ask the Norwegian pony @valo-the-pony-drawer - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)

World of Magic

Inside the common guest chambers at the West Ireland castle, two of the three generals of the Old England Royal Knights Thomas Maxwell and Nova Maxwell were both sitting down waiting to meet the Queen of this land, and have the negotiation talk between their two kingdoms. Nova was reading a letter from her two daughter’s at Le France. Nova was excited to see that one of her daughter’s finally become captain of the French army, and both of them are getting ready to head out their first mission soon. Thomas on the other hand is waiting patiently for the Queen of West Ireland to finally show up. Thomas usually act calmly when dealing with higher royalties, or other upper class, but the person he going to meet was someone he haven’t spoken to for a very long time. Thomas wasn’t sure if the Queen of West Ireland even want to say a word to him, or even worst, declare war against Old England. While his mind taking actions with different scenario in his head. Thomas over heard his little sister chuckle a little, knowing that she was laughing at him. Thomas look at his little sister, and ask her nicely of why she was laughing.

Thomas Maxwell: care to tell your elder what so funny, Nova.

Nova Maxwell: oh it no big deal really. Well except the fact that my older brother is acting all nervous about meeting the Queen of West Ireland.

Thomas Maxwell: …. you well know I’m not the type of person that never get nervous.

Nova Maxwell: I know that brother. You’re the Iron Knight of Old England. One of the toughest Generals that anyone ever seen, and someone that can’t be taken down that easily.

Thomas Maxwell: that more like it.

Nova Maxwell: But when it comes to his own family, you’re a super softie that act nervous all the time *she laugh*

Thomas Maxwell: …….

Nova Maxwell: oh relax big brother, you know I’m only pulling your leg. I’m only cracking a few jokes, so you can loosen up a little.

Thomas Maxwell: I’m grateful for the jester Nova, but now is not a good time for jokes.

Nova Maxwell: Look brother, I’m well aware of why you’re acting all nervous of being here. All we are doing really is meeting your half daughter, and try to see if things are ok at the West Ireland.

Thomas Maxwell: I know that part, but it still is troubling for me to actually meet her in person. I haven’t seen her for a long time, except when her mother went missing. Neither of us said a single word, until she accepted my hug, so I can give her some comfort. After that, we haven’t spoken each other for many years

Nova Maxwell: that right, her mother went missing about a few years ago, which was the same time she become the next Queen of this land.

Thomas Maxwell: and ever since she became Queen, she made thing sort of easy for us, including the trades of goods.

Nova Maxwell: we sort of the few kingdoms that actually accept their large amounts of grains they produce. Most kingdoms willing to sell their entire coin collection to gain their grain, but since Old England have some ties with them, they sort of have no choice in the matter.

Dashie McCullen: the only reason we do business with you Old England, is because you have better water supply we need.

Thomas Maxwell, and Nova Maxwell look where the voice coming from, and they noticed a hybrid Pony Dragon, standing nearby where they are sitting. They look at the pony dragon and notice that she was half dressed. She have a blouse a top, but only wearing only bandages as a pair of panties. Thomas Maxwell face was blushing a lot, while trying his best not to look too much. Nova laugh at her older brother for being embarrassed seeing a women half naked. Dashie McCullen walk up to the two generals of the Knight warriors, and gave them some sort of royal greeting manner.

Dashie McCullen: it’s good to see that two of the three Generals from Old England, finally decided to visit us folks from West Ireland.

Nova Maxwell: we do apology for of lack of attendance of being here, your majesty, but our attention have been occupied of dealing some conflict.

Dashie McCullen: what sort of conflict your dealing with exactly. If you need help from us, you know we can make a deal of some kind.

Thomas Maxwell: it nothing much to worry about your highness. My sister, and I are here to bring some official offerings from the King, and Queen of Old England.

Dashie McCullen: Oi, are you having problems with your neck, or are you too afraid of looking at woman half dress.

Thomas Maxwell: I beg your pardon!

Dashie McCullen: come on now, we’re all grownups here, and I’m not the type who cares less if someone see me this way

Helda: but I do your majesty.

Everyone look and notice a short kobold in a servant outfit, holding what look like a piece of dress in her hand. Dashie McCullen noticed the kobold, and was already annoyed that she finally found her. The servant kobold walk right next to Dashie, and raise the dress to her master.

Helba: your majesty, you mustn’t run away from me, when I’m trying to dress you. Especially when you know that important guess are coming.

Dashie McCullen: give me a break Helda, you know well that I’m not a big fan for long dresses like those. I mean once awhile, but not all the time.

Helba: I know your majesty, but as the Queen of West Ireland, you must show some respect, and proper look when meeting higher ups.

Dashie McCullen: you mean the two generals from the Old England whom I’m speaking with right now.

