroom would be further decarboxylated into muscimol from this. Muscimol is probably not a genuine constituent oflivingAmanita muscaria. It is produced mainly during the mushrooms' decomposition (hydrolysis), which changes ibotenic acid into muscimol. 288 10 to 15 mg of muscimol causes about the same effect as 50 to 100 mg of ibotenic acid. About one-third of the amount of muscimol consumed is oxidized, one-third is conjugated (absorbed) and one-third is excreted in the urine unchanged. 289 Eating the meat of a reindeer that had eaten Amanitas might be another way mushroom inebriation was achieved. 290 We suspect that "shamanic farming" techniques were common practice. Other proponents of this idea have included Heinrich, as well as a number of unpublished shamans. This concept may not be limited to reindeer meat, but chickens (eggs included) and other farm animals (meat and milk) as well. All of this gives the shaman another option: they can cat the mushrooms, get the sweats and shakes, feel sick and then re-uptake their urine for better results. Or they could avoid the ill effects altogether and just drink the urine of the reindeer (or other shamans) that have already undergone this process. Koryak, for example, learned empirically that the hallucinogenic effects of the mushroom pass into a man's urine. As a result, men waited outside a house where the plant was being consumed in order to collect the urine of a user in special wood containers. The process was repeatable for five cycles before the drug began losing its potency. It is possible that the Siberian herdsmen learned about the relationship between the mushroom and its lingering effects in urine from their reindeer: ... Every Koryak man carries a vessel made of seal skin, which he suspends from his belt as a container to catch his own urine. This is done as a means of attracting refractory reindeer. Sometimes, a reindeer will 285 286 287 288 289 290

Mouth- The opening to any cavity or canal in an organ or a bodily part. Apples ojApollo, by Ruck, Staples, Heinrich, pg. 32. Ibid, pg. I 06. The Botany and Chemistry of Hallucinogens by Richard Evans Schultes, 1980, citing Eugster, 1968; Eugstcr and Takemoto, 1967. Toxicity, Mushrooms -lbotenic Acid, by Prof. Peter Chyka, Feb. 12,2008. Soma, by Wasson, 1968, pg. 240 exhibit #5, citing Steller.

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Chapter Six : The Ouroboros and the Caduceus run to the camp from faraway pastures to drink urine-saturated snow, which appears to be a delicacy for them .... When reindeer eat the fly agaric mushrooms, which is not an infrequent occurrence, they behave in a drunken fashion, falling into a deep sleep ... if a Koryak encountered an intoxicated animal, he would tie its legs and not kill it until the drunkenness wore off. The Koryaks claimed that if one killed an animal while it was intoxicated, the effects of the fungus would be felt by all who ate the meat. 291 ~ Marlene Dobkin de Rios It is well known that the urine of humans who have eaten Fly Agaric [Amanita muscaria] becomes in itself hallucinogenic. Among some Siberian populations it was customary to drink the urine of those who had drugged themselves with the mushroom to attain an even greater degree of intoxication, reputedly more powerful than that achieved by eating the mushroom itself. Even reindeer "go mad" for the urine of other reindeer or human beings who have ingested the hallucinogen. In fact, it would seem that the Siberian peoples discovered its inebriating properties by observing the behavior of the reindeer. 292 [emphasis added] ~ Giorgio Samorini Reindeer, as it happens, have an inordinate fondness for Amanita muscaria and will eat it whenever they find it, either until there is no more or until they fall over in a trance, whichever comes first ... Reindeer will also nearly trample one another to eat the golden snow created when, after eating their fill of mushrooms, they urinate. 293 ~ Ruck, Staples, Heinrich It is muscimole that holds the pharmacological key to the urine-drinking custom. Muscimole, they [Eugster 1967, Waser 1967 & 71[sic]] discovered, is an unsaturated cyclic hydroxamic acid that secretes through the kidneys in basically unaltered form. 294 ~ Peter T. Furst

This process is known throughout esoteric sciences as alchemical transmutation and transubstantiation. When the oxygen and carbon atoms are removed from a compound, it has been decarboxylated. This happens in the body. When you decarboxylate ibotenic acid, the compound becomes muscimol (the primary psychedelic substance that the shaman is seeking). Another way to decarboxylate the Amanita is to dry it. Heating and drying cause decarboxylation; the shamans dried their mushrooms as they knew they should not eat them fresh. This mushroom can be passed from one person to another by recycling (re-uptaking, drinking) the urine of someone who has eaten the mushrooms or consumed already active urine. The secret to alchemy and the consumption of the Amanita is the taking of the urine and recycling the mushrooms through the body. It is considered nothing short of miraculous by those interested in Amanitas that each time you recycle it, it becomes more desirable. The heat and digestive process in the body decarboxylates some of the remaining ibotenic acid, and each time you process it through your body it is further purified into the perfect elixir. We suggest the ouroboros is the mushroom recycling through the body, represented symbolically as a snake eating its tail. In recycling the mushroom-infused water, out of your belly flow rivers of living water. The shaman is quite literally turning water into wine. Now we understand this bizarre passage found in the book of John 7:38, "out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." It totally puts into perspective "drinking from the roots of a tree," as the shaman is drinking an elixir produced from mushrooms, which attach to the roots of a tree. This understanding also 291 292 293 294

Hallucinogens: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, by Dobkin de Rios, 1984, pg. 32. Animals and Psychedelics, by Samorini, 2002, pg. 39. Apples ofApollo, by Ruck, Staples, and Heinrich, pg. 51. Hallucinogens and Culture, by Furst, 1976, pg. 93.

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Chapter Six : The Ouroboros and the Caduceus I 97 sheds new light on "drinking from your own cistern." A cistern is a receptacle for holding water or other liquid. In anatomy, a cisterna is a fluid-containing sac or cavity in the body. In the biblical story of the woman at the well, Jesus went to a well to fetch some water. He asked a Samaritan woman at the well, who was carrying a pitcher of water on her head, to give him some water to drink: John 4:9-10 (KJV) Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

The human organs separate toxins out of the body by expelling them through the sweat, breath and feces. Translating dualism into bodily terms, our bodies separate the good from bad, as the kidneys are thought to filter the beneficial substances like vitamins and antibodies into the urine. Of particular interest is the fact that the organs send antibodies produced by the immune system to the urine. Urine is completely non-toxic, sterile. Since the urine contains antibodies, consuming it is reported to boost an individual's immune system. 295 With the current trend for emerging diseases to attack people from every direction, this practice, if correct, could be more valuable than ever, and this "drinkable gold" is infinitely more valuable to a sick person than the base gold could ever be. The human body is miraculous indeed in its design. Armed with the knowledge of the shaman and alchemist, "living water" makes perfect sense. In this story, the Jesus character is an alchemist. The woman in the story goes on to ask Jesus, "you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water?" He replies to her saying, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."296 It will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life .... Again, notice that the living water is in you. After consuming the mushroom (the body of Christ), the living water is in your own cistern, and "Out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water."

295 Golden Fountain: The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy, by Cocn Van Dcr Kroon, 1996; Your Own Perfect Medicine: The incredible Proven Natural Miracle Cure that Medical Science Has Never Revealed!, by Martha Christy, 1996; The Water ofLife. A Treatise on Urine Therapy, by J.W. Armstrong, 2004. 296 Jesus talks with a Samaritan woman- NIV.

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I Chapter Six : The Ouroboros and the Caduceus

THE CADUCEUS Goddesses, as well as women in general, have been suppressed in this modem-day, alpha-male-god society. This goddess 297 is depicted standing on top of a primordial mound, with her feet together and arms outstretched, two snakes climbing her body, wings on her back, and a crown with seven points on her head. This posture is exactly as other deities stand during their crucifixion. Her crown of seven points is a representation of the seven chakras on the microcosm, the seven planets, and the seven stars of the Pleiades on the macrocosm. Often, Libertas will be seen with the symbol of a staff with snakes climbing it and wings at the top. Amos 5:7-8 Ye who turn judgment to wormwood 298 , and leave off righteousness in the earth, Seek him that maketh the seven stars [Pleiades] and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth ...

This symbol (Figure 76) is called the caduceus and is the serpententwined staff that is used as a symbol for healing and drugs today. There are primarily two types of caducei~a simple staff entwined by a single serpent, also known as Aarons rod or the Rod ofAsclepius, and the winged Figure 75 - Goddess as the caduceus staff entwined by two serpents. Caducei are also associated with the world tree, the Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the Axis Mundi, the cross, and other symbols.

Figure 76 -The caduceus, by Nicholas Zervos 297 Statue by James Muir, 1998 - Thanks to Linda Muir for this image. 298 Wormwood is used in making the psychoactive drink called absinthe, as well as vermouth.

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The caduceus symbol has been notorious for its links with thieves, merchants, and messengers. In Greek and Roman myths, sometimes the gods communicate with man. The medium through which they do this is always Mercury (Greek Hermes). Mercury is the messenger299 (logos) of the gods, just as the entheogens are. Mercury, carrying the caduceus, is said to be the patron of thieves and outlaws. This is not necessarily a desirable association for a doctor of medicine, but may explain why new casinos in Las Vegas place them above, or often near, their main entrances. 300 The caduceus is the symbol for modem-day medicine. Today, one cannot practice medicine without the authority of the symbol. Chiropractors and EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians), for example, are often represented by the Staff of Asclepius, the symbol of one serpent on the staff, while a modem medical doctor's symbol has two. Those represented with one serpent on the staff cannot administer drugs to people, while those with two serpents may. Historically speaking, however, the Staff of Asclepius was the original symbol for healing, medicine and drugs. It is important to know that the symbol of the caduceus (the symbol of drugs) is the same today as it was thousands

of years ago. We can find this same symbol representing drugs and the pharmacopoeia in nearly every society on earth. Whether it was the Native Americans, the South Americans, the Africans or the Egyptians, in the Middle East, in Asia or in Europe, this symbol for drugs was ubiquitous. Often, when the caduceus itself was not represented, two cornucopias would take its place. These horns of plenty (Figure 77) represent the entire bounty of plants. On one side, there are the plants that are harvested and consumed as food. On the other side, there are the plants that are used as medicines and for spiritual practices. Around the outer edge it says "Virtutis Fortuna Comes" (Fortune is the companion ofbravery)". For further reading on the cornucopia of pharmacy, a.k.a. "pharmacopia," we highly recommend, Pharmako!Poeia: Plants Powers, Poisons, and Herbcraft by Dale Pendell.

Figure 77- Caduceus and cornucopia, Dampierre sur Boutonne, 11-J2'h century, France.

299 The planet Mercury was called the "messenger" because of its rapid movement through the sky. Symbols. Sex, and the Stars, by Ernest Busenbark, 1949, pg. 280. 300 In the summer of 2004 we took a trip to Las Vegas and found that nearly all new casinos (designed by large corporations) used the same symbology. The older casinos contain much less symbolism in comparison.

Astrotheology & Shamanism- Christianity's Pagan Roots

100 I Chapter Six : The Ouroboros and the Caduceus Snake venom is not necessarily poisonous. There are reports about snake venom producing pleasant visionary experiences as welt3° 1 Snake venom has also been used medicinally for millennia. The snake-entwined caduceus is a perfect symbol for allopathic medicine because this is based upon poisons being taken into the body in the hope that the medicine will kill the disease before it kills the host. Poisonous creatures have long been assigned allegiance with evil through mythological stereotyping. These include spiders, scorpions, and especially snakes. The Egyptian god Apophis, the Celtic serpent gnawing away on the world tree, and the biblical "that old serpent which is the Devil and Satan" (Revelation 20) are but a few examples. Snakes permeate religious lore because they can kill with poison. Death and disease are associated with evil. Decay, decomposition and rot are similarly aligned. Molds, fungus, decomposing mushrooms and maggots also fall into this category. Since maggots eat decaying human bodies from the inside out, they have maintained a particular stigma. They resemble tiny snakes and the Egyptians indeed regarded maggots as tiny serpents.

Figure 78 - Snake venom, by Nicholas Zervos

The venom of serpents has been used in healing throughout human history. In Persia, the forces of good and evil were depicted as two serpents locked in an eternal conflict fighting for control over the cosmic egg, the souls of man, and all of creation. These are the spirits of light and darkness engaged in an eternal struggle for control over the dualistic universe. Serpents are also associated with mushrooms, particularly the Amanita muscaria, due to its habitat, intoxicating qualities, shape, and white patches on the cap that resemble previously shed skin. In their early stages these mushrooms are shaped like snakes appearing out of holes in the ground. After the mushroom finishes its lifecycle and rots, it is eaten by maggots 302 and disappears as quickly as it came. Job 7:4-5 When I lie down, I say, When shall I arise, and the night be gone? and I am full of tossings to and fro unto the dawning of the day. My flesh is clothed with worms and clods of dust; my skin is broken, and become loathsome. Exodus 16:19-21 And Moses said, Let no man leave of it [manna] till the morning. Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto Moses; but some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms, and stank: and Moses was wroth with them. And they gathered it every morning, every man according to his eating: and when the sun waxed hot, it melted.

As the mushroom "melts," the only things left behind are the spores and the hole where the mushroom formerly stood. Aside from their physical resemblance to snakes, mushrooms share another characteristic. They can kill with their poison or produce visions with their chemical makeup. If a snake bites you, you have one very important question on your mind: "Is it poisonous"? This is the same question one should ask when finding any mushroom in the wild that could be ingested ... the very question that sent Wasson and his wife on a life-changing journey. Mushrooms, like


The Christ Conspiracy, by Acharya S, 1999, pg. 186. Also the Bufo Alvarius toad emits a powerful psychedelic drug (5 methoxy N,N DMT) in its venom. Shamanism and Tantra in the Ifimalayas, by Riilsch, ct a!, 2002. 302 Apples ofApollo, by Ruck, Staples, Heinrich, 2001, pg. 134.

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Pagan Roots

Chapter Six : The Ouroboros and the Caduceus snakes, have acquired quite a reputation around the world as a deadly thing thai can also heal. 303 ,

Figure 79 - Official statue of Minerva as American Liberty (with liberty cap on chest) by Giuseppe Ceracchi, 1791

Figure 80 -Detail of Minerva's liberty cap



304 305 ,

Figure 81 -Phrygian cap on coincirca 16th century

As a rule, the "liberty cap" is depicted as a long staff with what appears to be a Phrygian cap306 hanging from the top. The Psilocybe semilanceata mushroom is also referred to as the liberty cap. That is a psilocybin-containing, entheogenic mushroom. These mushrooms look exactly like the "liberty caps" that Minerva is seen with.

Figure 82 - Psilocyhe semilanceata - liberty cap mushroom. Photo by John W. Allen

303 304 305 306

Pharmacotheon, by Ott, 1996- The usc ofmuscimol as medication in Germany. The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, 1970. Soma; Divine Mushroom ofImmortality, by Wasson, 1968. Oxford English Dictionary, 1989: Applied to a conical cap or bonnet with the peak bent or turned over in front, worn by the ancient Phrygians, and in modern times identified with the "cap oflibcrty."

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102 I Chapter Six : The Ouroboros and the Caduceus

We often find this same Phrygian cap in other symbols such as flags or military emblems, on coins and included in many statues over the centuries. The cap, torch, and serpent are all implements of the female personification of America, Libertas (Lady Liberty). Though the name America is most often said to derive from Amerigo Vespucci, James Pyrse argues that the origin ofthe name is Mayan; it comes from the word Amaruca, "Land of the Plumed Serpents."307 A "plume" is a large feather or cluster of feathers. Thus, the "Plumed Serpent" is the "winged serpent," a.k.a. the caduceus.

Figure 83 -This we'll defend (Department of the U.S. Army seal)

WINGS ABOVE/SERPENTS BELOW Here is Mithra (Figure 84) standing on top of the cosmic egg, or the primordial mound. Mithra has tail-feathers like the mushroom does (the annulus), and he also has wings at the top, on his shoulders. Mithra is the entwined caduceus. He has the serpent entwined around his body, making the caduceus and symbolizing drugs. Mithra is the drug itself, the mushroom. 308 The Amanita mushroom is born from the primordial mound. Notice the primordial mound in Figure 85. When the cap opens up completely, the newly exposed gills become the wings on the shoulders of Mithra. As the universal veil falls around the stipe of the mushroom, the annulus becomes the wings on the back ofMithra.

Figure 84 - Mithra

Figure 85 -Amanita muscaria - the primordial mound. Photo by Jan Irvin

307 James Pyrsc researched an article written in the Theosophical Society magazine entitled Lucifer, which gave insight into the word "America." James Pyrse says that the chief god of the Mayan Indians in Central America was Quetzalcoatl. In Peru, this god was called Amaru and the territory known as Amaruca. He states "Amaruca is literally translated 'Land of the Plumed Serpents' p. 45."- Dr. Lee Warren, B.A., D.O. To this day, the tribe of Amaru exists in Peru. 308 Mushrooms and Mankind, by Arthur, 2000, pg. 56.

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Tradition tells us to put wings on our Christmas tree by placing an angel on the top. The Christmas tree is the microcosmic representation of the world tree - the axis of the earth (among other things). Tradition also tells us to entwine this tree with ribbons or stringed popcorn (most of the older Christmas tree ornaments were edible). Entwining the Christmas tree like this shows that the snake is climbing the column to the wings at the top. The Christmas tree is the caduceus, symbolizing the very drugs (mushrooms) that grow underneath it. Again, it is as above, so below.

Figure 86 - Symbolism of the decorated Christmas tree, by Nicholas Zervos

The oldest depiction of two snakes entwined around an axial rod is in the Louvre museum. It appears on a steatite vase carved for Gudea of Lagash (who ruled from around 2144 to 2124 BC) and dedicated to the Mesopotamian underworld deity Nin-giz-zida who is so represented. The name means "Lord of the Good Tree" in Sumerian, which is reminiscent of Zoroastrian righteousness (Good and Evil) and of the biblical Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, also featuring a serpent ... 309 ~ Gerard P. Michon, Ph.D.

A constellation along the southern horizon, Ophiuchus, is a combination of three different figures. Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer, is holding Serpens Caput in his left hand and Serpens Cauda in his right. These snakes are often depicted as a single snake, Serpens (pictured left).

Figure 87 - Ophiuchus and Serpens, from Atlas Coelestis, by John Flamsteed, 1729

Ophiuchus is the name of the constellation for Asclepius, and was likely the 13th constellation in the lunar zodiac. The Greek god Asclepius could appear as a serpent and is often iconographically depicted as one (or with one). The serpent-entwined staff is the symbol of Asclepius. He is also the Greek god of medicine, and his association with medicine is his association with the serpent. He can administer medicine (venom) or can be the medicine himself, and many connect him with other mythological healers as a great healer archetype. Gnostics associate Jesus with Asclepius due to the story of Jesus healing the sick. The staff of Asclepius has but one snake, but the myth involves two snakes, one that dies and one that appears and heals the other with plants. Asclepius saw this, and learned

how to use herbs to cure people. Snakes can be associated with good, healing, and wisdom. Asclepius is attributed all of these positive characteristics. 309 Scientific symbols and Icons, by Gerard P. Mihcon, 2008.

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104 I Chapter Six : The Ouroboros and the Caduceus Moses raised the serpent-entwined staff in the wilderness to heal the Israelites of serpent bites. Using a snake to heal someone from the venom of another snake mythologically demonstrates that snakes are both good and evil. And that venom (drugs) can harm as well as heal. Gnostics associate Jesus with the snake because of the passage in John (3:14) where it says, " ... and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the son of man be lifted up," and the Jesus character was lifted up onto a cross. Many other myths associated the serpent with fecundity, procreation, wisdom, and good, rather than evil310 , including depictions of the Canaanite goddess Asherah, whose name means sacred tree. 311 In the biblical account, for example, the serpent saved humanity from enslavement by teaching us to question authority and convincing us to eat the forbidden (enlightening) fruit - though this was generally interpreted as teaching disobedience rather than enlightenment. In the heavens, near the North Pole is Aquila, Thor's bird and Cygnus (or the Northern Cross, Figure 88). These constellations indicate some of the brightest areas of the northern Milky Way. The wings above are the wings of Aquila, representing the North Pole and the serpent below is Serpens, representing the South Pole.

Figure 88- Aquila carrying Antinous (left), and Cygnus (right), from Urania's Mirror, art by Sidney Hall, 1825

As we have said, the Christmas tree is a (microcosmic) representation of the world tree axis, the surrounding (macrocosmic) stars and celestial constellations that can be seen when looking into the night sky. This is a way of preserving the hidden knowledge, hiding it right in front of your face, year after year. Thomas 113 His disciples said to him, 'When will the kingdom come?' Jesus said, 'It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is'. Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth. and men do not see it.

310 The Secret Teachings ofAll Ages, by Hall, 1928; Symbols, Sex. and the Stars, by Busenbark, 1949. 311 Not In His Image, by John Lash, 2006, pg. 229; The Wisdom of the Serpent, by Henderson, et a1, 1990.

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Chapter Six : The Ouroboros and the Caduceus



ALCHEMY In alchemy and even in religion, the snake climbing the tree is a well-known symbol. Here is the snake climbing the tree. Either the bird or the branches or both, may be viewed as the wings above the serpent. We like to define alchemy as the art of concealment, by way of occult artwork and cryptic writing, surrounding the shamanic arts of self-transformation. By this definition, revealing the secrets of the Great Work to the masses is, in a sense, "anti-alchemy" because the alchemists were known for saying things such as "What we say we are doing, we are not doing." They were a secretive bunch; they created artwork that showed what they were up to, but was so cryptic that it could only be recognized and appreciated by fellow alchemists who also possessed the same keys to understanding. This science [alchemy] transmits its worth by mixing the false with the true and the true with the false ... and it endeavors to transmit the work obscurely and to hide it as much as possible. 312 "' Hogheland, the Theatrum chemicum Britannicum

Figure 89 - Alchemical caduceus. Artist unknown.

Many believe alchemy means changing the properties of metals. While this is true to an extent, David Spess has shown that this type of lab alchemy did not appear until the 1200s in Europe, whereas shamanic alchemy has been in practice since the earliest times of the Rig Vedas. 313 Early Indian alchemy, using Soma as the rejuvenative elixir, is primarily concerned with its spiritual side rather than the use of external mineral preparations ... its central idea is of a white or luminous plant that grows from the primal waters of creation to become the living universe. This plant was the white haoma/Soma; it is an internalized plant that grows from the heart to form the pneumatic body of light. 314 "' David Spess

This, not what mo&t understand it to be, is the fundamental nature of alchemy. Alchemists danced with the devil and if they told what alchemy was really about, the devil surely would have burned them at the stake. This is the reason the secret knowledge of alchemy is encoded into cryptic symbolism. By similar reasoning, Allegro suggested the gospel stories contained encoded secrets: both initiates and adepts concealed the mushroom secrets as tales about Jesus and his disciples in order to protect themselves from the Romans and Jews. 315 , 316

312 313 314 315 316

Quoted from Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, by Heinrich, 2002. Soma: The Divine llallucinogen, by Spess, 2000, pg. 64-5, (700 -765CE). Geber is the founder ofalchemica1 art, pg. 83. Ibid, pg. 153. The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, 1970. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Myth, by Allegro, 1979/1992.

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106 I Chapter Six : The Ouroboros and the Caduceus

On the far left in Figure 90, the rain is falling into what looks like a spoon. Notice inside the spoon is the ouroboros biting its own tail, depicted with wings on top. Next to it, in the middle image, is the homunculus (or little man) urinating into the water and the (living) water is being boiled up and recycled. On the far right is the caduceus, completing the alchemical process of the drugs from beginning to end.3'7

Figure 90 - Cabala mineralis manuscript, c. 1700

317 This image can be found in Alchemy and Mysticism, by Roob, 2001, and is described in Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, by Heinrich, 2002.

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Chapter Seven : Climbing the Ladder to Godhead I 107

Chapter Seven Climbing the Ladder to Godhead

THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN In the story of Jacob's ladder, Jacob was lying with his head on a stone (the philosopher's stone?), and he had an outof-body experience. Having an out-of-body experience is real and there · learned about our reality and ourselves by going out of body and assessing our own state of affairs What we call reality could very well be quite different from what surrounded with what is called matter. All matter is surrounded by, does not understand. We do not know what is "out there" but shamanic ancestors understood that the answers to these questions dimensional pictures. The universe must be experienced. ~"""'~~,~~· astral projection, have not remained in our traditions so 1-'"'...,,..v ..... one learns how to use them, they truly can send you out of body in

Nevertheless, we are because of, things that science seeking these answers. Our found with telescopes and twoout-of-body experiences, and/or are only slightly successful. When sense of the term. llalJPt:UIJng.

Climbing the ladder to the heavens, whether it is told in fairy shaman going out of body and connecting that which is below to of taking a glimpse of the unknowable and reporting back to the impossible to put into words. One theory that the shaman has history is that the entire universe, everything that we can · connected to something beyond our understanding (our spirit The human body, the solar system, the universe, and space · is in size. Good reading on this subject can be found in the the Mind to the New Frontiers of the Soul by Judith The initiated shaman understands that under normal The plants that the shaman uses will increase this of this). Unfortunately, shamanic research is ....~..,,~ •.,.. research. 319 Science generally only recognizes the portion of it. With advancements in String Theory, In his Emerald Tablet, Hermes 320 greater is like the lesser. All particular point, the keys to the keys that will unlock development in

or myth, is anciently symbolic of the 318 The shaman has the advantage to•-t.•tn<>1P. y, these experiences are often back to us repeatedly throughout part of what actually is. Just as we are is the universe. in law and morality. The only difference 3-Pound Universe: from the Chemistry of


can only perceive 4% of our reality. (the dilating of the pupils is an indication an

the inferior, and the this pattern at any of this book: to provide is coming is a gradual of the macrocosm

318 The ladder symbolism may have originated from the shamans climbing onto the roofs of their ynrts to meditate on mushrooms. Mackey and McClcnachan in Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, 1910, admit the symbol is pagan and existed almost universally in antiquity (sec pg. 373-75, 438-439). 319 Strassman was the first researcher allowed to do cntheogenic studies in the US in 20 years at the time his research began. Sec DMT: The Spirit Molecule, 2001. 320 The Emerald Tablet, also known as Smaragdine Table, Tabula Smaragdina, or The Secret of Hermes, is a text purporting to reveal the secret of the primordial substance and its transmutations. It claims to be the work of Hermes Trismcgistus ("Hermes the Thrice-Great"), a legendary Egyptian sage or god, variously identified with the Egyptian god Thoth and/or the Greek god Hermes.

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Chapter Seven : Climbing the Ladder to Godhead

and microcosm. As above so below, as in the heavens so on earth, as in the sky so in the body of man. This can be visualized by considering musical octaves, as they are the same note on different levels ofharmony. 321 Connecting the macrocosm and the microcosm is symbolized by the ladder, and the ladder of Jacob, upon which the angels ascended and descended, is only one of many examples. The earth, in this example, is the foundation which Jacob's ladder rests upon. On the microcosm of this philosophy is man, and in our anatomy, the human spinal column is the great axis, the ladder leading to the brain. This picture comes from the early 20th-century alchemist Fulcanelli's The Mysteries of the Cathedrals. The image is from a bas-relief on the Great Porch of Notre Dame in Paris. Notice the ladder climbing the body, leading to the Godhead. Fulcanelli was a master alchemist and after he wrote this book, he vanished. Nobody knows much more about him. In his book, he takes us through Notre Dame and shows the cathedrals and the mysteries within them, making a boast of his mastery of the Great Work.

Figure 91- Bas-relief on the Great Porch- Notre Dame, Paris. Photo by Andrew Rutajit

The ancient mystery schools were the sacred institutions of knowledge. These mystery schools or universities were not public schools that simply anyone could attend. These institutions would accept students by way of initiation. The initiate would symbolically work his way up the ladder of initiation, hopefully learning how to use knowledge rather than to abuse it. These mystery schools would often perform their teachings in allegory and dialogue. Mystery plays were quite well known and still exist today in passion plays and Christmas pageants, and within Masonic temples.

Jordan Maxwell compares in detail modem education's "12 grades" and "mortar boards" (worn at graduation) with Freemasonry and the levels (ladders) of initiation within the ancient mystery schools. There are many ladders in mythology, religion, and alchemy, all connecting the above with the below. Often symbolic for heaven above and hell below, the ladder is a representation of the two opposite extremes of the experience brought on by entheogens. 322 In this regard, the mushroom is the ladder because it connects that which is below (the shaman) with that which is above (the heavens, via the out-of-body experience). Genesis 11:4-9 ... Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. 321 Laws of harmony and geometry were often studied with the usc of the musical instrument the 'monochord.' Jesus Christ: Sun of God, by Fidclcr, 1993. 322 Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, by Heinrich, 2002: (sec ch. 14, "Heaven and Hell").

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Chapter Seven : Climbing the Ladder to Godhead I 109

In Genesis 11, humankind was getting too close to what the Age of Aquarius may offer us: "the people is one," "nothing will be restrained from them." There was even the possibility of telepathy and a mystical language of the "bards" (birds) known to the Maya as "Zuvuya, "which is said to be possible for many students of entheogens such as DMT or Ayahuasca. This language is of pure understanding of the word (logos), and indeed the authors of this book have experienced similar phenomena while on various entheogenic substances. In Masonry, one will often find ladders associated with keys, and adherents climbing the ladder to the heavens with the keys of enlightenment (represented in Figure 92). The mushroom has often been referred to as a key, the key that opens the doorways of eternity. Matthew 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Figure 92 - First degree tracing board, by J Bowring- 1819

Figure 93 - The Catholic Church uses a golden key and silver key crossed underneath the cosmic egg (left image), also making the skull and crossbones (right image). The golden key represents the key to enter the heavens, and the silver key represents the key to enter the earth. 323 We suggest these keys most likely represent Amanita muscaria and Psilocybe cubensis, at least to some degree, respectively. 324 The left image is the emblem found on the Vatican flag, with keys crossed below the cosmic egg making the skull and bones. In the center is the official seal of the Sede Vacante, the period between Popes. Notice the seal of the Sede Vacante is complete with crossed keys and a parasoJ325 showing the mushroom reference. At the bottom of the parasol staff, two mushrooms are shown. On the right is a Maltese cross with the skull and bones (a symbol for piracy, poison, drugs, and knowledge) revealing the similarity. Luke 11:52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.

323 San Diego Museum of Art "Saint Peter & The Vatican, The Legacy of the Popes." 324 The knowledge and understanding of these mushrooms (where they grow, how to prepare them, etc.) is also an important factor and can be considered "keys of understanding" alchemy and shamanism. The symbolism of the Sede Vacantc is interesting and raises questions if mushrooms arc possibly consumed when the bishops deliberate on a new pope. Just as this second edition of this book was readied for print, Franco De Crescentis of Canada sent me new evidence of this correlation. 325 An interesting correlation: The word parasol ('chattra') in Sanskrit also means mushroom. Soma, by Wasson, pg. 63.

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Chapter Seven : Climbing the Ladder to Godhead

Figure 93- Vatican flag, Sede Vacante with close-up - bridge to Castel Sant' Angelo, Rome (Photo by Franco De Crescentis), and the skull and crossbones (Phi Kappa Sigma) In the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack climbs an entwined ladder made from a giant beansta1k leading to the heavens. In the story, he steals from the giant (representing God) the golden egg of alchemy, the eggs in the basket, the Amanita muscaria. This can also be seen as the shaman climbing the world tree (Axis mundi) to the heavens where Cepheus (which will be the Pole Star between 3,000 and 5,200cE), is found. The connection between stealing these golden eggs and Jesus being crucified between two thieves is not a far stretch. In his book Blue Apples, William Henry writes: One of Moses' operatives, Joshua, an ancestor of Jesus, was called the "Son of Nun." Along with a companion, Joshua was dispatched to the valley of Eschol ('valley of the cluster' as in grapes) where he stole a cluster of grapes from the sons of Anak who were living there. He returned the grapes to Moses.

Figure 94- Jack climbing the beanstalk, by Nicholas Zervos

Nun and the cluster of grapes later became cryptograms that were extremely important to the Essenes, the priesthood of which Jesus was a member326 , and the Gnostic Grail heretics that they held sacred and secret.

The cluster of grapes symbolized the secrets of creation, the secrets of manipulating the mother substance and the symbol for the Grail. 326 Aside from the Bible, there is no evidence supporting the theory of Jesus existing as a man, much less as an Essenc. The Teacher of Righteousness of the Essenc community was only another recent (and many times repeated) application of this most ancient story. However, both Allegro and Josephus note the Essenes' particular plant knowledge.

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Chapter Seven : Climbing the Ladder to Godhead I 111

Looking at Figure 95 from the Flemish Apocalypse c. 1400, the vesica piscis, or mandorla, once again is shown with the deity in the middle, with his feet on the primordial mound. Below the vesica piscis is an angel with wings spread, and the shape of the angel is very much the mushroom itself (probably the Amanita pantherina due to the coloring). The feathers represent the gills or the striations of the mushroom, while the spots were known to represent the eyes of vision. These are peaco*ck feathers, which resemble the spots of the mushroom. To the left is a stairway with 12 steps; the 13tl' step is the vesica piscis. Also seen are the Angel, Eagle, Ox and Lion, which represent respectively: Matthew, John, Luke and Mark. 327 They are representative of the four seasons, four directions, and four elements.

Figure 95 - Vision of the Throne of the Lord Flemish Apocalypse, c. 1400-1410, f. 5r

Therefore this world of ours is composed of four elements-fire, water, heaven, earth. These four elements, therefore, form the quaternion of times or seasons. The sun, also, and the moon constitute throughout the space of the year four seasonsof spring, summer, autumn, winter; and these seasons make a quaternion. And [ ... ] lo, there are four living creatures before God's throne, four Gospels, four rivers flowing in paradise; four generations of people from Adam to Noah, from Noah to Abraham, from Abraham to Moses, from Moses to Christ the Lord, the Son of God; and four living creatures, viz., a man, a calf, a lion, an eagle; and four rivers ... rv Emperor Victorinus (On The Creation of The World)

327 The San Marcos Basilica website at see Mosaics, Mosaic Heritage, The Saints, Apostles and Evangelists.

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112 I Chapter Eight: Sexualia

Chapter Eight Sexualia THE VESICA PISCIS

Figure 96 -The vesica piscis (vessel of the fish)

Religious deities are often shown inside the vesica p1scis, or mandorla, in artwork, as if they are looking into this world from another. 328 You have probably seen this symbol often. One common place to find this symbol is in the MasterCard logo, or on Kool cigarettes (where the two O's are joined); it can be found in the symbol for the Olympics; and it conveniently served as a backdrop for the television game show, The Newlywed Game. The vesica is a Figure 97- Vision of St. John the symbol of the spiritual portal, which emerges from the harmonious Evangelist, c. 1370. By Jacobello Alberegno, Venice, Italy balance of the Great Polarities: intuition and intellect, knowledge and practice, yin and yang, heart and mind, heaven and earth, spirit and science, male and female, etc. The vesica piscis is literally a spiritual portal. It is through this portal that we enter into this dimension. This spiritual portal is the yoni (the female delta, the vulva, the vagin*). Without this portal, we have no life. There is no other entrance into this world but through this portal.