Helba: exactly your majesty *she pause for a minute, and look at the two generals. She drop the dress, and bow to them* oh great generals from Old England. I do apologize for the Queens manners, she just got out from a shower, and walk off before I had the chance to dress her properly.

Dashie McCullen: Helba, they don’t need to know that part. Now you’re making the situation a lot more embarrassing.

Helba: well if you listen your servant master, I wouldn’t need to make a show.

Nova Maxwell: it quite alright you two, we don’t mind how she dress. I having a better entertainment seeing my elder brother acting all blush.

Thomas Maxwell: I’m certainly am not amuse, Nova.

Dashie McCullen: for the love of the elders. Helba, do you mind do me a favor, and grab something to eat for our guess. It seem like we might be talking for a little, and I want them to feel welcome as well.

Helba: of course your majesty, but I do need some help though, some of the other servants are helping outside the field, and all the other extra servants are with your daughter for an important hunting mission.

Dashie McCullen: *face palm* course my daughter would take the extra servants with her. Very well then, Nova, would mind help Helba out for me. I’m a bit short on servant for a moment.

Nova Maxwell: short on servants I see.

Dashie McCullen: yeah you can say that. Things are a little hectic around here, and everyone are doing double ship, which why we have lack of guards watching the castle. Also my daughter Tira McCullen and her bodyguard Nightshade are both out hunting down a North-West Winterland soldier that cause a crime.

Thomas the writer: what sort of crime this Winterland soldier did, murdered a guard, stole gold from the vault?

Dashie McCullen: …… Sigh, none actually. He fell through the castle roof, and crash landed in the bathtub I was in. Not only that, his was having a nice view of my forest, if you know what I mean.

Thomas and Nova try not to laugh of what they heard. Nova could help herself, but start laughing her gut out. Thomas on the other hand cough a little, knowing that Dashie was going through some embarrassing moments. Dashie McCullen didn’t mind of them laughing about it, since they are technically her family members.

Nova Maxwel: I do apologize for laughing at you Dashie, but it had been a while since I heard something funny like that.

Dashie McCullen: yeah, it sort of a weird situation, but had to admit though, it had been awhile a guy done something like that for me, since my late husband doubled cross me by hitting with one of the maid.

Thomas Maxwell: I taken you took his life then.

Dashie McCullen: nah that would be a bit too easy. I just sold him to the Le France as a servant.

Thomas Maxwell: hemp, well played.

Helba: I hope I’m not interrupting, but I still need help with the meals.

Nova Maxwell: fare enough, I go and help you out, Helba. It give me the chance to look around the castle a bit more.

Thomas Maxwell: do you want me to join you, Nova?

Nova: I got this cover bug brother. As for you however, you should have some quality time with the Queen. Since she is after all, your half daughter.

Both Thomas and stood quite for a moment after hearing that remark from her. Nova giggles to herself, and then left the guest room with Helba, leaving them by theirselves. Thomas Maxwell look at Dashie for a moment, seeing an angry look in her eyes. Thomas know there was something else that was bothering her, and it wasn’t the North West Winterland that landed in her tub. Dashie walk by the table that Thomas sitting, and rest her ass by the edge. Thomas waited for her to say something, but so far nothing at all. Thomas try to get up from his seat, knowing that things wasn’t going anywhere, but was stop by Dashie dragon tail, and was push back down by the chair.

Thomas Maxwell: what the meaning of this?

Dashie McCullen: sorry for that Maxwell, but you’re not leaving that seat, until we have our talk.

Thomas Maxwell: talk about what exactly. You want to tell me that your planning on joining alliance with the kingdom of *he was cut off by mid-sentence, when he got slapped by Dashie dragon tail*

Dashie McCullen: How Dare you!

Thomas Maxwell: how dare me?

Dashie McCullen: that right, how dare you think that I’m going to ally a kingdom, a kingdom that murdered a lot of our friends, and family from the Great War?

Thomas Maxwell: Dashie, I

Dashie McCullen: No! Not another word from you. My people may have a civil war with you guys, but we are willing to put things on the side, so we can help each other out. Your king is a total prick, but the queen show some mercy.

Thomas Maxwell: ……

Dashie McCullen: you of all people should know that I would never betray my family, or my people. Especially you…. Father.

Thomas was shock when Dashie called him that, even though she was still mad at him for not trusting her. Dashie got off from the table, and try to walk away from him, but Thomas was able to grab her dragon claw, stopping her from going anywhere. Dashie wasn’t sure what Thomas was doing, except she saw him giving her a hug. Thomas was hugging Dashie gently, something he rarely done very often. Dashie felt strange getting a hug from someone she haven’t seen for so many years, but deep in her heart she didn’t care, and high her father back. After they were done hugging, Thomas Maxwell try his best to apology to Dashie.

Thomas Maxwell: I apologize for not trusting your majesty. I guess I let my judgment get the best of me, before I think about it better.