328 Jesus Christ, Sun of God, by Fideler, 1993.

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Chapter Eight: Sexualia I 113

The Virgin Mary or Lady of Guadalupe is painted in a very cryptic manner329 to represent female genitalia including the cl*tor*s and the labia, inside the vesica piscis. This is blatant symbology of female genitalia and the regenerative process that women are part of in the existence of life and creation. The Virgin stands on a crescent of the moon, symbolizing the moon's control over the female cycle. 330

Figure 98 - Lady of Guadalupe positioned to represent the yoni, 12th century, Italy (?)

A primitive ritual of baptism often involved being physically drawn through a giant yoni structure. Those who underwent this ceremony were said to be born again. In parts of the world today, children, stripped naked, are passed through the severed trunk of an ash tree to cure infirmity. This procedure may have originated from the idea that the child would be born again, free of disease. By simply turning this vesica piscis on its side, the Jesus-Fish is revealed. It is often said that the traditional two cupped hands joined in prayer were originally a symbol used by pagans to represent the Great Mother's yoni. Christians use this same symbol today when worshiping Jesus. This symbol derived from sex and fertility rites as well as sacred geometry. Figure 99 - Born again -A primitive ritual of baptism involving a symbolic rebirth by passing through the yoni. 329 Artist unknown. 330 This crescent may also represent the planet Saturn (a.k.a. Joseph), see chapter 5. The moon was often associated with the female (menstrual), as the sun is associated with the male.

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114 I Chapter Eight : Sexualia

BORN OF A VIRGIN Not only Christianity, but also almost every ancient mythology and tradition teaches that each respective deity was born of a virgin. Below, we have described several examples of different types of virgins; these virgin types were often used interchangeably. In Christian stories, Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary. Mary was a virgin in the most common usage of the word, meaning that she had not yet experienced coitus. Throughout antiquity, artists would try to show that Mary was a virgin without the use of words. One will often notice that Mary is a young girl and Joseph is an old man with a gray beard. Why would this young girl be having relations with such an old man? The artists are utilizing psychology in their art to show Mary's virginity and to suppress the notion of sexual union as a prerequisite to pregnancy. The female human virgin is the first and most obvious type of virgin. This scarab beetle (Figure 10 I) is also seen by many as having a virginal birth. In ancient times, people did not realize that the beetle mated before it created a ball of dung that it would roll around. The beetle would then impregnate this dung-ball with a single egg, which would feed on the

Figure 100- Nativity scene by Bertram von Minden: Grabower altar, Petri altar, right-wing, interior side, c. 1375-1383. Hamburg, Germany Luke 1:27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.

dung when it hatched. Its life of rolling this ball of dung on the ground is a microcosmic representation of the sun being pushed across the sky, the up-stretched arms of the Holy Grail reaching for the sun disk, and also the mushroom, as previously described. Now that you are aware of the macro/microcosm relationship in the symbology of the sun disk, notice the "feathers" or wings of the beetle representing the cap and striations of the mushroom. The importance of this symbology will become evident as we continue with this research.

Figure 101- Scarab beetle by Nicholas Zervos

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The microcosmic, dualistic nature of the scarab beetle (as a beetle and a phoenix) also symbolically reveals the respective natures of the two primary mushrooms of worship, the Amanitas and Psilocybe. The scarab beetle rolls balls of dung, assisting in the proliferation of several species of dung-loving fungi. The phoenix, too, is associated with the sun and, particularly, the Amanita/

Chapter Eight : Sexualia I 115 phoenix is the sun of the microcosm, the earthly embodiment of the solar orb- ruler of the macrocosm. The similarities between the scarab and the phoenix lead us to conclude that, due to its relationship to dung, the scarab beetle is representative of the Psilocybe, while the fiery red phoenix is symbolic of the Amanita. The phoenix also has a virginal birth, as it is born from ashes. The phoenix will never live to leave its nest, for as it lifts its wings in attempt to fly, it bursts into flames and engulfs itself, leaving nothing behind but its own ashes, and the cycle continues. This whole story is a metaphor describing the detailed life cycle of the mushroom, particularly the Amanita muscaria mushroom. When an Amanita mushroom is picked carefully, the stipe and the bulbous base come out of the pine needles that have been surrounding it. It leaves behind what appears to be a nest. This nest of pine needles appears to be covered with ashes (white mushroom spores), like the nest of the phoenix. 331 The ashes are actually the spores of the mushroom, which are sprinkled all over the ground below the mushroom when the universal veil is tom and the gills are exposed. When the gills are exposed, they are symbolically the wings of the mushroom and the wings of the phoenix. When these gills present themselves (or when the phoenix first spreads its wings) the white ash-like spores rain on the pine needles below and, like the phoenix, the mushroom's next stage is death. 332

Another type of virgin birth is that of the pearl and shell. The pearl symbolized God's sem*n, which was said to form a pearl inside an oyster shell after being struck by lightning. The "birth" of this rare pearl was seen as virginal. The pearl is synonymous with the entire concept of the virgin and is quite common in Christian artwork and architecture. St. Ephrem discussed the pearl's relation to the virgin mother in his hymn, The Pearl:

Figure 102- Christ Pantocrator with pearl vestment. Moscow, 1849

Your mother is a virgin of the sea; though he took her not [to wife]: she fell into his bosom, though he knew her not; she conceived you near him, though he did not know her. Do thou, that are a type, reproach the Jewish women that have you hung upon them. You are the only progeny of all forms which art like to the Word on High, Whom singly the Most High begot. The engraven forms seem to be the type of created things above. This visible offspring of the invisible womb is a type of great things. Your goodly conception was without seed, and without wedlock was your pure generation, and without brethren was your single birth. rv St. Ephrem of Syria The Pearl, Hymn II: 1, c. 370 CE

The pearl, for Ephrem, was a perfect symbol of virginity, as the science of the day held that the pearl was formed by lightning striking the shell of the oyster (LumE 85). Thus, the "mother" of the pearl-a poetic allusion to the Virgin Mary-is referred to as "a virgin of the sea" (Pearl II.2[sic]). 333 rv Christopher Buck

331 See Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, by Heinrich, 2002, for more information and examples. 332 Allegro was the first to expose the phoenix as a polymorphous representation of the Amanita muscaria in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, 1970, pg. 95-96 and 134-135. 333 Paradise and Paradigm: Key Symbols in Persian Christianity and the Bahai Faith, by Chrisophcr Buck, 1999, pg. 124.

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Chapter Eight : Sexualia I 117 plant, to be nurtured by the earth ... 339 "'John Allegro

Mithra was born of a virgin, Mithra was born of a stone, and we have shown how the mushroom appears to be born of a stone, or the cosmic egg, and born of a virgin (no seed), so the anthropomorphism of the deity is also born of a virgin.

EATING THE SEED The Rig Vedas are full of sex worship, much more so than Christianity and more graphically as well. Shiva was having sex with his consort up on top of a mountain and they were having such passionate sex that the weight was compressing the air below into a solid. The gods were in panic and they came running to Vishnu to try to put an end to it, to save their own lives. As they ran up the mountain, Shiva performed coitus interruptus, stood up (still fully erect) and said that they would stop having sex, but then asked who would take his seed. Who would eat it? At that, he ejacul*ted. The gods all looked to Agni and they said Agni is our fire god, he is the only one hot enough to handle this. Agni did and this caused him to have a great bliss. Therefore, we have the story of eating the red-tipped, red-capped, fiery red seed and having great bliss. 340 What is happening in Figure 104 is that Agni (on the right) is drinking the seed of Shiva (on the left). Because sem*n and urine both appear to come from the same place, these two fluids were interchangeable in some stories. Here, urine is imbibed from the cup. Agni is impregnated by the seed of Shiva, who, like Jesus, is the mushroom (and the sun). For more information regarding this story as well as other Shiva and Agni stories, read Clark Heimich's Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy. A common argument made by many researchers against accepting the A. muscaria as the foundation of Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism is that the mushroom does not cause bliss. 341 Bear in mind that most of them have not consumed the Amanita at all, much less in the traditional shamanic manner, which includes unne consumption. The entire history of

Figure 104 - Agni drinking the seed of Shiva

339 The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, 1970, pg. 54-55. 340 Heinrich, lecture, 2000. 341 Bennett and those in favor of a 'cannabis as Soma' theory base part of this on a wrongful claim by Wasson that A. muscariamaynotaffcct Caucasians, or cause bliss (Sex. Drugs, Violence and the Bible, 200 I, pt. 2, pg. 75, ft. 185); though Bennett has shown substantial evidence that cannabis was used as Soma as well. It is well known that cannabis is now used in the making of the sacred drink "Bhang." However, Bennett has not presented substantial evidence to debunk those portions of the Rig Vedas listed in this book; or in Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, by Heinrich, 2002; or in Soma: The Divine Hallucinogen, by Spess, 2000; or Shamanism and Tantra in the Himalayas, by Miiller-Ebeling, Riitsch, Shahi, 2002. Sec Cf. Shrcstha, 1998, pg. 134. "It has been convincingly verified linguistically by Flattery and Schwartz (1989) as well as other authors (Gclpke 1967, Li 1974, Rosenthal 1971) that bhang (or bhanga, bang, bangii, bcng, etc.) is not only the word for hemp leaves and the drinks and delicacies made with them, but originally meant 'drug' in general." Shamanil"m and Tantra in the Himalayas, by Riitsch, ct a!, pg. 17, footnote 21. Bennett admits this fact (SDVB, pt. 2, pg. 74, ft. 183 and pg. 75 ft. 186). We do, however, agree that the Benet (Sula) and Bennett (Chris) qaneh-bosm theory in Green Gold: The Tree of Life (pg 87-96) and re-presented in SDVB, is likely correct. We also concur, in part, with Bennett's statements (SDVB, pt. I, pg. 73, ft. 161) toward Allegro with regard to cannabis and Allegro's prejudiced "weary dotards" statement against it. See The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, pg. 188-9.

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entheogen use, especially that of the mushroom, is not only of a blissful experience, but the ups and downs of heaven and hell told in many stories throughout the world. Part of the heaven-like or blissful experience is realizing the totality of your being; the hell-like experiences are the fear- and ego-driven "bad trips." These "bad trips" and "bad experiences" can be most important because they can teach the user the most about him or her self. As religion teaches us, all of this symbolism and ritual is about purification and transformation of the soul, to make ourselves better human beings. The purpose is not just to have a "blissful experience" or to party with your friends, but rather to help you grow spiritually and even mentally. 1 Corinthians 11:27-30 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.

HERM-APHRODITES Ephesians 5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

This couple is about to join together and join names in unification of marriage, or "holy matrimony."342 The colors of the white dress and black tuxedo show the symbolic hermaphrodite, now the two are one. This unification can be seen as either sun-mother-moon, or Sun (male) joining with moon (female)Sol and Luna. They will wear a wedding ring to represent the idea of two being joined as one, in the continuous cycle of the ouroboros. The ring also represents the planet-god Saturn and its rings, and the act of coitus itself, as the ring (vagin*) slips over and down the finger (penis). The biblical creation story speaks of Adam as a hermaphrodite in Genesis 5:2, where it is written: "Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created." Eve343 was later said to be born from the side of (or from the rib of)

Adam, showing a separation of the hermaphrodite into two separate people. However, since we know that women bear children, why would these ancient stories tell us that Eve was born from Adam instead of the other way around?

Figure 105- Bride and groom

There are indeed pre-Christian stories of Eve giving birth to Adam. 344 Part of the reason for this flip-flopping stems from the suppression of the female by the Church; the other part of it deals with the development or growth cycle of the mushroom.

Mercury carries the caduceus and has wings on his helmet and feet. These wings signify the ability to travel between 342 "Maat" is the goddess of the unification of opposites, and where the word matrimony is derived. 343 The name Eve gives a further clue to the origin of this myth. The word Eve (pronounced Hawwa in Hebrew), when aspirated, is the same as the Aramaic word Hawwe, denoting a serpent. The word nagash, written n-g-sh without vowels, also signifies a serpent in Hebrew and is pronounced almost exactly the same as the word n-c-sh, meaning sexual intercourse. The association of Hawwa, the woman, with 1/awwe, the serpent (the cause ofher "fall"), is, therefore, a play upon words, a practice which was very popular with Oriental myth makers. Symbols, Sex, and the Stars, by Busenbark, 1949, pg 186. 344 Nag Hammadi Library, On the Origin of the World, ed. by Robinson, 1990.

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the heavens and the earth. Mercury is the messenger of the gods, and tracing back the origins of angels leads the theologians and mythologists directly to Mercury. The gods of the earth were, for thousands of years, the plants. The plants still reflect the names of the gods. The gods and the messengers of the gods are the same. Catholic descriptions of angels reflect this fact by their colors and symbolic folds in their robes. They are often decorated with oak leaves, indicating Amanita pantherina; golden, red and white colors with pine trees in the landscape indicating Amanita muscaria; blue stains on white robes or bluing with golden tan indicating Psilocybe mushrooms; purple indicating ergot; and blue indicating morning glories and Lotus. In Christian belief, the angels are the messengers. To the shaman, the messengers are the plants, and the plants are the gods. Sometimes angel messengers show indications of the Amanita!Psi/ocybe combination as well. All of these simply reveal the true nature of the real messengers of the gods, the plants that connect humankind's consciousness with the heavens. Mercury/Hermes is precisely a plant messenger, as the attributes reveal. The hermaphroditic nature of angels reflects mushrooms because mushrooms look like the sexual union of coitus. The stem is the phallus; it penetrates the cap as if it were female genitalia (Figures 58 and 107). Religious symbolism all over the world often refers to the phallus of God, and in many instances we have found a mushroom under the symbol (see Attis and Shiva, above, as examples). The hermaphrodite also reflects mushrooms in the symbolism of Hari-Hari in India, and Chinrezee and Avalokiteshavara in China and Tibet. In Judaism and Christianity, the stem is the rib of Adam, and the cap the female body of Eve. In addition, as Allegro pointed out, Esau (meaning canopy) is the cap and Jacob (meaning pillar) is the stem. The rebis 345 of alchemy346 - which can mean the metaphorical union of Hermes and Aphrodite as well as the chemical union of mercury and sulfur to produce the Philosopher's Stone- gives us the most clues to unlocking the mysteries because the rebis is depicted in many ways, always related to mushrooms.

The Hindu god/goddess Hari-Hari or Hari-Hara is the East Indian form of the rebis and is depicted in Tantra Asana by Mookeijee, standing atop a spotted disk, surrounded by lotus petals, with mushroom-like lotus flowers growing on the ground beside it. The figure is male and female, colored blue, red, gold, and white. It's one of the most profound representations depicting Amanita, Psilocybe, and lotus together. Northern India, where mountains prevail and Amanitas are abundant, mostly focuses upon Amanita worship and Vishnu myths, but southern India, where valleys abound, focuses primarily on Psilocybe and Shiva worship. Southern India retains more of its traditional culture and art, with thousands of temples dedicated to Tantric sexual yoga. However, Northern India is much more repressed due to Islamic/Saharasian influence. 347 Both northern and southern India also have deep associations with alchemy, along with ayurvedic herbal healing. The rebis is also associated with the Axis Mundi and the world tree, as the rebis stands at the center axis of all alchemical knowledge. Figure 106- The Hindu god/goddess Hari-Hari One thing that is not often mentioned is that these ancient 345 Rcbis comes from res (thing) and bis (two), meaning "two things". 346 Sec figure 121. 347 For more information sec Saharasia, by DeMeo, 2006.

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philosophies often anthropomorphized the earth as female and considered it to open up like a flower (or vagin*) and to derive from the sun (shaft). The sun was anthropomorphized as the head of the sky god's penis, which plunged into the womb of mother earth nightly in the heavenly act of coitus. The sem*n was symbolized by rain, which originated from the sky god's penis and fell onto the womb of Mother Earth, impregnating her and thus bringing life into the world. Some regarded the sun and moon, the constellations and the planets, as ministers of the unseen One, and reasoning from what was known to what was unknown, argued thus: "Throughout nature there seems to be a dualism. In the sky there are a sun and moon; there are also sun and earth, earth and sea. In every set of animals there are males and females." In inquiry into the influence of the sun brought out the facts that by themselves its beams were destructive; they were only beneficent when the earth was moist with rain. As the rain from heaven. then caused things on earth to grow. it was natural that the main source of light and heat should be regarded as male. and the earth as female. As a male. the sun was supposed to have the emblems of virility. and a spouse whom he impregnated. and who thereby became fertile. 348 [emphasis added] "' Thomas Inman Now they have to be told that their Lord was a mushroom, his mother a fungus vulva, and his heavenly Father a mighty penis in the sky. 349 "' John Marco Allegro

Much of ancient mythology was based on sex and fertility worship, and here is the hermaphroditic symbol of sexual unification in the mushroom itself. The underside of the mushroom takes on the appearance of a vulva penetrated from below and supported by the male phallic. It has formed into a embodiment of interfused duality. The stem of the mushroom (representing the male phallic and the sun, as in an obelisk) is joined with the cap of the mushroom (the underside of the cap represents the female uterus and earth and the top of the cap is symbolized as a single female breast and also the sun). Once the cap of the growing mushroom begins to separate from the stalk, it is no longer considered exclusively male. In the biblical stories, Adam existed before Eve. Metaphorically, Adam represents the phallic stages of the mushroom, which occur before the female stages of the growth cycle. Eve (the eave of the mushroom 350 and symbolically, the female portion of the mushroom), is born from the side of Adam. In nature, when the Amanita s cap separates to form the eave (canopy), it figuratively pulls a rib out of the stalk. To explain this mushroom's growth cycle, let's anthropomorphize it. Figure 107- Male and female qualities of the Amanita muscaria by Nicholas Zervos 348 Ancient Pagan and Modem Christian Symbolism, by Thomas Inman, 1869/2002, pg. xix. 349 The End of a Road, by Allegro, 1970. 350 The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro.

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Figure 108 -Amanita muscaria as a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, by Nicholas Zervos

Figure 109- Amanita muscaria, photo by Jan Irvin

The mushroom begins like a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. The white, universal veil covers the red mushroom from head to toe.

Luke 2:12 And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

Figure 110- Amanita muscaria- growth cycle, by Nicholas Zervos As the mushroom grows, it begins to stand erect, representing the male portion of the mushroom as a phallic symbol. If you can imagine a person standing upright with their arms to either side, representing the mushroom in this stage, the arms will begin to lift up into the air representing the cap of the mushroom expanding or opening, thus, exposing (or rather creating) the female part of the mushroom. In this example, as soon as we raise our arms up, forming the cap of the mushroom, the universal veil of the mushroom tears away from our ribs and drops down forming a skirt or (Freemasonic) apron. At this time, the eave of the mushroom appears to be 'born' from the rib or from the side of the

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male portion (stipe) of the mushroom. 351 The mushroom is born wrapped in the universal veil, like swaddling clothes, and when it is on the cross (or rather, when it is at the cross stage of growth), all that remains of those swaddling clothes is the skirt, while the little thorn-like bumps on its "head" make the crown of thorns. Eve, or the eave of the mushroom, is being born from Adam. The cap continues to open up, raising its outer lip, just as we raise our arms to the sun, forming the Holy Grail in complete unification and representation of the cycle of life of the mushroom and fertility rites.

Figure 111 - Frans Floris- The Sacrifice of Christ protecting Humanity, 1562. Louvre Museum, Paris

In Figure 111, it should be totally clear why this posture or the stance is so important. We see Krishna, Sampson, Jesus, Libertas, and other deities all standing like the Amanita mushroom. This figurative posture clearly represents the Holy Grail, the cup stage of the A. muscaria mushroom.

The body of Christ, bread of heaven, the shiny golden metallic Holy Grail made of neither bone nor metal nor wood.

Figure 112 - Dried Amanita muscaria cap - Photograph by Michael Hoffman, 351

Heinrich and others are in agreement with Allegro in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, pg. 104; that the story of Adam and Eve represents the growth cycle of the mushroom.

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Figure 113 - Bas-relief of a phallic with sun disk. Unknown

Figure 114- Male and female portions of the mushroom, by Nicholas Zervos

This bas-relief in stone (above) is another excellent representation of the sex symbology of the mushroom. The macrocosm of this symbol is the sun above the obelisk. The microcosm of this symbol is the penis coming up and joining with the womb. Next to it is the exact same representation in the mushroom. The ancients looked at this mushroom, portrayed it from many different perspectives, and anthropomorphized those perspectives of the mushroom, as well as the celestial bodies, into the gods and deities whose stories we still read today. Here you can see the hidden mushroom symbolism at the Vatican, with the alignment of the obelisk (phallic), the spotted dome (vagin*), and the pediment representing the stem, spotted cap, and fallen annulus.

Figure 115- Vatican Mushroom formed by the dome, pediment and obelisk

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This story (Figure 116) of the snake or the head of the snake being crushed, separating the tail from the head, seems symbolic of the act of unification of the sperm cell penetrating the egg. At this point in our life, we are hermaphrodite, or rather, it is not decided what sex we are going to be until 49 days after conception. During this period, we are either or both sexes; we are "undecided."


Figure 116- Madonna palafrenieri (Madonna with the Serpent) by Caravaggio. 1606, Rome.

On the macrocosm, the constellation Virgo appears to step on the head of Serpens (the constellation of the snake) with her right foot 352 just before the sun is born (rises) below her on December 25th. Figure 117 - Virgo stepping on the head of Serpens on Christmas Eve 353

352 The image above wrongly depicts Virgo (Mary) stepping on the serpent's head with her left foot. 353 This image is from Stellarium astronomy software for the evening between Dec. 24 and 25, looking cast, revealing Virgo about to step on the head of the serpent.

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Figure 118 - Priapus co*ck, Vatican treasury

This Greek Priapus co*ck (pictured left), said to be a Dionysic amulet, 354 can be found in Sex and Sex Worship by O.A. Wall 355 and is said to be hidden in the Vatican treasury. 356 The inscription on the front reads "Savior of the World." Once again, the sun, mushroom and fertility are all represented by the phallic symbol. On the microcosm, this is a symbol of Saint Peter (the sex and/or phallic stage of the mushroom). The word peter (also petra, piedra, etc.) means both rock and penis, and the rock was another name for the early stages of the mushrooms. 357 Saint Peter is Saint Mushroom on the microcosm. On the macrocosm, St. Peter has connections to Jupiter, as is evidenced by the fact that the old Roman statuette of Jupiter in the Vatican was renamed "St. Peter" (pictured right) 358 • 359 It is actually a symbol of Saint Peter or (the planet) Ju-Peter.

Figure 119- Jupiter as St. Peter. St. Peter's Cathedral, Rome

Figure 120 -The Rosicrucian phallic cross360

The vesica piscis or womb has three penises coming out on either side, with the testicl*s at the bottom of this Rosicrucian cross (Figure 120).

354 355 356 357 358 359

The Sacred Fire: The Story of Sex in Religion, by Goldberg, 1958, pg. 145. Sex and Sex Worship, by O.A. Wall, 1919, pg. 437. The Christ Conspiracy, by Acharya S, 1999, pg. 295 If. The Sacred Mu1·hroom and the Cross, by Allegro, 1970, pg. 40. Jesus: God, Man or Myth?, by Cutner, 1950. In regard to Peter, or the 'Cephas' of the Essene ('Physician') community at Qumran, Allegro states: "Some texts of the New Testament transcribe the name Caiphas, and it now appears that the form Cephas, applied to the first apostle, was either a dialectal version of this variant, or adapted to fit the allusion to the Stone (Aramaic 'kepha') as the foundation of the Church. In any case, there can be little doubt now that Caiaphas/Caiphas and Cephas arc, in origin and meaning, one and the same, 'Investigator', 'Prognosticator'. It is a very special designation of one who is credited with particular insight and the gift of prophecy." Sec The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Myth, by Allegro, 1979/1992, pgs. 208-222. 360 Ancient Mystic Order, Rosae Crucis- The Rosicrucian were actually several secret organizations or orders of the 17th and I 8th centuries, all of them concerned with the study of religious mysticism and professing esoteric religious beliefs.

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The term hermaphrodite relates to the god Hermes, who was also sometimes half male and half female. Hermes and Mercury are simply the Greek and Roman names for the same deity. Sometimes, like Osiris and Horus, they are the father and son (and the father and son are one). The hermaphrodite that we are referring to is not the common type ofhermaphrodite that we understand today. The hermaphrodite is the symbol for the rebis with the wings on its back, the male and female duality, the crown at the top, and the bulbous base. This description should sound familiar by now, as this symbolic hermaphrodite represents the Holy Grail, the A. muscaria. Behind the hermaphrodite in Figure 121, one will notice the phoenix, representing the Amanita. Below are the snakes on the primordial mound. Inside the chalice, the snakes (representing poison and/or medicine) are ready to be consumed. Notice the yin/yang of the hermaphrodite, the positive and the negative, light and dark, male and female properties. Also, notice the 13 suns in the tree, representing the sun in the form of a plant and showing the connection to the sacred plants, and the 12 constellations (as well as God's son on earth, Jesus with his 12 disciples, the A. muscaria). The lion also represents the constellation of Leo. The sun at its summertime peak during ancient times rose under the constellation Leo. Heinrich suggests that Leo is the mushroom as well.

Figure 121- The Demonstration of PerfectionRosarium Philosophorum manuscript, c. 1550

If you strip away everything but the outline symbol from this image, you will notice the bulbous base with the skirt, the striations and the crown at the top: the A. muscaria. 361

Figure 122 - Winged rebis, Rosarium Philosophorum manuscript, plate 17. c. 1550 361

Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, by Heinrich, 2002.

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Figure 123 - Winged rebis cutaway.

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In Masonic symbology, the double-headed eagle (or Aquila, with pyramid or sun symbolically over its head) is standing on the rounded, bulbous base (often depicted as a globe) 362 . The wings are above the banner-entwined staff (representing the serpent) in an alchemical representation of the caduceus and the mushroom in Freemasonry.

Figure 124 - Masonic double-headed eagle

In Splendor Solis (16th century), there is an alchemical depiction of Sol and Luna, the divine hermaphrodite. There are many layers of symbolism in this painting. Sol is always red, and Luna is always white. They have red and white wings and they are exposing one leg in the forest under the tree. This painting is extremely symbolic of the A. muscaria. Around the waist is a skirt complete with the dangling gold at the bottom. This is the annulus of the mushroom whose tips are colored gold from the cap of the mushroom. The shield represents the sun, the cap of the mushroom, and the self-reflection that eating this cap brings about. In addition, the buttons running up the chest of Sol and Luna represent the ladder that is climbed to the heavens. As above, so below. Sol and Luna are the Sun and the Moon. Sol is the red cap of the mushroom and Luna is the white bulbous base. And what are they holding, but the cosmic egg? Maybe the Philosopher's Stone? Heimich points out the peculiarity of how the hand is placed around this egg. The fingers are making it into the shape of a mushroom. The position of the feet is also not insignificant. For a more in-depth look into this painting and much more symbolism regarding alchemy and the Amanita muscaria mushroom, we cannot stress enough that you should read Heinrich's book, Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy. Psalms 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield ...

Figure 125 - Hermaphrodite with egg, Splendor Solis- 16th century

362 Image from the cover of Morals and Dogma, by Pike, 1871.

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The A. muscaria and Psilocybe mushrooms are represented as male and female, rebis, hermaphrodite, snake and bird, the colors red and blue, and many other symbols or symbolic types. Symbols can have multiple meanings, as in the two snakes or two dragons eating each other's tails, meaning the recycling of the mushrooms' active ingredients. Often one snake will have wings. This will be the Amanita, because it is the one associated with the heavens, while the Psilocybe is associated with the earth. Because its active substances are tryptamines, the Psilocybe is more closely related to human endogenous substances, whereas Amanita takes the initiate out of body and is seen as coming from above. The combination of red and blue mushrooms is a key secret to alchemy. These colors represent Amanita and Psilocybe. This secret is one of the roots of alchemy. Many alchemical symbols elucidate this understanding and take it to new levels of practice.

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Chapter Nine: Judeo-Christianity I 129

Chapter Nine Judea-Christianity THE PARADISE OF EDEN Out of Adam's rib comes Eve, the female part of the mushroom. This is the part of the mushroom that is consumed. Out of Eve, the red portion of the mushroom, comes enlightenment. Eve represents the active part of the mushroom. Eve, the female, the drugs, have all been suppressed by the combined effort of Church and State. Adam and Eve came from Eden. Eden is defined as "pleasure, " "pleasant, " "delicate, " or "delight. "363 These definitions seem to apply just as well for emotions as they do for a place (or thing). However, both Strongs and the Oxford English Dictionary also define Eden as "Paradise," which Strongs reveals as a "forest," or "orchard. " A forest is certainly where the Amanita grow. The association to the mushroom experience may explain the emotive definitions for Eden:

Figure 126- Bible Moralisee c. 1250, France

3857: paradeisos par-ad'-i-sos of Oriental ongm (compare 6508): a park, i.e. (specially), an Eden (place of future happiness, "paradise"): --paradise. 6508: pardes par-dace' Of foreign origin; a park: forest. orchard. [underline, bold-ours] "'Strong's Concordance

Acharya S points out that "Eve is one with Tsis-Meri and therefore, the Virgin Mary and the constellation of Virgo, as well as the moon [and oceans]. In the original astrotheological tale, as Virgo rises she is followed or bitten on the heel by Serpens, who, with Scorpio, rises immediately behind her." 364 Here again, we find the law of duality. Jesus, hanging on the cross, is lanced in the rib and out of his side comes the blood that is collected into the Holy Grail. Out of the rib comes the enlightenment once again.

In 2"d Corinthians 3: 16-17 it says: Figure 127 - Bible Moralisee c. 1250, France

Nevertheless when it shall turn to the lord the veil shall be taken away. Now the lord is that spirit; and

363 Strong:s, # H5731, 5730,5727. 364 The Christ Conspiracy, by Acharya S, 1999, pg. 186.

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I Chapter Nine: Judea-Christianity where the spirit of the lord is, there is liberty.

In mushroom terms, this statement might read: ... when the cap of the Amanita turns upward and the veil drops, there you will find the spirit of the lord; and there you will also find freedom.

THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT The story of Adam and Eve is a deeply meaningful story of the snake climbing the tree, forming the caduceus, and giving them something to eat that evokes enlightenment. After Eve was created, she suddenly found herself standing in front of the same tree from which Adam was told not to eat. According to Genesis 2, 365 Eve was never told by God not to eat from this tree. In the biblical version, as opposed to the Gnostic version, she did not yet exist. We're left to assume that it must have been communicated to her through Adam. If they were real people, which they were not, it must have been a miscommunication of sorts. Perhaps Adam did not weigh upon her the importance of not eating from this tree. Has the famous story that stands at the beginning of the Bible really been understood? The only story of god's hellish fear of science ... only from woman did man learn to taste of the tree of knowledge. What had happened? The old god was seized with hellish fear. Man himself had turned out to be his greatest mistake; he had created a rival for himself; science makes godlike--it is all over Figure 128 - Eve, born from the rib of Adam, with priests and gods when man becomes 12th13th century. Monreale Cathedral, Sicily scientific. Moral: science is the forbidden as such--it alone is forbidden. Science is the first sin, the original sin. This alone is morality. 'Thou shalt not know'--the rest follows. rv Frederick W. Nietzsche Der Anti Christ [1888/1895]

The snake represents gnosis or knowledge (the logos) in nearly all of the ancient mythologies and philosophies. Only in Christianity does the snake appear to mean something evil. When we look at the creation story in the book of Genesis, it is interesting because who lies? Does the serpent lie, or does God lie? The serpent tells Eve (Gen 3:5) " ... your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." Eve sees (Gen 3:6) "a tree to be desired to make one wise." God tells Adam, who in tum must have told Eve (Gen 2: 17), " .. .for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." She does not die, at least not a physical death. Adam doesn't die either. Neither died in the day of eating the fruit.

365 There is a conflict between Genesis I :27 and 2:22 as to when Eve came into existence.

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Gen 2:15-18 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 3:1-7 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman. Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof. then your eyes shall be opened 366 • and ye shall be as gods. knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof. and did eat. and gave also unto her husband with her: and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened ...

Here is the story in modem-day English. This story is compiled using only direct quotes from the New International Version of the Bible: Genesis 2:15-18 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 3:1-7 Now the serpent was more crafty 367 than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die., "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened ... It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out who is the deceptive, jealous god in the Bible. For those interested in more evidence concerning this area of research, we recommend reading the stories of the Sumerian gods Enlil and Enki, as well as the stories of Adam and Eve in The Nag Hammadi Library, and how the roles of the characters in the Sumerian and Gnostic stories have been flipped in their Judea-Christian replication. This is how the story of Adam and Eve reads in the ancient Nag Hammadi scripture, On the Origin of the World:

366 Their eyes being opened is also metaphor for the internal visionary experiences. 367 Crafty= cunning. See Strong's H6175- cunning. Sec also Oxford English Dictionary, cunning: Knowledge; learning, erudition. Obs.[ ... ] A branch of knowledge or of skilled work; a science or art, a craft. In early times often= occult art, magic. Obs.[ ... ] Now usually in bad sense[ ... ].

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132 I Chapter Nine: Judea-Christianity Then the seven of them [rulers] together laid plans. They came up to Adam and Eve timidly: they said to him, "The fruit of all the trees created for you in Paradise shall be eaten; but as for the tree of knowledge, control yourselves and do not eat from it. If you eat, you will die." Having imparted great fear to them, they withdrew up to their authorities. Then came the wisest of all creatures, who was called Beast. And when he saw the likeness of their mother Eve he said to her, "What did God say to you? Was it 'Do not eat from the tree of knowledge'?" She said, "He said not only, 'Do not eat from it', but, 'Do not touch it, lest you die."' He said to her, "Do not be afraid. In death you shall not die. For he knows that when you eat from it, your intellect will become sober and you will come to be like gods, recognizing the difference that obtains between evil men and good ones. Indeed, it was in jealousy that he said this to you, so that you would not eat from it." Now Eve had confidence in the words of the instructor. She gazed at the tree and saw that it was beautiful and appetizing, and liked it; she took some of its fruit and ate it; and she gave some also to her husband, and he too ate it. Then their intellect became open. For when they had eaten, the light of knowledge had shone upon them. When they clothed themselves with shame, they knew that they were naked of knowledge. When they became sober, they saw that they were naked and became enamored of one another. When they saw that the ones who had modelled them had the form of beasts, they loathed them: they were very aware. Then when the rulers knew that they had broken their commandments, they entered Paradise and came to Adam and Eve with earthquake and great threatening, to see the effect of the aid. Then Adam and Eve trembled greatly and hid under the trees in Paradise. Then the rulers did not know where they were and said, "Adam, where are you?" He said, "I am here, for through fear of you I hid, being ashamed." And they said to him ignorantly, "Who told you about the shame with which you clothed yourself? unless you have eaten from that tree!" He said, "The woman whom you gave me-it is she that gave to me and I ate." Then they said to the latter, "What is this that you have done?" She answered and said, "It is the instructor who urged me on, and I ate." Then the rulers came up to the instructor. Their eyes became misty because of him, and they could not do anything to him. They cursed him, since they were powerless. Afterwards, they came up to the woman and cursed her and her offspring. After the woman, they cursed Adam, and the land because of him, and the crops; and all things they had created, they cursed. They have no blessing. Good cannot result from evil. From that day, the authorities knew that truly there was something mightier than they: they recognized only that their commandments had not been kept. Great jealousy was brought into the world solely because of the immortal man. Now when the rulers saw that their Adam had entered into an alien state of knowledge, they desired to test him, and they gathered together all the domestic animals and the wild beasts of the earth and the birds of heaven and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. When he saw them, he gave names to their creatures. They became troubled because Adam had recovered from all the trials. They assembled and laid plans, and they said, "Behold Adam! He has come to be like one of us, so that he knows the difference between the light and the darkness. Now perhaps he will be deceived, as in the case of the Tree of Knowledge, and also will come to the Tree of Life and eat from it, and become immortal, and become lord, and despise us and disdain us and all our glory! Then he will denounce us along with our universe. Come, let us expel him from Paradise, down to the land from which he was taken, so that henceforth he Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots

Chapter Nine: Judeo-Christianity I 133 might not be able to recognize anything better than we can." And so they expelled Adam from Paradise, along with his wife. And this deed that they had done was not enough for them. Rather, they were afraid. They went in to the Tree of Life and surrounded it with great fearful things, fiery living creatures called "Cheroubin," and they put a flaming sword in their midst, fearfully twirling at all times, so that no earthly being might ever enter that place. Thereupon, since the rulers were envious of Adam they wanted to diminish their (Adam's and Eve's) lifespans. They could not (however,) because of fate, which had been fixed since the beginning. For to each had been allotted a lifespan of 1,000 years, according to the course of the luminous bodies. But although the rulers could not do this, each of the evildoers took away ten years. And all this lifespan (which remained) amounted to 930 years: and these are in pain and weakness and evil distraction. And so life has turned out to be, from that day until the consummation of the age. Thus when Sophia Zoe saw that the rulers of the darkness had laid a curse upon her counterparts, she was indignant. And coming out of the first heaven with full power, she chased those rulers out of their heavens, and cast them down into the sinful world, so that there they should dwell, in the form of evil spirits (demons) upon the earth. 368

Figure 129 -Apple (left)- Amanita muscaria cap (right) Making the forbidden fruit an apple is odd because today we tell children that an apple a day will keep the doctor away; apples are good for you. Why would the Church frighten people away from eating apples? The apple was chosen because apples are symbolically a perfect fit for the actual forbidden fruit. Apples are red and they are the fruit of a tree. The Amanita muscaria is also red and it, too, is the fruiting body of the tree. Some apples even have white spots on them just like the A. muscaria mushroom does. When a bite is taken out of the apple, we see the same white inside that is seen when one finds an A. muscaria with a bite taken out of it. An apple is the safe, alchemical representation of the actual fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil without giving away the actual knowledge of the fruit itself.

368 On the Origin of the World, The Nag Hammadi Library, ed. by Robinson, 1990, pg. 184-186.

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Figure 130 is a fresco from the Plaincourault Chapel, 1291 as seen in both Wasson's Soma: The Divine Mushroom of Immortality and Allegro's The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross. Some researchers ignore the obvious and claim that the central figure is not a mushroom. 369 It obviously depicts Adam and Eve on either side of the mushroom, or rather, the caduceus with the serpent climbing the stem, which symbolizes what Adam and Eve were eating in the Garden of Eden: the sacred mushroom. CE'

Figure 130 - Fresco from the Plaincourault Chapel, 1291 CE, lndre, France. Photo by Andrew Rutajit


Genesis 2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. There were two trees in the Bible story, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, whose fruit Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat, and the Tree of Life. Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but they were expelled from the Garden to prevent them from eating of the Tree of Life, which would have conferred immortality on them. 370 "' R. Gordon Wasson

The Tree of Life is a commonly recurring archetypal artifact of mythology and history, which can be found all over the world. It is typical for people to say it would be a waste of time to look for such a thing because of what is written in the biblical account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The account, as it is given in Genesis, is only one particular way of telling of the story. Due to this single version, most people believe the tree is hidden away from man. In this tragic telling, Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden and were consequently forced to leave the presence of the Tree of Life. This happened when the paradise of innocence was infected with something called sin. Human nature, 369 Historian Erwin Panofsky wrote Wasson concerning this interpretation and dismissed it, stating: " ... the plant in this fresco has nothing whatever to do with mushrooms ... and the similarity with Amanita muscaria is purely fortuitous. The Plaincourault fresco is only one example-and, since the style is provincial, a particularly deceptive one----of a conventionalized tree type, prevalent in Romancsquc and early Gothic art, which art historians actually refer to as a 'mushroom tree' or in German, Pilzbaum. It comes about by the gradual schematization of the imprcssionistically rendered Italian pine tree in Roman and Early Christian painting, and there are hundreds of instances exemplifying this development-unknown of course to mycologists .... What the mycologists have overlooked is that the mediaeval artists hardly ever worked from nature but from classical prototypes which in the course of repeated copying became quite unrecognizable." (Soma, pg. 179-180) Wasson wrongfully agreed, ignoring the obvious association to the pine tree, the host of the Amanita muscaria, and the caduceus symbol of drugs. Sec Pagan Christmas by Riitsch, ct al, 2006, for more on pine worship and the Christmas/ mushroom traditions. Further information on this may be found in Wasson and Allegro on the Tree of Knowledge as Amanita, by Michael Hoffman, et al, 2006; and The Holy Mushroom, by Jan Irvin, 2008. 370 Persephone Quest, by Gordon Wasson, 1986, pg. 75. Note: sec chapter 4 in specific regard to Mcrkur's hypothesis that the Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge in Genesis are possibly synonymous. This would not negate the other references to the admixture hypothesis.



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the ability to think for oneself, was suddenly forbidden by law. They were commanded not to do something that they absolutely had to do. Consequently, they broke the law and ate some of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. We can agree that in this version, the archetypal parents were driven out of the Garden. However, it does not actually say they were forbidden to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life. Genesis 3:22-24 says specifically: And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

The story explains that partaking of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil made Adam and Eve as one of them. This statement is clear. "One of us" does not mean one, singularly. If there were only one God, this statement makes absolutely no sense at all. Theologians and scholars have debated this for decades and it is the subject of very diverse opinions. To those scholars willing to admit that the Bible is a compilation of mythological rhetoric that has evolved out of much older polytheistic roots, this is simple to understand. However, for the fundamentalists and apologists, it opened a Pandora's Box of worms that most of them would rather leave alone. First, let's address whom the Lord God was talking to: Himself? His partner? Friends? Humankind? lf the one and only Lord God was talking to humankind he would have said "become like me." To say "become as one of us" to humankind simply reveals a secret, a Freudian slip, so to speak. Apparently there are many like the Lord God, as per scriptural explanation, and this includes all of those who have partaken of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Actually, there are no other means anywhere in biblical scripture to surpass this status. Nor is there any single thing that can produce the same effect for a human. A statement that specifically says how one can become as one of the gods is a very powerful statement indeed. No wonder this tree and fruit theme can be found all over the world. 371 The only comparable thing would be eating the manna, 372 the body of Jesus, the bread that comes down from heaven as spoken of in John, chapter 6, regarding drinking the waters of life from the fountain of living waters and eating the fruit from the Tree of Life. All of these things are one and the same. These are just various ways to explain a single, tangible, discoverable object. Elsewhere in religious texts of the early biblical period, the Tree of Life is the same as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Nag Hammadi Library uncovered several creations, eye openings, and becoming as gods accounts. Gnostic texts even take this a step further by reversing the roles of the two trees. 373 Some Gnostic texts refer to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil as "The Tree of the Thought of Light." To the Gnostics, the god Yahweh is a jealous god and one must wonder why he must have this type of emotion if he is omnipotent (and what he is jealous of, ifhe is omnipresent). Since the 1611 King James Version of the Bible is a rather recent retelling of the story of creation, there is no reason to assume it to be the one true account, throwing out all older renditions. This is putting the cart before the horse. With this in mind, understanding what the stories are really trying to get across in their symbolism, and thereby understanding what the Bible actually says, is certainly enhanced by reading all possible accounts and correlating the various allegories. In the book of Hosea, Yahweh says: Hosea 14:8 371 "Every nation had its legend of a Garden of Paradise, a tree of life and a serpent." Busenbark, 1949, pg. 184. 372 Sec the following section titled "What is This?". 373 Nag Hammadi Library, On the Origin of the World, cd. by Robinson, 1990.

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136 I Chapter Nine : Judeo-Christianity I am like a green fir tree. From me is thy fruit found.

Once one finds the actual "fruit of the fir tree," the doors of understanding will be flung open, gifting the initiate in an understanding of the mystery associated with these things. All of this must be explored in depth because the fruit of the Tree of Life, the waters of life, and the fountain of living waters are some of the most highly sought and revered keys to the doorways of eternity that history, myth, and religion have passed down to humanity. When these mysteries are unveiled, you will find evidence that these things are not just fanciful ideas, but are in fact quite real. When Adam and Eve went forth from Paradise, Adam, as if knowing that he was never to return to his place, cut off a branch from the tree of good and evil. "' The Book of the Bee, edited and translated by Earnest A. Wallis Budge [1886]

The legends of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil are abundant. Among these legends are tales of Jesus being crucified on the wood cut from this very tree. Many older images of Jesus show him working miracles with a wand, much like the wand or rod of Moses and Jesse. This is likely nothing more than a symbolic representation of Mercury and his caduceus.

WHAT IS THIS? The Bible tells us that manna fell from heaven and was eaten by the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt. The authors of this book consider manna to be either a generic term for entheogens, or the psychoactive mushrooms themselves. Recently Daniel Merkur, Ph.D., a former teacher from Syracuse University and Auburn Theological Seminary, proposed that another psychedelic fungus was the manna of the Bible - ergot (Claviceps paspali and Claviceps purpurea). Ergot contains a psychoactive substance similar to LSD, called LSA, and is one of the primary sources for making LSD. Ergot was used in the Bible as a grain, and it was also mentioned as something used in a winepress, which was then taken under the oak tree (Judges 6:11-12, 19-24). This, in our opinion, was very likely a substitute for Amanitas. 374 Also wheat, barley, and darnel/co*ckle (tares- Latium temulentum? 75 are host plants for ergot. 376 As mentioned, we believe "manna" was possibly used as a generic term for "entheogens," just as "Soma" appears to have been. Though it is generally accepted that ergot was not identified as fungal unti11764, 377 we might also consider ergot in relation to manna as "mushrooms."378 With this in mind, it makes sense to identify ergot with manna, as well as Amanita, Psilocybe, and possibly other types of mushrooms. Manna's association to the rains and heavens weighs heavily in our consideration of this option. Professor John Rush in Failed Gocf3 79 reveals that the Muslim prophet Muhammad believed that manna was indeed the mushroom sent by god to Moses: We read in Mishkat, book xxi, chapter 1, that Muhammad said, "Mushrooms are a kind of 374 The oak is host to A. pantherina. Amanita mushrooms are also pressed in water to release their psychoactive compounds. 375 Oxford English Dictionary-- co*ckle: Recent investigation has apparently settled that the s

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Chapter Nine: Judea-Christianity I 137 manna which God sent to Moses so that we can see." Some scholars translate this as some sort of eye wash for "sore eyes" (see Hughes 1994:423), but this interpretation is difficult to sustain. The word manna (mann in Arabic and man in Hebrew) in the Qur'an always references some magical substance sent from God (Surah 2:54; 2:82, 7: 160) ... The word manna, to my knowledge, never referred to some type of simple herbal remedy. Instead manna was used to cure spiritual ailments, to convert, through the baptism of fire, the faithless nonbeliever, to make "real," through a hallucinogenic experience, that which can only be accepted on faith. ~John Rush

We agree with many of Merkur's references to "showbread, unleavened bread, and Presence bread" as being from ergot. Merkur's evidence also suggests that ergot was more likely a later substitute for "the manna of the wilderness years": What among the ritual objects of Solomon's temple was described in biblical narrative as Manna? The answer is not far to seek. According to Josh. 5:11-12, unleavened bread was substituted in Canaan for the manna of the wilderness years .... Immediately after the Israelites crossed the Jordan River and ate the produce of Canaan, Yahveh ceased to provide them with manna. Unleavened bread replaced manna in their diet. 380 [emphasis added] ~Dan Merkur

Strong's clearly relates the Hebrew word for wilderness, "midbar," 381 to cattle pastures, and therefore most likely to Psilocybe mushrooms: 4057 midbar mid-bawr' from 1696 in the sense of driving; a pasture (i.e. open field, whither cattle are driven); by implication, a desert; also speech (including its organs):-desert, south, speech, wilderness. [emphasis added] ~ Strong's Concordance

Many of Merkur's references to ergot are, in our opinion, references to Amanita and/or Psilocybe as well. On page 43, he quotes Philo: Why then need you still wonder that God showers virtue without toil or trouble. needing no controlling hand but perfect and complete from the very first? And if you would have further testimony of this can you find any more trustworthy than Moses, who says that while other men receive their food from earth, the nation of vision alone has it from heaven? The earthly food is produced with the co-operation of husbandmen, but the heavenly is sent like the snow by God the solely self-acting, with none to share his work. And indeed it says "Behold I rain upon you bread from heaven" (Exod. Xvi. 4). Of what food can he rightly say that it is rained from heaven, save of heavenly wisdom which is sent from above on souls which yearn for virtue? [emphasis added] ~Philo

Clearly baking unleavened bread is not something done without the co-operation of the husbandmen "solely selfacting, with none to share his work." The mushrooms appear with the storms and rains, look like unleavened bread, and were often called "The Sons of Thunder" or "Boanerges. " 382 Amanita muscaria also smell much like baking bread when slightly roasted or dried by a fire. Many ofMerkur's descriptions of manna seem better suited as descriptions of 380 The Mystery of Manna, by Mcrkur, pg. 5. 381 Various biblical translations of midbar give "wilderness" or "desert," but cow pasture is more accurate. 382 Sec The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, 1970, pg. 46; Hamlet:~ Mill, by Giorgio De Santillana and Hertha Von Dcchcnd, 1969, pg. 225; and Apples of Apollo, by Ruck, Staples, Heinrich, 2001, pg. 207.

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entheogenic mushrooms. Jeremiah 2:20-21 For of old time I have broken thy yoke, and burst thy bands; and thou saidst, I will not transgress; when upon every high hill and under every green tree thou wanderest, playing the harlot. Yet I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed: how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me?

Why would the "manna of the wilderness years" be substituted? By substituting the mushrooms with ergot crackers, the priests were further able to suppress the true identity of manna-most likely, Psilocybe cubensis and/or A. muscaria. Indeed, Merkur's book mentions several times that the priests took over the knowledge of manna. He also argues rather successfully that they maintained this knowledge as late as the 13th century. As I shall show, the knowledge of the biblical mystery was preserved as a secret as late as the thirteenth century... 383 [emphasis added] tv Dan Merkur

Once one gains knowledge of the lost language of symbolism used by the Church and priestly classes, it becomes highly likely that they maintain this knowledge even today, and did not end it in the 13th century. 384 It is unfortunate that Merkur disregarded all information regarding the mushroom even when so many of his references

support the mushroom theory. If he had made a comparison between ergot and the entheogenic mushrooms, his research, in our estimation, would hold more weight. Instead, he attacked Allegro: Neither is there evidence to support the cavalier allegation of John M. Allegro, The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross: [ ... ], p.112 that manna was Amanita muscaria, the fly agaric mushroom. 385 tv Dan Merkur

He offered no evidence to support this statement, which is refuted by Rush, above. Moreover, it was Allegro who was the first researcher to take a serious approach to the entheogenic origins of the Bible. Allegro said the Bible is based on drugs, and if you don't believe Allegro, read the hundreds of biblical passages Merkur has provided in his book to discover this on your own. Regardless, Merkur did not give Allegro credit. Placed in the context of an overall entheogenic foundation for religion, including Christianity, Merkur's book strongly supports the entheogen hypothesis-and Allegro. The word manna translates as "what is this?" 386 While we contend that the manna eaten by the Israelites during the biblical story of their exodus from Egypt was most likely Psilocybe mushrooms, there are two types of manna mentioned in the Bible. First is the manna that was eaten during the flight from Egypt (psilocybin, which was later substituted with unleavened bread). There is also the hidden manna, mentioned only once in the book of Revelation. We suggest this to be the Amanita mushrooms that are often found hidden under trees, pine needles, and shrubbery. 387 John 6:53 Except ye eat the flesh of the son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

383 384 385 386 387

The Mystery of Manna, by Merkur, 2000, Preface V. See Failed God, by John Rush, 2008; and The Holy Mushroom, by Jan Irvin, 2008. Ibid, ch. I, footnote #5. Strongs #H4478 The same colorful, hidden "eggs" that are symbolically hunted by children during an Easter egg hunt.

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Mushrooms containing psilocybin are not at all similar to the A. muscaria that we discussed earlier. They are two completely different entheogens and experiences. The Psilocybe mushroom388 is said to open the third-eye chakra. The Amanita pantherina and A. muscaria mushroom are said to take one out of body. A combination of these two types of mushrooms is suggested to take you out of body with an open chakra system, and this was the goal of many alchemists and shamans. 389 Could taking both types of mushrooms (Psilocybe and Amanita) at the same time be a deep cosmopolitan secret that directly relates to the "Seal of God," delivered by the an angel (Revelation 7:2-3) to humankind? When we consider that the angels are the messengers, Mercury is also the messenger and he carries the caduceus. The snakes forming the caduceus represent both poisons (Amanita andPsilocybe). The consumption of these entheogens raise the kundalini in the body (forming the caduceus within), and the Seal of God suddenly becomes a tool for personal transformation, symbolized by the caduceus.

Figure 131- Psilocybe cubensis

Revelation 7:2-3 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.

Uniting the opposites is considered the method of producing the philosophers' stone. It is also the method of achieving enlightenment in tantric philosophy and the Soma ceremony. This union or coupling together of opposites was symbolized in alchemy as the Hermetic androgyne of hermaphrodite and in the Soma ceremony as the rememberment of the primal man of light as Anthropos. This union is frequently represented in tantric statues of Siva as half male and half female, and it is shown in the Soma ceremony as the union of fire and water in the heart and the gathering of Soma light essences to reconstitute the primal being of light as the solar heart. 390 [emphasis added] "' David Spess

388 Photograph by John W. Allen. 389 Three cnthcogcns were used as Soma; sec Persephone :v Quest, 1986, pg. 50-51. In Mayan culture, a one-leg lightning bolt is A. muscaria; a dwarflightning bolt means Psilocybe species; the green lightning bolt is morning glories and other cntheogens. 390 Soma: The Divine Hallucinogen, by Spess, 2000, pg. 161.

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I Chapter Nine: Judea-Christianity

THE SONG OF SONGS A more fitting title for the Song of Solomon or the Song of Songs would be The Song of the Suns of Duality. This passage is generally thought to be a love story, but it is actually a mycological field guide 391 for the Amanita muscaria, Amanita pantherina and Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms. Occult information regarding the Song ofSolomon, the Book of Revelation, and Jonah is extensive and will be revealed in detail in another book 392 . It is not the purpose of this book to discuss the Song of Solomon in depth, but we will disclose a few examples. Song of Solomon 2: 1 I AM the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.

This is not a reference to the Amanita muscaria mushroom, but to the Psilocybe cubensis mushroom, as Sharon comes from sham, which means dung, or cow dung 393 , where these mushrooms grow. Sharon also means flat. The valleys are flat and this is where we find the "sham" of the cows, which gives birth to the "rose of sham," or "lily of the valley" ... P cubensis mushrooms. It is also important to note that Nymphaea caerulea or Sacred Blue Lily is also an entheogenic substance. 394 Song of Solomon 2: 3 As the apple tree among the trees of the wood ...

The above verse tells us that the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is like an apple tree among the trees of the wood(s) (some translations of the Bible even read, " ... an apple tree among the trees of the forest"). We know that apple trees are not found among the trees of the forest. However, this line is symbolically telling us where the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil may be found: looking in the pine forest for apples (pineapples 395 ) would be a good start. Gospel of Thomas Jesus said: "Split wood, I am there."

That truly is where this mushroom is found, even when the actual "mushroom" is nowhere to be seen. The mycelium attaches to the roots of the tree and its DNA permeates the entire tree. 396 Song of Solomon 4: 1-2 Behold, Thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes within thy locks ...

We have already discussed how the white universal veil peels away to reveal a red "eye." Just as doves are white with red eyes, so here is the red and white connection between the colors of Amanita and the dove. 397 391

392 393 394 395

396 397

In the 1980s Jack Hcrcr discovered similar relationships, based on the work of Allegro in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross. Heinrich (Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, 2002, pg. 91-98) and Bennett (SDVB, 2001, pt. 1 ch. 6) also make attempts at this decipherment. The Most High, by Jack Herer, ct al, unpublished. Oxford English Dictionary: sharon, dial. Variant of sham. sham: dung, csp. dung of cattle. Soma: The Divine Hallucinogen, by Spess, 2000. We, and others, doubt the accuracy of the Oxford English Dictionary definitions of "pineapple" in relation to "pinecone." There is no reason to call a pinecone seed (a pine-nut) an "apple." However, the definition would match perfectly with what grows under the pine tree, the Amanita mushrooms; OED- Pineapple: I. a. The fruit of the pine tree; a pine-cone. Obs. exc. dial. Formerly also applied to the edible seeds or 'kernels' (pine-nuts) 3. attrib. and Comb. ta. in sense I, as pine-apple kernel, seed, a seed of the pine-cone, esp. as used for food; pine-apple nut, a pine-cone; pine-apple tree, a pine-tree, csp. Pinus Pinea (all obs.) Protocols for Analysis of DNAjinm Mycorrhizal Roots, by Q. F. Baldwin and K.N. Egger, discusses DNA extraction from mycorrhizal roots. ccto/protocols_ c.html The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, 1970; The Most High, by Hcrcr, ct al; Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, by

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Song of Solomon 4:1-2 ... thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from mount Gilead.

This is likely a reference toP cubensis mushrooms, as well. Gilead comes from "Gal", which is heap, and "ed" or "uwd", which means to stand up right. 398 Gilead is likely a reference to cow dung (and P. cubensis), but could also mean the heap or "mound" that stands, which is an excellent mushroom description. The mushroom references often contain macrocosm/microcosm allusions and we may visualize the macrocosm as a mound of dung with Psilocybe mushrooms all over it. The microcosm to this is the Amanita cap, rounded as a mound covered with white bumps. The hair reference points to the Amanita spots, which resemble hair - some goats are white. Some goats are also tan colored, the color of P cubensis caps. The flock of goats on a mound is an analogy for the Psilocybe mushrooms on a heap of dung. In this verse, we may visualize three levels of macro/microcosm: the single mushroom cap with woollike spots; the mound of dung with mushrooms on it; and a mountain with goats upon it. There is power, power, wonder working power In the precious blood of the Lamb. 399

In Figure 132 the blood of the lamb is shed from its rib. Remember that the word blessed means to have the blood of a sacrifice on you. Here is revealed the blood of (or in) the Holy Grail, the blood of the Lamb of God (or Agnus Dei). Song of Solomon 4:1-2 ...Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn ...

This is probably a reference to both the A. muscaria and A. pantherina, and the white patches, or "teeth" on the top of the cap. Song of Solomon 7:4 Thy neck is as a tower of ivory; thine eyes like the fishpools in Heshbon, by the gate of Bathrabbim: thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh toward Damascus.

Figure 132- Agnus dei- Ghent Altarpiece, 1432 cE' by Hubert and Jan van Eyck

It is unlikely that you would appreciate someone telling

you that you have a neck like a tower of ivory, eyes like the blessed (blood) pools of Heshbon (a stronghold) 400 and

Heinrich, 2002. 398 Strong's # Hl567: Gal'cd gal-ade' from Hl530 and H5707; heap of testimony; Galcd, a memorial cairn East of the Jordan: -Galecd. # H1530: gal gal from H 1556; something rolled, i.e. a heap of stone or dung (plural ruins), by analogy, a spring of water (plural waves): billow, heap spring wave. H5707 'ed ayd contracted from 5749; concretely, a witness; abstractly, testimony; specifically, a recorder, i.e. prince: -witness. H5749 'uwd ood a primitive root; to duplicate or repeat; by implication, to protest, testify (as by reiteration); intensively, to encompass, restore (as a sort of reduplication): admonish, charge, earnestly, lift up, protest, call (take) to record, relieve, rob, solemnly, stand upright, testify, give warning, (bear, call to, give, take to) witness. 399 Sec Appendix D. 400 Strong's: H1295 brckah ber-ay-kaw' from 1288; a reservoir (at which camels kneel as a resting-place): (fish-) pool. H1288 barak baw-rak' a primitive root; to kneel; by implication to bless God (as an act of adoration), and (vice-versa) man (as a benefit); also (by euphemism) to

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I Chapter Nine : Judeo-Christianity

a nose like the tower of Lebanon. But to an A. muscaria mushroom, this description is quite fitting. Bathrabbim also means "apple of the eye. " 401


Figure 133 - Ezekiel's vision, artist unknown

Ezekiel had a dream after a thunderstorm, and in this dream he was told to eat something several times: "Eat this scroll."

curse (God or the king, as treason): X abundantly, X altogether, X at all, blaspheme, bless, congratulate, curse, X greatly, X indeed, kneel (down), praise, salute, X still, thank. H2809 Cheshbown khcsh-bone' the same as H2808; Cheshbon, a place East of the Jordan -Hcshbon (a stronghold); sec: 401 Ibid:# H1337, Hl323.

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Ezekiel 1: 1, 4-6, 15 1 Now it came to pass in the thirteenth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God ... 4 And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire. 5 Also out of the midst thereof came their appearance; they had the 6 And every one had four 15 Now as I beheld

Go now to your countrymen in exile and speak to them. Say to them, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says, whether they listen or fail to listen."' Then the Spirit lifted me up, and I heard behind me a loud rumbling sound-May the glory of the LORD be praised in his dwelling place!the sound of the wings of the living creatures brushing against each other and the sound of the wheels beside them, a loud rumbling sound. The Spirit then lifted me up and took me away, and I went in bitterness and in the anger of my spirit, with the strong hand of the LORD upon me.

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I Chapter Nine: Judeo-Christianity

Upon eating this mysterious something, the spirit of the lord lifted Ezekiel up and he then went to speak to the house of Israel.

REVELATION Now we turn to the King James version of Revelation 1:12-13: And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; And in the midst of the seven candlesticks 402 one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

The Son of man who's "clothed with a garment down to the foot" is the Amanita mushroom. The garment (or "robe," as translated in other versions of the Bible) is the universal veil that covers the entire mushroom. The number seven represents, once again, the seven chakras, the seven stars of the Pleiades, the seven days of the week, and the seven known planets. The word translated in verse 13 as "paps" should actually be singular, as "pap."403 The cap of the mushroom equated to a pap (something resembling a nipple or breast) because of its shape. Revelation 1: 14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire ...

Again, the reference to the red eyes ... we could go on all day with alchemical mushroom representations throughout the Bible, but it is not the scope of this book.

402 The candlesticks were first pointed out by Allegro, 1970, pg. 68. 403 Strong:~ #G3149: Mastos. From the base ofG3145; a (properly female) breast (as if kneaded up):- pap.

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Chapter Ten More Symbolism

THE DUALITY OF JESUS Gnostic traditions teach that the serpent is synonymous with Jesus; that their characters are one and the same. Consequently, it was the serpent crucified on the cross, and Jesus who fed Adam and Eve the Fruit ofParadise.

Figure 134 - La serpiente crucificada, by Nicholas Flamel, c. 1370

Figure 135 - Die Erliisung, by Lucas Cranach the Younger. 1555

404 405 406 407

This is a painting of Archangel Gabriel holding a scepter, a banner entwining the staff just as serpents climb the caduceus. Angels are messengers of God, and so are mushrooms. Entheogenic mushrooms speak to us as God's messengers, and the physical characteristics of the mushroom are the reason for the wings and the colors represented here. Notice the colors are primarily red and white, the same colors as Sol and Luna and the Amanita muscaria mushroom, with the blue sleeve representing the stipe of a psilocybe, and Figure 136 -Archangel wings symbolizing the cap. Gabriel: The Annunciation, by It is interesting to look at the etymology Gaudenzio Ferrari, c. 1511 of the word "angel". In Greek, the word angel ( ayyEA.o<;) means a messenger"0\ and could be derived from aydTJ (agele) which means "to herd," as in cattle. 405 The root of angel could also derive from the Greek word ang meaning vessel. The shape of a mushroom is often that of a vessel. 40\ 407 Both root words ag and ang give possible mushroom correlations. Interestingly, the Eskimo word for medicine man or shaman is angakok. 408 Wasson found a correlation through the root word for a cluster of words based on pan go and *sg"hombho. (*sgwombho) 409 • Slavonic: Gamba; Gothic: Wamba; Hindi: Khumbi; German: Schwamm; Russian: Guba; Greek: Spongos; Latin: Fungus. Moreover, into Ural-Altaic Language groups: Mordvines: Panggo; Cheremissian: Ponggo; Vogul: Pangkh; Ostyak: Pongkh; Yenisei Ostyak: Hanggo; Spanish: Hongo. This provides us with a possible origin of the word angel through variations of linguistic forms for the word "mushroom."

Ibid, #G32. Ibid, #G34. Lynn describes the vessel as often shaped like a bowling pin. Oxford English Dictionary - 2. a. Any article designed to serve as a receptacle for a liquid or other substance, usually one of circular section and made of some durable material; esp. a utensil of this nature in domestic use, employed in connexion with the preparation or serving of food or drink, and usually of a size suitable for carrying by hand. Often with defining term preceding (sometimes hyphenated), indicating its special usc, as dairy, drinking, kitchen, milk- or wine-vessel.

408 Webster:s Third New International Dictionary. 409 Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality, by Wasson, 1968, exhibits 33 to 39; Sec also The Sacred Mushroom: Key to the Door ofEternity, by Andrija Puharich, 1959, ch. 12-13, for more interesting examples.

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Specialists in the Uralic family of languages have greatly contributed to the Uralic aspect of this problem, but no first class scholar has dealt with the linguistic and cultural aspects of the entire pattern of fungal words that are scattered throughout northern Eurasia from the Iberian peninsula to Bering Strait .... For between the Finno-Ugrian languages and the Samoyed languages there exists precisely the same p rv t shift that we find distinguished the Latin and Germanic languages; e.g., Latin pater rv English "father." The Tavgi word, manifesting this basic shift, cannot therefore be a borrowing from Vogul or Zyrian. It goes back to a common ancestor, before the Uralic peoples divided into the Samoyed and the prot-Finno-Ugrian, certainly thousands of years before Christ. We cannot say when the fly-agaric was first used in the northern reaches of Eurasia. We can say, if Castren is to be relied on, that it was being used when the ancestral tongue of the Uralic peoples split up. In any case we feel safe in saying, on the evidence supplied by the Uralic languages, that the fly-agaric was being invoked as a divine inebriant before the Aryans left their ancestral home and long before the Rig Veda was composed .... Was not the pon cluster of the Uralic peoples borrowed, perhaps as far back as Uralic times, from [by] the neighboring IndoEuropeans? If the thesis of this book is right, the Aryans were using the fly-agaric in their religious rites before they left their homeland. The Indo-Iranians do not possess a word of the pon cluster, because under tabu influences they had replaced it by Soma or Haoma, and the original word was lost. 410 [emphasis added] rv R. Gordon Wasson

Figure 137- Magliabecchiano Codex, 16th century, shows a shaman eating mushrooms and a spirit behind him, speaking through the mushroom.

Figure 13 7 is an example of 16'h century art depicting psilocybin mushrooms, with a shaman sitting on a stump holding a mushroom. Behind the shaman is the spirit of the mushroom (the angel) speaking through him.

410 Soma, by Wasson, 1968, pg. 164-65-69.

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Figure 138 is another representation of the Annunciation, depicting the symbol for the scepter as the serpent-entwined caduceus, the Egyptian key of life. A magic wand-like device represents something used to transport souls from one dimension to another. The image shows the spirit of Jesus being transferred from another dimension into this dimension (into the Virgin Mary) by way of the caduceus. We can see the dove up above as well, completing the snake/bird template by providing the wings above the serpent-entwined staff. In nearly all art depictions of the Annunciation, in front of Mary sits a vase of white, bell-shaped flowers. Many of these depictions have been argued by Carl Ruck, et a!, to be the entheogenic plant datura. 411


Figure 138 -The Annunciation, thought to be by Bartel Bruyn, 17th century

For 2,000 years, a puzzle has perplexed the millions of people who study the Christian Bible. This mystery concerns the 13th chapter of the book of Revelation. In this chapter, a beast is mentioned as a world power that will rise up and plague humankind. This beast is commonly referred to as the Antichrist. Over the last two millennia, a world power has indeed come onto the scene, which seems to fit the description of this prophecy. Strangely enough, the first and only world power that emerged as a suitable candidate is the Roman Catholic Church, with the Vatican and the Pope.

Many people understand the figures 666 to mean the devil or Satan. However, in ancient philosophy, most everything symbolic had a dual meaning. The mushroom is both God and Devil, Virgin and whor*, Demon and Angel. The caduceus is both the Mark of the Beast and the Seal of God-the 666. 412 Do not be ignorant of me. For I am the first and the last. I am the honored one and the scorned one. I am the whor* and the holy one. I am the wife and the virgin. I am the mother and the daughter. "' Excerpt from The Thunder, Perfect Mind 413

411 Celdnin, Jose & Ruck, Carl. Daturas for the Virgin- Entheos Vol. I No.2, 2002. 412 Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, by Heinrich, Ch. 14, 'Heaven and Hell'. 413 The Nag Hammadi Library, cd. by Robinson, pg. 297.

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148 I Chapter Ten: More Symbolism When early people began to write words rather than to express ideas in pictures, they used an alphabet much more instinctual than ours. Ancient written languages like Phoenician, Egyptian and Hebrew did not use vowels at all. The Bible, as we know it, was originally written in two languages, Greek and Hebrew. Neither of these, at the time the Bible was written, had an accompanying number system. Every word in ancient Greek and Hebrew could encompass both a literary meaning and a numerical value (the sum of the values of the individual letters). Gematria (assigning numerical values to letters) was most likely used by the Phoenicians as well. Through gematria, we find that the numbers 666 have a peculiar alphabetical equivalent in the Greek language. The alphabetical equivalent of 666 in the ancient Greek alphabet was Chi X Xi ~ Stigma c;. 414 Chi = 600 Xi = 60 and Stigma = 6. For confirmation of this, we first tum to Revelation 13:18 and find the words "six hundred threescore and six." Next, we tum to the Strong:~ Concordance, and look up what the original words were in ancient Greek, and we see that Strong's references us to #5516 of the Greek dictionary. There we find that the actual letters for 666 used in ancient Greek are X ~ ~G5516. X ~ <; chi xi stigma (khee xee stig'-ma) the 22nd, 14th and an obsolete letter (4742 as a cross) of the Greek alphabet (intermediate between the 5th and 6th), used as numbers; denoting respectively 600, 60 and 6; 666 as a numeral-six hundred threescore and six. "' Strongs Concordance

In the modem Greek alphabet, stigma equals 90, and sigma equals 200, but in the ancient Greek, as Strong's has proven, stigma equals 6. All other theories that we have found fail to verifY the original value of the stigma character. 415 To understand what this mark of the beasf' 16 is, ancient Greek must be used. In the modem Greek alphabet, these letters are different. A straight X represents the chi, the Xi is represented with three dashes (3) or "three score," and the sigma (which now represents 200) looks something between a Z and an E (~).