Dashie McCullen: it’s alright father, and I’m sorry for hitting your face with my tail. Still have some personal issue.

Thomas Maxwell: it no problem, the way you hit me reminds me of your mother from our younger years. Before I had to be married with someone I had to be wed.

Dashie McCullen: my mother is still around, and she still think about you all the time.

Thomas Maxwell: like you do, when I felt your bandages between your legs a bit wetter than before.

Dashie McCullen: *she blush* oi, keep your purvey mind off me personal space, father.

Thomas Maxwell: *he laugh* don’t forget that you inherited a purvey mind from me. Now then, if we’re ok between us, care to tell me why one of our Intel told us that you guys were planning to join them.

Dashie McCullen: I only made that up to get your attention.

Thomas Maxwell: you know you can send me a letter whenever you want to.

Dashie McCullen: and get involved with your daughter, and the queen, no thank you. The false joining with Winterland was the only way to get your attention father. I hate to do it, but this information I have is very important.

Thomas Maxwell: I’m guessing this is more important, then chasing down the men who had some nice view of your forest.

Dashie McCullen: can we try to be serious about this, before I decide to have you in my bed.

Thomas Maxwell: Dashie!

Dashie McCullen: oh stop being blush about it father. Like you said before, I’m a daughter of a perv, but my mind much dirtier than yours.

Thomas Maxwell: …….

Dashie McCullen: *she laugh* now come on father, we need to talk more at my room.

Thomas Maxwell: hold on a second, what about the information you want to tell me

Dashie McCullen: I will tell you more about it at my room. There something I need to show you, would be worth more than just talking.

Thomas Maxwell: and there is a reason why you don’t show it to me out here?

Dashie McCullen: just call it a hunch, but I feel like someone is watching us, and I don’t feel comfortable staying open.

Thomas Maxwell well understood what Dashie was saying, and agreed to go with her. While both of them head down the hallway, and go to her quarters. Across the other side of the guest room by the dark side of the corner, a female Naga serpent assassin stare at one of the two target that walking away. She slithered away from her hiding place, knowing that she had to chase down her target. She look around her surrounding, making sure that no one was nearby, but before she could make a single inch, the Naga assassin heard some footsteps, which force her to hid in another hiding spot. Once she hid away, she notice the Nova Maxwell and Helba the kobold maid came back to the room with some food. The Naga assassin would had easily take them down, but her main mission was to deal with the Queen, and another target. She slithered down towards the hallway, and try to catch up with her target. Before she gone any further, she heard a crash noise that was coming from the other side of the hallway. The Naga assassin place her body again the wall, and move slowly so she doesn’t get seen by anyone. She reach the corner of the hallway, and tilt her head to see who was making the noise. The Naga assassin notice a young Naga with purple scales was standing in front an empty suit of armor, trying his best to put it back together after bumping into it. The Naga assassin look at the other Naga, and already know who it was, and part of her wish he wasn’t here in the first place. The Naga assassin check her surrounding again, and slither over to where the other Naga is. The Naga with the purple scales was able to fix the suit of armor, but the whole entire thing was out of order. The Naga didn’t care much if the suit of armor was in order, since he was getting away from the castle very soon. The Naga grab his bag from the floor and head for the nearest exit. But before he got a chance to slither away, the Naga snake heard a loud hissing noise, which bring chills on his back. The Naga heard that angry hissing noise before, and was too afraid to think of who it belong to. The Naga snake heard the hissing noise gotten very close, like he be able to hear it by his side. The Naga snake know he shouldn’t stay in one place, so he try to slither off as fast he can. But his effort were invalid, when he bumped into something, which force him to fell on his back, and drop his bag of stuff. The Naga snake rub his head from the fall, and see who the one that bumped into him. He notice a female Naga in assassin gear, starring him with an angry look in her eyes. The Naga snake who this assassin was, and couldn’t believe his bad luck that his older sister had to be here of all places. The Naga assassin look at the male Naga in disgust, and start asking him why he is doing here.

Tierce Li Su: Miroku Ni Su, an embarrassment of the Su Clan, a thorn of everyone side, and bringer of disappointment.

Miroku Ni Su: ….. Well hello to you too, big sister.

Tierce Li Su: ugh, just you calling me that, just bring me more dishonored of being your elder sister.

Miroku Ni Su: *he got up from the floor, and dust himself* come now elder sister, it not so bad of having me your baby. Don’t you remember all the good things we done together?

Tierce Li Su: *she blush* the only good thing you recall, is that I have bail you out from every trouble that you make, and the worst part of it all, that you never learn your lesson from the things you *she was cut off when she see her brother getting a bit touchy*

Miroku Ni Su: ah, but dear sister, I have learned my lesson. Sure it take me a lot longer than most people *he touch his sister even more* but I do have my older sister, to help me learn even further.

Tierce Li Su: *she stay quiet for a moment, until she hit her brother on the head* I still haven’t forgotten that you still a giant pervert.

Miroku Ni Su: *he laugh nervously* give me a break, big sister, I’m not always a big pervert. I have certain taste in women’s, and you however are one of them.

Tierce Li Su: how about keep your head straight, or I force it for you. Now tell me why my little brother doing here, and what are you stealing this time.

Miroku Ni Su: I’m shock dear sister. You well aware that I don’t steal anymore. I’m nothing more, but a humble monk who was visiting this castle, and help them dealing their evil spirits.

Tierce Li Su: a humble monk you say *she use her tail, and raise a bag that is filled with panties* then I’m guessing this humble monk was occupied gathering some women undergarments.

Miroku Ni Su: *he look and notice that his sister have his bag* Hey, give that back!

Tierce Li Su: I can’t believe your still continue stealing panties. I thought you finally grew up from this childish skill.

Miroku Ni Su: this childish skill you kept on saying dear sister, is one of the many skills that help me find one of the rarest panties across the land.

Tierce Li Su: *she rolls her eyes, and then look inside the bag. She pull out what look like pink strip with frail on the side* who would wear something ridiculous things in the first place*

Miroku Ni Su: well people with legs, and be extra careful with those. It took me forever to reach the Princess Royal Chambers, especially when she is out for a little while.

Tierce Li Su: I already heard. The Princess gone out hunting, and she took most of the kobold with her. The Queen is by herself, and she going to be easy to take.

Miroku Ni Su: don’t tell me this is one of your personal gigs you’re doing?

Tierce Li Su: I am, which is why I want you gone.

Miroku Ni Su: fine, I’m going, just promise me if you’re going to the Queen personal quarters. See if you can get your little brother a pair of her undergarment.

Tierce Li Su glare are her little brother, wanting him to leave, before she think about killing him instead. Miroku got the picture, and slither off with his bag of goodies. Tierce was relief that her brother was gone, and can continue with her mission. Before she head for the Queen’s quarters, she notice that one of the panties that her brother stole was still on the floor, and she pick it up to look at it. At first she always was curious of wearing them, but not having legs at all, it sort of weird wearing them. Tierce Li Su look at her surrounding to make sure no one was looking, and hid the pair of panties in one of her travel bag.

Leaving the Castle of West Ireland, and back to the small black market village of Dragon Hand. At the main square of the village a small battalion of Kobold servant were following two dragons were leading the way. One dragon with heavy armor known as Nightshade was following and guarding the hybrid green Dragon Tira McCullen, the Princess of West Ireland. While they were walking, Tira McCullen was scouting the area, to see if she spotted the person she was hunting for. She remember one of her of her servant report to her that the one she after usually come here, and she hoping to see him already. Nightshade was doing her best of not getting bored very easily, but ever since she was order to keep an eye on her, she got not that much of a choice. Nightshade look at one of the kobold servant, and order one of them to fetch her something to eat.

Nightshade: you there, servant! Make yourself useful, and get me something to eat. I’m getting bored doing nothing at all.

Kobold servant: as you wish commander Nightshade.

Nightshade: and it better be something sweet, or you’re going to be the one I’ll eat instead.

Tira McCullen: would you mind not scaring my servant like that, Nightshade. We sort of need them to continue carrying our things, if we plan to head back home later.

Nightshade: well sorry Princess, but I can’t quite help myself from scarring the servants, if we weren’t wasting our time on a wild goose chase.

Tira McCullen: this isn’t a wild goose chase, Nightshade. We are after that Mid-West Winterland warrior that cause some serious. Not only that, that Lone Wolf almost try to harm the Queen of West Ireland.

Nightshade: your mother wasn’t harm Princess. The Warrior fell through the roof, and crash landed in the bathtub, while the queen still bathing. Lucky guy though, I would mind taking the Queen place, and let him crash landed on me.

Tira McCullen: focus, Nightshade. We need to concentrate, and find him. Once we take him in, the Lone Wolf is going to learn that you never mess with a West Ireland.

Nightshade: easier said than done Princess. We been walking through this town for hours, and haven’t found anyone that look like him. There only way we can find him, if some random people were talking about the Lone Wolf

Before Tira said another word to Nightshade, She overheard three people talking from a distant, and one of them mention about the person they were looking for. Tira is please that she found some people might have some information about the Lone Wolf, Nightshade on the other hand sigh to herself, wishing that she shouldn’t said anything, but at least she will have fun tormenting some tugs.

To be continued

Well then, here is another installment of my friend World of Magic project. Sorry it took me awhile to finish, since my new job take up most of my time than usual. Hope you all like this story, and my friend project.

This story was done for @ask-valo-the-pony-drawer

ask the Norwegian pony @valo-the-pony-drawer - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.