X S s (X <;) is also connected with Isis and is a symbol of Christ and the serpent. As Dr. E. W. Bullinger relates in Number in Scripture: This letter c; (called the Stigma) is used for the number 6. Why this letter and number should be thus associated we cannot tell, except that both are intimately connected with the ancient Egyptian "mysteries." The three letters 5 5 5 (in Greek L L L) were the symbol of Isis, which is thus connected with 666. Indeed the expression of this number, xE;c;, consists of the initial and tina/letters of the word XPIOT6c; (Christos), Christ, viz., x and c;, with the symbol of the serpent between them, x-E;-c;. 417 "' Dr. E. W. Bullinger

Christmas is often abbreviated X-Mas because of the historical association of the Greek letter X with Jesus Christ. 414 Number in Scripture, by Bullinger, 1894. 415 We mention both the sigma and stigma characters because they both represent the serpent and are often mistaken for one another. 416 By looking at the word stigma itself, as defined by Oxford English Dictionary, other important details arc revealed. Stigma means mark, or marks: "[m]arks resembling the wounds on the crucified body of Christ, said to have been supernaturally

impressed on the bodies of certain saints and other devout persons ... Sometimes extended to other marks, as crosses, sacred names, etc., supposed to be supernaturally impressed." 417 Number in Scripture, by Bullinger, 1894, pg. 49.

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Sometimes Greek, Catholic and Gnostic artwork depicts Jesus Christ with the first, second and last letters ofChristos, XPS. 418

Figure 139 - The Chi Rho - the monogram for Jesus Christ

The Chi Rho (Xp) is known as the monogram for Jesus Christ (Figure 139). Surrounding this symbol (above) is a wreath or the ouroboros (serpent) with two birds. They are all touching the ouroboros standing on the cross. A mark is quite similar to a brand (trade mark), and the Chi Rho is the original mark of the Catholic Church and Jesus. The mark is a monogram: a single letter made by combining two or more letters. Legend has it that Emperor Constantine had a vision or a dream of the Chi Rho symbol in the sky next to the words "In this sign you will conquer." Constantine then placed the Chi Rho symbol on his soldiers' shields and won a battle in which his army was outnumbered. This decisive battle won him his place as emperor.

418 Oxford English Dictionary: In writing the name Christ, especially in abbreviated form, X or x represents the first letter (kal) of Gr. XPICTOC khristos, and XP or xp the first two letters (kalmu). Hence in early times XX, in modern times Xt, Xt, and X, arc used as abbreviations of the syllable Christ, alone or in derivatives; thus tXpen, Xpn = christen, tXpcnncd = christened; tXpian, Xtian(ity) = Christian(ity); Xmas (Xstmas, Xtmas) =Christmas. tXpc stands for XPC, the contracted form ofXPICTOC; cf. IHS.

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I Chapter Ten: More Symbolism

Figure 140- Chi Rho- symbolic of Christ (left)

Rho Chi- symbolic of drugs (right)

Here again is the symbol for the Chi Rho, the "Xp," and the symbol for the pharmacies, Rx (Rho Chi). The P and the Rare interchangeable in Greek, the original language of the New Testament. So if we take the X of the Chi Rho "Xp" and slide it over just a little, the Rx is revealed. Is this really a P, or is it an R? It is an interchangeable symbol for drugs or for Jesus. In the symbology of these letters, in our estimation, the Chi (X) actually represents the caduceus with the serpent laid over the staff or the column, all on its own. Additionally, in the other letters, the Xi(~) represents the entwined serpent-the staff of Asclepius, and the Stigma (~) represents a small serpent(s). Therefore, each letter is the serpent or the caduceus, in and of itself. And as we mentioned previously, the letter 'S' (Serpent) is always symbolic of God.

Figure 142- Chi Rho and Rho Chi

Once again, Figure 142 shows the Chi on the lower left with the caduceus on the lower Figure 141- Caduceus right. The serpent is overlying the staff on the Chi, and the serpents overlie the staff on the caduceus. Above is the Christian symbol, Chi Rho (XP ), and the pharmaceutical prescription symbol, Rho Chi (px). Rx is often argued to be the abbreviation for recipe in Latin. This symbol plays a role on the earth and in the heavens as well. Howard W. Haggard, M.D., relates "According to some scholars it [Rx] is an abbreviation for "recipe", meaning take, but others hold that it is the astrological sign of Jupiter, under whose protection medicine was generally placed."419 Christ can here be seen in the alchemical sense as the recipe for psychedelic

419 Mystery, Magic, and Medicine, by Howard Haggard, M.D., 1933, pg 25.

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oils (Chrism) and other entheogenic mixtures--drugs. The mark that governs the trade of these and other "drugs" (to this very day) is the symbol made when the Greek x ~~are laid upon each other-the caduceus. John 3:14-15 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life . ... priests were considered "physicians of the soul," and the early Church hierarchy included "doctors," i.e., Therapeuts, who were also wandering drug-peddlers. In fact, the professions of medicine and divinity were inseparable, and those doctors or healers who received their degrees from the University of Alexandria were viewed as true apostles, while those who did not were deemed false. 420 "'Acharya 5 To this day, we continue to use these symbols in order to differentiate between the so-called false healers and those with the degrees-the bearers of the caduceus, who have sequestered the use of natural plants for healing and spiritual use.

Figure 143- Caesar Nero with Mercury bearing the caduceus- coin- c. 60 CE Many people believe that Caesar Nero was the Anti-Christ, 666. On many old coins, you can find Caesar Nero on one side and Mercury (Hermes) on the other side, holding the caduceus. Revelation 13: 16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six. The Catholic Church has been called the beast for a number of years. Recently, the Seventh Day Adventists have been the chief promoters of this concept. Part of the Adventists' objection is to the changing of the calendar by the Catholic Church and the subsequent changing of the official day set aside for worship from Saturday to Sunday. This is the 420 The Christ Conspiracy, by Acharya S, 1999, pg. 322.

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primary reasoning behind the name of their organization, Seventh Day Adventist, as well as their principal objection to established Christian dogma. Seventh Day Adventists do a lot of study in the apocryphal books of Daniel and Revelation. The Branch Davidians were a group of Seventh Day Adventists, and David Koresh was one of these. His group was raided by the BATF and FBI and many perished in the ensuing siege that lasted for more than 50 days. Apparently, studying the book of Revelation as a group, on your own farm, does not rank on the top of the tolerated actions list of the U.S. government. The Nazi government is considered a major manifestation of the spirit of the Antichrist by many students of Revelation. The persecution of the Jews and the mass murder of millions qualify Adolf Hitler as an evil figure of international high-profile status. One thing that is not mentioned, as far as we have found, is the uncanny similarity between the swastika421 and the Greek letter Chi. The swastika is an ancient symbol and in Germanic lore was associated with the god Wodhanaz. Wodhanaz is the name for the Scandinavian god Odin. Celts and Druids also have similar icons and share many myths with Germanic, Norse and Scandinavian gods. Wodhanaz is the Germanic counterpart of Jesus, in that he too was sacrificed on a tree. He is even more closely related to the Jewish Joshua. All of these gods are simply personifications and anthropomorphisms of the Amanita muscaria and Amanita pantherina, the latter being forever linked to the oak because oak is one of its host trees. The connection between the swastika, the mark of Jesus (X), the oak, and the number 600 are all a part of the big picture and the discovery of the actual mark of the beast. Joshua 24:26 (KJV) And Joshua wrote these words in the book of the law of God, and took a great stone, and set it up there under an oak, that was by the sanctuary of the LORD.

The idea of setting a mark upon someone can be traced back to the origins of slavery. Slavery has been found all over the world since prehistory. Egypt, Africa, the Middle East, China and Europe all have their history of slavery. The first instance of a mark in the Bible comes to us in Genesis 4:15, where Cain is marked so none will kill him: And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

What the mark is, how it was administered, and what it looked like is left unexplained in the Bible. But it must have been visible to others, or it would not serve the purpose given. In 2 Samuel 13:28 a mark is set upon Ammon (Amen), but this time the mark means exactly the opposite from the mark set upon Cain-this mark is the mark of death. This illustrates the duality of the mark principal. One mark indicates protection from death and the other indicates death itself. This is followed into the book of Revelation where one mark is set by the Angel of God to protect the servants of God and the other mark comes from the beast and signifies eventual death. Job uses the term "mark" many times. Job 16:12 says: I was at ease, but he hath broken me asunder: he hath also taken me by my neck, and shaken me to pieces, and set me up for his mark.

"X marks the spot" is common symbolic usage. In fact, it is universal symbolism. The mark is associated with the perfect man in Psalms 37:37. "Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of man is peace." 421

The swastika is found in Buddhist art and Hindu art as well, sometimes rotating clockwise and sometimes rotating counterclockwise. Some say Hitler stole the swastika from India and switched it around to bend the opposite way from its association with good, making it now evil instead, but this is unlikely as it is found pointing in both directions in India and a particular direction is not an indication of good or evil. Strangely, Hitler was raised by Jesuits and was a professed Christian, although most Christians refused to consider this as fact because Hitler was a madman and most assuredly evil. The vast majority of Christians never for an instant consider their religion to have anything to do with evil regardless of the results of their laws or the history of its patriarchs.

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Chapter Ten: More Symbolism I 153 The mark of the archetypal "perfect man" is the cross. The cross is an upright X. In Ezekiel, a mark is set upon the foreheads of selected men in Jerusalem and all other men, women, and children are to be slaughtered. Ezekiel 9:6 Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house.

The Lord slaughtering his own people is a common theme in Israel's sordid past. True or not, it is very strange indeed. God's mark is placed upon the foreheads just as the marks of the beast are placed upon the foreheads in the book of Revelation (13: 16; 14:9). The heretics are marked by Paul in Romans 16:17, where he extols the believer to: ... mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

One can imagine the believers holding both hands with index fingers shaped like crosses to signify rejection of what they are seeing and/or saying. Back on the other side of the fence, in Philippians 3:14, the mark is extolled as the high calling: I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

In Galatians 6:17, the marks of Jesus are claimed by Paul: .. .I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.

THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL The bearer of the caduceus is usually associated with Mercury/Hermes. The word "merchant" derives from the root of the word, "mer-cury."422 Mercury, the bearer of the caduceus, was the one who gave permission to be a merchant or to buy, sell, and trade. To be a merchant, you had to have the symbol of Mercury, the caduceus. To be a merchant, one also had to have the knowledge of the merchandise. This merchandise was commonly herbs, spices, and drugs. Hosea 12:7 (KJV) He [God] is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loveth to oppress.

Today, the dollar sign is likely the caduceus. Though often said to evolve from the Mexican or Spanish "P'" for pesos, or piastres, or pieces of eight, and also from "US," it has been used in other countries as well. As in Revelation 13: 17 (above), we still cannot buy or sell without this mark. And, like single and dual snakes climbing the staff of Asclepius and the caduceus, the dollar sign is represented with both single and dual vertical lines (Figure 144).

422 MERCURY, the messenger of the gods; quicksilver. (F.,- L.) M.E. mercuric, with the sense of quicksilver, Chaucer, C.T. 16240, 16242; as the name of the god, id. 1387.1 ... 1; F. mcrcurc Lat. Mcrcurium, ace, ofMcrcurius, Mercury the god of traffic.- Lat. mere-, stem ofmerx, merchandise; see Merchant. An Etymological Dictionary o{the English Language, By Walter William Skeat, 1893.

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I Chapter Ten : More Symbolism

Figure 145- IHSOUS

Figure 144- Dollar sign

Figure 146- Snake on a pole

The above symbol [Figure 145] is an abbreviation of the Greek name for Jesus (IHSOUS) [which is also "x E; c," and based on the symbol on the right, as we pointed out previously]. The New Testament was written throughout in Greek capital letters, and it was the custom to abbreviate familiar words. When the name Jesus occurred, it was abbreviated, and the scribes used only the first two and last letters. The Greek custom of contraction is to put in first and last letters and indicate omissions by a line over the word - So IhsouS, by omitting "sou" became It was easy to draw a line down through this bar and so we



!~Sand so finally ,_


On Aprill5, 2004, in the Saint Petersburg Times, an article titled "Making Sense of the $1" had this to say about the $symbol: It is possible that the dollar symbol, $, was derived from astrology.

The medieval astrologers sometimes used the symbol $ to denote the planet Mercury - the planet that ruled over such things as commerce. The form of this symbol is said to have been derived from the image of a snake curling along a rod or staff.... The wand, or caduceus, carried by the god Mercury, consisted of a rod with two serpents curled around it. According to the astrological tradition, Mercury ruled finance, banking, and so on, so it is not at all unreasonable that the symbol should be used to denote currency....

Figure 147- Bank of England (Dividend Office) with caduceus on walls 423

It is traditional for banks to have sculpted models of either Mercury or the caduceus on their facades or doors. The Bank of England, in London, has a caduceus on either of the

History of the Cross, the Pa?,an Origin and Idolatrous Adoption and Worship of the Image, by Henry Dana Ward, 1871: Symbols Addendum, by Paul Ticc, 1999.

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main doors. Above the main portal of the Federal Reserve Building, in Washington, D.C., is a sculpture of a female personification of America, 424 holding a caduceus. This was sculpted in 1937, two years after the modern dollar bill was designed and printed. The two roundels on the dollar bill are based on the designs for the Great Seal of the United States. In 1935, Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered that a new dollar bill should be designed. He requested thatthis design should be based on the symbolism of the Great Seal of America. This design was executed by Edward M. Weeks, of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The obverse of this was the famous American eagle, with the shield at its breast. The reverse was the equally famous pyramid design. Both of these designs contained magical and Masonic symbols, and Roosevelt was aware of this ... The dollar bill of 1935 was designed by Freemasons. The most influential men involved in the design of the dollar bill of 1935 were Freemasons. Among these were the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt; the Secretary of Agriculture, Henry A. Wallace; and the Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau. All three were Masons. The Masonic interest in symbols may explain why the dollar bill was carefully designed to convey a wide range of secret symbolism ...

Not only is the caduceus the symbol (mark) of the 666, our chakra system, Jesus, pharmaceutical drugs, and the mushrooms (and other entheogens), but it is also a symbol for currency and finance.

Figure 148 - Dollar sign

BUY NOW- PAY LATER Money can be the root of all evil; greed is a powerful force and has been all throughout history. The "want for more" has led man down a dark path. Today, materialism is normal and even promoted. People are being programmed (with the help of programs on television) into the mindset of"my stuff represents me," and this is horrible. During the course of one year, the average American will see approximately 25,000 commercials. 25,000 times every year, you are told what to watch, wear, eat, sleep on, brush your teeth with, drive, etc. And it works ... very well. These commercials are much more than advertisem*nts for products. They are highly sophisticated corporate tools that promote materialistic values, attitudes, and way of living. And of course, children are the target audience. Advertisers even put their ads on your clothing and charge you extra for doing so! Which is more expensive-a regular sweatshirt, or a regular sweatshirt with the words "Ralph Lauren" across the chest? You are groomed from birth to be a consumer. Your purpose in life (or rather, your purpose in the lives of certain 424 The personification of America is "Libertas," the goddess of personal liberty.

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156 I Chapter Ten: More Symbolism others) is to feel compelled to buy things that you do not necessarily need or even want. It is the media's job to convince you that you actually do want those things, or better yet, that you need those things. Your role as a consumer is to buy these products and maintain the status quo. One is left with the sensation that anything beyond your role as a consumer is none of your business. You go to work so that you can buy "stuff' and maybe pursue a hobby, and that is just about it. The goings on behind the scenes of your government or church is simply designed to be none of your concern. This is reinforced by the bombardment of mindless activities that are meant to make you feel "normal" - things like professional sports and must-see TV that provides us with something to talk about and look forward to. Another example would be something (that only appears to be) taboo or dangerous, such as listening to Howard Stem or watching Jerry Springer. .. designed to provide the average person with an excitement fix before (or after) sitting in your cubicle all day, dosed up on caffeine, making someone else rich. You know when they really have you when you pop 10-20 pills a day, suck down a pack or two of cigarettes, and gulp down as much booze as you can handle and still manage to punch the clock on time and hold down your nine-to-five job. People are scared of sex, scared of drugs, and even scared to walk down their very own street alone at night. The spin-doctors are doing their jobs well when everything we know comes from our television and newspapers, and it all just so happens to agree with the state-sanctioned religious beliefs. To "muse" means to think. Amuse is its opposite-just as amoral is the opposite of moral. So amuse is to not think. All of the amusem*nt that consumes our spare time does nothing to increase our consciousness or further evolve our species. In fact, it enslaves us and sustains the kings and peons paradigm. If we are all to be free, we must all break free of the ignorance is bliss mentality and strive for knowledge.

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Figure 149- Church of the Minor Friars, c. 1340425

One's body (especially the mind) is the temple of God and it is a shame to spend an entire life sitting on the porch, never to have explored the temple. Meditation or prayer will only take you so far. The shaman uses plant substances in combination with meditation to raise the life-force energy and illuminate their crown chakra. In India, some call this energy kundalini, which means "snake or serpent power". 426 1 Corinthians 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

This kundalini energy will rise through the body. It will enlighten each of the chakras, including the third-eye chakra and the crown chakra. Illuminating the third-eye chakra will in tum burst open the crown chakra (often symbolized in artwork, as in Figure 150). The third-eye chakra is often symbolized by placing a dot on the forehead.

Figure 150- Kundalini and chakra system by Nicholas Zervos

425 Background has been darkened to show mushroom-shaped doorway. 426 Kundalini means snake or serpent power in Sanskrit.

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I Chapter Eleven: The Third Eye

The Native American Indian chief wears a feathered headdress to symbolize this higher chakra. He may be wearing snakeskin shoes as well, symbolizing the serpent below and the bird above. The headdress is a representation of his crown chakra being wide open.

Figure 151- Native Chief headdress by Nicholas Zervos

This is symbolized often in different traditions. In Figure 152 we see Sixtus II with his crown chakra opened, symbolized by placing a shell behind his head. On either side are entwined columns.

Figure 152- St. Sixtus II, 1481.By Sandro Botticelli, Cappella Sistina, Vatican, Rome Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity :1· Pagan Roots

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In many cultures, people will wear feathers over their head, symbolizing the crown chakra. In the story of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit comes down onto man and rests over the heads of the people in the temple. The Holy Spirit, represented as a flame, is symbolic of crown chakra illumination. The time of year that Pentecost is celebrated is also quite symbolic ...

Figure 153- Pentecost flame by Nicholas Zervos

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365 days in a year

Figure 154 - Diagram of the Immaculate Conception, Pentecost and Christmas in relation to human birth

49 days after the Innnaculate Conception is Pentecost (Pente=50 and Pentecost is held on the eve of the 50'h day). Guatama meditated underneath a tree for 49 days, after which he became the Buddha. The human embryo, on the 49'h day after conception, technically becomes a fetus. Jn the womb, a developing human is called an embryo for the first 49 days. After 49 days, a developing human is called a fetus. There is a 49-day period that happens repeatedly in mythology427 , and it also happens within our body. Pentecost represents the spirit coming down into humankind, or rather, one's spirit entering the mother's womb 49 days after conception. 428

427 The number seven is said to esoterically contain the entire universe. 7 x 7 = 49. 428 For more information sec DMT The Spirit Molecule, by Strassman, 2001. In addition, choosing the host body is a philosophy held by some eastern religions.

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It can be argued that at 49 days after conception, the pineal

gland is formed enough to metabolize and discharge its first full dose ofDMT (dimethyltryptamine). It is suggested that the 49'h day is the moment that the soul actually enters into the body. This is the first day that the fetus can actually be considered alive. There is a great deal of data suggesting that the pineal may produce DMT, although this has not been established scientifically. There are very high levels of the necessary ingredients in the pineal, both in terms of chemical precursors, and the enzymes necessary for converting Figure 155- DMT (C12 N2 H16) those precursors into DMT. There *are* data demonstrating the production of 5-methoxyDMT (a powerful analogue of DMT) in the test tube, using pineal tissue and precursors. No-one has looked carefully at the pineal for DMT production. Even if the pineal does not produce DMT, there are organs that have been firmly established to do so: lung, brain, and red blood cells. DMT levels increase with stress (be it via pineal, or these other organs), are measurable at birth in mammals, and the brain transports into its confines as much DMT as it needs, if there is not enough produced locally in the brain. Thus, the theories I've proposed about the role and function of DMT do not necessarily hinge upon pineal production, although if pineal did produce DMT, it would make a *very* tidy package! rv Dr. Rick Strassman

Theories have proliferated in the last several years that the pineal gland sends a flood ofDMT to the brain and that this is responsible for the intense visions many people experience, as often reported, at death. It is common for a Buddhist to recite from the book of the dead for 49 days after the loss of a loved one as their soul passes through the Bardo. This is something that Christians may recognize as purgatory-the period after death, and before the next phase. In the cycle of reincarnation, there is a 49-day period where we are not a human, although our host human body has been created. Could this 49'h day be the time when our spirit enters into this host, deciding what sex it will be as the fingers and toes begin to develop, the eyelids begin to form and close, etc.? Dr. Rick Strassman, author of DMT the Spirit Molecule, was (at the time his research began) the first doctor for over 20 years allowed to perform psychedelic or entheogenic studies in the U.S. He conducted his study at the University of New Mexico, where it took him many years to acquire the permits and begin actual research. One of the many things Strassman examined while doing research on DMT and other entheogens was to look at the possibility of endogenous DMT production in the brain's pineal gland. It was confirmed during the 1970s that DMT is a neurotransmitter in mammalian brains. 429 With intravenous DMT injections, Strassman was also able to recreate (unintentionally) the alien abduction experiences, as well as many levels of out-of-body and "religious" experiences, in a clinical setting. The most potent psychedelic substances known to man (variations of DMT) are found naturally in entheogenic mushrooms (as congeners) 430 and inside the human body (quite possibly secreted from the third eye - the pineal gland). Knowing this, we get a profound interconnection between science and religion. The churches and temples are there waiting for us to replace the wine and crackers with a true sacrament. 431 Temples will last much longer than the ideologies they were built upon and new (or rather, archaic) philosophies must (re)emerge as this new Age unfolds. 429 Pharmacotheon, by Ott; Christian et al. 1976, 1977; Corbett et al., 1978. 430 There arc many variations ofDMT- sec Pharmacotheon, by Ott, 1996; Food of the 431 The authors of this book honestly believe that this is where humankind is heading.


by McKenna, 1993.

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THE EYE WITHIN The pupil of the eye dilates with the introduction of tryptamines. The widening of the pupil accompanies visual acuity and an increase in visible light spectrum recognition and perception. Reports from Norway detail darkroom studies with DMT, which describe an ability to see infrared light glowing from humans in complete darkness. The studies were several weeks long (in total darkness) and were designed to activate the pineal gland in test subjects. Long periods of total darkness are important to Hindu and Buddhist practices, as well as other indigenous shamanic cultures in the East, Africa, and the Americas. Caves (symbolic of the earth's womb) were often used for initiation and meditation for time periods ranging from days to years. Some tribes in South America are known to raise a young shaman in a cave from birth to teenage years. This practice of returning to a womb-like state hyper-develops internal vision as well as preserving pineal gland function. The pineal gland, after 49 days, is known to be very active throughout the gestation period in the womb, during birth and so on. However, pineal gland function diminishes and the gland tends to calcifY and atrophy badly by the time a child enters their teens. This atrophy should be taken very seriously as a detrimental effect caused by conditions in the environment. These conditions need to be documented and evaluated in order to help prevent this degradation. Diet may play a role in this phenomenon. A diet deficient Figure 156- Kundalini with open chakra system in tryptophan results in decreased pineal gland function. Without this precursor enzyme, metabolism chains are This meditating man is shown with his chakra system broken. There may be additional reasons for decreased being opened by the kundalini energy. Above his head, pineal gland function and atrophy, involving a lack of between his third eye and crown chakra, notice the proper stimulation. Without proper stimuli, the pineal wings on the head. We actually do have what appear to gland may atrophy simply due to nonuse. be wings in our head.

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In our bodies, we have wings above our spinal staff. This darkened area in Figure 157, looking like wings, is the ventricle system of the brain. The ventricle system of the brain is a series of cavities and chambers that allow cerebrospinal fluid to flow around the brain. Cerebrospinal fluid is the fluid that the brain floats in to protect itself from injury. Small amounts of DMT and 5-MeO-DMT can be found in the cerebrospinal fluid of psychiatrically normal humans, schizo-phrenics and manics. "' Corbett et a I. 19 78 There is DMT in the spinal fluid. That's well established. 432 "' Dr. Rick Strassman

Figure 157 -Ventricle system of the brain

The finding of DMT in normal human body fluids opens up interesting legal questions. Since DMT is illegal, as is "any material, compound, mixture or preparation" containing DMT, it would seem that we are all guilty of possession of a controlled substance. Possession, or possession with intent to sell, of other human beings is clearly proscribed by modern "controlled substances" legislation !433 rv Jonathon Ott

It was once believed that the brain had only three ventricles, i.e., the laterals

(considered as one), the third, and the fourth. Albertus Magnus, better known as Albert the Great (circa 1250), is called "the Great," and "Doctor Universalis" (Universal Doctor), in recognition of his extraordinary genius and extensive knowledge. He was proficient in every branch of learning cultivated in his day, and surpassed all his contemporaries (except, perhaps, Roger Bacon 1214-94), in the knowledge of nature. 434 Magnus depicted these cavities with three circles of equal size, filling the entire cranium (Figure 158). In regards to the Brahma-randhra435 as the greatest of the chambers in the brain, Dr. Rele436 says that this cavity is constantly secreting a fluid called "the nectar of life" or "the divine fluid," bathing the spinal cord and the brain. When the information regarding DMT is applied to this, the cerebrospinal fluid is one and the same with the "the nectar of life," "the divine fluid," "tears of the sky god," and "the tears of Christ." In search of their Elixir of Life, alchemists discovered the occult properties of a certain mysterious "dew" and were inspired to write

Figure 158 - Albertus Magnus, 1260

432 I. Brown, Smythies, Morin, In: Wood, ed. Neurobiology ofCerebrospinal Fluid. v. 2. New York: Plenum, 1983:173-7. 2; Smythies, Morin, Brown Identification of dimethyltryptamine and 0-methylbufotenin in human cerebrospinalfluid by combined gm· chromatography/mass 433 434 435 436

spectrometry. Bioi Psychiatry 1979; 14:549-56. Pharmacotheon, by Ott, pg. 185. Catholic Encyclopedia Online. In the Yogic texts, the Brahma Randhra (fissure into pure consciousness) is often identified with the fontanelle at the top ofthc skull. It is said to be the entry point and exit of the soul. Sec The Mysterious Kundalini, by V.G. Rcle, 1985.

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In Egyptian mythology, the Eye of Horus was pulled or plucked from his head by Seth, or "Set." Now we begin to understand from whence the microcosmic symbol of the Eye of Horus came. 439 It is literally our third eye inside the brain. Horus was the son of the sun, just as Jesus is "God's sun on earth." The (one) Eye of Horus represents the mushroom's effect on the third eye (internal vision), opened by those mystifying substances found within mushrooms and naturally within our brains. This visual/symbolic representation has an actual purpose, and that is why it is portrayed in just that particular way. Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

In one way, the caduceus is a perfect symbol for allopathic medicine because it is based upon poisons being taken into the body in the hope that it will kill the disease before it kills the host. 440 Allopathic medicine is based on the use of drugs. Unfortunately, pharmaceutical medicines are unnatural. A pharmaceutical company cannot patent a naturally occurring substance. This means they do not have any financial interest in researching or Figure 160- The third-eye chakra/ventricle system, promoting any natural medicine, no matter how good it represented by the eye of Horus. is. As opposed to using the ayurvedic approach, Western medicine finds naturally occurring substances and take them into the laboratory where they alter the plants, patent their alterations, and market their new drug. Whereas the original, natural substance may have cured disease, the altered product is just skewed enough to maintain the disease. The allopathic agenda is not to cure disease but to provide "disease maintenance." Snakes occur naturally as does their venom; allopathic medicine uses no natural medicines. Therefore, in actuality, their use of the caduceus is a mockery. Practitioners of allopathy have rejected nature and have glorified the works of man. The true caduceus represents the human body; the snakes are nature's drugs in the body, climbing the spinal column to the brain.

439 On the macrocosm, the Eye of Horus was the "eye of the sun." The dark phase is caused by Set, who steals or wounds the Eye of Horus. See Symbols, Sex, and the Stars, by Busenbark, pg. 51. 440 Consider chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer patients.

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THE MISSING LINK Terence McKenna was a famous philosopher, researcher, scientist and mathematician. He wrote several books and created many theories, including concepts of time and time travel, wormholes, and Habit and Novelty theory. His primary research surrounded shamanism and the spiritual use of entheogens. While we disagree with McKenna that Soma contained only the Psilocybe mushroom, which he argues in his book Food of the Gods, he does make a most interesting case that mushrooms acted as a catalyst, which propelled human evolution into the conscious beings we are today. The way entheogens are worshipped worldwide makes his theory most suggestive. In brief, this is how McKenna explained this theory. These next few pages were built upon notes taken from a two-day workshop at the California Institute of Integral Studies in 1995 given by the late McKenna, as well as other thoughts and ideas that he has presented:

Figure 161- Terence McKenna

In nature and in our own homes, we see that animals have "mono-diets" with very little variation in taste or flavor. This is what they prefer. Animals are highly specialized in their choice of foods. A random diet for an animal in nature is a reckless diet. A good strategy for survival in a species is having a specific and specialized diet, thereby developing enzymes that can handle substances that might otherwise make one ill. Consequently, most animals seem to evolve to these very bland monodiets.

When something happens that drives these animals from their natural habitat, they can choose to either starve to extinction or change their "palate" and become more flexible in their diet, trying out previously rejected potential foods from the environment. This is the origin of experimentation with unknown plants. As the rainforest retreated due to changes in weather patterns and climate, our primal ancestors were forced to experiment with new foods. Our remote, forest-dwelling ancestors were fruitarianinsectivores. They were forced out of the trees and began exploring the grasslands for food. Now look at us. Our palates are wide open and our species enjoys a wide variety of spices and foods, not just from the area where we live, but foods from all over the world (whether or not this is a healthy choice is not the issue here). One food source that they would surely have stumbled upon in the grasslands would have been mushrooms. Many mushrooms growing in grassland areas and on the dung of cattle contain Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots

Figure 162- Psilocybe cubensis growing on cow dung

Chapter Eleven: The Third Eye



psilocybin. Psilocybin is one of the major psychoactive alkaloids that can only be found in the fungus world. McKenna stated that "Psilocybin is the best model for human interaction with a psychedelic; other man-made psychedelics (LSD and the like) are all an effort to return to or somehow evoke the human relationship with psilocybin." Aside from their psychedelic qualities, these mushrooms have other attributes. In lower doses, psilocybin increases visual acuity and edge detection. 441 This has been proven under laboratory settings. 442 Enhanced edge detection would be at a high premium for any animals that found themselves in a hunter/prey situation. Whether for the hunter or the hunted, having sharp vision could be the difference between life and death (or dinner vs. no dinner). Blurred vision would be a benefit in very few, if any situations. After one passes the point of edge detection in low dosages of psilocybin, at slightly higher doses, as the eyes dilate further, one begins to increase in consciousness and see into other dimensions. Animals who accept something into their diet that increases edge detection and gifts them with slightly better vision (mushrooms containing psilocybin) would have slightly enhanced success in hunting. The better hunter an animal is, the more nutrition they have for themselves and for their offspring, offspring who are in tum raised eating this psychedelic mushroom. Also, by increasing the dose, mushrooms containing psilocybin cause arousal, meaning sexual arousal as well as inability to sleep or restlessness. Here is a species with plenty of food and offspring, thus out-breeding the nonmushroom-using members of the population. Once a certain dosage is reached (this is variable depending on the specific mushroom and the body weight of the person), one experiences a full-blown shamanic "religious" experience. 443 Whatever it was that kept us in the same mental category as the other animals for so long was interrupted by the introduction of particular items to our diet. These mushrooms are perhaps responsible for many of the things that make us human: language, art, poetry, dance, music ... all of the things that separate us from other animals sprang into existence circa 100,000 years ago. This mushroom could quite literally be the "missing link." Humans are the most conscious of all animals, maybe because we are carnivores. Cows have very little interest in the goings on of the birds or prairie dogs that share the same field with them. Carnivores, on the other hand, have an acute interest in the behaviors of other animals. The earliest consciousness was not of self-awareness or of selfconsciousness, but rather of how dinner must be thinking. Because, if the hunter can think in the manner in which its prey thinks, the hunter can then place itself ahead of the path of its prey, having the upper hand in the hunt. Our primal ancestor's attention to the behavior patterns of other animals was all that it took to knock over the first domino of human evolution. Our canopy-dwelling ancestors (according to McKenna's Theory of Evolution) were forced into a grassland environment where psilocybin mushrooms flourished, where both large and small animals were preying upon one another for survival. As this species in a new environment made adaptive choices, it moved further and deeper into the realm of consciousness. It then learned the patterns of other animals, the growth cycles of the new plant environment, where to find water and shelter, etc.-spoken and written language were right around the evolutionary comer. However, and contrary to McKenna's theory, research by Peter Webster argues that humans (and animals) have always had a drive for intoxication, and that this drive for intoxication was something that happened long before humans ever left the canopy of trees. The Locus Coeruleus is the brain's center for the auto detection of salience (the quality

441 Sharpness, clear vision. 442 See Roland Fischer, et al, "Interpretation of visual space under drug-induced ergotropic and trophotropic arousal," 1971, and "Psilocybininduced contraction of nearby visual space," 1970, in the Journal ofInflammation Research. 443 Tripping: An Anthology of True-Life Psychedelic Adventures, edited and with an introduction and other texts by Charles Hayes- this book has many reports from men and women who choose to partake in psychedelics.

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I Chapter Eleven : The Third Eye

of leaping or springing up, 444 (as in self-defense)) - without conscious deliberation. An increase in awareness of our surroundings would therefore increase our perception and reaction to our environment and circ*mstances. There is a radical increase in the perception of salience in all psychedelic drug experiences. A sudden and radical increase in the auto-detection of salience, for no apparent logical reason, can lead to a cascade of heightened perception and thought ending in ultimate awareness. [ ... ] The effect of psychedelic drugs, the sudden increase of salience-detection, would be the perfect candidate for over-ruling normal ignore ance, for over-ruling the habitual everyday consciousness that favoured simple survival and reproduction. 445 "' Peter Webster

OUROBORIC PSILOCYBE Figure 163 446 is a photograph of a Psilocybe mushroom. A color image reveals the stipe of the mushroom turning blue. When one grabs hold of these mushrooms and bruises them, they bruise blue, similar to a magnolia tree's white flower bruising brown. These mushrooms can be kept for generations to come by submerging the mushrooms in honey. Honey makes an ideal, natural preservative. The blue bruising will stain the honey blue over time, thus making the honey itself psychoactive. This honey is more popularly known as blue honey. 447 Exodus 16:31-33 The people of Israel called the bread manna. It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey. Moses said, "This is what the LORD has commanded: 'Take an omer of manna and keep it for the generations to come, so they Figure 163- Psilocybe cubensis bruising blue can see the bread I gave you to eat in the desert when I brought you out of Egypt. So Moses said to Aaron, "Take a jar and put an omer of manna in it. Then place it before the LORD to be kept for the generations to come."

As we discussed, the properties of the Amanita are perfected in the recycling process and this is why alchemical images often depict the homunculus urinating into a fountain, flask or cistern. This process is alchemy at its finest. It is the perfection and transformation of the soul through the consumption of the true gold. Kelly Ivors, Ph.D., suggested in a lecture in Oregon that Psilocybe mushrooms can be recycled as well. Psilocybin (4-Phosphorloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine) also decarboxylates, and it seems this is the difference between it and 444 445 446 447

Oxford English Dictionary, 1989. Psychedelics in Eden, by Peter Webster, 2004. Photograph by John W. Allen. See-

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Chapter Eleven : The Third Eye I 169 Psilocin (4-Hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine). 448 It was previously believed that only Amanitas possessed this characteristic. Psilocin449 possesses a rather unusual property for a DMT congener. 450 It is orally active all by itself, unlike similar drugs such as DMT, or 5-MEO-DMT, which have little or no effect when taken orally. DMT and 5-MEO-DMT are altered and made inactive by a digestive enzyme named "monoamine oxidase," or MAO. Hence, even rather large doses of DMT or 5-MEO-DMT will fail to have much effect, if any, via simple oral ingestion. 451 Psilocin, however, has an oxygen atom at the 4-position on the indole ring. This oxygen is able to form a weak hydrogen-type bond with the nitrogen on the carbon "tail" of the psilocin molecule, via the rotatable carbon-carbon bonds on the same tail. This association hinders MAO from altering the psilocin molecule in the gut, allowing it to enter the bloodstream and then the brain. Note that this oxygen must be at the indole 4-position to have this property. If the oxygen is anywhere else on the ring, the nitrogen will not be able to get close enough to the oxygen to shield it from MAO (see Figures 164-167). Activity from simple ingestion may be important from a myco-human-evolutionary point of view. Here we have a powerful DMT-congener, which is active via simple ingestion. No special shamanic knowledge is required to prepare these psychedelic mushrooms for ingestion in order to experience their ensuing entheogenic effects (take and eat). This is in contrast to DMT-containing Ayahuasca, because when brewing Ayahuasca, the shaman is combining two ordinary-looking plant species into a brew from among thousands of other ordinary-looking plant species. Here, shamanic knowledge is required to obtain an entheogenic effect. Ergot also requires special knowledge and preparation. In the case of entheogenic mushrooms, merely gathering and eating will do the trick. This simplicity would support the idea that if indeed psychedelic substances are the basis of much of humankind's mental and religious evolution, then psychoactive mushrooms played a big part in the primordial scene. 452

Figure 164- Psilocybin, as it is found in the fungus.

Figure 165- Psilocin, resulting from dephosphorylation of psilocybin.

448 This was also verified by Sahsa Shulgin at the Telluride Mushroom Festival in 2000. 449 Psilocin is related to psilocybin, the. psychoactive component of cnthcogenic mushrooms, in the following way: inside the mushroom, psilocybin is "phosphorylated," but once ingested, psilocybin is "dcphosphorylatcd" to psilocin, which is the form that reaches the brain. 450 Oxford English Dictionary- congener: A member of the same kind or class with another, or nearly allied to another in character. 451 In Chapter 4, we mentioned the use of a naturally occurring MAO inhibitor, which will allow for the digestion of these drugs. 452 Thanks to Dan Hillman and Dr. Dennis McKenna for their assistance here.

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I Chapter Eleven : The Third Eye

Figure 166- Protonated psilocin. Nitrogen hinders access to oxygen on indole-4 position. Attack from digestive enzymes hindered.

Figure 167- Protonated 5-MEO-DMT. Nitrogen too far from oxygen to hinder attack from digestive enzymes.

CONTACT The most curious notion we have come across in our research on entheogenic mushrooms and plants is the suggestion that entheogens are some sort of alien intelligence. We admit this theory, also first proposed by McKenna, is only speculation. However, as McKenna would say, "For your edification and amusem*nt," we will entertain this idea in brief. As we noted, as an outcome of Dr. Strassman's research, the so-called alien abduction experience was reproduced in the laboratory with DMT. Inside Psilocybe mushrooms is Dimethyltryptamine. 453 These certain types of mushrooms contain psilocybin which is a congener form ofDMT, the most potent psychedelic substance known to man, which is produced in the human brain, lungs, and blood (and in almost all plants and animals). The theory is that these mushrooms may not only be the missing link, but also alien communication or even alien technology. A postscript to this theory is that DMT is the chemical link to the fabric of reality. This alien communication may not be extraterrestrial454 , but from right here on earth. It is staggering to learn that these mushrooms and other entheogenic substances have, until recently, been taken off the scientific agenda and are still illegal to possess. 455 If we are going to spend so much time, money, and effort searching the stars for "alien intelligence," it would be wise to search all plant and fungus life on the earth as well. 456 ls it possible that something somewhere has encoded data into the entheogens, and by ingesting these substances, we can interpret this data? We know that ants lay pheromone trails and can encode information into a scent that other ants use to determine where to go and what to do. Could mushrooms, and other entheogens, be likened to interspecies pheromones that contain information from somewhere in the cosmos and/or Mother Earth herself?

453 4-Phosphorloxy-N,N-dimcthyltryptamine, also known as 0-phosphoryl-4-hydroxy-N,N-dimcthyltryptaminc. 454 On November 10, 2005, New Scientist ran an article, "Hardy lichen shown to survive in space" which may now give further support for McKenna's theory. 455 As mentioned earlier, psilocybin is now being tested on some cancer patents as a way to, among other things, quell the fear of death. This is a welcome step in the right direction and everyone involved, staff and patients, should be highly praised. 456 Terence McKenna.

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Chapter Eleven : The Third Eye



Jeremy Narby, Ph.D., spent many years in the Amazon as an anthropologist. In his book, The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins ofKnowledge, Dr. Narby discusses the possibility that entheogens, especially DMT (as found in Ayahuasca), allow the body (and/or the mind) to somehow communicate (possibly by telepathy) with other animals and plant species through photons emitted by DNA. "The DNA helix releases photons at a rate of up to approximately l 00 units per second and per square centimeter. .. the wavelength at which DNA emits these photons corresponds exactly to the narrow band of visible light. " 457 The visual representation of the DNA helix is also very similar in design to the caduceus. When one experiences this phenomenon, it leaves little doubt (as Narby once doubted the possibility before his own personal experience) that somehow this communication through plant contact is real.

Figure 168- DNA

This idea [Hypercarbolation] that he [Dennis] has that some hallucinogens work by fitting into DNA is startling. 458 ,.__Terence McKenna, regarding Dennis McKenna.

457 The Cosmic Serpent, by Jeremy Narby, 1998, pg. 126, quoting Rattcnmcycr ct al. (1981 ), Popp (1986), Li (1992), Van Wijk and Van Akcn (1992), Nigg1i (1992), Mci (1992), and Popp, Gu, and Li (1994), and Popp (1986, p. 207). 458 True Hallucinations, by Terence McKenna, 1993, pg. 21.

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Chapter Twelve Psychedelic Vestige

Figure 169 - Vishnu

Figure 170 - Shiva

Vishnu (Figure 169) is depicted with serpents at his feet, while up above his head he has the shell shape represented by the cobras. He also has the sun behind his back, representing the macrocosm. Notice that Vishnu's body is blue, just like the body of the Psilocybe mushroom. Shiva (Figure 170) has an extensive following. According to Hindu mythology, when the demons and deities churned the Milky Ocean, 14 jewels surfaced, one of which was poison. Poisonous fumes threatened to overwhelm the entire world, so Shiva drank the poison. The poison was so intense that Shiva's throat turned blue, which is why Shiva earned the nickname Nilakantha (the blue-throated). 459 Also, note the Third Eye in this image of Shiva.

459 This paragraph is a summary of the Epic Mythology: The Gods and Demons Chum the Ocean to Obtain Ambrosia, translated from Sanskrit; sec Magic Mu~hrooms in Religion and Alchemy, by Heinrich, 2002, for more information.

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Chapter Twelve : Psychedelic Vestige

I 173

Krishna (Figure 171) is also blue, and he is typically depicted with a cow or cattle to his right. Why are cows sacred and holy in Hindu mythology and why is Krishna blue? As we just pointed out, the blue color represents psilocybin, because of the reaction that happens when contact is made with the stem of the mushroom. Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms grow on cow dung. As a result, holy cows produce holy sh*t, where the holy sacrament grows in nature.

Figure 171 - Krishna

Figure 172 shows depictions of Tassili shamans from Tassili-n-Ajjer Plateau, Algeria, 460 which is now a desert region. These illustrations could be as old as circa 7000 seE· All of the figures are holding mushrooms in their hands and all of their heads are shaped like the mushroom, symbolizing that they are under its influence. Also, notice more mushrooms growing along the ground in this image.

Figure 172 -Tassili shamans from Tassili-n-Ajjer Plateau. Algeria c. 7000 seE

460 Food of the


by McKenna, 1992, pg. 72-73.

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I Chapter Twelve: Psychedelic Vestige

Figure 173 is another ancient Algerian Tassili shaman man. Here, the shaman's whole body is covered with the mushrooms and his face is that of the deer-bee (giving reference to honey). As we pointed out earlier, deer are very significant in shamanic symbology, in part because of their relationship with the Amanita muscaria mushrooms. 461 Bees and honey are significant, as previously mentioned, because of their ability to preserve the mushrooms, creating the blue honey. One author has even tried to argue that these mushrooms may actually represent arrows pointing out of the body, rather than a shaman under the influence of mushrooms. 462 But last time we checked, arrows point inward, not outward.

In Figure 174, Persephone and Demeter are holding mushrooms in this piece of ancient Greek artwork from the Eleusinian mysteries. It looks as though they are just about to feed each other the divine sacrament, the mushroom. 463 , 464

Figure 173 - Tassili shaman from Tassili-nAjjer Plateau. c. 7000 BeE' Algeria c. 7000

Figure 174 - Greek temple carving- Persephone and Demeter- circa 470 BCE, Pharsalus, Thessaly, Greece. Photo by Andrew Rutajit

Native Americans associate the deer to Peyote, see Peyote Hunt: The Sacred Journey of the Huichollndians, by Mycrhoff; 1974; In the Magic Land of Peyote, by Benitez, 1975. 462 Shroom, by Letcher, 2007, Pg. 37. 463 Persephone:~ Quest, by Wasson, Ruck, Kramrisch, Ott, 1986. 464 The Road to Eleusis, by Ruck, Hofmann, Wasson, Bigwood, Ott, Smith and Staples, 2004. 461

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Chapter Twelve: Psychedelic Vestige I 175 In Figt::re : -:; _:he phoeni:x ( Simorgh)"'' is being fed an Amanita mushroom. Notice the spots on the cap. The phoenix ~~ts :he A. mw•caria mushroom. Here is the phoenix being fed the phoenix, or the Amanita being fed the -~ ~

Tins represents a continual cycle, similar to an ouroboros, of regeneration in nature.

Figure 175 - Phoenix being fed an Amanita mushroom. A silver platter of a Simorgh, c. 7-8th o:· Persia, Sassanid period



!rom a Sassanian silver platter showing the falcon-like god Simorgh (Scnmurw). Simorgh shares many of the same characteristics

-.. em ID.:: phoenix. Here she is being fed an Amanita mushroom by her female consort. Astrotheology & Shamanism -


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I Chapter Twelve : Psychedelic Vestige

Figure 176- Story of Creation. Canterbury (Anglo-Catab.a) Psalter, 1147 cE The Canterbury (Anglo-Catalan) Psalter from 1147 CE has 12 segments (or panels I representing the 12 signs of the zodiac or the Mazzaroth (Figure 176466). Inside each segment is a representatioo from different parts of the creation of the world epic as described in the book of Genesis. In the top left paneL we~ the Great Architect as the "Cosmic Christ" with his Masonic compass. In the top right panel we see Jesus. the lord of plants.

466 The 1/lustrated Jesus through the Centuries, by Pelikan, 1997, pg. 64 Thanks to Paul

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for this image.

Chapter Twelve : Psychedelic Vestige I 177

Figure 177 - Detail- Canterbury (Anglo-Catalan) Psalter, 1147 cE

Figure 178 - Detail- Canterbury (Anglo-Catalan) Psalter, 1147 cE

[Regarding Figure 177] The red plant on the right is clearly the Amanita muscaria (which produces the quickening of the spirit). The next one is clearly another mushroom, but it is blue. This would indicate a Psilocybe species (which opens the third eye). Next, we may have a depiction of the Syrian rue plant, and pod, which happens to match this depiction in color as well as structure (Syrian rue contains Telepathine, an MAO inhibitor, which increases the properties of the other compounds). Also note that Rue is likely to possess other qualities. [ ... ] Fourth is a depiction of an opium poppy (the euphoria this plant induces enables one to relax enough to let go, which otherwise is a very difficult thing to do in order to fully experience the visionary state of this intensive plant combination). 467

Some of the other panels depict God (or Jesus) with the book of the law, as the lord over the sacred plants, and as the creator of day and night. One panel depicts a scene in the Garden of Eden with the serpent. Notice that the serpent has entwined the staff(which is actually a mushroom). The serpent is giving Adam and Eve something; or, the caduceus, the symbol of drugs, is giving Adam and Eve something to eat that will open their eyes and make them wise as gods, knowing good and evil. It looks a bit like the Amanita muscaria, although it does appear to depict Figure 179 - Detail of the Tree of some type of Psilocybe and some other types of mushrooms as well. Knowledge of Good and Evil. Canterbury Inside the very top ofthe center "tree," or serpent-entwined mushroom, (Anglo-Catalan) Psalter, 1147 c~<: may be seen little mushrooms within the cap. This is occult symbolism. 467 Mushrooms and Mankind, by Arthur, 2000, pg. 79.

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Figure 180- Byzantine fresco- church ofPanayia Phorviotissa, 11th -12th century, Asinou, Cyprus (with close-up)

Figure 180 identifies the Virgin Mary in the Dormition icon in Amanita form. Mary has died, and Jesus is holding her soul in the form of a small child. Notice the red cap, the skirt-like wrap over her shoulders, and the hash marks at the bottom.

Figure 181 -Detail of the Byzantine fresco with Amanita mushroom sections for comparison

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Chapter Thirteen The Pharmacratic Inquisition

Figure 182 -Woodcut tracing of a witch trial468 If the words 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' don't include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on. rv Terence McKenna

WAR GAMES AND MIND GAMES I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology. Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth. "' Thomas Jefferson

For most of history, people have viewed spiritual plants as sacred, not immoral or sinful. Yet for the last 2,000 years, religious institutions and governments have ignored and suppressed this history and waged war against spiritual plants and altered states of consciousness. Today, elitist groups of politicians and clergy, meeting in secret chambers and assuming authority over nature's bounty, have decided for everyone which plants are to be good and which are to be bad, or sinful. Meanwhile, many of these authorities must have their coffee, tobacco, Zoloft, and alcohol. Some are being caught with straws up their noses as well. Yet, they decide for everyone else which plants are good and against 468 If the suspect floated, she was a witch and was burnt at the stake. If she sank and drowned, she could "go free."

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I Chapter Thirteen: The Pharmacratic Inquisition

which plants to wage war. Many of the laws in this country are based upon religious superstition and financial interests rather than common sense. It is the "common folk" who work like slaves, keeping the entire system running. Nearly the entire world is run like a business instead of a community. I have no hesitation in advocating the repeal of laws that institutionalize juridical persecution of the biblical mystery. Alone among biblical offerings, the bread of the presence is named berit o/am, an "eternal covenant" or "perpetual obligation." (Lev. 24:8) "' Dan Merkur

The War on Drugs is literally a modem-day American civil war. Just because armies representing both sides are not marching in a field doing battle somewhere does not mean that our country is not at war with itself. People seeking religious freedom founded the United States of America. Today, the USA has become the beast from which our founding fathers were once trying to escape. Modem-day martyrs are suffering unjustly. They are stripped of their families, homes, jobs and lives. The victims of this immoral war suffer simply because they made the choice to grow or possess a plant for relaxation, spiritual use, or profit. Especially for profit, because you are strictly forbidden to make a profit in this country without handing over a large percentage of your earnings in taxes (taxes spent to maintain the Drug War, and illegal, pre-emptive strikes on other countries). The Drug War is a world war and a civil war simultaneously. Under certain circ*mstances, the penalty might be as severe as life in prison just for the possession of a living plant. At the time of this writing, with the Patriot Act in place, the possession of one marijuana cigarette (or any illegal drug possession) is regarded as an act of terrorism. Terrorism has become the all-purpose and never-failing weapon for fear mongering, because anything undesirable can now simply be converted into "terrorism." Growing marijuana is now technically considered creating weapons of mass destruction, because the illegal plants can be used to intoxicate many (willing) people. Now, the grower could even be executed. Romans 14:2-3 For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs. Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.

In the originall3 colonies, it was required by law for farmers to grow hemp for the defense of the nation. 469 Cannabis/ hemp is actually the one plant that could tum our precarious environmental and economical position around, and yet today it is considered an act of terrorism to grow the very plant of which our forefathers said, "Make the most of Hemp Seed and sow it everywhere."470 When we look into the value of hemp as a renewable fuel source, 471 we soon realize that to the oil tycoons, hemp literally is a terror that threatens their profits! There is absolutely no reason for the U.S. to be held hostage by oil cartels, when everything petroleum-based could be made from hemp. We could be re-harvesting a field rather than drilling mother earth for the last of her non-renewable fossil fuels.

469 The Emperor Wears No Clothes, by Herer, 1985/2007. 470 George Washington. 471


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Chances are, you have not heard of Cicuta maculata. Most people would not be able to recognize it growing in nature, even if it were growing only a few feet away. Like Cannabis (marijuana), Cicuta maculata (commonly known as spotted water hemlock) is a plant that has no trouble finding a place to live. It flourishes on flat ground, in thickets, and along roadsides and riverbanks. If you were to consume this plant, the symptoms would begin in as few as 15 minutes. Death, from respiratory paralysis and terminal convulsions, typically occurs within 45 minutes of the onset of symptoms. If a person consumes this plant and happens to live, they risk temporary or permanent damage to heart and/or skeletal muscle. Socrates died in 399 seE' by intentionally drinking a potent solution Figure 183- Cicuta maculate- spotted of poison hemlock (less poisonous than water hemlock), which was water hemlock grudgingly regarded by his compatriots as a "humane" method of capital punishment. He was forced to drink the poison because he was performing the mysteries (Eleusinian) privately and the government found out. Socrates refused initiation to the Eleusinian mysteries472 because he already knew the secret of the psychedelic elixir, Kykeon, and an initiation would have sworn him to secrecy of something that he already knew (as opposed to giving him the secret after the initiation). The mysteries included initiations with mushrooms and an ergot-based (LSD-like) psychedelic drink. 473 , 474 Socrates was a victim of the pharmacratic inquisition, forced by the government to take a plant poison that killed him for using consciousness-expanding plants in the privacy of his own home and refusing to swear to secrecy. Hosea 10:4 They have spoken words, swearing falsely in making a covenant: thus judgment springeth up as hemlock in the furrows of the field.

But why are we mentioning hemlock here? Because plants that are truly dangerous, plants that are deadly upon consumption and can actually be used to kill people, do not seem to be an issue in the war against dangerous plants and drugs. Iflawmakers are truly worried about a connection between plants and terrorism, why are we not at war with poisonous plants? How can they justifY waging war against plants that are proven valuable to people's minds, farms, environment, and economy, and not include deadly plants in their agenda? Amos 6:12 Shall horses run upon the rock? will one plow there with oxen? for ye have turned judgment into gall, and the fruit of righteousness into hemlock ...

Poisonous and deadly plants are completely legal, but spiritual plants are strictly forbidden. 475 Death from tobacco, alcohol, 476 and prescription drugs is prevalent in our society and due to nothing more than an overdose. While, on the other hand, a shamanic dose of dried psilocybin-containing mushrooms is small, and there is no possibility of a deadly overdose. A person weighing 150 pounds would have to consume 150 pounds of psilocybin mushrooms to reach a lethal dosage, which is not humanly possible. 477 No one has ever died from an overdose of Psilocybe mushrooms 472 473 474 475

The Secret Teaching ofAll Ages, by Hall, 1928, pg. 73; Ancient Symbol Worship, by Wcstropp, et al, 1875/1999, pg 12. The Road to Eleusis, by Hofinann, Wasson, et al, 2004; Sec also Mixing the Kykeon, by Peter Webster, ct al, 2000. The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by Allegro, 1970. There arc a handful of enthcogcns that remain legal in America. However, some attempts have been made to outlaw these. They include Amanita muscaria and panthcrina, Salvia Divinorum, 5 McO N,N DMT, ct al. 476 Alcohol is generally created by fermentation with the usc of yeast, which is a fungus. Alcoholic "spirits" or the "essence" was not discovered until around the 1200s. 477 Ott (1978) reported that one would virtually have to consume an amount of mushrooms equal to one's own body weight in order to bring

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I Chapter Thirteen: The Pharmacratic Inquisition

or marijuana (or a combination of the two), yet for some reason, there is a war being waged against both of them. Moreover, if you are caught in possession of just one Psilocybe mushroom, you can and probably will be charged with a felony. America has a larger percentage of its population in prison than any other country on earth-roughly, 25% of the world's 8 million prisoners-but has only 4.5% of the world's population! 478 The average sentence for a first time, non-violent drug offender is longer than the average sentence for rape, bank robbery, or manslaughter. Every year, 8,000 to 14,000 people die from illegal drugs in this country. 479 Yes, that is a large number of people, but over 500,000 people die from legal drugs. This includes tobacco, liquor, and over-the-counter and prescription drugs. 480 This is roughly a 50-to-one ratio, yet we are led to assume that all of the dangers in the country can be blamed on the drugs that the "authorities" have made illegal. Politicians are controlled by corporate sponsors who want nothing more than for you to engage yourself in an unbreakable cycle: wake up, take drugs (that they deem "safe"), go to work, buy products, pay taxes, watch advertisem*nts on TV, sleep and repeat daily. Entheogens break that mold, and the big businesses and big churches that run this world tremble in fear at the very thought of that. So they forbid them, they outlaw them, they make them taboo, or sinful. Until recently they killed you if you even knew about them (for example, "witches" in the Inquisition). Follow the money and you will discover why these statistics may never change. Imagine you had a product to sell, each unit cost one dollar to make, and each one could sell for $17,000.00. That is the cost and profit reality of the cocaine industry created and sustained by the Drug War. Waging war against something that has this degree of profit incentive is fruitless. It drives up the demand even further and in turn drives up the price, because those who supply the drugs are risking their lives to do so. Actually, the real dealers are never at risk at all. Only those at the bottom of the ladder ever touch any drugs. They are nothing but pawns and, like all mercenaries, they are expendable. Waging war against a human's right to control his or her own consciousness has not worked in the 75 years of modern drug prohibition, and as alcohol prohibition showed, banning substances drives up their value and makes it easier for criminals to control the industry.

INQUISITIONS- THEN AND NOW On June 19, 1620, the Inquisition of Mexico City formerly decreed the use of entheogens as heretical: 481 The use of the herb or root called Peyote ... is a superstitious action and reproved as opposed to the purity and sincerity of our Holy Catholic Faith ... We decree that henceforth no person ... may use or use of this said herb, this Peyote, or of others for said effects, nor others similar... being warned that doing the contrary, besides incurring said censures and penalties, we will proceed against whoever is rebellious and disobedient, as against persons suspect in the holy Catholic faith. 482

In 1227, Pope Gregory IX established the Inquisition. In 1231, he published a decree, which called forlife imprisonment with salutary penance for any heretic who had confessed to consuming a forbidden plant but repented, and capital punishment for those who persisted. The method of death was burning at the stake. By 1252, Pope Innocent lii upgraded the decree to authorize the use of torture in extracting confessions. As special sins called for special divine punishment, pouring molten lead down the throats of "guilty" men, women and children became the norm. All throughout Europe, about death. 478 U.S. prisoners and the drug war: 479 Number of American deaths per year, according to world almanacs, life insurance actuarial (death) rates, and the last 20 years of the U.S. Surgeon General's reports. 480 Drug War Facts: 481 Heretical: from heresies Latin, haeres is-a sect or school of belief. 482 Age o[Entheogens, 1995, pg. 21, and Pharmacotheon, 1996, pg. 84, by Ott.

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Chapter Thirteen : The Pharmacratic Inquisition I 183 people caught eating, preparing, or possessing herbs, entheogens, or even having knowledge of such things, were tried as heretics and witches and were hunted and exterminated along with the rest of the "pagans"483 ••• all in the name of God, somehow. We know that Hitler was one of the worst monsters that ever lived, but compared to the Catholic Church, he was only a bit more obvious in his actions ... they both had the same general goal in mind: world domination. In an unbiased comparison between the ways each of them did their mass killings, Hitler's methods were actually a bit more humane. Today the swastika484 is seen as a symbol representing the atrocities humankind is capable of. Anyone using it as a symbol of honor or worship is looked at as maniacal. How could it be that the crucifix485 is not seen in this same manner? This fear of the death sentence for having shamanic knowledge is most likely part of what created the elaborate myths and fables that are known today. 486 Most victims of the inquisitions were females. They were healers, midwives, herbalists, shamans, and naturalists. It has been estimated that the Protestant and Catholic churches were responsible for putting to death as many as 50% of all women living in Europe until 1792, and until 1830 in South America. 487 There was no regard for age, as women from childhood to old age were tortured and murdered. Women who lived alone or owned property were especially targeted. If a person of influence had a grudge against someone, expect the inquisitors. No one was safe from this insanity. All women have been sexually abused by the Bible teachings and institutions set on its fundamentalist interpretations. There would be no need for women's movements if the church and bible hadn't abused them. "' Father Leo Booth

By the end of the 19'h century, millions of Native Americans were killed, forced to find a new home, or sent to reservations. More Native Americans were slaughtered in America than Jews were slaughtered in Hitler's attempt to exterminate them. Congress passed the Controlled Substance Act in 1970, which specifically prohibited the use of peyote. Peyote had been a religious sacrament in North America for many generations before the arrival of Europeans, but suddenly its use was abolished. Today, peyote is lumped into the Drug War. There are only a few circ*mstances where one can legally possess this cactus. These days, we no longer bum witches and shamans alive. But authorities are quick to take away the plant user's freedom, families, and property and lock them in a prison cell. It is similar to the philosophy behind creating an annual deer season: "If we didn't have deer season, the deer would overpopulate." Animals in nature do not overpopulate, but people think they get in the way of "progress." So it is a sport to kill them once a year (meanwhile, humans overpopulate). Likewise, if there were no laws to take spiritual plant users out of society, these people would "overpopulate" and that would be detrimental to (or obstruct) big business and big church "progress." Fear was a key factor in the proliferation of the Christian Church and the promotion of fear continues to this day. Good examples of"fear-mongering" are Christian televangelists Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, who are threatening everyone in the nation that they should fear the "wrath of God" for daring not to discriminate against gays, pagans, and abortionists. They blame what happened on September 11, 200 l on gays and feminists. Robertson essentially told his worldwide television audience that if you piss God off, terrorism in the USA will escalate. 483 Pharmacotheon, by Ott, 1996; Born in Blood, by Robinson, 1989; The Medieval Inquisition, by Hamilton, 1982; Inquisition, by Peters, 1989. 484 The swastika is an ancient religious symbol in many tribal societies on several continents. Sec The Mavs P,,ychology of Fascism, by Wilhelm Reich, 1970, ch. 4; Sahara,ia, by James DeMeo, 2006, pg. 294-96. 485 For more information on the pagan origins of the cross, sec The History of The Cross: The Pagan Origin and Idolatrous Adoption and Worship of the Image, by Ward, 1871. 486 The true shamanic techniques were hidden by creating faerie tales and folklore. Sec Appendix E for an example. 487 Herer, She Who Remembers Audio Archives,

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Jerry Falwell, regarding the attack of 9/11: What we saw on Tuesday [9/11/01], as terrible as it is, could be miniscule if, in fact, God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve. Pat Robertson replied: Well, Jerry, that's my feeling. I think we've just seen the antechamber to terror, we haven't begun to see what they can do to the major population. Falwell: The ACLU has got to take a lot of blame for this. And I know I'll hear from them for this, but throwing God out ... successfully with the help of the federal court system ... throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked and when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who try to secularize America ... I point the thing in their face and say, "you helped this happen."

In reality, it is the spread of the world's deceitful dogmatic religions to which we can all blame terrorism . .. .the Lord also tells me to tell you, that in the mid 90's, about '94 or '95, no later than that, God will destroy the hom*osexual community of America. But he will not destroy it with what many minds have thought it to be, He will destroy it with fire! Many will turn and be saved, but many will rebel and be destroyed. "'Benny Hinn

Many American people are so brainwashed by church and state that they propagate their programming into their own children. It is very sad to see innocent young minds destroyed with contradiction, fear, and partial truths. Their hearts are sent into turmoil as the people that they love the most, and trust with their every breath, tell them "if you get on God's bad side, you'll burn in hell forever," but at the same time "God loves you" and "you need to love God." Then, there is the real psychological, Orwellian twist: "God is always watching over you." Most Christians live their entire lives in total fear of their own God. This same fear will prevent many Christians from reading this book, or any secular book for that matter. Leviticus 25: 17 Ye shall not therefore oppress one another; but thou shalt fear thy God: for I am the LORD your God.

Unfortunately, this fear of God is causing people to oppress one another. A quick look into the history of Christianity will reveal that it was actually the Christian Church who had fear-the fear of too much knowledge and the fear of losing their power. This is not to say that they were afraid of knowledge itself, but afraid of the common people having knowledge. The Christian church looted and destroyed many libraries. The astrotheological and pharmacratic inquisitions have plundered the world and a great wealth of knowledge has been lost. The city of Alexandria4R8 was once an immense center of learning for the entire Western civilization. Alexandria possessed a wealth of knowledge unequaled even today. 4R9 Practically every field of research was developed and 488 Note- St. Alexander of Alexandria attended the "Council ofNicaea."' 489 The Secret Teaching of All Ages, by Hall, 1928.

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progressed within the Alexandrian milieu. It was a gathering place located on the caravan routes. Great thinkers from all different locations mingled there. Christians, Jews, and pagans all lived together in this marvelous and unique place of learning. The libraries of Alexandria were the most eminent in antiquity and perhaps the largest ever assembled in ancient times. They held over a million different manuscripts, books, papyri, and other sacred texts containing the accumulated knowledge and philosophy of the ancient world. In 391 CE these libraries were savagely destroyed and humankind will never know or appreciate the amount of wisdom that was lost. Moreover, the destruction of these libraries concealed the origins of much of this knowledge. It is known that this knowledge did not all originate in Alexandria. Alexandria was but a container for this knowledge. The libraries contained knowledge of the heavens and knowledge of the earth. The knowledge of the heavens helped humankind establish the measurement of time and calendars. The knowledge of the earth helped humankind find food, clothing, shelter, and God. Gnostics, archaeo-astronomers and shamans, who documented their experiments and findings, used these libraries to preserve their data so that others in the future could build upon it. Today, all that is left of this wealth of information is song, folklore, and fable.

One of the greatest crimes in human history was the destruction in 391 of the library at Alexandria perpetrated by Christian fanatics under Theophilus, bent on hiding the truth about their religion and its alleged founder. Because of this villainy, we have lost priceless information as to the true state of the ancient world, with such desolation also setting back civilization at least 1000 years. 490 rv Acharya S

Alexandria was home to great thinkers and fabulous events. The story of Hermes491 arose in Alexandria. Today many people believe that Hermes was a single person, while it is more likely that Hermes was a collection of books or a group of thinkers whose history was destroyed along with these libraries. The city housed lecture areas, gardens, and a zoo. Astronomy and astrology were prominent in Alexandria and it is no wonder that the great pyramids, which still baffie the greatest thinkers of our time, stand not far from this city. Theophilus was Patriarch of Alexandria from 385 to 412 cE· During his sovereignty, the Temple ofSerapis (a branch ofthe Royal Library) was transformed into a Christian Church (probably around 391 cE). Many documents were destroyed at that time. The Temple of Serapis was estimated to hold about ten per cent of the overall Library of Alexandria's inventory. 492 The burning of the libraries was intentional and a tragedy for all humankind. At the very beginning of The Other Bible, a quote reads: Had Alexandria triumphed and not Rome, the extravagant and muddled stories that I have summarized here would be coherent, majestic, and perfectly ordinary. 493 "' Jorge Luis Borges (on the Gnostics)

The Oracle of Delphi also played a significant role in ancient history. This was a temple where a priestess (Pythoness -snake woman494 ) supposedly delivered messages from Apollo (the mushroom and/or ergot) to those who sought advice. For 14 centuries, thousands of people sought consultation with this mystic figure. Belief in this oracle helped determine the course of empires. Christian Rome silenced the "heretical" practice in the fourth century CE.

490 The Christ Conspiracy, by Acharya S, 1999, pg. 356. 491 Hermes is the Greek god of commerce, medicine, and healing (among other things). Hermes is always in transit between this world and the next. In Rome, Hermes is known as Mercury; both Mercury and Hermes carry the caduceus. 492 The Secret Teaching ofAll Ages, by Hall. 493 The Other Bible, ed. by Willis Bamstone, 1984. Quote by Jorge Luis Borges from A Defense ofBasi/ides the False, 1932. 494 Symbols, Sex, and the Stars, by Busenbark, 1949.

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THE ORIGINS OF SACRIFICE AND SIN The words sacrament and sacrifice have the same origins and for good reason. When man decides to structure a society, he constructs laws and rules of conduct designed to mold the world into his image (or at least the image he wants it to be in). For the past 6,000 years the laws in much of the world have been paternal, a society based on a male-dominated social order. 495 The laws were made by man and for man, yet man does not admit to making them. Instead, it is claimed these laws are authored by God Himself. Once the claim was made that the origins and authorship of laws lay with God, not man, there was no turning back. Humanity began a plummet into the abyss of guilt, fear, self-loathing, accusation and something called eternal torment. Therefore, the authorities realized that they needed to fabricate a way out. Once law was created, so came sin into the world. Along with sin came guilt and the need for atonement. Sin against God must be punished by God. God created sin and the law. Consequently, it is God who must punish the sinner. This is all fantasy, but it becomes very real to the person who is experiencing the guilt of breaking God's law. Civilization cursed itself by the invention of these laws because they were not truly authored by God, but man. Man should never attempt to play God or claim to speak for God because that is a recipe for a disaster of historic proportions. 496 The creation of law created the psychological need to be forgiven of sin, regardless of whether it is real or imagined. The first forms of atonement consisted of saying a prayer (reciting a spell) that would take all of the sins of the tribe and put them into a portion of their harvest. Then, they would bum it with fire. This burning of the sins somehow took them away. After a time, this sacrifice seemed inadequate. Their sins were too great. A living creature was given the sins and was slaughtered, one atonement each year for the tribes' sins. They invented laws such as the animal must be pure, without blemish, and have other strange qualifications, which became part of the ceremony. 497 Soon, the insane leap of priestly wisdom ruled that the sacrifice of an animal was no longer adequate. The sins were too great. The sacrifice needed to be human! Identifying the origin of this abstract and abhorrent idea should make it clear that the concept is absurd, and the continuance of this crazy notion in society shows us how backward humans can be. Continuing in this insane direction, it's logical that the human sacrifice should need to be perfect, a virgin ("sinless"). Often, children were considered candidates for sacrifice because they were the most "unblemished" of all. This idea, some realized, had gotten way out of hand and so the idea developed that a god must become incarnate and be put to death, taking upon himself the sins of the world once and for all- at least in theory. Silly as this concept is, it was readily accepted as a replacement for the yearly slaughter of children and loved members of the group. Years of developing the system geared humankind towards this and also sufficiently suppressed the logic that would normally cause one to object to the entire idea. 49s Kersey Graves in The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors shows just how widespread this concept became. He explores 16 of these dying saviors and shows the similarities between them. It is baffling how popular such a bad idea became. When all is said and done, the true law of the universe is "love thy neighbor as thyself" because guilt for breaking this law is real. Only real remorse can receive true absolution. False guilt associated with false law can never be resolved because it is not real in the first place. It is a delusion. Whether talking about sin, guilt, karma, or heresy, all religions try to express the concept of setting oneself free. The big question is how to do it. We suggest those interested in further research should read Saharasia, by James DeMeo. 499

495 Sec Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence in the Deserts of the Old World, by DeMeo, 2006. 496 Ibid. 497 This is the origin of the sacrificial ram or lamb. The peasants who could not afford these animals for sacrifice used goats as a replacement animal. Two goats were taken to a place of sacrifice. One was ritually slaughtered and the other was set free. The one that was killed was an offering to God. The other, the escape goat, carried away the sins of those who sacrificed it, hence the word scapegoat. 498 For a deeper understanding of the underlying psychological and environmental issues at work here, sec Saharasia, by DeMeo. 499 Ibid.

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ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS Onward Christian Soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus, going on before ... "' Sabine Baring-Gould (1865) It can be perplexing to understand the history of Christianity and hear a Christian say "I respect everyone's religion and beliefs," or "I think everyone should be able to believe what they want." This type of statement is always accompanied by the unmentioned caveat, "As long as their beliefs don't conflict with what I believe." Christianity is a belief (or faith) system that openly claims that you either join them or burn forever in hell. If this is true, what possible value would any other religion have? Where do they get this so-called respect for other religions and beliefs? This respectful ideology is purely a fabrication by people who refuse to acknowledge or are unable to recognize the truth behind Christian fanaticism. Any Christian who has tolerance for other religions should know that the founding fathers of their church did not and would not approve of this line of thinking. The very thought of another religion competing with Christianity on a level playing field would be met with severe animosity. Tolerant Christians are scripturally in direct conflict with Christian orthodoxy.

The religious activities of the Catholic Church for the past 17 centuries (since the Council of Nicea in 325 CE) have been deplorably evil, and this assault upon humanity continues to this day. Today, Christian enthusiasts want no difference between Church and State. They want to infiltrate our government and our public school systems to force their Christian propaganda upon us and our children. Of course, they want to do this in the name of their God and for the people. But this hasn't worked in nearly 2,000 years and it will not work now. The following is a time line showing what has happened, and how shamanic and astrotheological knowledge has been persecuted throughout history. 500 Where this timeline stops, a new one begins, 501 full of people doing time in prison for non-violent drug charges ... it is a seemingly never-ending, true-to-life horror story. Prior to the ninth century CE: There was a widespread popular belief that evil witches existed. They were seen as evil persons, primarily women, who devoted their lives to harming and killing others through black magic and evil sorcery. The Catholic Church at the time officially taught that such witches did not exist. It was a heresy to say that they were real. For example, the fifth century Synod of St. Patrick ruled that "a Christian who believes that there is a vampire in the world, that is to say, a witch, is to be anathematized; whoever lays that reputation upon a living being shall not be received into the Church until he revokes with his own voice the crime that he has committed." A capitulary from Saxony (775-790 CE) blamed these stereotypes on pagan belief systems: "If anyone, deceived by the Devil, believes after the manner of the Pagans that any man or woman is a witch and eats men, and if on this account he burns [the alleged witch] ... he shall be punished by capital sentence."

906 cE: Regino of Prum, the Abbot ofTreves, wrote the Canon Episcopi. It reinforced the Church's teaching that witches did not exist. It admitted that some confused and deluded women thought that they flew through the air with the pagan goddess, Diana. But this did not happen in reality; it was explained away as some form of hallucination.

Circa 975 cE: Penalties for witchcraft and the use of healing magic were relatively mild. The English Confessional of Egbert said, in part: "If a woman works witchcraft and enchantment and [uses] magical philters, she shall fast for twelve months .... If she kills anyone by her philters, she shall fast for seven years." Fasting, in this case, involved consuming only bread and water.

Circa 1140: Gratian, an Italian monk, incorporated the Canon Episcopi into canon law.

Circa 1203: The Cathar movement, a Gnostic Christian group, had become popular in the Orleans area of

500 Thanks to Bruce Robinson at, THE BURNING TIMES: The Time Line -The Dark Ages to Now. 50 I Sec DRCnet at; Drug War Facts at; Drug War, by Russell, 2000, for more information.

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I Chapter Thirteen: The Pharmacratic Inquisition France and in Italy. They were declared heretics. Pope Innocent III approved a war of genocide against the Cathars. The last known Catharwas burned at the stake in 1321 cE· The faith has seen a rebirth in recent years. •

1227: Pope Gregory IX established the Inquisitional Courts to arrest, try, convict and execute heretics.

1252: Pope Innocent III authorized the use of torture during inquisitional trials. This greatly increased the conviction rate.

1258: Pope Alexander IV instructed the Inquisition to confine their investigations to cases of heresy. They were to investigate charges of divination or sorcery only if heresy was also involved.

1265: Pope Clement IV reaffirms the use of torture.

1326: The Church authorized the Inquisition to investigate witchcraft and to develop "demonology," the theory of the diabolic origin ofwitchcraft.

1330: The popular concept of witches as being evil sorcerers is expanded to include the belief that they swore allegiance to Satan, had sexual relations with the Devil, kidnapped and ate children, etc.

1347 to 1349: The Black Death epidemic killed a sizeable part of the European population. Conspiracy theories spread. Lepers, Jews, Muslims and witches were accused of poisoning wells and spreading disease.

1430s: Christian theologians started to write articles and books which "proved" the existence of witches.

1450: The first major witch hunts began in many western European countries. The Roman Catholic Church created an imaginary evil religion, using stereotypes that had circulated since pre-Christian times. They said that pagans who worshiped Diana and other gods and goddesses were evil witches who kidnapped babies, killed and ate their victims, sold their souls to Satan, were in league with demons, flew through the air, met in the middle of the night, caused male impotence and infertility, caused male genitals to disappear, etc. Historians have speculated that this religiously-inspired genocide was motivated by a desire by the Church to attain a complete religious monopoly, or was "a tool of repression, a form of reining in deviant behavior, a backlash against women, or a tool of the common people to name scapegoats for spoiled crops, dead livestock or the death of babies and children." Walter Stephens, a professor of Italian studies at Johns Hopkins University, proposes a new theory: "I think witches were a scapegoat for God." Religious leaders felt they had to retain the concepts of both an omnipotent and an all-loving deity. Thus, they had to invent witches and demons in order to explain the existence of evil in the world. This debate, about how an ali-good and all-powerful God can coexist in the world with evil, is now called theodicy. Debates continue to the present day.

1450: Johann Gutenberg invented moveable type, which made mass printing possible. This enabled the wide distribution of papal bulls and books on witch persecution; the witch-hunt was greatly facilitated.

1480: Thomas of Brabant wrote a book called Formicarius, which described the prosecution of a man for witchcraft. Copies of this book were often added to the Malleus Maleficarum in later years. 1484: Pope Innocent VIII issued a papal bull, "Summis desiderantes," on Dec. 5'\ which promoted the tracking down, torturing and executing of Satan worshipers.

1486-1487: Institoris (Heinrich Kraemer) and Jacob Sprenger published the Malleus Maleficarum (meaning the Witches' Hammer). It is a fascinating study of the authors' misogyny and sexual frustration. It describes the activities of witches and the methods of extracting confessions. It was later abandoned by the Church, but became the "bible" of those secular courts that tried witches.

Up to 1500: During the 15th century there had been 38 known trials against witches and sorcerers in England, 95 in France and 80 in Germany. The witch hunts accelerated. "By choosing to give their souls over to the devil, witches had committed crimes against man and against God. The gravity of this double crime classified

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Chapter Thirteen : The Pharmacratic Inquisition I 189 witchcraft as crimen exceptum, and allowed for the suspension of normal rules of evidence in order to punish the guilty." 502 Children's testimony was accepted. Unlimited torture was applied to obtain confessions, and the flimsiest circ*mstantial evidence was accepted as proof of guilt. •

1517: Martin Luther came out with his 95 theses and is said to have nailed them on the cathedral door at Wittenburg, Germany. This triggered the Protestant Reformation. In Roman Catholic countries, the courts continued to burn witches. In Protestant lands, they were mainly hanged. Some Protestant countries did not allow torture. In England, this lack of torture led to a low conviction rate of only 19%.

Circa 1550 to 1650 CE: Trials and executions reached a peak during these ten decades, which are often referred to as the "burning times." They were mostly concentrated in eastern France, Germany and Switzerland. Witch persecutions often occurred in areas where Catholics and Protestants were fighting. Contrary to public opinion, suspected witches-particularly those involved in "evil sorcery"-were mainly tried by secular courts. Minorities were charged by church authorities; these were often cases involving the use of healing magic or midwifery.

1563: Johann Weyer (b. 1515) published a book that was critical of the witch trials. Called De Praestigiis Daemonum (Shipwreck of Souls), it argued that witches did not really exist, but that Satan promoted the beliefthat they did. He rejected confessions obtained through torture as worthless. He recommended medical treatment instead of torture and execution. By publishing the book anonymously, he escaped the stake.

1580: Jean Bodin wrote De Ia Demonomanie des Sorciers (Of the Punishments Deserved by Witches). He stated that the punishment of witches was required, both for the security of the state and to appease the wrath of God. No accused witch should be set free if there were even a scrap of evidence that she might be guilty. If prosecutors waited for solid evidence, he felt that not one witch in a million would be punished. 1584: Reginald Scot published a book that was ahead of its time. In Discoverie of Witchcraft, he claimed that supernatural powers did not exist. Thus, there were no witches.

1608: Francesco Maria Guazzo published the Compendium Maleficarum. It discusses witches' pacts with Satan, the magic that witches use to harm others, etc.

Circa 1609: A witch panic hit the Basque areas of Spain. La Suprema, the governing body of the Inquisition, recognized it as a hoax and issued an Edict of Silence, which prohibited discussion of witchcraft. The panic quickly died down.

1610: Execution of witches in the Netherlands ceased, probably because of Weyer's 1563 book.

1616: A second witch craze broke out in Vizcaya. Again, an Edict of Silence was issued by the Inquisition. But the king overturned the Edict and 300 accused witches were burned alive.

1631: Friedrich Spee von Langenfield, a Jesuit priest, wrote Cautio Criminalis (Circ*mspection in Criminal Cases). He condemned the witch-hunts and persecution in Wurzburg, Germany. He wrote that the accused confessed only because they were the victims of sad*stic tortures. 1684: The last accused witch was executed in England.

1690s: Nearly 25 people died during the witch craze in Salem, MA. One was pressed to death with weights because he would not enter a plea; some died in prison, the rest were hanged. There were other trials and executions throughout New England.

1745: France stopped the execution of witches.

1775: Germany stopped the execution of witches.

502 Elisa Slattery, "To Prevent a 'Shipwreck of Souls": Joann Weyer and "De Praestigiis Daemonum" pub. Essays in History, by the Corcoran Department of History, University of Virginia, Vol. 36, (1994), pg. 76.

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1782: Switzerland stopped the execution of witches.

1792: Poland executed the last person in Europe who had been tried and convicted of witchcraft. A few isolated extra-legal lynchings of witches continued in Europe and North America into the 20th century.

1830s: The Church ceased the execution of witches in South America.

1980: Dr. Lawrence Pazder (1936-2004) and Michelle Smith wrote Michelle Remembers. The concept of humans in league with Satan, which had been largely dormant for decades, was revived. Although the book has been shown to be a work of fiction, it is presented as factual, based on Michelle's recovered memories. This book was largely responsible for triggering a new witch/Satanist panic in the U.S. and Canada.

1980 to 1995: Two types of trials were held in North America, which repeated many of the same features of earlier witch trials: Staff members at some pre-schools, day-care facilities and Sunday schools were accused of ritual abuse of children. Evidence was based on faulty medical diagnoses and memories of non-existent abuse implanted in the minds of very young children.

Tens of thousands of adults, victimized by Recovered Memory Therapy, developed false memories of having been abused during childhood. In about 17% of the cases, these memories escalated to recollections of satanic ritual abuse. Hundreds of parents were charged with criminal acts. Almost all of them were innocent. Most of the charges involved acts that never actually happened.

Sanity has since prevailed. Most of the accused have been released from jail. Those held in the state of Massachusetts are an exception.

1990s: Some conservative Christian pastors continue to link two unrelated belief systems: The imaginary religion of Satan-worshiping witches promoted by the Church during the Renaissance, and Wicca and other neo-pagan religions which are nature-based faiths and do not recognize the existence of the Christian devil.

1994 to 1996: Several hundred people were accused of witchcraft in the N orthem Province of South Africa, and were lynched by frightened mobs.

1999: Conservative Christian pastors occasionally call for a renewal of the burning times, to exterminate Wiccans and other neo-pagans. One example shows the intensity of misinformation and hatred that fear of witches can continue to generate in modem times. In August, 1999, Rev. Jack Harvey, pastor of Tabernacle Independent Baptist Church in Killeen, Texas allegedly arranged for at least one member of his church to carry a handgun during religious services, " .. .in case a warlock tries to grab one of our kids .... I've heard they drink blood, eat babies. They have fires, they probably cook them .... " During speeches that preceded his church's demonstration against Wiccans, Rev. Harvey allegedly stated that the U.S. Army should napalm witches. One 'Christian' sign read "Witchcraft is an Abomination" on one side and "Bum the Witches off Ft. Hood" on the other. (Ft. Hood is a large army base near Killeen, Texas. A Wiccan faith group is active there.)

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Pagan Roots

Chapter Thirteen : The Pharrnacratic Inquisition



There is much more to these secret teachings than can be discussed in one book. For now, we have come to the end of a road, as we leave you with some thoughtful words from those who have come before us:

Romans 12:2 and be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of god.

Jesus proclaimed the coming of the Kingdom, but what came was the Church. 503 "' Alfred Loisy

Even more controversial [than The Dead Sea Scrolls] was my study of a hallucinogenic cult and associated mythology centred on the Sacred Mushroom, the Amanita muscaria. This was in the main a philological study, although it was brought to public attention dramatically through its serialisation in Britain's Sunday Mirror tabloid. Its main importance was that it drew together in a unique way the origins of cultures and languages in the ancient Near East and the classic civilizations of Europe and Asia Minor. However, the occasion for the almost hysterical condemnation of the work was my inclusion within its scope of certain aspects of biblical mythology, even the New Testament stories. In their opposition the clerics found willing support from the supposedly less partisan world of the academics who saw a threat posed by such all-embracing studies to their carefully erected interdisciplinary barriers. Professional scholars feel happier and more secure when they are permitted to dig deeper and deeper into less and less, and are not required by less inhibited researchers and an enquiring laity to peer over their trench walls into adjoining fields of which they know little and frankly care less. 504 "' John Marco Allegro

When you turn your eyes inward, you discover the birthright ... the existential facts out of which this particular existence emerged. Because it means that mystery did not die with the fall of Arthur or the fall of Atlantis or the fall of anything. Mystery is alive in the moment, in the here in now. It just simply lies on the other side of a barrier of courage. And it isn't even that high of a barrier; it's just a barrier high enough to keep out the insincere and the misdirected. But for those who will claim it, in the midst of the historical chaos of the late 20th Century, they become the archaic pioneers; they become the first people to carry the Ouroboric serpent around to its own tail and to make closure. To the degree that any one of us has this connection back to the archaic in our life, it makes where we have been make a lot more sense, and it makes where we're going seem a lot more inviting. "' Terence McKenna, Alchemical Illuminatus

503 The Gospel and the Church, by Alfred Loisy, 1903. 504 Contemporary Authors Online, Gale, 2003.

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192 I Conclusion

Conclusion You should now have an understanding of the law of duality-as above, so below-an important piece of the mystery of life. Failure to recognize the macrocosm and the microcosm has prevented many truth seekers from completing the Great Work- the unlocking of the ancient alchemical/religious mysteries. We have shown how this philosophy lies hidden in such symbols as the Yggdrasil tree, and how it relates to the heavens above and the chthonic realm below; the wings above, the serpent below. This macrocosm I microcosm philosophy can be applied on many different levels, such as the planets and constellations of the zodiac, above, and their correlations to the human body, below. The law of duality is the epitome of ancient philosophy, flanked by the two great pillars of astrotheology and shamanism. Through paradigm shifts, both religious and scientific communities come to understand that the concept of god lives within the self. If god is omnipresent, then each one of us is god, or Gaia, and to find god, one must look within the Self- your body is the temple of god. Historical paradigm shifts - from Galileo to computers - show that new ideas can become accepted and become common knowledge. The time has come to create a world with understanding and truths, not false, faith-based, dogmatic, patriarchal religions that encourage us to slaughter one another in the name of some ancient, jealous god. We hope this book will help humankind move away from the crutch and dogma of religion; and realize that true strength, love and understanding already lie within each and every one of us. Researchers involved in the study of astrotheology and archaeoastronomy have shown us how the major religions are based, in part, on the precession of the equinoxes and other solar/celestial motifs and time measurement. Knowledge of the precession has influenced the writings of the major religions from earliest times. We are presently leaving the age of Pisces and entering the age of Aquarius, and the symbolism regarding this event has had a large impact on the religious mythology of today. Emperor Constantine and the early church fathers created the Catholic, or Universal, church from many older religious motifs (including celestial ones). Therefore, Christianity is unoriginal because it is compiled from the older religions and ideas. Many of these ideas derive from astrotheology and have influenced everything from art to the names of the days of the week. Epiphanius' attempt in the fourth century to draw a line between Christianity and the older 'pagan' religions in fact gave testimony to their many similarities, and his work was itself suppressed by the Church for a millennium. Consideration of the religious use of entheogens and their modern re-discovery calls for a fresh look at the work of John Allegro and the controversy surrounding his book The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, which suggested that mushroom and fertility cults lay at the foundation of Judeo-Christianity and other Mediterranean religions. Allegro was widely attacked and his scholarship dismissed, but we have shown how most ofthe attacks were unfounded. Since the time of Allegro and Wasson, many new scholars have come forward with vast amounts of data validating many of Allegro's proposals. We've provided references to their research throughout this book.

Amanita muscaria mushrooms and their hosts the sacred trees are central to ancient fertility-based religions. The growth cycle of the mushroom is reflected in various anthropomorphisms of gods, from Shiva to Attis to Jesus to Santa Claus; and in rites and practices that range from the ancient mysteries to Christmas stockings and Easter eggs. Christian and pagan symbolism, from the red and white robes of cardinals to green Halloween witches, point to the use of mushrooms and other entheogens. Ancient and powerful symbols that link everyday life to religion, alchemy and the law of duality include the ouroboros, vesica piscis and caduceus. Each of these relates to the mushroom cults of ancient fertility religions. The ouroboros - often presented as a snake biting its own tail - represents the recycling of divine knowledge; specifically the shamanic practice of recycling urine after ingesting mushrooms, since the entheogen is distilled and Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots

Conclusion I 193

purified through the body to create, in alchemical terms, the perfect elixir. The Vesica piscis, or vessel of the fish, is the spiritual portal into this world - the symbol of the female yoni and of the virgin. The myths and legends of virgin birth are central to many religions, and link to veneration of the moon above and the mushroom, born without seed, below. But the mushroom can also symbolize the divine hermaphrodite, or rebis, in the junction of the cap (female), with the stipe (male). The theme of the unification of sexes recurs on an astral and earthly scale throughout mythology. Above all, in our study of religious symbolism, is the caduceus. The caduceus is a rod wound about by either one or two snakes and often topped by a bird or other form of wings. With wings above, serpent below, it is the epitome of the law of duality. Its bearer is the messenger of the gods: Greek Hermes, Roman Mercury. It is the rod of Aaron, the staff of Aesculapius, and the serpent-bound Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. It is associated with medicine, commerce and Christmas trees and is a key symbol in alchemy. Today, physicians still use this most ancient symbol of plant pharmacopoeia and healing. We have argued that the caduceus also represents the "mark of the beast," 666. This is the value of the Greek characters of the Chi Rho: Chi X Xi~ Stigma~- 600, 60, and 6. Xp (Chi Rho) is used for Jesus, and Rx (Rho Chi) for pharmacy. Rho Chi also represents Jupiter, the older celestial god. So the caduceus conveys divine wisdom from the gods to humankind. It is also the symbol of our ultimate freedom: the Kundalini, or serpent, rising through the chakra system of the body, opening our crown chakra. This can be represented by feather headdresses and other symbols, such as a sea shell behind the head, or the Pentecostal flame.

Pentecost is held on the eve of the fiftieth day. The human embryo, the Buddhist book of the dead, and DMT metabolization, all seem to have correlations with this day or time frame. DMT is produced in the blood and brain, and it may be associated with the third eye, the eye of Horus, or third-eye chakra position in the rise of Kundalini energy. We suggest it may also possibly be the nectar of life sought by alchemists. The entire story of Adam and Eve in the Garden is based on the use of entheogens to generate knowledge, to become like the gods, to know good and evil, and to live forever. As the Serpent warned, tasting the fruit opened the eyes of Adam and Eve to divine knowledge. But the jealous, insecure God banished them, lest they be his rivals. What does this imply for the current state of Judeo-Christian worship? If the roles of God and the Devil have themselves been switched in the greatest act of deception ever, then does this mean that Jews and Christians everywhere are worshiping the angry, jealous, insecure Devil? Logically it would appear so from the story. Why would this deceptive, jealous god want to repress women and suppress knowledge? Such actions reveal a patristic god with mental psychosis at every level: insecure, jealous, lying, tyrannical, misogynistic, narcissistic. This seems a poor foundation on which to build a religion that claims moral superiority, though a great one for world domination. A twisted interpretation of this biblical tale led to the debasem*nt and in many cases murder of women in the name of sin, and created a society that labeled shamanism, healing and midwifery as witchcraft because of its unbalanced perception and treatment of women.

Mushroom motifs recur throughout the bible. Manna can be identified with Psilocybe and Amanita mushrooms, as well as ergot. The Song of Songs, translated in the context of a mushroom cult, is more about mycology than love. Ezekiel's Vision, and the Seven Golden Candles of Revelation, describe hallucinogenic mushroom experiences. From word derivations to the colors of the clothes - blue for Psilocybe, red for Amanita muscaria, green for other plant drugs- we have uncovered many of the hidden mushroom and plant motifs in Judea-Christianity.

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I Conclusion

Iconography reveals mushroom motifs in various cultures and religions across the ages - from the Psilocybe-blue gods of Hinduism, to depictions of mushroom shamanism in Tassili-n-Ajjer rock art of 7,000 seE' to carvings of Persephone and Demeter preparing mushrooms as part of the Greek Eleusinian mysteries. Mushrooms are pictured in the Canterbury (Anglo-Catalan) Psalter and Byzantine church frescos, and more evidence of their use comes to light daily. So we may reasonably conclude that the major religions are based on the very drugs they suppress. And if so, then why do they betray the public with the pharmacratic inquisition? For over 2,000 years the pharmacratic inquisition has been unfairly attacking and suppressing that which is the basis of its own genesis, and the freedom of our own culture and personal religious experience: the entheogens. And the inquisition is not over yet, as the drums beat on in the War on Drugs. The leaders of the State and churches today would have you think that God is more worried about what you do in your private sex life, or your mind, than all of the other atrocities people commit against one another in the name of God. They would have you believe that thinking is bad, and meanwhile they bleed society of money and creativity. It is the Church leaders who have created the concept of sin, evil, and sacrifice. It is they who have led humankind

down this path of destruction; of humankind treating humankind worse than any other species treats its own, and it is all done in the name of God, in fear: fear that the public may question the very ideas taught by religious and public "authorities". Christians today believe that God sent his only divine son to earth to become a humble man, named Jesus the Christ (the oil-anointed one), to save souls from God's own blunder-the creation of humankind. We are told that Jesus then gave the secrets of the mysteries to his followers, who in turn gave them to us by way of the gospels. However, what are Christians today if their ritual of baptism, performed with simple water, is merely symbolic of the anointing oils, -while their symbolic Holy Eucharist (wine) is stamped out in an assembly line and bought at a liquor store? We suggest that Christians today are the victims of an elaborate hoax meant to undermine their free will and keep them in the dark about the true manner in which we can all have direct communion with God. We have shown that Jesus Christ was a complex anthropomorphism of the phallic sun in the sky and the mushrooms on the ground. Jesus is the serpent and the caduceus, which is the symbol for knowledge, finance, drugs, the world tree, the Christmas tree, the energy system of the body, healing, the mark of the beast, the egg ... and this is still not a complete list. .. If there had actually been a man living 2,000 years ago, who adopted traits identical with those of much older astrotheological and entheogenical mythical figures, and who upset the rulers by giving the secrets of the mysteries to the common people, he died in vain because the followers of this religion today are still uninformed of the cornerstone upon which their religion was founded. However, we are certain that the mythological nature of Christ will some day be common knowledge. Every day a new turn is taken, and every day, a new piece of the puzzle is discovered and put into place. And like a puzzle, long before all of the pieces have been found and put into place, the entire picture will become obvious to everyone. Then the paradigm will shift. The false religious paradigm will implode in on itself, as a fraudulent fabrication of man, and then we will be free to seek our own truth. The pharmacratic inquisition has played a major role in the suppression of freedom of thought for more than 2,000 years. Having the freedom to develop one's own consciousness as one sees fit is true freedom - life, liberty and freedom in the pursuit of happiness.

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Figure 184- Philosophers beside the tree. The Splendor Sol ice of Salomon Trismosin, c. 1582, British Museum

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I Appendix A

Appendix A A BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE ON JOHN MARCO ALLEGRO John M. Allegro was born February 17, 1923 in London. He served in the Royal Navy, then studied at the University of Manchester where he obtained a first-class Honors Degree in Oriental Studies in 1951. A year later, he was awarded a Masters Degree for his work on the Balaam Oracles. His Oxford research on Hebrew dialects was interrupted when, in 1953, he was called to join the first international team of scholars working on the newly discovered Dead Sea Scrolls in Jerusalem. Mr. Allegro was a lecturer, etymologist, and author, credited with:

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The Dead Sea Scrolls, 1956 The People of the Dead Sea Scrolls, 1958 The Treasure of the Copper Scroll, 1960 Search in the Desert, 1964 The Shapira Affair, 1965 Discoveries in the Judaean Desert ofJordan, Qumran Cave 4. V (4Q158-4Q186), 1968 The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, 1970 The End of a Road, 1970 The Chosen People, 1971 Lost Gods, 1977 The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Myth, 1979 All Manner of Men, 1982 Physician, Heal Thyself, 1985

Until 1970, he was a lecturer in the Old Testament and Intertestamental Studies department at the University of Manchester. Allegro died suddenly of an aortic aneurysm on his 65th birthday, February 17, 1988 at his home in Sandbach, Cheshire. The press obituaries were largely disapproving. Before his death, Allegro had been criticized by his former friends and colleagues for his outspoken and unconventional ideas. But far from being banished as a scholar after years of"academic" attack, he resigned from the university of his own accord. He did this before The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross went to print. He had had enough of academia and wanted to write freelance. Long before The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross was actually taken out of print, rumors abounded that rights to the book were supposedly purchased by Anheuser-Busch, owner of the Budweiser beer company and several theme parks across America. Other rumors claimed the Catholic Church bought the rights and went so far as to say that Hodder & Stoughton Publishing sent a letter of apology to the Pope for ever printing the book. In truth, however, the publisher took the book out of print for strictly commercial reasons. Sales had dwindled over the years, and, at the request of Allegro, all rights were returned to him on May 29, 1985. We lost a modem-day "hero" with the passing of John Marco Allegro. He was an amazing expert in linguistics, etymology, philology, theology, mycology and much more. We will miss him, and will continue to do everything we can do to further what will prove to be valuable and accurate work on his part. Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots

Appendix B



Appendix B PHILOLOGICAL PARALLELS- AN ESOTERIC LOOK AT WORDS AND LETTERS By Jay Lynn NOTE: The material in this Appendix further supports what we have laid out in the beginning of the book, on page xi. The following excerpts by Jay Lynn provide a brief introduction to his 35 years of research in the area of philology with regards to the origins of many alphabets, stemming primarily from human physiology. We have spent much time poring over his work and sources and find it likely enough to present here. This work is currently presented as hypothetical until such time that it is ready for full publication and peer review. For those interested in additional research into the related field of fertility worship, we recommend reading the works of Thomas Inman, Clifford Howard, Hodder M. Westropp, Hargrave Jennings, R. Payne Knight and B.Z. Goldberg.

I have been researching linguistics, theology, mycology, etymology and languages from before 1970, when Allegro's book, The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, went into print. In fact, I waited a year before I read and researched his book, simply because I did not want to borrow anything from his works, which came to many of the same conclusions, though mine were from a different source. My conclusions came from researching the English language, taking it back to early Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic and Egyptian hieroglyphics; mycology; and theology. The first and most shocking thing concerning the English alphabet was the fact it had never been taken back to its hieroglyphic and ideographic form. This I had to question, and the answer was not a straightforward simple deduction, primarily due to the fact that modem languages have never been a purely straightforward means of communication. This fact was due to the corruption of all languages from the so-called "fall" of the Roman Empire to date. Language in the narrow sense is an exclusive characteristic of man. The most intelligent apes are void of oral language, while most primitive men possessed it in one form or another. Not much has been revealed of the origin oflanguage, and most conjecture about its origin lacks positive proof. Perhaps it is time to unlock the vaults of the sexual truth of language, which will remove the mystery and deceit attached to the letters with which we are all familiar. Hieroglyphics, alphabets, and the words we use today were formed by what Christianity labeled "pagan" writers, and therefore will reflect their religious sexual implications as well as their origins or genesis. The foundation of the English alphabet has its roots deeply embedded in the Greek alphabet and language, which has been declared a "dead language" by the "Dark Age rulers," the "First Reich," and "The Holy Roman Empire." The principle Greek dialects were Ionic (of which Attic Greek was a variety), Doric, and Aeolic. Modem Greek of course is so removed from that of the ancient Greek that it would be unintelligible to the Athenian of the Periclean age. The pre-Christian Latin was built from Greek alphabets, which copied their letters from Phoenician. (Etruscan Cuneiform?) The English language contains words from many languages of which all ultimately derive from ancient Greek. Therefore, the English language was ideal for the purpose of proving my research, as I had to deal with words that had not changed for two thousand years. I began with universal words of Latin and Greek, dealing with the anatomy of the body, plant life, animal life, drugs and any other unchanged Greek, Latin, Hebrew or Phoenician word at hand. These types of words were allowed to remain unchanged as a worldwide means of communication, with regard to the peoples of the world, after the formation of the Holy Roman Empire. The physicians around the world deal in the universal tongue, as do botanists, druggists and the Roman Catholic priesthood themselves, who used old Latin up to the 20th century. Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots


I Appendix 8

Why would a one-world language, inherited from the Greeks and later the Romans, be divided up into so many various tongues, of which all but a few can be traced back to the original Greek language? One might think there was some sort of conspiracy to hide certain revealing information, hence the common denominator holding these groups together. Why else would the conspirators possess their own language, ancient Latin? Modem Latin is far removed from ancient Latin, and the two are quite distinct. Latin was used by the Romans for hundreds of years, and was instituted into every conquered country until their known world was united into what was called the Roman Empire. In forming other languages much later, called the Romance (after Roman) Languages, the Catholic Church could well have adopted ancient Latin (and Greek) for selfish reasons. The early Christians' claim that they could speak in many tongues was partially due to the fact that monks were rewriting language, converting it into Roman "Romance Languages," omitting any statement or item they deemed heretical, or letters that would place the Church in a shady light. After 500 CE ('CE' =common era, which replaced 'AD', Anno Domini, the year of our lord, Jesus Christ), all letters were taken away from the populace, so eventually no one could read or write. Up to the fall of Rome, practically everyone could read and write both Greek and Latin, The Roman Catholic Christian Church, in their adoption of ancient Latin for themselves, wanted to remove all tentation (early spelling of temptation) from the masses. At the same time, they wanted to protect the new Christian Catholic image from phallic horship505 of the mushroom. During the Dark Ages, all languages were modernized, and were called the "Romance Languages," derived from Roman, Latin, and ancient Greek. In the process, any anti-Christian reflections or sexual/drug implications were omitted. Many "lost works" are among the list of omissions, lost to the world until recently rediscovered with the revelations of Allegro and of other individuals seeking the truth of our past. The original works would eventually disappear and be listed in large quantities with the lost works of history, some buried under the Vatican in their miles of hidden vaults, still unavailable to public scrutiny. The link between the chemist, botanist, priest, doctor, etc., was thenceforth a one-world language. The drugs for mystical use were mostly derived from plants of the faba or bean family and poisons. The healing qualities of some of the drugs, as well as their spiritual aspects, were also evident, such as the sacred mushrooms--the Amanita muscaria, pantherina and Psilocybe varieties. The alchemist/priest/shaman (the earlier witch doctor or wizard) mixed the herbal juices, distilled or crystallized them and the priest administered them to the afflicted. Poisons were in heavy demand and were used to eliminate undesirables in religion and government all the way up to the 18th century, until medicine advanced and autopsies were performed. Hieroglyphics and ancient Greek writings were condemned by the Holy Roman Empire as heretical. Anyone possessing rolls (books) or parchments of hieroglyphics and any other writings outlawed by that faction were imprisoned, punished and, in many cases, put to death. The reason is quite clear to any scholar of etymology and linguistics: a picture is worth a thousand words. Early Egyptian hieroglyphics show a definite positive proof of the action. Take, for instance, the Egyptian word "sati," from The Book of the Dead (Budge), which means to pour out water, to micturate (urinate) or defecate, depicted as a man standing and urinating, or squatting and defecating. Another example of "dirty pictures," is the Egyptian word "Met," for the Egyptian number 10, shown as a male organ at erection and secreting liquid in the form of an "S" from the end of the penis. Met is also depicted as an inverted U, a fertility sign long before it became a vowel. 10 in Roman 505 Early spelling of worship, as theW was not used in early language; it was made of a double U, UU, W.

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Appendix 8 I 199 numerals is expressed with an X, which in tum was a sign for Christ and translated as anoint, bewet, bedew. The letter X in ancient Egypt also symbolized the dead spirit of man. It can be associated with the "living Spirit," of the male in the form of"living water." This is another biblical rendering for Jesus Christ, called also, "The Comforter" (Com-forter), strength in coming. Fortis is Latin for strength, vigor; and kum is sem*n, sperm (Greek, Kuming, releasing the seed of the male member). This is still used today, "I'm kuming," handed down by word of mouth from the ancient Greek language. Hieroglyphics, as a medium of communication, was used by the Chinese of 2000 along with the more famous Egyptian hieroglyphics.


and the Sumerians of 5000


Many of the signs drawn from the above civilizations have definite relationships. Mountains were shown as a series of A's (e.g. AAA) and water was depicted as three wavy lines. The S, Z, and N are actually letters symbolizing water, rain and, in the case of the Egyptian word Met, sem*n. Similar relationships in later languages also bear a resemblance. English and German reflect a relationship. More remotely, English is similar to French, Sanskrit Russian and Greek. But so far, there has been no demonstration to show that English is even remotely related to Chinese or Mayan. The Chinese have a syllabary, an alphabet in which many or all of the signs represent syllables, which is used only to supplement the Chinese characters universally in use. The Persians had a syllabary derived from the Cuneiform. The writings of the Mayas, Hittites and Chinese, along with one or two other peoples, were conventionalized to a great degree, but none of these seems to have developed a true alphabet. The Sumerians, Chinese, Aztecs, Mayans and especially the Egyptians in their hieroglyphics, all worked out wordwriting-systems. In Egyptian writing, there was a process to a word-sound writing in which the symbols were compounded to make words. The symbol for man, as an example, when enjoined with the sign for drake, would equal man-drake. Then to simplify the system, the same symbol was used for the same sound in like words or hom*onyms. In Arabia, prior to 10008 cE' hieroglyphics were in use. An eye placed next to a circle with a cross inside equaled 1-land. The written S was added later, island-an eye of land in a large body of water (at one time, the Vatican claimed all islands as their possessions). Therefore, the I in the English language has been taken back to its hieroglyphic root as an eye. In Egyptian hieroglyphics, two feathers= I, shown later as two I 's. Later, Y replaced the two I's and I stood alone until perverted modem Latin made some I and Y words begin with J and G, as in yard which is also gard, and Iesos is Jesus. The other signs of the alphabet have not been deciphered until now. It is believed the Phoenician alphabet was the great mother alphabet. It came to us from Phoenicia, then moved on to

Greece and Etruria (of Etruscan), an ancient district of Italy where they copied the Greek style in pottery. Then the alphabet went to Rome where some letters were added. Each literary civilization molded its respective alphabet. The end result differs from the mold such that its original relationship is unrecognizable today. Thus, the Devanagari syllabary, the great alphabet of India, is derived from the same source as the Arabic, Hebrew and Latin alphabets. This is an important fact when comparing the religious aspect of India to that of the Hebrew or Mosaic Law. I believe these alphabets have their roots in Egyptian hieroglyphics, or "priestly (sacred botanicaUchemical/shamanic) writings." However, it is almost impossible for anyone but a scholar to see a real resemblance between these languages Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots


I Appendix B

in their present form. It is like a dialect. A person must familiarize oneself with a dialect first, before the words can be understood, even though one already speaks and understands the language. There is a theory that the Phoenicians took their alphabet from the Philistines, who are then thought to have brought theirs from Crete, which could have taken its alphabet from Egypt. A couple of nations developed alphabets not connected with the great alphabets of the West. Japan uses a syllabary to supplement the Chinese characters universally in use, and the Persians had a syllabary derived of cuneiform. Cuneiform was composed of wedge-shaped characters inscribed by the ancient Akkadians (Acadians), Persians, Babylonians and Assyrians (Syrians). The word cuneiform is derived from the Greek word kunna, meaning wedgeshaped and Latin, cunnes, which means matrix or vagin*. Cunnan means to know. Religiously and legally it applies as to have sexual intercourse with, as Adam knew Eve, or Joseph knew Mary not. "Cunae" means cradle, crib, manger, bin, hopper. This is where the word cuneiform derived its "wedge shaped" meaning. Cuneiform was developed in the lower Tigris and Euphrates valley by the Sumerians and shares similarities with Chinese, Egyptian, and Mayan writing. While it is one ofthe four or five original writings, the script was pictographic. But it was developed into phonetic and was highly conventionalized in Babylonia and Assyria. The Persians later took over cuneiform, applying a radical reform and adopted some of it to their own language. As an outgrowth of primitive hieroglyphics, cuneiform eventually reached an alphabetic system.

THE EGG OF GOD From relief carvings on stone, wood and other durable material such as metal (copper), we can follow the evolution of writing. Words were not just thought up, and letters were not pulled out of a hat to form a word. Words had to be built. First it was done in characters, which depicted part of the whole subject. Cuneiform (as a sex symbol) is an abstract example. Another example would be the word egg which, in its modem English form, is far removed from its hieroglyphic and Greek origin. I believe the Greeks, in forming their word for egg (OON), had taken it from an Egyptian hieroglyph for what is male or masculine. A double 0 (00) with an S tail rising between the double 0, representing masculinity. Eggs hold living water as their seed, so the ancients noted. Likewise, the universe was the cosmic egg with the seed of god, the sun, at its center, and rain appeared on earth as the falling sem*n. Solid matter did not contain liquid-the ancients were aware of this fact. Therefore, all water was considered sacred to them and deities were attached to rivers, lakes, oceans and water (rain) from heaven. The Babylonians and Assyrians had Ea. The Romans had Neptune as their god of the seas-half man and half fish, who carries a trident. Ultimately, all liquid fell from the heavens and filled the rivers, lakes, streams and maris, or mar, which means "the seas." (The evolution of the word Se is see, sea!) The Catholic Church could have considered Mary to be their female water deity, as the sea was considered the womb of all life through evolution, a common ancient belief until the Hebrew/Christian era. The liquid of life was called Sblood, God's blood, the liquid oflife in all living creatures. It was considered sacred, as it ultimately was derived of the seed of God, or rain, which, through its evolution from the sea into the air and onto the land, gave life to all creatures. Rain, snow and frost from the heavens gave life to all creatures. Today we still call the frost of the male species after its phallic name, Jack-frost, the male hor (hoar-frost). Anciently, hoar was written as hor, which stood for frost. When the word ooman (earlier for woman, oo, egg with man) was created, it signified a place for the male to plant his seed in the furrow, manger, bin, or hopper (vagin*) of the female. The W was added to hor, creating whor*, the "frost seeker" of the male bone, his seed. Today, the word whor* can be applied to either sex.

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Appendix B

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HIEROGLYPHICS Obviously all alphabets were preceded by hieroglyphics. Other carvings which bear a similarity to those of the Egyptians have been found in the Minoan civilization of Crete, the Hittite civilization of Asia Minor, Easter Island, and the Mayan, Aztec and Toltec civilizations of Mesoamerica. Because of their similarities these carvings are also called hieroglyphics. The main feature of hieroglyphics is that they consist of conventionalized pictures used chiefly to represent meanings that seem arbitrary and not too often obvious. Egyptian hieroglyphics are in three stages: The First Dynasty, perfected; the Old Kingdom and Middle Kingdom, going out of use; and the New Empire, no longer used or understood by the scribes. The use of these later hieroglyphics of500 seE was a "Tour de Farce." Hieroglyphics had a three-fold purpose. However, few were used for all three. As a phonogram: An owl would equal the sound ofM, since the word for owl had M for its principal consonant. Owl in Coptic is Mulotch, and Min Egyptian was taken or shown hieroglyphically as an owl. Other signs were modified forms for the M. This is probably because of the great homed owl's head taking the form of an M In addition, we find the word "Amelu" of Assyrian origin and "Awelu" of Babylonian origin. Note the change of the letter M to Wl The first, Awelu, or "man," is the highest of the three social orders recognized by Babylonian law. The letter M would later be taken for man as a prefix, the letter M=Man. Take note of the word "Andros," which means male. "An" in Sumerian means God, and "dros," of Gr. Drosos, which means dew, juice, as in Gr. Drosera, the sundew melon. Dros, broken down further, is from Gr. Juice, (Sblood) and os Gr. Bone, hence, God's dew of the male bone. Min Egyptian hieroglyphics consists of a bar, open at one end. A beam = M, a bar. The phonograms were, of course, the controlling factors in the progress of hieroglyphic writing because of the fundamental convenience of an alphabet. In the Middle Kingdom, a developed cursive was extensively used. The Hieratic in the last centuries BCE was a more developed style. The Demotic supplanted the Hieratic, where the origin of most characters could be plainly seen in the hieroglyphics. Meanwhile the Demotics were too conventionalized to bear any resemblance to the hieroglyphics from which they were born. Hieratic was a form of written hieroglyphics wherein the hieroglyphic symbol was written out, and the characters were assembled or joined together in a type of written form. Later, about 9008 cE the scribes invented an arbitrary or conventional modification of the hieratic characters to form a new style of writing called Enchorial or Demotic. Demotic is from the Greek word, Demotikos (demos= the people and tikos =birth, the birth of the people's writing). Enchorial is of Enchoric, which is from the Greek word Enchorios (En, in, within; and chora, country, native). Demotic writing became common in Egypt. Although its use was not popular, it was mandatory and instituted by the religious faction.

THE GREEK INFLUENCE ON LANGUAGE Ancient Greece formulated the foundations of modem civilizations. Their alphabet, derived of cuneiform, is the mother of all languages, with a few exceptions- which were mainly Persian and Oriental. It is all but impossible for us to determine, with any certainty of accuracy, the original pronunciation of ancient Greek words and names, though we continually try. There are neither trustworthy records nor unbroken tradition with which to help or relieve the problem. The study of Greek fell into disrepute with the decline of the Roman Empire, after which came the forming of Christianity and ultimately The Holy Roman Empire. In fact, the first book printed in Greek characters was by Constantine Lascaris, who died around 1501. His book was called, Greek Grammar, and was printed in 1476. He was a Greek grammarian. After the fall of Constantinople, he went to Italy where he obtained the patronage of Francisco Sforsa. He earned fame as a teacher of Greek and may be considered a herald of the new learning of the Renaissance in Italy. His brother, Andreas Joannes Lascaris, also taught Greek in Florence, Paris, and Rome until his death in 1535. Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots


I Appendix B

By the 16th century Greek pronunciation assumed a curious phase--only two sounds were given to all Greek vowels and diphthongs, whether long or short. The Y ("U'") was pronounced as V, KasCh, and then the K all but disappeared from the language until the 18th century. In fact, in the modem Latin dictionary that I have, the only K word is Kalends (Calendar). The Greek letter K was banned by Christianity and I believe I know the reason. The letter K was replaced with the Christian combination of CH, or C, due to the phallic and drug implications of the Greek letter K, a stick man at erection. This can be compared to the lambda ('A), which is also a stick man at erection, changed by Christian Latin to ell, the letter L which, in Egyptian hieroglyphics, represented man at erection (also Ptah-Min?), one making a tentation (earlier of temptation) in one's toga, causing a temptation to others. Kay is the name of the letter K, and kay in Greek is key. The K is a key letter. The key plays an important role in Christianity. St. Peter is said to have handed the keys (phallic mushrooms) to the Kingdom of Heaven over to Pope Linus, hence, the Vatican's symbol of"crossed keys" for entering the heavens and earth. Because of the ill repute of the letter K, we have few words in our modem dictionary beginning with K. In fact, there is not one Pope with the letter Kin his borrowed Vatican name. K is the 11th letter of the English alphabet. It was used in Christian Latin for kalends, calendar, and that's about the size of it. K was a product of Greek which took it from Phoenician and general Semitic letter Kaph. Formerly K was added to C in certain words of Latin origin, as in musick, pub lick, republick, where it is now omitted. It is the tenth or when the J is used for the tenth letter, k becomes the 11th in a series. K is pronounced "ka." Its plural form is "K's" (kaz), the letter k or its sound. K and Q are often represented as in Arabic Qabilah (tribe), plural of qabail. In English, Kabyle is

"a Berber of Algeria and Tunis." The Kabyles are of two types, blond and brunet; the former may represent the blond Libyans depicted on ancient Egyptian monuments. They are an agricultural, communal people, now mainly Arabic speaking, and are Mohammedan. The K appeared in a couple of different positions: lying down to form a teeter-totter and facing backwards. The double u is actually what it resembles, the double v, VV for W. The letter U was long a fertility sign and therefore was not used in language until the 17th century. The U is the 21st letter, and the fifth vowel of the English alphabet, and was not a letter of the Greek alphabet. Therefore, any Greek words in our modem dictionaries containing the letter U are not ancient Greek, but of a modem Greek of the Latin Romance Languages. As stated, U is a cursive form of the letter V. Both were formerly interchangeable with the other, and were used as either a vowel or consonant. The letter V came to be used by preference as the capital initial form, and U as the unical or cursive medial form. The small u and v were used interchangeably as late as the 15th century. The V and U were not given separate alphabetical positions until about 1800 cE· About 1540, not long after the birth of the printing press, reaction against the practice of bastardizing Greek took place. After a social struggle by those then being educated, and perhaps desiring to learn ancient Greek, the practice of pronouncing Greek as though it were English was made to be a common standard. Questioning Greek pronunciation is further complicated by the fact that the Greek alphabet is so far removed from the Roman, which was generally adopted into the "modem language" systems of Europe. Therefore, a Greek word, prior to being anglicized, must be transliterated. For example, English must replace the symbols used in Greek to represent certain sounds. The job was done with great difficulty, and can scarcely be said to have been carried out in English with any care or consistency, as evidenced by my research. Hence, there is much confusion regarding ie, ei, Y, I and E, not forgetting the letter K, having been changed in words more than once. Does it end in el or le? What about Ch replacing K and being called Greek? If Ch replaced the Greek K, then it is "Modem Greek" and should be so marked in the world dictionaries. Why the confusion? It was done on purpose. For example, the el or le was played with to confuse the reader since El is a Hebrew name for Jehovah. Angel and Angle are two words as an example. Ang in Greek is a vessel, angle is a comer, ell is the name of the letter L. Further, as stated above, L is a hieroglyph denoting man at erection, reversed it becomes 7, a favorite number in the Bible. Angel in Greek is Aggelos, but we will save that for another time. Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots

Appendix B



Our first introduction to the history of Greek literature came from the enemies of linguistics, Dark Age Christian monks and their method of transliterating (with us being forced to accept it). The West misunderstood the true meaning of Greek letters through lack of knowledge about its fundamental basis, which even today is left out of our learning institutions. If Greek is our mother tongue, why is it not taught in the first English lessons? Why are we not taught how the words were built letter by letter and the meaning of each letter? Could it have to do with the fact that "pagans" created the alphabets in the first place, and that all pagan works were destroyed by Christian and Jewish factions? Christian Latin cleansed the drugs and p*rno out ofletters, and Greek, along with Egyptian hieroglyphics, was declared a "dead language." Greek lives in almost all the languages of the world. We should teach it. We need it. It is our only key to understanding all world languages, thus insuring absolute success in communication on a worldwide basis. If there is to be a future, there is no longer any room for errors in communication due to deceit, ignorance, and blindness. With the fact that we are in the dark with regard to letters, we have found many obvious and indisputable errors, like the guttural K, which was always hard in Greek-but in pronouncing the name, Alcibiades, it is customary to sound the soft C in accord with English usage. Had we transliterated the name directly from Greek there would be little doubt since there is no soft C in the Greek alphabet. Therefore, the name Alcibades would have been written, Alkibiades, pronounced with the hard K. Hence, should we be transliterating Greek words directly into English, instead of through the medium of Christianized Latin, the words could at times be quite unintelligible to the English reader. Romaic (French Romaique; Modem Greek, Romaike of Latin Roma, Rome) relates to Modem Greek vernacular language, or to those who spoke it. The language was spoken by the uneducated and peasantry, and therefore words took on a double meaning. Take the word vulgar: To nobility it meant common or ordinary. Vulgar people were pagans, peasants, infidels, fallos, fallows, and peons. They were not advanced or educated. Nobility believed it meant nasty habits, sexual implications, filth, and dirt. Peasantry knew only what their parents taught them, and they were denied education with the exception of what they learned in church-the conditioning machine of the Roman Catholic Church, whose main weapon against learning was fear. When language and letters were again offered to the public at large, they believed whatever the clergy gave them or told them had to be true. If the "Holy House," once in Rome, was the house Jesus grew up in, and was transported from Bethlehem to Rome by angels, it had to be true. Therefore, they paid to walk through the house that disappeared after the Dark Ages (see "Holy House" in Websters Dictionary, 1911). "Cleric" itself is derived of "clergy." Only the priests were allowed to read and write for a time in the Catholic Church. The conditioned Christians believed in a blind state of ignorance. Some today still follow that path. They accept the word of God as fact, written by He himself. They believe what the government tells them, as if it were fact. The dictionary is a good example of a tool used for this, for if it were in the dictionary it had to be a fact. The fact is that anyone could write a dictionary and publish it. You do not even need a "sheep-skin" (term is Masonic in origin, for diploma). As good as Webster was, I have found many, many errors and mistranslations in the 1912 and 1957 Merriam-Webster editions. Romaic relates to Modem Greek vernacular language, or to those who speak it. The language was that of the uneducated and peasantry and was so called from being the language of the descendants of the Eastern Roman Empire. It was a corruption of ancient Greek (the characters used being the same). For nearly 500 years from the accepted date of the founding of Rome, its people had no literature. The government held total dictatorial power, at length, to supply the Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots


I Appendix B

want and need. They wrote in Greek and in a servile manner followed Greek models. Ennius, 249 BCE' laid the foundation of the genuine Latin literature. Its development peaked in the Augustan age, with examples such as Cicero in 60 seE' Cesar in 54 seE' Cornelius Nepos in 44 seE' Virgil and Horce in 28 seE' and Livy and Ovid in 14 seE· By 180 CE' Roman literature began to decline. By 539 cE it was in its last stage of decay, replaced by Modem Latin, Modem Greek, Modem French, the Romance Languages (derived of Roman) etc. Late Greek was the language of the period after classical Greek; the term is chiefly applied to the written language seen in patristic (priestly) writings and texts of the early Byzantine Empire, from about 200-300 CE' until about 600 cE· Germany in the 4th century had no writing except for crude runic letters. Bishop Ulfilas is credited with the creation of an alphabet modeled on the Greek. His purpose was to translate the Bible into the Gothic tongue. The dating of the Bible was done in the Middle Ages by a person named Ussher, and therefore cannot be relied on for any happening so referenced.

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MYRRH AND THE RESURRECTION Excerpt by Jay Lynn Is myrrh more than just incense? Could it also be a drug, poison, or perhaps just a good high? I believe it was used in all of the above categories by the ancient alchemists. The word Myrrh is of medieval times, also spelled mirre, and myrrh in Old French, myrrha and murrain Latin, Myr-ra in Greek, and Murrin Aramaic, all of which means bitter. In addition, myrrh in Hebrew is mar, also meaning bitter, as are most narcotics. Mar (of myrrh) -a yellow brown aromatic gum resin of bitter and pungent taste! The mystagogy of this religious drug has tickled my inquisitive mind to search all leads. I have researched the Bible, older dictionaries, encyclopedias and many reference books on the subject, especially the book The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, by John M. Allegro. I found that the Arabic murr (meaning bitter herb) exudes a fragrant gum resin from one of several herbs of Arabia and East Africa, especially Balsamo dendron myrrha of the family Amyri daceae. (Daceae, tear?) They bear scanty foliage and small oval fruit. It is used in making incense, perfume and medicine, called Myrrh 'of. (Myrrh oil). Adonis was born of the Myrrh tree, his mother Myrrh was changed into the tree. Adonis was a beautiful boy, beloved by Aphrodite (in Greek means "sprang from the [sea] foam") of whom we can compare to Venus. This is paralleled in the story of Jesus, whose mother is the womb of the earth, the sea-Mar, Mari, Mary. So great was Aphrodite's grief, that the gods only required Adonis to spend one-half of the time in Hades. (Another version states only one-third of the time in Hades.) Venus is the goddess of love (associated with Jesus) and Venus Ourania is the goddess of heavenly or spiritual love. She was the protector of gardens (vegetation-simples). The Myrtle was a sacred plant of Venus, and she was identified with Aphrodite. Adonis represents the sun and the annual death and resurrection of vegetation as seen in the hanging Gardens of Adonis, which lasted only eight days, then they were allowed to wilt and were thrown into the sea (representing the womb of all life) to be resurrected symbolically, reincarnated-a common belief prior to Catholicism. Luke 2:21 (King James Version) And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

Hence, the story of Jesus and Adonis are similar in that each lived, died, visited the netherworld, and was resurrected. In addition, when we examine the Latin word for the sea we have, Mar in Latin, the sea of marries (matrix or womb in Latin ... of all life). Matris in modem translation is: Matrices or matrixes: something within which something else originates or develops. Is that not a womb? Then why are they disguising it? Because they do not associate matrix with Mar, which is the root of the word Marii, Mari, Mary, the mother of the "Living Water," the born-again principle of the supposed human, Jesus Christ, the son of God from the womb of the earth, the sea. Only a son has the water of life, sem*n, the gift of God to Man in his bearded stick (pogo-stick) the phallus. Could this be why the Jewish rabbi wears a beard, celebrating the bearded rod and staff, the phallus and testicl*s, which is the footstool of God, performed in honor of the mushroom? The source of Adonis is of Semitic origin, the Phoenician Adonis being the same as the Babylonian Tammuz (Thomas). Jesus is an updated version of Esos, Adonis, Attis and Tammuz, and follows the same death and resurrection motif of not only the sun and vegetation (pine and myrrh), but all life. Thus, Adonis reflects the pre-Christian belief in both evolution and reincarnation, a belief of the old and new world, Europe and the Americas ... long before Catholic contamination and Christian doctrine excluded the belief from their books, alongside with the Hebrews, who also removed both during the so-called time of Jesus. Tammuz, in Babylonian religion, was the god of agriculture and spirit of vegetation. His annual festival (feast) was 40 Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots


I Appendix B

days after Lent and prior to the summer solstice, consisting of a period of mourning for his loss, followed by rejoicing (rejusing of the fertility deity) at his reappearance (the same is said of Adonis). Tammuz married Ishtar (another fertility Goddess-Easter), who killed him and later resurrected him from the lower world. (Jesus visited Hell, which is also Hades or Ades, prior to ascending to Heaven.) This is symbolizing the dying oflife (the sun and vegetation) in the winter and its return in spring, much like his Phoenician counterpart, Adonis, and the Phrygian god, Attis. It is also reflected in the Celtic god, Esos, who was the carpenter called "master" and whom Caesar called "the chief god of the Gauls." He predated the Jesus epic. Attis was a Phrygian (Trojan) god of the sun, vegetation and young life, the counterpart of Adonis. He was beloved by Cybele and was either killed by a boar or died of self-mutilation (cutting his penis off-a metaphor for the mushroom). From his blood (sblood) sprang violets (mushrooms). His death and resurrection were celebrated annually, like that of Adonis, Tammuz, Attis, Esos and Jesus. Jesus corresponds to Esos, Adonis, Tammuz and Attis, rescued from Hell and ascending to paradise, heaven, et al. His "virgin birth" is celebrated in the dead of winter, December 25th, the same day the Romans celebrated the birthday of the Sun, the last month of the Roman calendar (Deca, 10, December the lOth month, 25th day). Many pagan festivals were borrowed by the Catholics, such as Dec. 25th, birthday of the Sun, during the Catholic conversion of the pagan Romans, and all other conquered countries. The reason is quite clear. It was much easier to reform a pagan by slipping a Christian Catholic mythology into a well-known pagan festival day. Easter is another holy day (holiday) of note. Easter was previously a pagan festival celebrating rebirth of all life, the end of winter, a gift from and the inception of the Sun (the Father in the Heavens) who gave mankind his son in the form of the sacred mushroom, the Amanita muscaria, which is made in God's image or Idol, (one-eyed doll?), mimicking the male sexual organ.

THE LETTER "0" Gr. 0, o, the letter "0" Excerpt by Jay Lynn Note: The following is in reference to the 00 material listed at the beginning of the book, on page xvi, which references to Appendix B. The letter 0 is the fifteenth letter and the fourth vowel of the English alphabet. Its form, value and name came from the Greek Omega and through Latin 0. 0 came into Greece from Phoenician and from there, Egyptian. A circle or oval. 0 'and utterance ofpain, lamentation, etc. The O's of Advent, seven anthems, each beginning with an invocation, as "0 Adonai," sung in the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican churches between December 16th and Christmas Eve. 0, Latin of Greek (w ) compare Ojh. 0, Irish 0, a descendant in Irish family names, signifYing grandson or descendant of, and is a character of dignity, as, 0 'Neil; 0 'Carrol. Many biblical names begin with 0, as well as some of the scriptures. Examples of 0 use include:

0, OON Gr. Egg, more specifically, OON, the liquid egg of the male. 00 egg and N, a suffix denoting Liquid . 00 upright is 8, and 00 is a sign of infinity.

Oak, Holy Oak. OOK, OOKE, Oak.

Oaf, see ouph. Oaf, AS. Auf, Ice/. Alfr, elf; an deformed or simpleton, foolish child, an idiot.

Oak, Holy Oak. (Oak, ook, ooke, the oak.) The tree bears acorns, Akorn Gr. testicl*s, they drop from their shell, testicl*s drop from inside while still a baby. One deprived of his acorns has a soprano voice, called

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child, a changeling left by fairies or goblins, usually

Appendix B I 207

queer boy from queercus oak. •

Oak -queer boys from queerester, a choir boy. (Webster's 1911 Diet.)

Oakum, Stupa, tow

Oast, Host, see Osteon in Greek= bone.

Oath: (Gr. Orkos, of Orkis, testicl*, source of testify. Of old English Law, "To make one's Law," to adduce to sworn statements of oath helpers or Compurgators to clear one's self of a charge. (See Compurgator: 1. Law. A witness to the veracity of innocence of an accused person, with whom he swears -applied originally to such witnesses in the trials in the ecclesiastical courts, and later to the oath and those acting in the wager of law. See COMPURGATION, OATH HELPER, WAGER OF LAW.)

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208 I Appendix C



by Terence McKenna I am old, older than thought in your species, which is itself fifty times older than your history. Though I have been on earth for ages I am from the stars. My home is no one planet, for many worlds scattered through the shining disc of the galaxy have conditions which allow my spores an opportunity for life. The mushroom which you see is the part of my body given to sex thrills and sun bathing, my true body is a fine network of fibers growing through the soil. These networks may cover acres and may have far more connections than the number in a human brain. My mycelial network is nearly immortal-only the sudden toxification of a planet or the explosion of it's parent star can wipe me out. By means impossible to explain because of certain misconceptions in your model of reality all my mycelial networks in the galaxy are in hyperlight communication through space and time. The mycelial body is as fragile as a spider's web but the collective hypermind and memory is a vast historical archive of the career of evolving intelligence on many worlds in our spiral star swarm. Space, you see, is a vast ocean to those hardy life forms that have the ability to reproduce from spores, for spores are covered with the hardest organic substance known. Across the aeons of time and space drift many spore forming life-forms in suspended animation for millions of years until contact is made with a suitable environment. Few such species are minded, only myself and my recently evolved near relatives have achieved the hyper-communication mode and memory capacity that makes us leading members in the community of galactic intelligence. How the hyper-communication mode operates is a secret which will not be lightly given to humans. But the means should be obvious: it is the occurrence of psilocybin and psilocin in the biosynthetic pathways of my living body that opens for me and my symbionts the vision screens to many worlds. You as an individual and hom*o sapiens as a species are on the brink of the formation of a symbiotic relationship with my genetic material that will eventually carry humanity and earth into the galactic mainstream of the higher civilizations. Since it is not easy for you to recognize other varieties of intelligence around you, your most advanced theories of politics and society have advanced only as far as the notion of collectivism. But beyond the cohesion of the members of a species into a single social organism there lie richer and even more baroque evolutionary possibilities. Symbiosis is one of these. Symbiosis is a relation of mutual dependence and positive benefits for both species involved. Symbiotic relationships between myself and civilized forms of higher animals have been established many times and in many places throughout the long ages of my development. These relationships have been mutually useful. Within my memory is the knowledge ofhyperlight drive ships and how to build them. I will trade this knowledge for a free ticket to new worlds around suns younger and more stable than your own. To secure an eternal existence down the long river of cosmic time, I again and again offer this agreement to higher beings and thereby have spread throughout the galaxy over the long millennia. A mycelial network has no organs to move the world, no hands, but higher animals with manipulative abilities can become partners with the star knowledge within me and if they act in good faith, return both themselves and their humble mushroom teacher to the million worlds to which all citizens of our starswarm are heir.

506 From Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Growers Guide, 1976/1991.

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Appendix D I 209

Appendix D Below is the complete song mentioned on page 127. Whether this song was written about an entheogen, we cannot say. However, some lines in the song are surely fitting.

THERE IS POWER IN THE BLOOD Words and music by Lewis E. Jones, 1899 Would you be free from the burden of sin? There's power in the blood, power in the blood; Would you over evil a victory win? There's wonderful power in the blood. There is power, power, wonder working power In the blood of the Lamb; There is power, power, wonder working power In the precious blood of the Lamb. Would you be free from your passion and pride? There's power in the blood, power in the blood; Come for a cleansing to Calvary's tide; There's wonderful power in the blood. There is power, power, wonder working power In the blood of the Lamb; There is power, power, wonder working power In the precious blood of the Lamb. Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow? There's power in the blood, power in the blood; Sin stains are lost in its life giving flow. There's wonderful power in the blood. There is power, power, wonder working power In the blood of the Lamb; There is power, power, wonder working power In the precious blood of the Lamb. Would you do service for Jesus your King? There's power in the blood, power in the blood; Would you live daily His praises to sing? There's wonderful power in the blood. There is power, power, wonder working power In the blood of the Lamb; There is power, power, wonder working power In the precious blood of the Lamb.

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I Appendix E

Appendix E ARE FAIRY TALES FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS? ... fairy-stories are not in normal English usage stories about fairies or elves, but stories about Fairy, that is Faerie, the realm or state in which fairies have their being. Faerie contains many things besides elves and fays, and besides dwarfs, witches, trolls, giants, or dragons: it holds the seas, the sun, the moon, the sky; and the earth, and all things that are in it: tree and bird, water and stone, wine and bread, and ourselves, mortal men, when we are enchanted. "'J.R.R. Tolkien

We may one day find there is more truth in fairy tales than we have so far suspected. There is a sense in which all fairy tales are true. They are very much unlike that which passes for realistic or "serious" literature. Many fables are typically realistic in trivial details but umealistic in matters of importance, and serious only because so much of it is quite horrific (take the story of Hansel and Gretel for example). Some fairy tales are delightfully umealistic in small things: animals speak; the stereotypical witch lives in a cottage in the dark forest; frogs, humans, and inanimate objects such as forests, mirrors, and swords often become enchanted. Like religion, fairy tales speak on important matters of good and evil, life and death, etc; frequently reinforcing a set or morals. Oftentimes, these tales contain secrets and mysteries that are buried beneath the surface. The tale of Little Red Riding Hood seems to contain hidden information about the Amanita muscaria. Little Red Riding Hood was originally entitled Little Red-Cap, and the story read like this: Once upon a time there was a dear little girl who was loved by every one who looked at her, but most of all by her grandmother, and there was nothing that she would not have given to the child. Once she gave her a little cap of red velvet, which suited her so well that she would never wear anything else; so she was always called Little Red-Cap ....

Many of you remember the story. The little girl is on her way to her grandmother's house with cake and wine. The tale goes on to tell how the little girl was tempted to stray off the path. This goes against the instructions of her mother to "stay on the path." That is also a direct instruction that our Mother Earth gives to us via her little red-capped mushroom- "stay on the path. " How does this mushroom tell us anything at all? The fairytale explains in detail: as the tale of the Little Red-Cap goes on, the girl approaches her grandmother's house, the big bad wolf (who arrived ahead of the little girl) has already eaten her grandmother and now it is her turn: "Oh! Grandmother," she said, "what big ears you have." "The better to hear you with, my child," was the reply. "But, grandmother, what big eyes you have!" she said. "The better to see you with, my dear." "But, grandmother, what large hands you have!" "The better to hug you with." "Oh! But, grandmother, what a terrible big mouth you have!" "The better to eat you with!" And scarcely had the wolf said this, when with one bound he was out of bed and swallowed up the Little Red-Cap.

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So, this "little red cap" from the forest gets eaten. The next point of interest in the tale is when a hunter (or huntsman) enters the grandmother's house: So he went into the room, and when he came to the bed, he saw that the wolf was lying in it. "Do I find thee here, thou old sinner!" said he. "I have long sought thee!" Then just as he was going to fire at him, it occurred to him that the wolf might have devoured the grandmother, and that she might still be saved, so he did not fire, but took a pair of scissors, and began to cut open the stomach of the sleeping wolf. When he had made two snips, he saw the little Red-Cap shining, and then he made two snips more, and the little girl sprang out, crying, "Ah, how frightened I have been! How dark it was inside the wolf" and after that the aged grandmother came out alive also, but scarcely able to breathe. Red-Cap, however, quickly fetched great stones with which they filled the wolf's body, and when he awoke, he wanted to run away, but the stones were so heavy that he fell down at once, and fell dead.

Figure 185 - From Kinder und Hausmiirchen, by Wilhelm and Jakob Grimm, 1888

Then all three were delighted. The huntsman drew off the wolf's skin and went home with it; the grandmother ate the cake and drank the wine which Red-Cap had brought. and revived, but Red-Cap thought to herself, "As long as I live, I will never by myself leave the path, to run into the wood .... " [underlineours]

So lastly, the grandmother was revived after the death of the evil character, and by drinking the wine, which was delivered by the red-cap--but not until it had been consumed and extracted from the belly. This is obviously a recipe for the Amanita. After the red cap from the forest is eaten, one may lie around until it can be extracted from their belly (in the form of urine) and then re-consumed in liquid form, like water into wine. The tale reassures us that the redcapped mushroom does not have the same appearance after it was consumed, by saying the huntsman saw the "red cap shining" ... perhaps shining like a pot of gold, or a pot of urine glistening in the sun. Figure 185 is from the 1888 Edition of the Grimms' Kinder und Hausmarchen. Did you notice the Amanita muscaria mushroom at the bottom right of the illustration?

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212 I Bibliography

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Vallance, Jeffery, Santa is a Wildman!- LA Weekly, Dec. 20-26, 2002 Waite, Arthur E., Secret Tradition in Alchemy- Kessinger Publishing, 1992, ISBN: 0922802831 Waite, Charles B., History of the Christian Religion to the Year Two Hundred 1900- The Book Tree, 1992, ISBN: 1885395159 Wall, 0. A., Sex and Sex Worship, 1922 Ward, Henry Dana, History of the Cross: The Pagan Origin and Idolatrous Adoption and Worship of the Image 187I - The Book Tree, 1999, ISBN: 1-58509-056-5 Wasserman, James, Art and Symbols of the Occult: Images ofPower and Wisdom- Destiny Books, 1993, ISBN: 0892814152 Wasson, R. Gordon, Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality- Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1968, ISBN: 0-15-683800-1 Wasson, Kramrisch, Ott, Ruck, Persephones Quest: Entheogens and the Origins of Religion- Yale University Press, 1986, ISBN:

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I 217

0-300-05266-9 Watts, Alan W., The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are - Collier Books, 1966 Webster, Noah, An American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828, 1853 Webster, Merriam, Webster s International- Unabridged- Dictionary of the English Language 1890, 1893, comprising the issues of 1864, 1879, and 1884. Webster, Merriam, Webster:~ New International Dictionary of the English Language, 1909, 1921 Webster, Merriam, Websters Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, 1961, 1986, ISBN: 0-85229-503-0 Webster, Peter, Psychedelics in Eden- Video Programme, 2004. Webster, Peter, Perrine, Daniel & Ruck, Carl, Mixing the Kykeon in ELEUSIS: Journal of Psychoactive Plants and Compounds, New Series 4, 2000 Werner, Ernest, Rod ofJesse: On the Jesus of the Gospels & Doubt of his Existence - Dwarf Lion Press, 2008, ISBN: 0979942403 Westropp, H. M., Wake, C. S., Ancient Symbol Worship: Influence o{the Phallic Idea- 1875, The Book Tree, 1999, ISBN: 1-58509048-4 Whiston, William, The Works ofJosephus Complete and Unabrideged- Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 1987, ISBN: 1-56563-167-6 Whitehead, Neil L., Wright Robin, In Darkness and Secrecy: The Anthropology ofAssault Sorcery and Witchcraft in Amazonia- Duke University Press, 2004, ISBN: 0822333457 Whitehead, Neil L., Dark Shamans: Kanaima and the Poetics of Violent Death- Duke University Press, 2002, ISBN: 0822329883 Whiting, Alfred F., Ethnobotany of the Hopi - Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, 1966. Originally issued in 1939 as Bulletin No. 15 Wilson, Peter Lamborn, Ploughing the Clouds: The Search for the Irish Soma- City Lights, 1999, ISBN: 0-87286-326-3 Winter, Zain, Jesus is a Myth, A Handbook to Reclaim your Celestial Inheritance- Hunter in the Sky, 2000, ISBN: 0-9706588-0-X Young, Kelly, Hardy lichen shown to survive in space- News Service, November 10,2005. www.newscientistspacc. com/article.ns?id=dn8297 Zalewski, Pat & Chris, Z-5 Secret Teachings ofthe Golden Dawn, Book 11 The Zelator Ritual! = 10- Llewellyn, 1992, ISBN: 0-87542896-7 Zimmer, Lynn & Morgan, John P., Marijuana Myths Marijuana Facts: A Review of the Scientific Evidence- The Lindesmith Center, 1997, ISBN: 0-9641568-4-9

Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity :S Pagan Roots


I Figure Index

Figure Index Figure l-JohnMarcoAllegro(l923-1988) ................................................................................................................................................................ iv Figure 2- Cathedral "portal," Notre Dame. Paris, France ......................................................................................................................................... xvi Figure 3 - Yggdrasil Tree by Nicholas Zervos .............................................................................................................................................................. 2 Figure 4 - Yggdrasil Tree by Nicholas Zervos .............................................................................................................................................................. 2 Figure 5 - Yggdrasil Tree as world tree axis by Nicholas Zervos ................................................................................................................................. 3 Figure 6- The Mazzaroth (Zodiac) from a 16th century woodcut... ............................................................................................................................. .4 Figure 7 -The relationship between man and the zodiac. Augsburg calendar, 1490 .................................................................................................... 4 Figure 8- The Grand Man of Zohar by Nicholas Zervos ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Figure 9 - Astro-Theology. Artist and date unknown ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Figure I 0 -The Ptolemaic system - Harmonia macrocosmica, by Andreas Cellarius, c. 1661, Amsterdam ............................................................... 8 Figure II - Flat earth? By Nicholas Zervos ................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Figure 12- Mithra- Personification of Infinite Time. Bas-relief of Modena, Rev. arch. [date?} ............................................................................. 17 Figure 13 - Christ in the Zodiac, Northern Italy, lith century.................................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 14- The crucifixion in space, from Higgins' Anaca/ypsis .............................................................................................................................. 19 Figure 15 - Sunrise- by Nicholas Zervos .................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Figure 16- Movement of the sun by Nicholas Zervos ............................................................................................................................................... 24 Figure 17 -The Three Magi. Basilica of St. Apollinare Nuovo. 6th century, Ravenna, Italy .................................................................................... 25 Figure 18 - Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, split screen showing three wise men (Orion) following a star ................................................. 26 Figure 19 - Born under a star. From a modern Catholic gift card............................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 20 -Examples of Jesus at the crucifixion looking to his right... ...................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 21 -First degree Masonic tracing board .......................................................................................................................................................... 29 Figure 22 - Crucifixion of the Sun .............................................................................................................................................................................. 29 Figure 23 - Christian and Egyptian icons ................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Figure 24- The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci, 1495-1997, Milan, Italy ................................................................................................................ 31 Figure 25 -The seven days of the week and their planet associations ....................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 26 -Axis Mundi by Nicholas Zervos .............................................................................................................................................................. 33 Figure 27 -The StarGate- a time-lapse image of the North Star .............................................................................................................................. 35 Figure 28 - Precession of the equinoxes, moving backward through the zodiac, by Nicholas Zervos ...................................................................... 35 Figure 29 - Mithra holding the cosmic sphere and turning the zodiac to the new Age .............................................................................................. 36 Figure 30- Cancer by Guido Bonatus de Forlivio, c. 1491 ........................................................................................................................................ 37 Figure 31 -Gemini by Guido Bonatus de Forlivio, c. 1491 ....................................................................................................................................... 38 Figure 32 -Aries by Guido Bonatus de Forlivio, c. 1491 ........................................................................................................................................... 39 Figure 33- Taurus by Guido Bonatus de Forlivio, c. 1491 ....................................................................................................................................... .40 Figure 34- Mithra stabbing the bull. 2nd century, Rome. Photo by Andrew Rutajit... ............................................................................................. .41 Figure 35 -The tiny universe- hom*o zodiacus, 14th century. Guildbook of the Barber Surgeons ofYork .............................................................. .41 Figure 36- Pisces by Guido Bonatus de Forlivio, c. 1491 ........................................................................................................................................ .42 Figure 37- IX0Y:E/fish cmblcm ................................................................................................................................................................................. 43 Figure 38- Oanncs the Fish Man, by Bcrossus of Babylon, 3rd century seE of an Assyrian object, c. 700 seE' Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam .............................................................................................. .43 Figure 39 -Portrait of William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury, by Hans Holbein, 1527 ................................................................................... 44 Figure 40- Aquarius by Guido Bonatus de Forlivio, c. 1491 .................................................................................................................................... .45 Figure 41 -The Burning of Katherine Cawches, and her two Daughters in the Isle of Garncsy, 1556 ..................................................................... 47 Figure 42- John Marco Allegro (1923-1988) ............................................................................................................................................................. 52 Figure 43 - Maria Sabina ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 61 Figure 44- Amanita muscaria growing under a pine tree. By Nicholas Zervos ........................................................................................................ 68 Figure 45 - White mushroom spore greatly enlarged. By Nicholas Zervos ................................................................................................................ 70 Figure 46- The egg stage ofthe growth cycle- Amanita muscaria by Nicholas Zervos .......................................................................................... 72 Figure 47- Easter card ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 73 Figure 48- Speculum Veritatis, 17th century. Apostolic Vatican Library, Cod. Lat. 7286 ......................................................................................... 73 Figure 49- Amanita muscaria- the colorful hidden egg. Photo by Jan Irvin ............................................................................................................ 74 Figure 50- Amanita growth cycle by Nicholas Zervos .............................................................................................................................................. 75 Figure 51 -Cap separating from universal veil, by Nicholas Zervos ......................................................................................................................... 75 Figure 52- Amanita muscaria- Canopy stage, by Nicholas Zervos .......................................................................................................................... 75 Figure 53 -Amanita muscaria- Table stage, by Nicholas Zervos .............................................................................................................................. 76 Figure 54 -Amanita muse aria- Cup stage, by Nicholas Zervos ................................................................................................................................ 76 Figure 55 -The Holy Grail -Amanita muscaria. Photo by Jan Irvin ......................................................................................................................... 77 Figure 56- Crucifixion in space- from Higgins' Annacalypsis ................................................................................................................................. 78 Figure 57- Amanita muscaria- The Holy Grail, by Nicholas Zervos ....................................................................................................................... 78 Figure 58- Male and female qualities of the Amanita muscaria, by Nicholas Zervos .............................................................................................. 78 Figure 59 - Gold nugget I Dried Anamita Muscaria (alchemical gold) ...................................................................................................................... 79 Figure 60 - Smurf cabin .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 80 Figurc61-Holidaycard ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 80 Figure 62- Santa Claus, by Nicholas Zervos ............................................................................................................................................................. 81

Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots


I Figure Index

Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure

127- Bible Moralisce c. 1250, France .......................................................................................................................................................... 129 128- Eve, born from the rib of Adam, 12th- 13th century. Monreale Cathedral, Sicily ............................................................................. 130 129 -Apple (left)- Amanita muscaria cap (right) ........................................................................................................................................ 133 130- Fresco from the Plaincourault Chapel, 1291 CE, Indrc, France. Photo by Andrew Rutajit ................................................................ 134 131 - Psilocybe cubensis ............................................................................................................................................................................... 139 132- Agnus dci- Ghent Altarpiece, 1432 cE' by Hubert and Jan van Eyck ................................................................................................. 141 133 - Ezekiel's vision, artist unknown .......................................................................................................................................................... 142 134- La scrpiente crucificada, by Nicholas Flame!, c. 1370 ....................................................................................................................... 145 135- Die Erliisung, by Lucas Cranach the Younger. 1555 ........................................................................................................................... 145 136 -Archangel Gabriel: The Annunciation, by Gaudcnzio Ferrari, c. 1511 ............................................................................................... 145 137- Magliabccchiano Codex, 16th century, shows a shaman eating mushrooms and a spirit behind him, speaking through the mushroom .............................................................................................. 146 Figure 138- The Annunciation, thought to be by Bartel Bruyn, 17th century ......................................................................................................... 147 Figure 139 -The Chi Rho - the monogram for Jesus Christ... .................................................................................................................................. 149 Figure 140 - Chi Rho- symbolic of Christ (left) Rho Chi- symbolic of drugs (right) ...................................................................................... !50 Figure 141 -Caduceus .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 150 Figure 142- Chi Rho and Rho Chi ........................................................................................................................................................................... 150 Figure 143 - Caesar Nero with Mercury bearing the caduceus- coin - c. 60 cE ...................................................................................................... !51 Figure 144 - Dollar sign ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 154 Figure 145- IHSOUS ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 154 Figure 146 - Snake on a pole .................................................................................................................................................................................... 154 Figure 147- Bank of England (Dividend Office) with caduceus on walls ............................................................................................................... l54 Figure 148- Dollar sign ............................................................................................................................................................................................ I 55 Figure 149- Church of the Minor Friars, c. 1340 ..................................................................................................................................................... 157 Figure 150 - Kundalini and chakra system by Nicholas Zervos ............................................................................................................................... 157 Figure !51- Native Chiefhcaddrcss by Nicholas Zervos ........................................................................................................................................ l58 Figure 152 - St. Sixtus II, 1481.By Sandro Botticclli, Cappella Sistina, Vatican, Rome ......................................................................................... 158 Figure 153 -Pentecost flame by Nicholas Zervos .................................................................................................................................................... 159 Figure !54- Diagram of the Immaculate Conception, Pentecost and Christmas in relation to human birth ........................................................... 160 Figure 155- DMT (C12 N2 H16) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 161 Figure 156 - Kundalini with open chakra system ..................................................................................................................................................... 162 Figure !57- Ventricle system of the brain ................................................................................................................................................................ l63 Figure 158- Albcrtus Magnus, 1260 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 163 Figure !59- The alchemical Mercury, from Tripus aureus (The Golden Tripod) by Michael Maier, c. 1618 ........................................................ 164 Figure 160 -The third-eye chakra!ventricle system, represented by the eye of Horus ............................................................................................ 165 Figure 161- Terence McKenna ................................................................................................................................................................................ 166 Figure 162- Psilocybe cubensis growing on cow dung ........................................................................................................................................... 166 Figure 163 - Psilocybe cubensis bruising blue ......................................................................................................................................................... 168 Figure 164- Psilocybin, as it is found in the fungus ................................................................................................................................................ 169 Figure 165 -Psilocin, resulting from de-phosphorylation of psilocybin.................................................................................................................. 169 Figure 166 - Protonatcd psilocin. Nitrogen hinders access to oxygen on indole-4 position. Attack from digestive enzymes hindered .................. 170 Figure 167 - Protonatcd 5-MEO-DMT. Nitrogen too far from oxygen to hinder attack from digestive enzymes ................................................... 170 Figure 168- DNA ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 171 Figure 169 - Vishnu ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 172 Figure 170- Shiva ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 172 Figure 171 -Krishna ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 173 Figure 172 -Tassili shamans from Tassili-n-Ajjcr Plateau. Algeria c. 7000 see ....................................................................................................... 173 Figure 173 -Tassili shaman from Tassili-n-Ajjcr Plateau. c. 7000 neE' Algeria c. 7000 ........................................................................................... 174 Figure 174- Greek temple carving- Persephone and Demeter-- circa 470 BCE, Pharsalus, Thessaly, Greece. Photo by Andrew Rutajit.. .......... 174 Figure 175 -Phoenix being fed an Amanita mushroom. A silver platter of a Simorgh, c. 7-8th ce· Persia, Sassanid period ................................... 175 Figure 176- Story of Creation. Canterbury (Anglo-Catalan) Psalter, 1147 cE ......................................................................................................... 176 Figure 177- Detail- Canterbury (Anglo-Catalan) Psalter, 1147 cc ......................................................................................................................... 177 Figure 178 -Detail- Canterbury (Anglo-Catalan) Psalter, 1147 cE ........................................................................................................................ 177 Figure 179- Detail of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Canterbury (Anglo-Catalan) Psalter, 1147 "" .................................................... 177 Figure 180- Byzantine fresco- church of Panayia Phorviotissa, II th 12th century, Asinou, Cyprus (with close-up) ......................................... 178 Figure 181 - Detail of the Byzantine fresco with Amanita mushroom sections for comparison .............................................................................. 178 Figure 182 - Woodcut tracing of a witch trial ........................................................................................................................................................... 179 Figure 183 - Cicuta maculate- spotted water hemlock ........................................................................................................................................... 181 Figure 184- Philosophers beside the tree. The Splendor Solice of Salomon Trismosin, c. 1582, British Museum ................................................ 195 Figure 185 - From Kinder und Hausmiirchen, by Wilhelm and Jakob Grimm, 1888 ............................................................................................. 211

Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots




cosmicegg ........................................................ 102, 109, 117, 127 Cosmic egg ......................................................................................... 73 Council ofNicaca ........................................................... 15, 16, 184 crown of thorns ................................................................. 18, 19, 78

D Dagon ................................................................................................. 43 Datura ....................................................................................... 50, 14 7 Davies Dr. Philip .............................................................................. 54, 57 Dead Sea Scrolls ............................. 31, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 64 decarboxylated ................................................................................... 86 decarboxylation .................................................................................. 96 DeMeo James ............................................ 38, 66, 75,119,183,186 Devereux Paul ...................................................................................... 81, 88 Dimethyltryptamine ...................................................... 50, 161, 170 DMT ............................ 50, 51, 100, 107, 161, 163, 170, 171 Dobkin de Rios Marlene ....................................................................................... 96 duality lawof ..................................................... 10, 3, 126, 129, 192

E ~~ ......................................................................................... ~,~

Ecole Biblique .................................................................................... 56 ego .................................................................................................... 118 Emperor Wears No Clothes ............................................. 55, 63, 180 Enki .................................................................................................. 131 Enlil .................................................................................................. l31 Entheobotany ....................................................................................... 8 entheogen .... 8, 9, 10, 12, 50, 62, 65, 90, 136, 138, 182 entheogenic ... 8, 47, 48, 49, 50, 56, 60, 61, 65, 66, 89, 101, 107, 138, 140, 145, 161 Entheomycology .................................................................................. 9 Entheos ................................................................................................. 8 Epiphanius .................................................................................. 21, 22 Ethnobotany ......................................................................................... 9 Ethnomycology .................................................................................. I 0 Ethnopharmacology ........................................................................... 65 Eve ................. 41, 118, 120, 122, 129, 130, 134, 177, 200 Ezekiel ......................................................................... 142, 143, 144

F Falwell Jerry .................................................................................. 183, 184 fertility 55, 57, 72, 73, 90, 113, 120, 122, 125, 199, 202 Fidelcr David ........................................................ 9, 32, 44, 108, 112

Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots

fish ........................................................................ .42, 43, 141, 200 Fleur De Lis ..................................................................................... 164 forbidden fruit ................................................................. 15, 12, 133 Freemasonry ........................................................................... 108, 127 Fulcanelli .......................................................................................... I 08 Furst Peter ............................................................................................ 96

G Galileo ......................................................................... 15, 9, I O, 13 Garden of Eden .......................................... 59, 69, 131, 134, 177 gematria ........................................................................... 32, 44, 148 Gemini ............................................................................... 38, 39, 41 gills ...................................................................... 75, I 02, Ill, 115 Gnostic ................................ 14, 15, 6, 16, 31, 110, 145, 188 Great Architect ............................................................................. 6, 82 Guernsey ............................................................................................ 47

H Hall Manly ..................... 10, 15, I, 5, 12, 14, 164, 181, 185 Halloween .................................................................................. 89, 90 Harbor-UCLA Medical Center ........................................................... 13 Harding Dr. Patrick ................................................................................... 81 hearth .................................................................................................. 86 Heinrich Clark ........................................................................................... 57, 62, 63, 64, 65, 69, 75, 76, 79, 83, 95, 96, 100, 105, 106, 108, 117, 126, 127, 137, 141, 147, 188 hemlock ............................................................................................ 181 hemp ................................................................................ 11, 63, 180 Herer Jack ............................. 55, 59, 63, 65, 75, 140, 180, 183 hermaphrodite ................................ 78, 118, 124, 126, 127, 139 Hicks Bill ............................................................................................ 6, 7 Highfield Roger .................................................................................... 81, 90 Hinn Benny ................................................................................. 51, 184 Hitler ................................................................................................ 183 Hofmann Albert .......................................... .48, 62, 65, 136, 174, 181 Holy Grail .............. 39, 50, 76, 78, 79, 114, 122, 129, 141 Horus ............................................................ 20, 23, 30, 116, 165

I Ibogaine .............................................................................................. 50 lbotenic acid ............................................................................... 86, 96

Index I 223

ImmaculateConception .............................................. 114, 115, 160 Inquisition Pharmacratic ........................................... .46, 47, 49, 65, 179

J Jesus ............ 9, 14, 16, 6, 7, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 52, 54, 55, 59, 64, 65, 69, 76, 78, 79, 82, 93, 94, 95, 97, 104, 105, 110, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 122, 129, 140, 145, 147, 149, 150, 154, 155, 165, 176, 187, 191, 194, 198, 199, 203, 209 Jung Carl ............................................................................................... l3

K Kava ................................................................................................... 50 key of life ......................................................................................... 147 Kingofkings ..................................................................... 23, 24, 30 Krishna ................................................. 12, 16, 19, 78, 122, 173 Krupp Dr. E.C ......................................................................................... 15 Kundalini ................................................................................ 157, 162

Massey gerald .................................................................................... 12, 55 matrimony ........................................................................................ 118 Maxwell Jordan ....................................................... 17, 24, 31, 43, 108 Mayan ................................................................................................ 14 Mazzaroth ......................................................................... 9, 18, 176 McKenna Dennis .............................................................................. 169, 171 Terence ... 8, 12, II, 51, 62, 161, 166, 167, 170, 171, 173, 179, 191' 208 Mercury ..................................... !, 94, 99, 151, 153, 154, 164 Mcrkur Daniel .............................................................. 9, 136, 137, 138 microcosm ...... 9, 4, 83, 98, 103, 108, 114, 116, 141, 192 Microcosmic ...................................................................................... 31 midbar cattle pasture .............................................................................. 13 7 Minerva ............................................................................................ 101 Mithra .......................................... l6, 17, 19, 20, 41,102,117 MKULTRA ........................................................................................ 62 Morning Glories ................................................................................. 50 Moses ..................... 39, 40, 41, 45, 95, 100, 110, 137, 151 Muscimol ........................................................................ 86, 96, 101 mycelium ................................................................. 70, 71, 72, 140 Mycology ........................................................................................... 10


L ladder ................................... 74, 107, 108, 109, 110, 127, 182 Lady of Guadalupe ........................................................................... 113 Lamb ...................................................................................... 141, 209 Leo ........................................................................ 41, 51, 126, 183 Libertas .................................................................................. 102, 155 Liberty Cap ...................................................................................... I 0 I Libra .......................................................................................... .41, 85 living water ....................................................................... 95, 96, 97 logos ............................................................................ 8, 9, 63, 130 LSD ..................................................................... 65, 136, 167, 181 Lucifer ...................................................................................... I O, I 02 Luna ............................................................................ 118, 127, 145 Lynn Jay ............ 11, 12, 16, 55, 56, 69, 145, 197, 205, 206

M macrocosm .. 9, 10, 4, 31, 34, 44, 83, 85, 98, 103, 107, 116, 141, 172, 192 Macrocosmic ...................................................................................... 31 Mandrake ................................................................................... 50, 89 manna ........................................................... 9, 66, 136, 137, 138 hidden ......................................................................................... 138 Marijuana ................................................................................. 63, 182 Mary ..................................... 16, 113, 114, 116, 129, 147, 200

Nag Hammadi Library .................................................. 31, 131, 135 Narby Jeremy ................................................................................ 50, 171 NativcAmerican .............................................................................. 158 New Years .......................................................................................... 25 Nikc .................................................................................................... 41 North Star ................................................................................... 34, 35 Notre Dame ...................................................................................... I08 Nymphaea ............................................................... 50, 63, 66, 140

0 Oannes ................................................................................................ 43 obelisk .............................................................................................. I23 oil 50, 90, I 80 Ophiuchus ........................................................................................ I 03 Opium ............................................................................. 50, 63, 177 Ostiak ................................................................................................. II Ott Jonathan ..................................................... 9, 10, II, 13, 15, 47, 50, 51, 55, 56, 58, 62, 63, 65, 69, 76, 101, I61, I63, 174, 18I, 182, 183 Ouroboros ................................. 92, 93, 94, 96, 106, 149, 175 outofbody ...................... I3, 35, 90, 91, 107, 108, 139, 161

Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots


I Index

p pagan .................................................................................................. 48 paganus ........................................................................................ 10 paradigm shift .................................................... 12, 13, 14, 7, 10 Partington Anna ............................................................................................. 51 Pavlovna Valentina ...................................................................................... 60 pearl .................................................................................................. 115 Pcndcii Dale .............................................................................................. 99 penis ......................... !!, 5, 31, 64, 78, 120, 123, 125, 199 Pentecost ................................................................................ 159, 160 Peyote ......................................................... 50, 51, 174, 182, 183 phallic ...... .48, 65, 72, 90, 120, 121, 125, 194, 198, 200, 202 pharrnacopia ....................................................................................... 99 philosophcris stone ........................................................................... I 07 Philosophical Research Society ......................................................... 12 phoenix .............................. 37, 70, 73, 85, 94, IIS, 126, 175 Phrygian cap ........................................................................... 10 I, I 02 pineal ............................................................................. 84, 161, 162 Pisces .................................................................................................. 41 Age of.. .................................... 12, I, 42, 45, 46, 116, 125 Plato ........................................................................................... 52, 92 Precession of the Equinoxes .......................................... I, 14, 15, 33, 42 Priapus co*ck ............................................................................................ 125 primordial mound .................................................. 19, 98, 102, 126 Psilocybe .... 14, 50, 51, 62, 64, 101, 136, 137, 139, 164, 168, 172, 177, 181 cubensis ................... 55, 63, 64, 109, 138, 140, 141, 173 semilanccata ............................................................................... I 0 I psilocybin 13, 14, 72, 101, 138, 139, 167, 170, 173, 177, 181' 208 psychedelic .8, 10, 11, 58, 63, 64, 76, 90, 96, 100, 136, 150, 161, 164, 167, 169, 170, 181 psychedelics ............................................................................... 9, 167 Ptolemy ........................................................................................ &, 15 Puharich Andrija ......................................................................................... 59 Pyrsc James .......................................................................................... 102

R Ra II, 30, 165 Reich Wilhelm ...................................................................................... 183 reindeer ............................................................................. 91, 95, 96 Ratsch Christian ..... 22, 26, 51, 63, 65, 66, 79, 90, 100, 117, 134, 136 Rush John ......................................................................... 55, 136, 137

Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots

s Sabina Maria .................................................................................... 61, 62 Sacred Mushroom and the Cross ...... 15, 4, 5, 48, 55, 56, 57, 60, 64, 69, 70, 74, 75, 78, 90, 101, 105, IIS, II7, 120, 122, 136, 137, 138, 181, 196, 197 Sagan Carl ............................................................................................... 13 Sagittarius ....................................................................... 23, 41, 116 Salvia divinorum ............................................................................. 50, 51 Samorini Giorgio ............................................................................... 96, 164 Samoyedcs ......................................................................................... II Santa ............................... 80, 81, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91 Satan ....................................................... 100, 147, 188, 189, 190 Schultes Richard Evans ............................................................. 15, 65, 90 Scorpio .................................................................................... .41, 129 sem*n ...................................... .11, 48, 90, II5, 117, 120, 199 Septuagint .......................................................................................... 34 Serpens ................................................................................... 124, 129 serpent. 3, 19, 35, 93, 94, 98, 102, 130, 131, 134, 145, 147, 148, 150, 151, 157, 158, 164, 177, 191, 194 sex 12, 72, 90, 113, 116, 117, 120, 123, 124, 156, 161, 200, 208 shaman .................................... 10, II, 13, 7, II, 35, 47, 48, 50, 51, 55, 82, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 95, 96, 97, 107, 108, 139, 145, 146, 157, 173, 174, 183, 185 saman ........................................................................................... 48 shamanic .... 13, 5, 6, 10, 11, 51, 79, 90, 105, 107, 117, 167, 174, 181, 187 shamanism ... 8, 10, 11, 1, 2, 7, 15, 16, 25, 48, 51, 66, 80, 83, 95, 108, 109, 166 retributive kiiiing ......................................................................... II Shiva ............................................................ 63, 72, 78, 117, 172 Siberia ................................................................................................ 48 Smurfs ................................................................................................ 80 Sol ....................................................................... !?, 118, 127, 145 So\lnvictus ........................................................................................ 17 Solomon ..................................................... 30, 78, 137, 140, 141 Soma .9, 15, 25, 51, 58, 62, 63, 64, 66, 79, 101, 105, 134, 136, 139, 145 Spcss David .......... 9, 51, 58, 63, 65, 66, 105, 134, 139, 140 Splendor Solis .................................................................................. 127 spores ...................................... 70, 72, 75, 100, 115, 116, 208 stockings ............................................................................................ 86 Strassman Dr. Rick .................................... 51, 107, 160, 161, 163, 170 Strugncll John ............................................................................. 54, 55, 56 Syrian Rue ....................................................................... 62, 63, 177



I 225

Talbot Michael ............................................................................... .50, 72 Tantra ......................................................................................... 51, 90 Taurus ........................................................................................ .40, 41 theology ............................................................ 9, II, 5, 196, 197 Three wise men .................................................................................. 23 Tree of Knowledge .............................................. 69, 131, 133, 140 Tree of Life ....................... 3, 58, 63, 98, 132, 134, 135, 136

u universal veil .................................. 75, 102, 115, 121, 140, 144 urine ....................................................... 62, 63, 93, 95, 96, 117

v vagin* ......................................................... 78, 90, 112, 120, 123 Vatican ............................. 9, 49, 56, 109, 125, 198, 199, 202 vesica pisces ............................................................. 44, Ill, 112, 113 Vespucci Amerigo ..................................................................................... I 02 Victorinus Emperor ...................................................................................... Ill virgin ................................................ 9, 114, 115, 116, 117, 147 Virgo ................................................................... .41, 116, 124, 129 Vishnu ........................................................................... 43, 117, 172

w war on drugs ........................................................................... 180, 183 Wasson Gordon .....9, I O, II, 51, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 79, 100, 101, 134, 145, 174, 181 water .... 5, 7, 45, 71, 76, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 106, 116, 136, 139, 141, 167, 187, 198, 199, 200 Wilson Peter Lamborn ............................................................. 25, 65, 66 winking eye ........................................................................................ 83 wise men .................................................................................... 23, 30 witch ................................................. 89, 90, 187, 188, 189, 198 Witches ..................................................... 89, 187, 188, 189, 190 world tree ....................................................... 3, 33, 98, 103, 194 Wormwood ......................................................................................... 50

z zodiac ... .4, 5, 15, 17, 18, 31, 34, 36, 41, 45, 116, 176

Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity s Pagan Roots

----------1~50 FROM GNOSTIC MEDIA]I--------

The Holy Mushroom: Evidence of Mushrooms in judea-Christianity A Critical Re-evaluation of the schism between John M. Allegro and R. Gordon Wasson over the theory on the origins of Christianity presented in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross.

By Jan Irvin Published: October 2008 ISBN 10: 1-4392-1517-0 ISBN 13: 9781439215173

List price: $42.49 Wholesale pricing available

Jan Irvin (The Holy Mushroom) has captured what we might call an "anthropology of clarification" regarding whether or not mushrooms, and mind-altering substances in general, played any role in the development ofnot only Judaism and Christianity butthe total culture in play at that time. It is now recognized in many academic communities (anthropologists, sociologists, psychiatrists, psychologists) that sufficient evidence exists of the importance of these substances, both textual and visual, to say "yes" in very large letters. It is no longer theory. The questions Irvin asks are these: "If mind-altering substances did play this major role, then how would this affect our interpretations ofthe Bible and the Qur'an? Would this shed light on the origins of mystical experiences and the stories, for example Abraham hearing voices and Ezekiel's convenient visions? What would this suggest aboutthe shamanic behavior of Jesus? What impact would this have on organized religion?" These are bold questions. This is a very useful volume for those interested in the Holy Mushroom and the politics of truth. Detailed and wonderfully illustrated; great bibliography. ~John

A. Rush, Ph.D., N.D.

Sierra College, Department of Anthropology Author, Failed God: Fractured Myth in a Fragile World





Astrotheology &.. Shamanism Christianity's Pagan Roots A Revolutionary Reinterpretation of the Evidence Second Edition Available with Colour or Black & White Illustrations

By Jan Irvin and Andrew Rutajit Published: January 2009 Colour Edition: ISBN 10: I-4392-2243-6 ISBN 13: 9781439222430 Black and white Edition: ISBN 10: 1-4392-2242-8 ISBN 13: 9781439222423

List price: $51.49 (Colour Illustrations) List price: $20.99 (Black & White Illustrations) Wholesale pricing available

This is a mind-expanding book. It helps us share the perspective of a shaman (a seer or wise man) on the world and on the interplay of sun and stars .... Ideas put forward by John Marco Allegro about the origin of religion in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross in 1970- which met universal condemnation -are here largely vindicated .... The dry philological approach in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross is here supported by a wider study of symbols, iconography and mythology and further work on word derivation. ~Judith

Anne Brown

Daughter of John Marco Allegro Author, John Marco Allegro: The Maverick Of The Dead Sea Scrolls




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---------1[Also FROMGNOSTicMEDIA:

I:I' '!

The Pharmacratic Inquisition, DVD The video companion to the book Astrotheology & Shamanism

Directed and produced by Jan Irvin and Andrew Rutajit Published: July 2007

List price: $21.95 Wholesale pricing available

I The Pharmacratic Inquisition is a provocative film from Gnostic Media that makes the argument that virtually all of the mythology, symbolism. and story of Jesus and related Christian traditions relate to two basic subjects: astrology and shamanism. For those unfamiliar with the evidence in support of this claim, this film can be truly eye opening and revolutionary. The film makes a compelling argument for a connection between Jesus and the amanita, and even psilocybin mushrooms, through the presentation of Christian symbolism. iconography, and imagery. When one looks closely at the Catholic Church, amanita symbolism appears to abound from the clothing of popes and cardinals to frescos, arch ways, and church architecture. Even the myths themselves, such as that of the Holy Grail, seem to fall within the category of amanita symbolism. Indeed, when the images are presented in this manner, the comparison to amanita becomes immediately obvious and difficult to argue against. In addition to the influence of shamanism and psychoactive mushrooms on Christianity, the film also investigates the relationship between astrology and astronomy to the Christ myth. Here the filmmakers provide compelling arguments for the correlation between the Christ myth and the Winter Solstice sky and the zodiacal ages, graphically demonstrating how such tales of the shining star, the three kings. and the death and resurrection of Jesus all fit within previously known facts about the night sky and the change of seasons. Ultimately, the Pharmacratic Inquisition challenges many of the assumptions and beliefs we may have about Christianity and its central figures, providing provocative evidence that things are not as they seem within this tradition. If true, the question then becomes: does the Catholic Church still use amanita mushrooms secretly within the confines of the Vatican? Have they really been withholding this fundamental truth for two millennia, or have even they come to believe the myths that were created to both communicate and conceal the true identity of Jesus Christ? Watch this film and make up your own mind. ~Martin

W. Ball, Ph.D.,

Author and host of "Entheogenic Evolution"






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